100 Pushups, by Wrestlezone

latino World order

Dang it Bobby

Link: http://hundredpushups.com/

I'm sure you've all heard of the program called 100 Pushups, which received quite a bit of media attention a few years ago. Here's an excerpt from the site:

If you're serious about increasing your strength, follow this six week training program and you'll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive push ups!

Think there's no way you could do this? I think you can! All you need is a good plan, plenty of discipline and about 30 minutes a week to achive this goal!

No doubt some of you can already do 50 consecutive push ups, but let's face it, you're in a big minority. Most of you reading this won't even be able to manage 20 pushups. Actually, I'm sure many of you can't even do 10.

However, it really doesn't matter which group you fall into. If you follow the progressive push ups training program, I'm positive you'll soon be able to do 100 push ups!

I'm sure many of you, like me, have tried this program and failed to hold to the schedule, mainly due to lack of interest, but I figure that if Wrestlezone does this as a communal effort, we may just be able to make it through the entire program.

The Initial Test

The initial test gauges your strength based on age and the number of pushups you're able to complete in one set. Here's a copy of the chart from the website:


..and the description of it..

To perform the test, simply execute as many good-form push ups as you can. Don't cut corners and please don't cheat - the last thing you want to do is end up in the wrong level of the training program! The results may be humbling, but trust me, honesty is the best policy if you want to maximize your strength gains!

Once you've collapsed in a sweaty heap on the floor and your arms have stopped trembling from the exertion, make a note (mental or otherwise) of how many, or how few, push ups you were able to perform. As an example, the first time I performed the test, I managed to eek out just 19 consecutive good-form push ups.

Before starting Week 1, I recommend taking a couple of days to familiarize yourself with the program and recover from the exertion of the initial test. You'll be required to work out three times per week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday worked well for me.

Don't forget how many push ups you performed in the test and if you're still keen to improve your strength and fitness, read on to learn more about the program.

* If you're concerned about your Rank in the extreme left column; there's really no need. The scale of 1 to 7 is purely an indicator of current fitness, and can be used as a comparison tool between yourself, friends, family & co-workers.

Most people tend to fall into Rank 2 or 3 which is a great starting point for the plan. If you're ranked 1, you may need to consider one of the alternative push ups on the "What is a push up?" page. If you're ranked 6 or 7, maybe you need a tougher plan?!

Week 1 will start on Monday, February 7th. We will stick to the schedule recommended by the site and do Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Wednesday, and Day 3 on Friday. This post will be updated accordingly to keep up with the program.

Week 1

For the < 20 crowd:


For the > 20 crowd:


Successfully completed the minimum amount in Week 3, Column 3, for Day 1.

Anybody else feeling good?

If you'd like to participate in Wrestlezone's 100 Pushups Adventure, perform the initial test and post below, feel free to share your initial value, but this thread isn't meant for a giant **********.
I can't do more than 10 pushups. I broke my collarbone playing basketball my junior year of high school, and can't do pushups or military press lifting anymore without serious aching pain in my clavical region, which can last for hours or even days afterwards, depending upon how many I do.
I just did the column two workout for week three. Probably doesn't help that I did a bunch of push ups earlier, but by the end I was struggling a bit. It was a pretty good workout though, I'm definitely gonna give this a try.
When I took Muay Thai the teacher would make us do 100 situps up the middle, 50 to each side, and then 50 push ups after class was over.

At one point I was actually conditioning myself to do 1,000 situps a day, and I got up to 900 before I lost interest and pretty much just burnt myself out. I'm back to 200 a day now, but I'm working my way back up, but I'll probably stop at 500 this time. That or I'll just work my way up more gradually, add 20 a day instead of 100.
I haven't been able to do more than 20 push ups at once since I broke my elbow.

If I do it hurts & I can't use the arm for a while
A guy actually has the guts to post a picture of himself on this site, and you use it against him. I usually think you're pretty funny SNS, but this is pathetic.

I agree it was pathetic, but not for the same reason as you believe. I have said much worse to milenko than basically saying he is slightly on the chunky side(this time just with a picture, and I guarantee he doesn't really give a shit. Hell it is probably one of the nicest things I have said about him (although now this post is and it is killing me) It was pathetic because it was uninspired below standard. Even I didn't find it very funny after I posted it and I fucking love myself. Also it doesn't take that much courage to post your picture on this site, look at the post a picture thread, nearly everybody looks like hell. I sometimes view it just to raise my self-esteem.

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