2 Things. Russo & Suicide.

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Dark Match Winner
{ Discussion 1: Vince Russo }

Am I the only one here that thinks Vince Russo should be immediately fired? He does nothing to help TNA, and only tries to reintroduce ideas that caused the rise and fall of WCW (MEM = nWo).

Could you imagine Hogan, Bischoff and Russo running wild in TNA? We'd have the rebirth of the nWo, albeit under a different moniker. I believe WWE owns the rights to the nWo name, although that hasn't stopped Insane Clown Posse in making the jWo, or a certain female wrestling fed to make the pWo (Google pWo, you'll see what I mean)

I really think Russo should be booted ASAP. Discuss!

{ Discussion 2: Suicide }

I am a huge supporter of Suicide, but lately.....not so much. I was thrilled to see Suicide coming down from the rafters back at Final Resolution 2008, but lately, the way TNA has used Suicide has been lacklustre at best.

I mean, even when Daniels had to play Suicide, because of websites like us (WZ), PWI, etc, everyone in the crowd was chanting "Fallen Angel!" when Daniels was under the mask. Kind of broke the mood for me.

That is why I think Suicide should finally kill himself off (yes, double entendre), and reveal himself as Kaz.

A secondary reason behind why I think they should kill off Suicide already, is because on almost every YouTube video about Suicide, if you look through the comments, you'll see people still trying to figure out who he is, claiming he's Rey Mysterio, secretly working for TNA, or that he's Amazing Red, etc.

The whole "Who is Suicide?" thing is getting old, we all know it's Kaz (and was Daniels at one point). This same thing happened to Curry Man. Even though we all knew (even Wikipedia said) that is was Daniels, people still were dumb enough to think it was some Japanese wrestler, because of the fake tuft of hair at the back of Curry Man's mask.

Discuss away! Should Suicide be killed off? If not, what should TNA do with him?
As far as Russo goes, I totally agree with you. Other than the NWO angle, I've hated just about everything I've seen from Russo. I think his ideas are stale. He rehashes old stuff that worked in the past (nWo to MEM and such) and then runs it into the ground. Plus, Hogan and Russo hate each other (at least last I saw, they did. I'll always remember the Hogan/Jarrett/Russo shoot). While I'm not a big fan of Hulk Hogan Inc. either, I don't see these two coexisting in TNA. And since Hogan will have the final say, I don't see Russo sticking around... which is fine with me. I just hope Hogan and Bischoff don't ruin TNA.

As far as Suicide goes, I also think it's time to end the character and reveal Kaz. Suicide was a great character that allowed Kaz (and Daniels) to show off some impressive moves. All the smarts and internet fans out there know it's Kaz, so why not just write some way to finally reveal that's who it is and let Kaz shine, instead of him hiding behind a mask. Plus, I personally think it's stupid to have characters named Suicide and Homicide in the same company if they're not a tag team.

Hey, there's an idea... The Death Dealers.
As far as Russo goes, I totally agree with you. Other than the NWO angle, I've hated just about everything I've seen from Russo.

Russo didn't come up with the idea for the NWO, Bischoff did. Really, I don't get why anyone is unhappy about the Russo, Hogan, Bischoff, Ferrara writing team. You have the guys who came up with the stuff that made the Attitude era pop for WWE and the NWO era pop for WCW. And they are all working together!

Yes, I agree Russo needs a filter like McMahon to make his ideas click with a larger audience, I have no doubts that Bischoff will be that filter that is needed. Everyone chill and stop blindly hating by jumping on the band wagon. The TNA product has turned around leaps and bounds in the last month and half, coincidence? I think not.

Suicide is Daniels 2.0. Look for Kaz to be back and Suicide to get fired. Curry Man, remember? And the beat goes on...
I don't see Russo and Hogan working together at all. Hogan is a self promoter and always will. Even after signing with TNA, he wouldn't come work, all we've seen is talk from him about how great they'll be. TNA needs help now. Their ratings are dropping every week. When Hogan should be in TNA, where is he off promoting is book? Hogan will never do anything good for the future of wrestling, he'll do nothing for the younger talent but bury them. He'll start the show, be half the backstage talking about him, same thing with Foley now. He was on the show for at least 15 minutes. How dumb is TNA, I know it's a work, but really, Foley's eye "was almost incinerated and badly burned," but yet not a hair on his head, scruffy beard or even an eyelash was burned. For one the fire ball would make him close his eyes causing all the hair around it to be singed and the fire would have to burn off the eyelid before it causes retinal damage.

I like TNA better when it was Total NonStop Action and not Total Nonstop Talking, last night there were more backstage interviews, segments and bullshit talking then having probably the best 4 performers put on a great match. Them guys could've went a half hour and kept the fans entertained but I think it went 6 minutes. That is all Russo, he likes his sketch comedy crap that he thinks is funny. TNA screwed up when they let Cornette go, he knows wrestling, Bishoff yea may have helped write good stories, but it was Vince's creative genious that decided what got played, and what was tweaked.
I thought this thread said that Russo should commit suicide which I completely agree with. He is a disgrace to professional wrestling and has no business running a wrestling company.

Now as long as Suicide goes I think that he should stay around long enough to have a decent X Division title run. After that TNA should figure something out for Kaz to do and let the Suicide character fade out rather than have a blunt revelation that Kaz = Suicide which everyone already knows and no one would care to see. And that would also leave a possibility for the return of Suicide in the future if the need is there.
{ Discussion 1: Vince Russo }

Am I the only one here that thinks Vince Russo should be immediately fired? He does nothing to help TNA, and only tries to reintroduce ideas that caused the rise and fall of WCW (MEM = nWo).

I don't think so. iMPACT has been (for the most part) absolutely engrossing recent, since No Surrender pretty much. The MEM break up was subtle and effective, everyone relevant got put and looked great doing it. Bound for Glory was the climax of a whole year of the MEM storyline and it was awesome. Russo deserves some credit here and I was a big hater.

Could you imagine Hogan, Bischoff and Russo running wild in TNA? We'd have the rebirth of the nWo, albeit under a different moniker. I believe WWE owns the rights to the nWo name, although that hasn't stopped Insane Clown Posse in making the jWo, or a certain female wrestling fed to make the pWo (Google pWo, you'll see what I mean)

How do you know this. Your imagination is running wild and nothing has been indicated that what we will see will harm TNA as negatively as you say.

I really think Russo should be booted ASAP. Discuss!

No recent events give any good reason to support this arguement.

{ Discussion 2: Suicide }

I am a huge supporter of Suicide, but lately.....not so much. I was thrilled to see Suicide coming down from the rafters back at Final Resolution 2008, but lately, the way TNA has used Suicide has been lacklustre at best.
I'm not a huge fan of Suicide but feel his booking is particularly inconsistent.

I mean, even when Daniels had to play Suicide, because of websites like us (WZ), PWI, etc, everyone in the crowd was chanting "Fallen Angel!" when Daniels was under the mask. Kind of broke the mood for me.

That is why I think Suicide should finally kill himself off (yes, double entendre), and reveal himself as Kaz.

I think it will happen. But Kaz as himself needed a superior worker (in Christian Cage) and a favourable gimmick match (ladder) to be even remotely interesting. You're taking too much notice of TNA's "smart" and seem unable to enjoy the product put in front of you.

A secondary reason behind why I think they should kill off Suicide already, is because on almost every YouTube video about Suicide, if you look through the comments, you'll see people still trying to figure out who he is, claiming he's Rey Mysterio, secretly working for TNA, or that he's Amazing Red, etc.

I'm failing to see your point. We all know who he is, why listen to those who are not smart enough.

The whole "Who is Suicide?" thing is getting old, we all know it's Kaz (and was Daniels at one point). This same thing happened to Curry Man. Even though we all knew (even Wikipedia said) that is was Daniels, people still were dumb enough to think it was some Japanese wrestler, because of the fake tuft of hair at the back of Curry Man's mask.

To be honest the "who is Suicide" discussion has not happened since Homicide stopped asking. With Suicide not on TV, nobody cares enough about him or Kazarian.

Discuss away! Should Suicide be killed off? If not, what should TNA do with him?

I hate to say but you come across as a real internet mark. TNA is putting out a great product at the moment but all you can do is reference WCW through Google, Wiki or Youtube.

Enjoy TNA and chill. There's enough great things going on in TNA to avoid this kind of negativity.
Then you are using irrational hatred of Russo from WCW to hate his efforts on TNA. Instead of hating on Russo, maybe you should turn your concerns to Hogan because as a TNA fan, I'm more concerned about his efforts in the company. Hogan will more likely ruin the company than Russo ever will.

How am I supposed to have facts when I don't even care that I know you.

The internet, it's a serious business.
Although Russo was responsible for some pretty crappy stuff in WCW, he was also responsible for some pretty compelling stuff as well. He took the U.S. championship off of David Flair (thank god), and put it on Benoit. He made Sting relevant again. NWO 2000 could have been pretty cool, if it hadn't have been rushed. The whole "new blood" vs. the veterans was a pretty good program, but all of that crap had to be rushed because WCW was already a sinking ship before he got there.

Oh yeah, remember why WCW was going under? Not only was it because of all the politics with wrestlers in charge of creative control, but also because Russo himself had written all that great material for the WWF's attitude era. Everyone forgets about that, and just brings up David Arquette with the heavyweight championship. That was ******ed, but I'm pretty sure Russo was forced to do that to promote that shitty movie (the movie that was made before he was a WCW employee, btw).

If Bischoff and Russo could put their egos aside, they could write some more AWESOME television. Anyone else notice that as soon as Jarret was gone that Impact started to become a lot better? Anyone else notice that as soon as Ferrara was hired the storylines got even better? Hmmmm.....it must just be a coincidence. It couldn't have had anything to do with Russo & Ferrara.

If Bischoff and Hogan can come in and work WITH the current creative team (and not against them), TNA could be well on their way to starting another wrestling war. TNA is now the upstart company with the more adult rating. They could do exactly what the WWF did to beat WCW in the late 90s, and they should. Bischoff is a genius when it comes to promotion, and Russo/Ferrara have been writing fantastic shows lately. Put that together, and you've got a great chance at taking TNA to the next level. Come on, TNA. Don't screw up this opportunity.
Russo has actually been doing a great job. Have you been watching Impact for the past couple of months? It's been constantly getting stronger and stronger. So to say he's been doing nothing shows you haven't been watching. Now with Hogan being added to the mix I would think that Russo would be moved down on the pole because of his past beef with Hogan, and Bishoff. Though I don't know about that now since we haven't seen Hogan yet. I actually think Hogan might just put his ego aside because he wants to go at Vince. His best chance is with the way that Russo has been writing the show and his presence.

Secondly, I really wasn't that big of a fan of suicide to begin with. He was a video game character thrown into the ring, his matches were good, but the character never did anything for me. I thought it was an alright idea to promote a game, but he kept going. Though I think he's just going to fade away.
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