2005 last good year for WWE?


Prof Ulti at work as usual....
Who actually thinks this as well? There were great feuds like Randy Orton vs Undertaker, Batista vs HHH, Cena vs Jericho, Cena vs Kurt Angle, SD! vs RAW and many other. The only let-downs in terms of PPVs were only Wrestlemania and Great American Bash but however I think 2005 was better than 07 and 06 combined and also blows 08 out of the water.
i don't think 2006 was all that bad as a year. It saw the push of a few different talents as the top guys. Edge, Rey Mysterio, Booker T and Rob Van Dam all became World champ in 2006 and it was good to see those guys in the pole position. 2006 also saw the debut of future main eventers (if WWE ever let them) in MVP, Umaga and Mr. Kennedy and ECW came back and started off as a great idea until Heyman left and extreme rules was abandoned and now everyone hates it. 2007, while including Benoit's death and multiple suspensions saw even more people showcased more frequently as a result of the top guys that most of us are bored with being gone. We also saw Randy Orton and Edge's characters blossom even more and Jeff Hardy has become the guy that almost eveyone wants to see become the Champ (unfortunately 2007 was also marred by 3 months of the Great Khali as WHC) and we were all treated to a break from John Cena on tv in any fashion. As for 2008, yeah it hasn't been great. The highlights include 2 EC matches in one night, Ric Flair's retirement, the Edge/Taker fued and CM Punk winning the World title and that about sums it up so far. 2009 is only 4 months away, so who knows what will happen. Unfortunately, it's not likely to involve Cena again, just as people are starting to warm up to the guy again.
wrestling started on a downhill slide when 2001 ended, it was still very good in 2002 up until austin walked out, 2003 was still good as well, 2004 came around and Austin wasnt a regular and neither was The Rock and Goldberg and Lesnar had left and the downhill slide truly started to begin, but the permanent blow hit when Eddie Guerrero died, this was a realization that wrestling was changing and it would probably never be the same again, then the fiasco with Benoit and him murdering his family then himself, wrestling was bad at this point, but after Benoit, it simply put, WASNT FUN ANYMORE
wrestling started on a downhill slide when 2001 ended, it was still very good in 2002 up until austin walked out, 2003 was still good as well, 2004 came around and Austin wasnt a regular and neither was The Rock and Goldberg and Lesnar had left and the downhill slide truly started to begin, but the permanent blow hit when Eddie Guerrero died, this was a realization that wrestling was changing and it would probably never be the same again, then the fiasco with Benoit and him murdering his family then himself, wrestling was bad at this point, but after Benoit, it simply put, WASNT FUN ANYMORE
That`s pretty much is it.
While 2001 was not the last good year of the WWE/F, but it was the beginning of the end..The start of year 2001, from Royal Rumble to Wrestlemania was among the brightest moments in WWF history). Wrestlemania 17 stands out as THE best Wrestlemania IMO. Then came the invasion, not as good as the start of the year but it worked out well IMO. Stone Cold was a top heel.
2002 was a great year, despite that you could feel it was starting to go in the wrong direction (bringing back NWO was bad). Stone Cold was gone and this can just not be without any effect. The Rock was not having the impact he used to have before. I mean, yes he got big pops on the night he returned but the fans turned on him pretty quickly. Taker was a good heel/face...he had better storylines than in 2001. 2002 had some memorable matches too. + Paul Heyman was one of the lead writers of Smack Down and did a great job. Brock Lesnar turned out to be big. But that was the year the brand extension started...and this over the months/years has hurt the company...to not say ruin it. Vince hired Bishoff...this is horrible.
2003-2003 was good, Austin returned part time, The Rock came as heel (which was really creative)...Goldberg debuted (which had its good and bad aspect). Again, Smack down was dominating..brand extension was already looking "not so good" with the beginning of "One brand only" PPVs, what an horrible thing to do.
2004-Things were going downhill. Brock had a feud with Bob Holly, wow. Eddie was pushed..which was great. Brock left...huge loss. Benoit won the title which was great..good title reign. Orton got a deserved push. Taker returned as the Dead man, which again was good but Smack Down meanwhile turned into a joke. They came up with JBL. Bradshaw from APA is tons better than this. The best main event they could come with at GAB was Taker vs. Dudleyz. The pushed some wrong guys like Heidenreich too.

2005 and beyond-Well, things got down..and down and down. In these years, the lost Kurt Angle, simply one of the best ever...Eddie died, Benoit died, RVD left. The Rock would not return anymore....Smack Down continued to look like the B Brand is should have never been. Batista push was good tho. Then we got the I forgot how long Cena title reign..it was painful to watch. Edge becoming one of the bigs is great tho..well deserved. They pushed guys who were horrible wrestlers (Khali/Booby lashley). They did so before too but quickly reverted but now no. To see Khali headline Summerslam is a shame. I`m sure Kronik would have been welcomed today.
They brought back ECW for one night...great but then they brought it as a brand..shame. They lost Paul Heyman, which is a huge loss. They had a couple of good feuds like Taker-Edge..then some bad, bad stuff too. Y2J returning are among the good things. They also turned more dramatic than ever....I have the feeling they are aiming at a new audience. More car crashed..etc....bad.

WWE is not fun anymore as far as I am concerned. I know many still love it..I respect that..I understand too. But for me it is not worth it anymore.

Long post, I usually only read but just felt like posting today. :)
Only one problem, 2005 was shit. One of the most boring years ever in wrestling. An improvement over 2004, but not by much. What exactly happened in 2005 to make it so great?

Ok so Batista & Cena were made into stars. But you remember the reaction to Cena more than you do the matches, and Batista was a pile of shit. Other than Eddie Guerrero having a massive steroid induced heart attack there was nothing to write home about.
Yeah but was still better than 2006, 2007 and probably 2008. 06 was pointless, boring and a drag. 07 was made even more worse by the injuries and 08 so far hasnt been anything special. So far 2005 was the best last year for WWE for me at least.
2006 had one of the most intresting summers in years. Along with Booker T kicking the shit out of Batista, and elevated enzymes, it was an intresting couple of months. With the Benoit murders & all the other wrestling deaths 2007 was never boring, the wrestling for the most part was very solid as well. 2008 has been a really good year. WWE has started to get intresting again, and PPVs have been nothing less than good all year round.
2006 had a lot of matches and PPVs that weren't outstanding. It also had Rey Mysterio as champion and was getting sqaushed every episode he came out on SD! The summer of '06 was not anything special. Watch Summerslam and GAB and you will know what I mean. The wrestling just wasn't top notch. The only good thing about '06 was the DX reunion. '07 was just struck by injuries. The wrestling wasn't very good. The summer of '07 especially wasn't very good. Summerslam was a flop, HHH return wasn't something to write home about. The wrestlemania wasn't that good (Though '05's WM wasn't anything good!). '07 for me was just as boring as '97. '08 has been a step up from '07 but I just cannot see it being better than '05.

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