Recent content by ThAwRe$tLiNgGaWd

  1. T

    Seth Rollins Turns On The Shield, Joins Evolution & Speculation on 3rd Shield member

    Saw this coming a mile away folks... if you remember WWE botched Rollins turn a few months back when he walked out on the Shield mid-match and then all of a sudden it was like "just kidding" or something. Everyone thought it was going to be Ambrose turning. Seems like they can never make up...
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    **Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

    The Rock today sucks on the mic, to me he's stale and repetitive. Sure he can "captivate" the crowd and blah blah blah but he's terrible with coming up with any new material... he's like a one-trick pony of sorts. I think since Rock came back on Valentine's Day I've heard the words "most...
  3. T

    How about Wrestlemania 30 in 2 Locations?!

    According to Wikipedia: One Night Only, Capital Carnage, No Mercy, Rebellion and Insurrextion were all PPV's held in London, England. With Rebellion and Insurrextion both running three consecutive years. All fantastic PPV's I might add...
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    His best WWE Feud~ John Cena

    His greatest fueds by far has come with Edge, those guys tore down the house many of nights. Lots of memorable stuff there, but I too liked his fued with Carlito in 2004 for the US Title... back when he was the Doc. Can't mess with a pissed off Cena!
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    How Do You Perceive R-TRUTH?

    I have said this before in previous Truth bashing threads... he sucks, plain and simple. I have never quite figured him out when it comes to his character. He has the same tired ass gimmick he had as K-Kwik and he is shit in the ring, still. He's stiff as hell, can't sell a move and I agree with...
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    Triple H fan appreciation Night.

    Pasty! Great, now we have two human jars of mayonaise. First off, H has to let the facial hair grow back... if you look at pic #20 of 22 you can actually catch a faint glimpse of what Trips will look like in 10-15 years (if he lives that long, and his heart don't go ka-blooey). I think...
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    What Will Kane Be Most Remembered For?

    The obvious choices would be the monstrous, intimidating 'Big Red Machine' persona or the epic battles with The Undertaker throughout his career. Both are worthwhile accomplishments to look back on once a career is over. Unfortunately, two things that will always stick out in my mind when it...
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    Who was Edge traded for???

    And exactly what website was this?? Because I'm pretty sure there is no such site as CM Punk coming over would be a jack-move for Raw. I think Raw is fine and they don't need the help right now because there would be nothing for him to do atm...
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    Laycool talking during the match

    I'm always so used to pushing the fast forward button when the divas come out that I actually had to go back and watch the segment (and yes I call it a segment because that was no match) to see what the fuss was about. Damn, that's what you call a hot mess, and I'm not talking hot as in Laycool...
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    Dibiase Admirer

    When Goldust came out and started making love to the Million Dollar belt I orginally thought hey, maybe this is the way to give Goldie his last "title run", but it will most likely end up using him to help elevate DiBiase and give the belt a little more meaning than just a prop thrown over his...
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    So, When exactly is John Morrison...

    I agree with Ferbie on this one. He is a mid-carder for life, but I will take it step further and say that needs to drop the whole Jim Morrison act altogether and find a decent gimmick if he want to elevate himself. The big oversized dead animal coat and hippie music has to go as well as the...
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    *OFFICAL EXCLUSIVE*: Top WWE Star Considering Retirement; Details

    It's hard to say who is going to retire and who is not. The article stated that this person has multiple outlets outside the wrestling world and would quit the business altogether. To me, quitting the business altogether would mean that they never want to return or have any association with...
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    With a new WWE logo confirmed, are we guarenteed a new WWE Championship Design?

    The new tag titles look ridiculous, they almost look like they are made of copper or something. What's up with the spartan heads?! Are we now referring to wrestlers as gladiators?! I guess that should squash the talk of a new wwe logo coming out anytime soon, I don't think they would make new...
  14. T

    Is HBK low on money?

    pretty simple. he has a new reality television show, he's gotta plug it and get out the word out to the christian, kid loving community. maybe he'll show up in his fat man suit for an extra 50 bucks!
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    Will we see the "great one" tonight?

    My guess is that he could possibly be the last member of Team Raw after Hart is taken out, because you know there is no physical way Hart can go in a match like this. Nexus takes out Hart again, Cena enlists the help of The Rock and he becomes the last member of the team. Rock said he had...