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1-18-08 or Cloverfield

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

This looks awesome. Nobody knows if it's a monster movie or a natural disaster movie or alien flick. No title. I'm really intrigued by this. I cant wait. I've heard rumours that it could be a new Godzilla film. But I doubt it. The last was was complete shite.
OMG! that looks awsome

I think its more likely to be a monster movie than a natural disaster film.

Can't wait for more trailers to come out
I did a little research and found out it is def a monster movie. In the trailer you hear the person run by saying "It's huge, It's alive" so there you go. The viral marketing right now is sick because no one even knows what its called but already it has a huge buzz. theres a few net rumors about it that Ethanhaaswasright.com has something to do with it as well as slusho.com. Could be BS but it has my interest piqued.
This is either going to be really good or really bad.

Something I've learned as a moviegoer/amateur movie buff is that you can't go into any movie with expectations that are too high. Everytime I do that I end up disappointed.

This movie could be all hype.

But it could also be genius (I love Abrams so I'd like to lean towards this one, but then I'd tell you to go read the first paragraph again). A monster/alien/war/whatever movie told from the perspective of the people throughout the entire movie, I dig that.

But we'll see I guess, i will see this. Interesting concept but I'm really afraid it could end up being all hype.
Yeah I've been extremely excited for this movie ever since me and the entire theater had no idea what we just saw when the trailer aired for it at a screening of The Transformers.

However 1-18-08 is not the real name of the film, its just the release date. No actual name for the film has been released oddly, but all over the internet it is commonly known as "Cloverfield" (don't ask me why, I don't remember).

The hype I don't really like though...I mean you can tell they're being vague about everything on purpose just to build hype, I mean jesus people are going INSANE online trying to find out clues of what the monster is, going so far as to watch the trailer and think about whether there are secret messages in walls and bottles.

That being said though, I'm still excited for this big time.

Then again though...don't forget this is from the same man who brought us freaking Armageddon.

God...that was seriously the worst movie, ever. Ever.
I rolled my eyes when I saw it. Yay, another movie that involves something destroying New York City. Honestly, the disaster movies are getting too old for me anymore and this movie showed no interest to me.

It's going by Project Cloverfield, but the rumored title is Monsterous. It won't be Godzilla, because he is owned in America by Sony/Columbia, and this movie is from Paramount. Plus., this movie is being released in January, so it tells me this movie is just going to be shit.
Now there are all these theories being thrown around that it might be a Godzillia movie, or some kind of monster movie but I heard something interesting tonight a theory I have never heard before. It is kind of out there imo but here it is.

So tonight I was listening to this guy on the radio on my way home for work and he said there is a theory going around it is a new Ghostbusters movie, which isn't a bad idea. They show New York and the Statue of Liberty in it and thats whats in the the trailer. Then here is where the plot deepens. Up until a month ago IMDB had a page for Ghostbuster 3 and now it is gone. Kind of interesting theory imo..
ghostbusters 3 could be quite funky! but I do have high hopes for this. the trailer doesn't show much and it could still end up bin really cheesey
ghostbusters 3 could be quite funky! but I do have high hopes for this. the trailer doesn't show much and it could still end up bin really cheesey

If it ends up being Ghostbusters 3 I think alot of people will be pissed.. I just think it is intresting this movie is drawing all this hype and no one knows waht it is
As far as theories on whether it will be Godzilla, it cant be. Godzilla is owned by TriStar, thus Paramount couldnt make it. Same goes for Ghostbusters. A nice little Fun Fact for all of you though: Have you happened across the Myspace page of one, Rob Hawkins? Him and all his top friends, who happen to reside in NY, all finally gave in and joined Myspace according to their "About Me" sections.
Do we even know who is directing this? because if we do then you can run a search on that person and try and find out more info for it.

Is there anymore trailers out for it yet?
It's not going to be Ghostbusters 3. It's going to be something completely and totally original- and this is straight from the mouth of JJ Abrams himself when he appeared at ComicCon.

Also, the title will NOT be Monstrous, although that is a tag line in one of a series of posters that was released at the same convention.
Well they finally released a full trailer

I have no fucking audio in my office so i have no idea what they're saying but the movie looks cool.

It's officially named Cloverfield now and it's dired by JJ Abrahms i think (he created lost)


On the 1-18-08.com page they added a picture of a Japanese chef holding a decent-sized omelet. If you wave your mouse over the pictures they flip over and this one in particular has a bunch of Japanese characters on it. I work for an asian-based company and asked a fellow hot co-worker of mine about it, and she said on the back of the picture is the recipe for that very omelet. FYI
Here's some more stuff i dug up while I'm supposed to be working. The website Slusho.jp is apparently part of a viral marketing campaign for the movie. Some have said it isn't related but see for yourself. Go to this webpage! It is a trip! Apparently Slusho is an "addictive" frozen drink made in Asia with various flavors/mixes. When I clicked on "company history" it tells you about how some deep sea scientists have found a new "ingredient" on the bottom of the ocean floor never seen before. We already new that the monster in this movie comes from the ocean so maybe the deep sea researchers f*ck something up down there. If you click on Slusho Distibution opportunities it says their parent company is "TAGRUATO CORP" -http://tagruato.jp/profile.php This is another interesting page as TAGRUATO CORP is a deep sea drilling company with stations all over the world. One of their "articles" talks about the "Slusho girls" bringing the drinks to animal control centers and how the animal can't stop drinking this stuff. Lots of weird possibilities with that.

All in all, if this is a viral campaign for the movie, I've obviously got the virus. If anyone is at all interested in seeing the movie when it comes out I recommend checking this shit out. or some may think this stuff has nothing to do with the movie. Any ideas out there?
I guess I'm the only person interested in this movie but oh well. It looks pretty nutty and I hope the 'Blair witch' style of filming holds up throught the movie.

Check this- IGN interview w/Abrahms and a 5 min clip.
It's Big, It's huge!

I might be more interested in it, if I saw more trailers for it, so far I've only seen one, and it didn't really grasp on attention, and right now there are so many other great movies I have my eye on, this one just gets lost in the shuffle
I guess I'm the only person interested in this movie but oh well. It looks pretty nutty and I hope the 'Blair witch' style of filming holds up throught the movie.

Check this- IGN interview w/Abrahms and a 5 min clip.
It's Big, It's huge!

My friend, you are definitely NOT the only person interested in this movie. Not by a long shot. Ever since July when I saw the first trailer, I have been anxiously anticipating the arrival of Cloverfield. And I can assure you when January 18th comes around, I am going to be there.

This movie is going to be something else.
Oh.. and Justin.. there are two trailers out. I'm not sure which one you've seen, though. The original was shown with Transformers and the second one was shown with Beowulf.
I have to admit.. I find it so funny that so many people are bashing JJ for this project.. a lot of speculation that amongst all the marketing, it's going to be a sub-par film.

I'm willing to bet that on January 19th, there are gonna be some wide-eyed, slack-jawed moviegoers that are going to be on the boards posting a very similar message.

"JJ did it... the son of a bitch pulled it off..."

Right before they get in the car to head down to the local cinema to see it again.
Hmm........ women expand and explode when they get bitten. This movie could be the next Species.

Personally I'm highly looking forward to this movie, If JJ Abrams plays his cards right, Cloverfield could be the next big monster movie phenomenon since The Host was released in 2005.
Hmm........ women expand and explode when they get bitten. This movie could be the next Species.

Personally I'm highly looking forward to this movie, If JJ Abrams plays his cards right, Cloverfield could be the next big monster movie phenomenon since The Host was released in 2005.

The movie was good. Not very good. Not really good. Not the best monster flick out there, but it probably did breath life into it.

And by the way (this is spoiler free) it's an open ending. There is a shit load of room for the sequel.

I went to a special screening btw, it was so packed the opened the theater next to it so people could see it.
Well, its finally here! Saw it this afternoon and i thought it rocked. The filming style had my stomach turning at points but i was really hung over and you get used to it. I dug the monster and fyi, it is not the 'whale monster' thats been flowing around the net. Good movie, few holy shit moments, and some funny parts here and there. go see it
Wow. Am I the only person who thought this movie sucked? It was easily the worst movie I have ever seen. It pretty much visually raped me, and I just sat there and took it. This is the only movie that I have ever been to that everybody boo'd when it ended. But I would like to know where they got that camera at, it could endure anything.

I would give it -5 stars. It was terrible.

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