00's Region - 3rd Round - That 70’s Show vs It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

That 70’s Show vs It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

  • That 70’s Show

  • It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner

00's Region - 3rd Round - That 70’s Show vs It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia




Note: Although That 70’s Show began in 1998, we have included it in the 00’s region.
I voted for That 70’s Show because it is another one of those great shows that can bridge a generation gap with how it's funny to us in the younger crowd and those who remember the 70's can enjoy it too. Very easy choice here.
After seeing Sunny I have to vote for it here. This is now one of my favorite shows after seeing the first season. 70s show was good but it can't hold a candle to Sunny
If Sunny does not go through here, I may kill everyone.

Seriously speaking though, It's Always Sunny is just a fantastic show. I had never seen the show before this tournament and on the advice of people bitching about not knowing what we were voting for, I decided to watch the first season. From then on, it has given me tremendous laughs. It is brilliantly witty and it is my kind of humour. That being said, I hated That 70's Show. I thought it was vastly overrated and unfunny. Of course, many people have tried to convince me otherwise but I certainly feel the same way now as I did when it first aired. I have tried multiple times to sit down and watch it but I just don't like it. It failed to capture my imagination and Sunny did in less attempts. It's a great show and should win here.
I know this is going to sound crazy. I've hardly seen any of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and I really didn't care for it. I'm surprised I didn't. Now that I have that off my chest. I'm still voting for it. Because even with the awesomenss that is Red Foreman, That 70's show is just horrible. I can't believe it made it this far. Truly a shock to me. Do me, and everyone else a favor, and just get it the fuck out of this tourny.
I like That 70's show and all, but it can't compete with the awesomeness that is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I"ve never really watched it until people started raving about it in the Bar room and all, and since then I've been hooked. Danny Devito is still funny as fuck to this day, and everyone else on the show cracks me up. I know I could just use the Mila Kunis is on That 70's Show and get away voting for it, but not even her goddess like beauty can keep it going in this tournament.
Philadelphia will probably win this, but That 70's Show has always been one of my favorites. That show entertained the hell out of me, even up to the very end despite all of the cast changes.

I like Philadelphia, it's a great show, but I can't vote against a show that's entertained me longer like That 70's Show

That 70's Show's popularity even directly influenced the creation of That 80's Show, though That 80's Show was a failure, I've yet to see Philadelphia achieve that kind of success.
For the love of god people vote Sunny here. I don't think it's the best show in the world. In fact, I've only seen a few episodes of it. However, I've seen enough to know that it's a very good show and something different from most anything you see on TV nowadays.

That 70s Show? Quite shit, actually. Several of the main characters aren't likeable at all, and the whole show itself is nothing but average. No way it should beat Sunny here.
I liked that 70s show as a youngster, as did my family, so it was quite easy to enjoy it. In fact, I made sure I watched it every week when it was on, and I even remember watching the finale at my girlfriends house before Prom. So I am voting for it here, over a show I watched some of, but never fell in love with.
I really liked that 70's show but for me it got reallly old really fast. On the other hand It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is quite new and it is really funny so my vote goes to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Had to go with It's Always Sunny. I don't watch it often, but when I do I end up laughing my ass off. Danny Devito is a funny fuck on that show. I always felt that That 70's Show was overrated. I never saw the appeal to it, and while it had some funny parts, mainly being Red, that is about it. Vote for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
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