#1 Heel?

Nick Black

The Heel God

Who do you think is/are the best heel(s) in the WWE right now?

Vicki Guererro is still painful to watch and or listen to, so she's definitely one of the top.

Chris Jericho remains my favorite wrestler and one of the best heels. But since he came back, he's had to really force the heat. Usually, it's pure and original, but he has literally been working with creative to get the heat that he needs for the Punk feud.

I love Y2J too but I'm going to go with somebody full-time and opt for Cody Rhodes.

He is on an absolute role, generates a tremendous response from the crowd, is excellent on the mic, has developed into a very interesting character and is great in the ring. He has had a phenomenal year and carried the recent fued with Big Show on his back, providing hugely entertaning promo segments and in spite of the loss at Wrestlemania still looks strong. It seems like only a matter of time until he is given a sustained run in the main event, he is the complete package.

I love Miz and Dolph Ziggler too and think they both have a stellar future as main-event level heels too, they certainly have all the tools. WWE's treatment of them lately however, justifies my selction of Rhodes as #1 at the moment.
Lauranitis is easily the #1 heel. He is boring and dastardly. The crowd hates when he comes out and hates everything he does. As an example, they are using Lauranitis to try and win back Cena fans and aligning him with Brock to help Brock get over as a heel. Unfortunately in today's wrestling, due to all the entitled smarkiness in the crowd and the lifting of the curtain it is really difficult for the wrestlers to really get over as heel (face too). We are too busy admiring them for their craft instead of judging them on their character (see Jericho, Chris).

When it comes to the wrestlers I don't know of any that get a proper heel reaction. Daniel Bryan is probably the worst "heel" of all time. Lesnar may get more heat after the shit promo from Monday. Guys like Cody, Swagger and Dolph may get mostly a negative reaction but it doesn't seem to be much of a reaction. Miz was a very good heel about a year ago but he has lost it. I could see Otunga getting a lot of heat but he seems to fail at being over as a competitor.
George Steele's Barber said:
Lauranitis is easily the #1 heel. He is boring and dastardly. The crowd hates when he comes out and hates everything he does.

I completely agree. His monotone voice and complete lack of charisma make him the best heel in the WWE right now. Heel GMs usually generate great heat, and Johnny Ace is doing a terrific job at it. I'm interested to see what happens as his stable gains more power.
I can see the point about Laurinaitis being the top heel, but as far as wrestlers go, there's no one like Chris Jericho. Usually, when a guy returns to WWE after having been gone a long time, he comes back as a face, at least for a while, because everyone is so happy to see him again.

Jericho didn't do that. He faked being thrilled to be back and, without saying a word, he played us all for fools and slipped immediately back into the heel persona he was using when he last left the company.

How many people could bring that off?
Jericho as a heel is boring. It can be new for some people who weren't watching in 2008-2009. Jericho did the same heel run in 2008 and 2009 and it was much better than what he is doing now. It would have been better if Jericho returned as a face.

As for the #1 Heel nowadays, in my opinion its Alberto Del Rio.
I completely forgot Johnny Ace. :p

He's the one of 2 people in the company everyone can't stand, and the other being Vickie Guererro. Laurinaitis exemplifies everything that people need to hate in a human being. Granted, he isn't a wrestler, but then again, neither is Ms. Guererro. There is just nothing other than hatred from most of the WWE Universe to these people, and as GSB said, they're more over (heel wise) than active superstars because the returned ones get the face treatment for as long as possible and the others are loved because of their in-ring ability. Thats why Rhodes isn't as over as he used to be, Miz has fallen off (mainly to storyline issues) and Swagger is just plain awful.
As for the #1 Heel nowadays, in my opinion its Alberto Del Rio.


Did you really just say that? A guy who still can't get heat unless he has Ricardo is the best heel? Wow.

If you disqualify Brock Lesnar, Vickie, and Johnny Ace, Jericho is really the only option left. DB is doing a great job these days but the face pops he gets sort of negates his heel persona. Jericho is one of those guys who the smarks love and who generally gets face pops even if he's playing a heel character, but he's been getting 99% boos ever since his feud with Punk started up. There's really no one else near him.
I don't know if this question means best heel of today or of all time, but if it's for today's heel, i have to say Cody Rhodes as a wrestler and Lauriniatis as a GM, because Rhodes is the type of heel that people want to see get the living hell beat out of him, and as a bad guy that's good because it means that he gets under people's nerves or skin, he's annoying ( character wise of course ), in other words, he's what a heel is suppose to be, and as an evil boss, Johnny Ace started slowly, but he has deffinitly come around and draws massive heat, and if it means #1 heel of all time, well, that's definitly a tough one, but one of them has to be Vince McMahon as the boss, i don't think i have to explain this one very much, and as wrestlers there is a lot to choose from, but one of them i think CM Punk has to be in that list, another ovious choise is Shawn Michales, he became the heel that people had to go see, specialy when he started DX, and speaking of DX, another awesome heel was Triple H, talk about a viscious, sadistic, evil son of a gun, and as a heel he's had some of the most memorable fueds......
Even though he gets a good amount of positive crowd reaction i'm going to say Daniel Bryan. With the attention being on him as of late i feel like it's helped his character develop. Seems like almost everything he does is entertaining. How he treats AJ to changing the name of his finisher to he "YES! Lock".
Jericho is still the best... the reason the Punk stuff seems forced is because its supposed to be... Smashing a bottle of Jack over the head of a non-drinker, challenging Punk's sobriety, its all stuff that I am sure Punk would rather not be having to air... but there is a clear element of payback in it... Punk wanted the big push, the perks... now he is having to do what creative want.... Jericho is doing a great job in selling himself as out to destroy Punk... and Punk a great job of being pissed off about Jericho's antics, cos he probably really is...
This is a tough one. Vickie gets the loudest amount of heat, but all she has to do is appear on stage and say EXCUSE ME for the millionth time and the crowd boos. For awhile I would say Miz is the top heel, but right now I'd say probably Dan Bryan. I hate him and his YES despite his skills in the ring.

He makes me hate him just like Kurt Angle used to. I respect his in ring work, but still despise him.

My favorite heels are Ziggler, Cody, and Wade. I'm just waiting for one of them to finally reach Main Event level and stay there. I'm hoping one of those 3 is World Champion before 2012 is through.

Jericho's recent return has been nothing short of a letdown (except for smashing a bottle of JD on Punk).
Without a doubt is Daniel Bryan. To me it's not even close. I haven't seen someone do so much with their character so successfully in god knows how long. He has been incredibly impressive. His promos with AJ are gold. The way he verbally berates her. His calculated body language. He's doing everything perfect.
*Tensai Voice* Johnny Ace Ichiban!!!!!

Yes mr.Power to the ppl has to be the top Heel,Yes Jericho is up there but i see him as only a guy taking whats his.Cody Rhodes is the next in line he going thru every thing the Miz went thru b4 he won the title(Can you say MONEY IN THE BANK).Miz And Dolph are seeing Face turns at some part of this year(due to brock Bitching the locker room)
Well, Jericho is the greatest heel of all time so Jericho obviously, but since hes leaving after this feud(most likely) and since I can't pick Lesnar I'll go with Rhodes.

He has grown into such a great heel over this past year and its just great to see a young guy achieve that kind of heat. I dunno if you can say hes #1 but he's definitely, in my opinion, the best heel in the WWE.
Johnny Ace is best for natural heat. Jericho is second for being that heel that 'goes there', but the reality he's a temp part time player. The long term guy is Cody Rhodes with the most upside. Daniel Bryan is going face soon so I wouldn't put him in that league. Del Rio is just too bland to be the companies top heel. Ziggler reeks of mid-card to be the top heel.
In order for Ziggler to be the best heel, which I believe in his future, he needs to have a title reign as a face. His turn back to heel would be great if they did it right with Zigglers personality.
Definitely Jericho! He really is killing Punk with these remarks about his family's abuse of drugs and alcohol. I think he really gained a ton of heat when he smashed the bottle across Punk's skull. I usually don't hate heels, but that even got me. Then continuously pouring beer on Punk's face, and calling him CM Drunk. You can't help but hate him! This is the perfect feud, and I think soon, Jericho is gonna get his!
Last Summer if you asked me I would have said Christian. I loved Christian until he hit Randy Orton with the belt and kept asking for one more match. I loved to hate him, but I loved him and respected his work at the same time. Please Christian, return for one more match!
Even though he does get a big face pop from lots of fans, I'm going with Daniel Bryan right now. For the past several months, Bryan has come off like a real, 100% douche. The fact that some of his most "spiteful" moments have been at AJ has only heightened that image. AJ, while hot of course, definitely has that look of "I'm a weak, innocent girl and I need someone to protect me from mean people" sort of gal. Also, her character persona is the sweet, down to earth, yet very hot girl next door thing. Couple those two things together, along with Bryan's delivery during his promos & the very mean things he's said to her, then you have a recipe to generate tons of heat.

On last Friday's SD!, Bryan did come out to a good number of pops. However, by the time the segment was over, he left out to VASTLY more boos than "Yes!" chants.

Big Johnny is also a viable candidate in my opinion. His delivery as the uncharismatic, cocky corporate executive that tries to paint himself as charismatic is spot on. He does come off every bit like the self-important coroprate asskisser and, if reports are true, it's mostly who he really is in real life.

However, I'm giving the edge to Bryan because his current character is such a departure from who he actually is in real life. Unlike JL, Bryan is really acting as something of a real opposite from who he is. I know he gets a lot of smark cheers but, that can't be helped, and it's not as if WWE has been trying to change Bryan's character to suit the face response he's gotten from some. Bryan hasn't become the "cool" heel. Also, aside from not really having to stretch himself, JL is a heel authority figure. It's the easiest thing in the world to hate heel authority figures, lawyers and corporate executives.
I'm liking Otunga currently, the whole Jericho/Punk this has run it's course for me, and I just isn't keeping me interested, however I am interested to see how the Otunga stooge gimick goes, hopefully a corrupt quick Us title run is in the works for MAJOR heat as he's taking it off a guy who's well over, it shouldn't be a full run as Santino actually deserve's it and as I said, is over.

Miz has probable been my fav next to Barret last year, I think he played his character well, as was getting legit heat. Miz is still one of my top, but he's currently in the dog house, and isn't interesting to watch, guess creative doesn't have much for him at the moment.
I'd honestly have to say that right now it's Kane.

We're not even half way through the year and Kane has already feuded with and gotten victories over both Randy Orton and John Cena. Once he feuds with Punk, he'll have had a program with every true star on the roster. He's a professional who knows how to put over the other guy and still look like a monster.

Although, I think the one thing WWE is missing is a true number 1 heel. I'm hoping that upon his return, Wade Barrett can step up his game and be that guy.
I'd give it to Vicki. She is consistently booed by the fans. A lot of the heels today are still liked by fans (jericho, lesnar, bryan....even johnny ace is growing on people). With Vicki, she is playing a heel, and gets the response she needs every time.

Did you really just say that? A guy who still can't get heat unless he has Ricardo is the best heel? Wow.

If you disqualify Brock Lesnar, Vickie, and Johnny Ace, Jericho is really the only option left. DB is doing a great job these days but the face pops he gets sort of negates his heel persona. Jericho is one of those guys who the smarks love and who generally gets face pops even if he's playing a heel character, but he's been getting 99% boos ever since his feud with Punk started up. There's really no one else near him.

Totally agree with the choice of Jericho. Done a great job getting a heel reaction against Punk. I am also a sucker for the whole alcohol storyline. I remember when Jerry Lawler poured "booze" down Jake the Snake's throat. I was a kid but knew it wasn't real alcohol, but such a dastardly thing for a heel to do. Jake was a recovering alcoholic in the storyline. I think he was trying to be straight in real life as well at the time. Jerry Lawler was the heel with no limits back then, he often would call out Bret Hart's mother and father during their feud. Jericho kind of reminds me of that, but with out the goofiness of the King. I compare the two also because King got mega heat back then. Jericho's character will stoop to anything to get ahead, and I think he has been playing his heel role perfectly.
I'm going to have to say Jericho and Cody. I mean the fued with Pink now is really good its really differnt but it a change or the norm. ( I remeber they did this with Hall in WCW and Hall came out drunk to wrestle and he really wasnt). And also Cody and Show have been really great. Its good to be serous and have a little comedy in it.

For the person who said Alberto, really he only been back for like 2 weeks and he put him as the #1 heel, I dont understand your thinking. He just cant get over as a heel, not kncoking his wrestling though just the gimmick/character

I can not agree with Ziggler either. His gimmck is Cody's old gimmick where he is really into himself. I never cared for the narcissist gimmick either with Cody or Lex. Its just comes off weird. Kinda like the scene from silence of the lambs where is Buffalo Bill is dressing himself up in the mirror.(do i need to go any further, if you seen it you know what i mean, if not Im sorry.) I wouldnt mind if it was more of a Mr Perfect gimmick were he shows off in the promos at sports or something. I mean he does sit ups, but swagger has always done the pushups so its just a bit off of swagger.

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