10 Years Ago.... John Cena's WWE debut.

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Take a look at this video, from June 2002.


It is now June 2012 and John Cena has been a part of the WWE for 10 years. Time sure has flown by. He's had an extremely successful career so far, and there's no telling how much more success he will see when all is said and done. I highly doubt any of us watching that day ten years ago thought we were watching the debut of the guy who would become the face of the federation, let alone one of the biggest names in wrestling history. Proof that anything can happen, and the next big name could already be on the roster, although that is a topic for another thread. This is about looking at Cena's career.

12 time World Champion (2 World Heavyweight, 10 WWE)
4 time Tag Team Champion (World Tag w/ Shawn Michaels, World Tag w/ Batista, WWE Tag w/ David Otunga, WWE Tag w/ The Miz)
3 time United States Champion
Royal Rumble winner 2008
2 time Superstar of the year Slammy winner 2009 & 2010
Holy *** Move of the year Slammy winner 2010
Game Changer of the Year Slammy winner 2011
Released "You Can't See Me" album in 2005
Starring Roles in movies (The Marine, 12 Rounds, Legendary)
PWI #1 in the PWI 500 top wrestlers (2006 & 2007)

That's quite the list of accomplishments, and it's looking like the list will only continue to grow.

1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?

2. If you could change anything that happened during his career, what would you change and why? You may discuss more than one thing you'd change, if you wish.

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?

4. Just for fun, I'll throw in this question too. How many world title reigns do you think Cena will have by the time he's finished his career?

Discuss! :)
1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?

the ones where he lost cleanly for once & the matches where he tapped out to kurt angle & jericho proving hes an average joe

2. If you could change anything that happened during his career, what would you change and why? You may discuss more than one thing you'd change, if you wish.

his debut would have never happened :)

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?

why god why?

4. Just for fun, I'll throw in this question too. How many world title reigns do you think Cena will have by the time he's finished his career?

hopefully no more. It is time for new blood to take over, or they never will get over... besides he has already had more than enough and half of his reigns are 30 days or under (1 even at 0) and we all know length of reigns > number of reigns, so giving him more useless reigns is just pointless and further proves how much of a joke the current wwe is if they give him another belt. He also lost 12 world titles in the matter of 6 years so to give him more just makes the belt lose all credibility when he loses it so much. It is time for new blood to take over or the currently garbage product will only worsen! Compare now to the attitude era, today is a joke.
1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?

his raps were the best and was what made him so popular. during his entrance he would start rapping/dissing his opponents so bad. and also for great matches against jbl, edge, hhh, hbk, cm punk.( i would put RKO but i didnt like their matches.).

2. If you could change anything that happened during his career, what would you change and why? You may discuss more than one thing you'd change, if you wish.
being PG-MAN.

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?
in 2002, i was 5 yrs old, i thought he was just another wrestler.

4. Just for fun, I'll throw in this question too. How many world title reigns do you think Cena will have by the time he's finished his career?

G....let me think here....

Also i would like to note that if there was no CENA, WWE would probobly be picking up TNA's recycling bin.
1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?

At or near the top for me was Cena being drafted to Raw. In the closing rounds of the tournament this year, there were many an argument made that upon Cena being moved to Raw, he was booed, and the only reason he was cheered prior was because he was feuding with JBL. That video shows otherwise, definitively, as just about every man, woman, and child there were vocally behind him, just as the majority of them at least respect him now.

Another one of my favorites was his feud with Edge. Whether it be lack of main event depth or the fact that the two worked incredibly well together, it was Cena vs Edge that dominated nine months of Raw in 2006. It started with the first MITB cash-in by Edge on Cena and Cena regaining the title at the Royal Rumble. Cena and Edge then had their final of a series of Raw title matches with Mick Foley as referee, which set up the awesome Foley/Edge match at Wrestlemania. Their feud resumed at ONS when Edge speared Cena and cost Cena the title against RVD, and Edge took the title from RVD on a Raw triple threat in July involving Cena. Edge then beat Cena in his hometown in August, and Cena beat Edge in Toronto in a "last chance" match, in Edge's own TLC match at that. Two weeks later, they concluded their feud, for then, with a nice steel cage match. These two did it all and competed in numerous match types over those nine months, and the matchup didn't feel stale at any point to this viewer.

The last one I'll list, as there are many more, was his feud this past summer with CM Punk. He had two absolute classics, including one of the best matches Ive ever seen, at MITB then Summerslam with Punk. While he may have lost both, the fued was outstanding, and the matches matched the hype, which seemed near-impossible beforehand.

2. If you could change anything that happened during his career, what would you change and why? You may discuss more than one thing you'd change, if you wish.

I'd change the outcome of his Wrestlemania 28 match with Rock. Cena lost to Miz at WM 27 because Rock got the better of him, he was Rock Bottomed again at Survivor Series, and then he...lost clean? It's different booking, to be sure, Rock got the better of Cena at every turn, other then on the mic, which Cena won, but that's not how wins and losses are settled. The face o the company losing to the man who hadn't wrestled a single's match for 8 years is puzzling booking, no matter how hard Rock "trained" with Curt Hawkins,

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?

Not much, to be honest, although I found it interesting they had him push Kurt Angle to the limit and just lose via a rollup. Generally, with Angle, when someone lesser then him pushed him to the limit, Angle would rebound to beat them in dominant fashion with the Ankle Lock. He beat Cena with a rollup, which made me think, "They're protecting this kid for some reason." Well, they may or may not have been, but the results since that debut on have been pretty spectacular, wouldn't you say?

4. Just for fun, I'll throw in this question too. How many world title reigns do you think Cena will have by the time he's finished his career?

15. I don't think they'll want to tamper with Flair's record, and I don't think Cena will either. But with him on record saying he'ld like to go another 10 years, three isn't many for the guy who's won 10 in his first ten.
Remeber that debut pretty well, remember thinking he was pretty bad-ass there!! (the lil bit with taker helped that too!!)

Favourite moments? Maybe the JBL fued, always was a big Bradshaw fan (even considered bradshaw as a name for my son!) and they done pretty well with it. Bloody brutal match to end it. Always was a bigger fan of Cena when he was rough, his style now is pretty clean (obviously as a clean face of a PG company) but his stuff with Edge and even CM Punk last year were gold. Dont really give a monkeys on the whole 5 moved of doom nonsense, the guy can put on an interesting match when given the chance.

Not much i'd change, though his current use is shabby. The main problem is that noone is on his level and WWE have no clue how to use him without having him chase the belt... Neither do i though, so i shat complain.

Thought differently about wrestling back then, never seen it in terms of "will he be a world champion or not" kind of way. I thought he was cool, just rom that first match i mean, he hit hard, he was strong and he looked good while he done it... Though i must admit, my memory has it as Cena wearing blue shorts in his debut, while your video up there is red... interesting lapse of mine.

He could have maybe three or four more reigns, he's still pretty young, so that figure is for while he is still full time, though within a few years i see him being more like Jericho, coming back for a year or two at a time or so and he could have a few more easily.

That last one was all one sentence and i apologise.
Before I answer the questions, I have to say that these last 10 years flew by so fast. John has come a very LONG way since then. Right now I'm not too big a fan of the guy, but I give him credit. He's busted his ass for 10 years and worked very hard to get to where he is. Workrate wise he isn't very good, but he did draw money and sold a lot of merchandise and that REALLY counts in wrestling. Ok here we go...

1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?

My favorite moments of him was when he was the edgy rapper doing all those cool freestyles on people. Man I wish they didn't kill that! His recent feud with the Rock had an amazing build and one of the best for a wm main event.

2. If you could change anything that happened during his career, what would you change and why? You may discuss more than one thing you'd change, if you wish.

I wish they didn't give him short meaningless title reigns. He's a 12 time champion, but that's a joke when you look at the short reigns. Some of them were literally 3 weeks! Unncessary.

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?

It was a very good match. I didn't imagine him working the way he does now back then. Giving Kurt Angle a run for his money is a good way for anyone to debut.

4. Just for fun, I'll throw in this question too. How many world title reigns do you think Cena will have by the time he's finished his career?

I just hope he doesn't surpass Ric Flair. That would be a shame. So many great workers never held the title and this guy has had it 12 times? Again some of those reigns were not necessary. I say they give him 1 or 2 more, but honestly he doesn't really need it.
my favorite feud was by far his feud with edge it elevated both of there careers they just had great chemistry together you tuned in every week too see what each other were going to do next in my opinion the best heel face feud ever!

favorite matches #1cena vs hhh (WM22) it showed cena was here too stay for many years too come and wasnt the flavor of the month
#2 cena vs hbk (WM23) it showed cena can put on a mania classic
#3 cena vs edge (TLC) best match of there fued
#4cena vs orton (ironman) best match of there feud
#5 cena vs hhh vs hbk (survivor series) amazing spots and moment and the best start too a match ever

only thing id change about his career would be his loss to the rock at wrestlemania he deserved it more also his move names shoulda been the attitude adjustment from the start and stf and stfu is dumb he shoulda called it the cenation lock

after his debut i thought he was a badass lol but he woukdnt last long

and he will finish with 17 title reigns:worship:
1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?
My favorite moments would have to be him winning his first title from JBL. You knew by that time he had momentum and he was going to be big. Was great seeing him get his first real mania moment, Second would be his surprise return at the Royal Rumble. Even Cena haters had to love it. It was kept such a secret and the crowd went nuts. Also his feud with Edge was epic. Loved every moment and ever match of that feud.

2. If you could change anything that happened during his career, what would you change and why? You may discuss more than one thing you'd change, if you wish.

I have never been a huge Cena fan or a huge Cena hater, but I wish his character would have kept more of his edge. He could have kept certain elements of his rapper gimmick even, and still been child friendly. I understand the need to get kids to invest in a character, but he just got to corny for a time. I think in the Lesner feud they were going in the right direction in giving him his edge back. I never expected a heel turn, but I just want to see him flip once and and tell all the haters off.

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?

I was 22 then and honestly I didn't think much. I thought he would come out and try Kurt Angle and fail, and we would not see him again, or he would be repackaged or something like that. After he gave Kurt a good run I still didn't expect much more from him.

How many world title reigns do you think Cena will have by the time he's finished his career?

This is a tough question. I always thought it would depend on what kind of standing Ric Flair is in with the company if they would break his record and I know HHH is close to and I don't see him winning any more titles. My guess is if Flair stays in good graces with Vince Cena will win 14 or 15. If Flair royally pisses Vince off i could see Cena breaking that record.
1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?


This has to be my favorite Cena moment. At that time I loved Cena and hated JBL.

Other memorable moments/feuds/matches:
-ONS '06 (The fact that he could perform in such a hostile environment tells a lot about his character)
-WM 22 (The victory over HHH solidified him as a long term main-eventer)
-Feud with Edge.
-Most of his raps.

2. If you could change anything that happened during his career, what would you change and why? You may discuss more than one thing you'd change, if you wish.

Not much. Probably have him beat Rock, but nothing major really springs to mind.

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?

Impressive. The fact that a rookie stood toe-to-toe with Angle and came so close to beating him (and not get squashed) was amazing. I thought that this guy should have a decent career, but had no idea that he would be such a HUGE star.

4. Just for fun, I'll throw in this question too. How many world title reigns do you think Cena will have by the time he's finished his career?

Possibly as many as Flair. I think that he has atleast 4-5 years more as a wrestler. Whether or not he breaks Flair's record will depend upon Flair's (and to an extent Cena's) relationship with the WWE.
1. I still like his Make-A-Wish vignettes or whenever it pops up, I think that the real John Cena may be even more super than his cheesy gimmick for the last few years.

As far as Memorable feuds? CM punk is fresh, but I really enjoyed their little tussles, I also enjoyed his Heel side more than his face, I wish they would of kept going with the embrace the hate angle w/ Kane.

2. I would of had him do a little more turning, I think the fact he's played face for most of his decade is hurting his character overall. If you want an exact moment, I would of had him and Orton swap face/heel ala Hogan/Rock, I think the dynamic of it when they were hot in their feud would have made the product much more interesting in one of it's big lulls.

3. I quit watching for a couple years after that night, I actually remember seeing him come out, my brother and I used to always make jokes about the nameless jobbers who usually didn't even get an entrance, and seeing John Cena with absolutely no idea who he was, we started laughing "Oh look, this guys gonna beat Kurt and get a world title shot". Was a lot more funny with what he's become 10 years later, but nonetheless, jobbers vs main eventers being squash matches were always funny, but JC held his own and made a good little match out of it.

4. 20. They will not only break Flair's record, but shatter it, they want John Cena to be marketable, 10 years after he's retired. The true legends keep their relevance well past retirement, and Cena is one of those guys I expect to be active behind the scenes after his body is done performing for us.
1. Looking back on Cena's career from the debut up until today, what are some of your favorite moments/feuds/matches he was involved in, and why did you like them?

The one that jumps out is his return at the 2008 Royal Rumble. It's hard to keep a surprise in wrestling during the internet age. This was such a well kept secret. Nobody knew Cena was going to be there. All the MSG smarks erupted in cheers because of the surprise. They were caught so off guard that they forgot they were supposed to boo Cena to try and be cool.

3. If you watched back then, what were your thoughts on Cena's June 2002 debut at the time?

I was in the arena when Cena debuted against Angle. I thought he had a great build for a wrestler and did a pretty good job that night. I thought his name was kind of bland and his ring attire was pretty generic. The ring attire didn't last long and his charisma quickly made me forget about his bland name. I thought he had potential but I had no idea how big he would become. It's pretty cool looking back and knowing I was there for his television debut.
feud against jbl:propelled him to ME status
fued against edge:solidified both men's career as ME players
return to RR 2008:probably the biggest roar for a returning wrestler(Golden&attitude era not considered)
Feud against orton:solidified orton's career as a ME player
summer of punk:Cena's one of the best works in his career.
2.his current goofy,joking around promo style to a rather intense promo style
3.a regular jobber fed to angle
4.atleast 20-25
1. Best moment probably him wiining the WWE championship at Mania 21. That was the actual starting point of his pro wrestling career. Best feud with The Rock. It was so hyped and personal. Best match probably wih Edge because it had a lot of high points and was a great feud. Also in front of Edge's hometown. The end was great; Cena giving an AA off the ladder onto 2 tables!

2. I would change the fact that he gets to win all matches but if he does wi them, they could do it in another way, Also the Rock v Cena match could have been better, more hyped and Cena should have won. We all know that he was the right person in this feud. He said that Rock was more into the movies and money which has been proved and all Rock could comeback with was lame jokes. Rocky won the match at mania and what did he do after that... make G.I joke.

3. He coulf of had a better character but it was obvious he was getting somewhere. Loads of people have made an impression on their debut's but the commentaotrs and wrestlers kept on going on about how good he is and how he could be the future. Whennhave we seen the WWE locker room praise somone else that much? Even Taker embraced him after the match with Angle!

4. Between 13-15. I don't think they will let him break Flairs streak of most world championships and he is in no condition to reire right now. So they could give him some more shots for the belt(s) and maybe put him in major Feuds.

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