#1 Heel?

gotta go with DB on this one IMO he is not only the top heel but is also now the face of smackdown I was surprised when he lost at Extreme Rules. this is off topic but DB Sheamus match was amazing and stole the show. Even though he gets good pops he is still a heel and im praying wwe doesnt make him a face. I wish they never turned punk his SES gimmick was better than this whole best in the world crap espicially since anyone with a brain can see that that statement is completely false he's not even the best in the wwe
Daniel Bryan. His heel promos have been a highlight of their television shows for months now, and they've gotten him well over. His enthusiasm for the heel role is infectious, and it doesn't hurt that he's the best wrestler in the company on top of that.
Wrestler wise, I think Daniel Bryan is over as a heel and his heel turn was rare in the fact that he didn't have to attack the top face of the company. Non-wrestler, I'd say Johnny Ace. After what he did to Cena last night, the entire audience booed him out of the building. Heck, even Cole (who's a fan of John Laurinaitis) was shocked and was wondering "What's wrong with him?!"
I like Cody Rhodes. He's one of those Superstars who gets plenty of heat from the WWE Universe.
are there really heels and faces? I mean yea, you have "guys who act good" and "guys who act bad" and their reactions generally reciprocate that. In the attitude era, you still had heels and faces, the scale was just pushed more to the "bad guy" side for everyone. The good guys had a bad side and the bad guys were cowardly and evil through and through.

Now is such a unique time because the audience rarely agrees. Through most of history, wrestling fans have generally agreed on what is a heel and what is a face (by that I mean, in 1998, we all agreed Steve Austin=good guy, McMahon=bad guy, in 1988 Hogan=good guy, Ted Dibiase=bad guy). Now that isn't really the case. Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, and Dolph Ziggler get some cheers with their boos, Cena gets 50/50, but then you have some "heels" who get boos like Ace and some "faces" who get cheers like Punk.

Really a unique time. I'd say the wrestler best at being a heel is Daniel Bryan. He's really smart in everything he does. He's cowardly but keeps enough credibility by being torturous (spelled wrong probably) in the ring.

Overall though, probably Ace.
Bryan is best heel right now, he is really good at getting under people's skin and upsetting them with his 25 YES! YES! YES! in a row, but i LOVE IT!!!
Big Johnny and Jericho are the two top heels as of right now. They pull it off so well and don't have to force it. They are both probably some of the nicest guys I have ever met but man when they have to put on their characters of arrogance, they succeed so well. I love both of them and the way they portray themselves. Simple genius if you ask me.
Regardless of the pops he's getting, Daniel Bryan is the one I'm enjoying the most.

I love everything he does. The "Yes" chant is the best wrestling phenomenon in a very long time. Also, he plays the role of a smarmy jerk who cares solely about himself very well. As Jack-Hammer alluded to, this was highlighted in his interactions with AJ and his complete lack of concern for her feelings or well being.

Now, if you asked me which heel is doing the best job, as much as I'm tired of his storyline, Laurinaitis is the correct answer. The fans absolutely despise this guy, he's a total fake ass corporate jerk and he plays that part to a tee, probably because it's what he is in real life. He gets nuclear heat every time he comes out and fans can't wait for someone to kick his teeth in.

Honorable mention to Eve who is right with him in terms of being a power crazed bitch and getting enormous amounts of heat right now.
In terms of who gets the best heel-reaction from a live crowd, it goes to John Cena each and every time. Even in a pro-Cena town, he usually gets more boo's than 90% of the heel roster. It's not a good or bad thing, necessarily, it just speaks to his incredibly popularity...

But as for who is the best ACTUAL heel -- meaning a guy that is supposed to go out there and get the crowd to hate him (altough I'm still not convinced that isn't their focus with Cena as well) -- I'd have to give this one to Mark Henry. That is, when he's not injured. If we're only counting active wrestlers, he's probably out, but Henry is the only guy to really go out there and get a pure heel reaction every time he hits the ring. He's big, mean, evil and he likes to inflict pain. Henry and Kane are the closest things you actually have to heels in the WWE right now, because they aren't getting face reactions like Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler does on a weekly basis. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they're not doing their job as a heel, which is usually to help get a major face over. The only reason I'm not considering Jericho is that he's lost every major match since returning, and it appears as if they crowd just don't give a single fuck anymore.

Now if you throw in managers and on-air personalities, John Laurinaitis wins this competition hands down. A picture of the guy is shown, and the entire crowd erupts into boo's. He's come a long way, developed an actually character -- the character intentionally sucks, but I swear to god it's there -- and is a genuine heel personality in the WWE. I actually like what they've been doing with him and Eve.
The best heel in the business today is without a doubt Jinder Mahal! Just kidding, i would have to go with Johnny Ace simply because he generates heat before he even gets onto subject matter, his announcement of his name and job title gains massive heat and is pure gold. Which other current heel gets heat from announcing their name in the wwe today?

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