1993 Survivor Series, very highly underrated PPV, what others are underrated?


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Having just watched the 1993 Survivor Series, it really is an underrated PPV, looking back on it, you had the build-up of Crush and Randy Savage, in the opening match as well as a huge go over for the 1-2-3 Kid and Marty and landing what later would be a tag title run for them.

Next you had the emergence of the Hart Family vs. Shawn Michaels and the Knights, now this really should have been Jerry Lawler but unfortunately it wasn't. This saw a Owen Hart at the end begin his run as a heel and a feud with his brother Bret.

Then you had Bam Bam Bigelow and his team with Bastion Booger (who didn't find it funny watching Booger wrestle back then, and the Headshrinkers vs 4 Doinks, now no one saw this coming with the Bushwackers and Men on a Mission as the 4 doinks, throughout this match it had a lot of comedy value with all kinds of pranks by the Bushwackers and MOM, ending with a 4-0 defeat for the 4 Doinks and an appearance by Doink on the tron after to taunt Bam Bam.

The final match led the way to the Undertaker and Yokozuna feud, and the sheer dominance of Ludvig Borga and if he had been around longer, he really would have been one of the top heels in the company for a long long time, as well as the perseverance of Lex Luger as an American hero and on of the if not then top baby face in the company.

This really was an underrated PPV for what it lead up too, and provided a little bit of everything with the All-Americans vs. Foreign Fanatics, the Family feud with Harts vs. HBK and his knights and the 4 Doinks with the comedic relief.

What other PPV's from the past whether WWE/F or WCW ppv's do others feel don't get the recognition as being a good PPV, or feel are underrated PPV's?
I don't have another ppv off the top of my head, but I wanted to comment on your choice. I agree that Survivor Series 93 is underrated. I think most feel this was a bad ppv. I thought it was pretty good. Like you I loved this for what it set up. After watching this ppv I couldn't wait for the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania X. Because of what happened at the rumble it seems to be forgotten that this is where Owen Hart's heel turn began. After this ppv we had a pretty good idea of three big matches we would get at mania. Bret vs. Owen, Savage vs. Crush, and Razor vs. HBK were a lock for mania. Taker vs. Yoko was an intriguing new feud too. The ppv was decent for what it was, but was great for what it set up. Sorry if I didn't add anything new to the thread, but I want to show my agreement with you.
I don't have another ppv off the top of my head, but I wanted to comment on your choice. I agree that Survivor Series 93 is underrated. I think most feel this was a bad ppv. I thought it was pretty good. Like you I loved this for what it set up. After watching this ppv I couldn't wait for the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania X. Because of what happened at the rumble it seems to be forgotten that this is where Owen Hart's heel turn began. After this ppv we had a pretty good idea of three big matches we would get at mania. Bret vs. Owen, Savage vs. Crush, and Razor vs. HBK were a lock for mania. Taker vs. Yoko was an intriguing new feud too. The ppv was decent for what it was, but was great for what it set up. Sorry if I didn't add anything new to the thread, but I want to show my agreement with you.

No, you definitely did add to it no worries there, I'm glad at least someone else agrees, it really did illustrate a the big three for Mania, as well as some of the under card, with Doink and Dink (who came later on) vs. Luna and Bam Bam and there is just something about the 4 doinks match that makes me laugh anytime I watch it, and no not just how funny Bastion Booger used to be but the crazy shenanigans being played by Men on a Mission and the Bushwackers.
I remember watching this. I believe all the matches were traditional SS matches, correct?

I remember this being big for the starting of the Bret-Owen feud...but don't remember them setting up the HBK-Razor feud from this like the other poster said. I think that came later after Razor beat martel to take the vacated IC title.

I also remember Yoko and Luger's team being in the main event but can't remember what the outcome was,

Anyways...great Survivor Series mainly for the shocking Owen Hart turn. I'll give you my take on what I considered the most under-rated PPV later. Great thread, TS.

*EDIT* My mistake...Razor won the title from Martel on Raw in October which was a month before the Survivor Series, my bad. What happened with Razor and Shawn on this PPV since they were in different matches? Geez it's been so long, lol.
I remember watching this. I believe all the matches were traditional SS matches, correct?

I remember this being big for the starting of the Bret-Owen feud...but don't remember them setting up the HBK-Razor feud from this like the other poster said. I think that came later after Razor beat martel to take the vacated IC title.

I also remember Yoko and Luger's team being in the main event but can't remember what the outcome was,

Anyways...great Survivor Series mainly for the shocking Owen Hart turn. I'll give you my take on what I considered the most under-rated PPV later. Great thread, TS.

It was during an interview with Todd Pettingil that Michaels was wearing his Intercontinental title, and he claimed to be the Undisputed IC champion and at this time Razor had already won the IC title previous to this from the result of the battle royal and the match with Rick Martel.

The outcome in the All-American vs. Foreign Fanatics was this,

Final four was Undertaker and Lex Luger and Yokozuna and Ludvig Borga, and Taker hadn't been in the match at all until he got the hot tag from Luger and him and Yoko went at it, they wound up both getting counted out, and Borga dominated Luger, Luger being the American hero came back and won it and waved the American flag after it.

Yes, they were all traditional SS matches.
Ok I’ve got one. WrestleMania VII. I’ve always thought this was an underrated mania. In my most/least predictable thread I listed Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter as the most predictable main event in mania history. I also stated that that wasn’t a bad thing. This was a hugely controversial storyline at the time. I don’t know if there has ever been anyone more hated than Slaughter during this time. If you would have told me what the mania main event was going to be in the summer I would have thought it was terrible. They really made this work.

There were other great moments at this mania. Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior is one of the greatest matches in mania history. It may not have been a technical masterpiece, but it was filled with drama and emotion. Savage and Liz reuniting at the end was truly a special WrestleMania moment.

The Harts vs. Nasty Boys was a solid tag title match and the hot crowd made it seem even better. The titles changed hands in what was the last time the Hitman and Anvil would be regular partners. I can see why some would absolutely hate the blindfold match, but it was a unique idea and the crowd loved this one too as they got to participate in a way. Virgil didn’t have much success as a wrestler, but we waited three years to see him stand up to Dibiase and he finally did it. The Undertaker made his WrestleMania debut and thus the streak began. After feuding with the entire Heenan family for months The Big Bossman was going after the crown jewel of the family, IC champ Mr. Perfect. This match was special for the surprise appearance by Andre the Giant. It was Andre’s last mania appearance. I’ve always found it somewhat ironic that Taker made his first mania appearance at the same event where Andre made his last. I kind of look at Taker as Andre’s replacement in a way.

So to recap we have the beloved American hero beating the hated turncoat for the title. One of the greatest stars ever lost a career match, but walked out a winner by reuniting with his woman. An unlikely underdog finally stood up to his million dollar bully. A great tag team wrestled their last match as partners which would mark the beginning of an outstanding singles career. A new star would bury his first victim on way to building the most legendary streak in wrestling history. A giant legend would make his last appearance at an event he helped to establish. All this and more made up WrestleMania VII. The crowd was way into this from beginning to end. If this event took place in the Los Angeles Coliseum in front of 100,000 people like originally planned I guarantee this would be remembered as one of the greatest manias ever.
For me, the most under-rated WWF(E) PPV was SummerSlam 1990. I can't tell you how many times I watched this as a kid. I rented it from Blockbuster and copied it onto another VHS.

This was basically the fall out from Wrestlemania 6. Savage and Dusty continued their feud and Warrior had his first title defense against old rival Rick Rude in a steel cage.

I remember Shawn Michaels being taken out by Hercules' chain to his knee. Power and Glory was being built up big time, but didn't last for long, lol. They played this angle for awhile until Shawn returned on Superstars a couple months later. (Anyone know why he was out so long?)

Of course there was also the big Hogan/Earthquake feud that was big back then. For me, the match of the night goes to the Hart Foundation vs Demolition for the tag titles. GREAT MATCH. IT was 2/3 falls and if I remember correctly it was Crush taking Ax's place.

Overall it was a great PPV and one that is rarely talked about these days which makes it under-rated, in my opinion.
My favourite PPV of 2009.

You had the ECW scramble which was a good match, very innovative concept.

Then Rey and Chris over the IC title which is always fun to watch.

The surprise of Edge being Jericho's tag partner really made the night for me. Shock value is something I love, especially in the WWE, where sometimes things can get very dull if it's just matches and lackluster storylines, and the match itself was good aswell.

McCool was crowned the Womens Champion for the first time in her career, although the match wasn't as good as the NOC encounter.

Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk was also a great match.

Three Stages of Hell : Randy vs HHH was a great match too. We haven't seen that match in quite a while and they played it out quite nicely.

I really liked this PPV, it was the diamond in the rough concerning the WWE in 2009. Anyone agree?
The 1993 survivor series was the first pay per view I saw live, what a let down. The first match was full of stars and we ended up with the worst two from each team finishing. As for the push Janetty and the kid got, they were tag champs for a week. Not much of a push. The match with the Harts and the knights was a joke because there was no way any of the harts were going to do the job for someone under the mask. It could have been the brooklyn brawler for all we know. There was no heat in this match and very predictable. As for the heel turn, that didn't happen for a couple more months, and teasing a heel turn really does nothing for me. There was a tag title match for the smokey mountain belts. I suppose it was neat to have the rock and roll express on a WWF pay per view but who really cared about the heavenly bodies? The four doink match was another match with no heat and no interest. The bushwhacker appeal was on the decline and M.O.M. was still fairly new. The main event was o.k. The only thing I would say that was a mistake was that lex luger went over ludvig borga clean which would have taken away any mystery from any future matches they might have had. As it turns out, borga wasn't around much longer. I have read that luger was supposed to face borga at the main event of wrestlemania. If that would have happened it would have had little interest because luger had already beat him clean.I can only assume that the one who started this thread started watching WWF around that time. I think everyone feels that the time when they started watching is the best and there's nothing wrong with that but the 1993 survivor series was a disappointment to say the least
Actually no, I had started watching the WWF in about 1988/1989. My uncle turned me onto it when I was a really young kid.

It is my opinion that it was an underrated ppv and apparently the opinion of others as well, I liked what went on at that time during this, as far as Luger going over Borga clean, if it wasn't going to be Luger (arguably the top face in the company at the time) then who was going to beat Borga? As a matter of fact there was no better way than maybe a Wrestlemania loss to Luger for Borga's streak to come to an end. He got to be in the main event of one of the largest PPV's for the WWF of the year. Borga was dominate throughout and in typical face/heel for the time. Luger being the american hero fought back and beat the foreigner on Thanksgiving.

As for the rest of it, the Hart brothers, had it in fact been Jerry Lawler instead of Michaels it would have been a much better match I believe, and the way it went down actually was good as it lead to Owen getting a large push as a singles wrestler and later his shot at the WWF title at the 1994 Summerslam in the cage against Bret, which in itself was an amazing cage match.

Your entitled to your opinion of not liking it, but before you call me out on saying "well this must have been when they started watch it" you should never assume because you know what they say when you assume............

I liked the PPV, and found it vastly underrated.

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