Recent content by Bad Booking

  1. B

    **MERGED** CM Punk Time Off Thread. (Keep it all here!)

    I don't think Punk is leaving. He's had quite an emotional roller-coaster ride as the workhorse of the WWE. Year as champ and attraction, will wear ANYONE out. I think he needs to recharge his batteries and take a deep breath. Good times are coming again.
  2. B

    Has The Undertaker's Streak Become A Parody Of Itself?

    Undertaker's streak should be like some exploitation movie. Giants, midgets, D-X, Evolution.... All handled in an extreme unreal ridiculous fashion. "I'll make you famous....UP YOUR ASS!"
  3. B

    WWE PG, Attitude & All Other "Eras" Thread

    Ladies and gentlemen, it's been revised! This piece inadvertently exposed my blog to this forum and gave it a good bump in traffic. I thank you all tremendously for it! And now it's been slightly revamped/updated. I hope you all...
  4. B

    **MERGED** WWE DVD Discussion & Review Thread (Keep it in here!)

    For All Mankind: Life and Career of Mick Foley is coming out in two weeks! If you pre-order at Amazon, you get a free limited-edition Mr. Socko puppet! And those pre-orders are CHEAPER than the regular versions!!!!! :lmao:
  5. B

    It needs to step back in time, not forward in time, to learn from the past.

    People's styles are only as good as the mission they are trying to accomplish. It's one thing to establish character. It's another to create a ring-style. While I think the current roster has some really good movesets, they can as other people noted, go back to the video vaults and study on how...
  6. B

    Rumoured Chris Jericho vs Ryback for WM29

    Personally not a fan of this. Chris Jericho should have a match at WrestleMania with a man to his caliber. Ziggler would be perfect for this. Ryback, while I think Jericho could help him, needs a WrestleMania moment that would solidify him. Perfect solution would be Big Show. Short and...
  7. B

    Steve Austin criticizes new era wrestlers

    The big thing with talent is that everything WWE does to them is in-house. There is no real territory system where the younger talent can travel, hone their skills, and then become a player. Also, with the development system, all the new guys are given forced gimmicks that may or may not be a...
  8. B

    Bret Hart calls out Triple H, says HHH vs Taker at Mania 28 was mediocre....

    I know Bret had several massive brain injuries in the early 2000's, including a stroke. Most of Triple H's GREAT work happened during that time. He needs to investigate YouTube like the rest of the world, and perhaps his mind might change a little. He's not all move set I understand, but the...
  9. B

    WWE General Complaints Thread

    I made this blog post with this particular thread in mind. Please read it: The subject is WWE's hankering for outsourcing the main programs of WrestleMania. Whether it is to celebrities or superstars of...
  10. B

    **MERGED** WWE Hall of Fame 2013 Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

    Couldn't be happier about the pick. Perfect place to do it since this was where Mick as a teenager found his true calling in life, when Snuka did a leap of faith. I even did a blog entry on the subject:
  11. B

    **MERGED** WWE DVD Discussion & Review Thread (Keep it in here!)

    The WWF and WWE came to an agreement that the WWE can allow past footage to be uncensored. It's like you can use Attitude stuff without censoring, but Roddy Piper can't show up on TV today and say I am a member of the WWF. That being said, there are still some weird blurs on RAW 100. They are...
  12. B

    Should the WWE bring back the CLASSIC Steel Cage?

    WWE shouldn't bring the old cages. Sure they had a novelty value, plus the Bret/Owen one was indeed a classic, but they were stiff and could have potentially injured a lot of people. I cringe every time someone takes an Irish Whip into a cage and the cage doesn't budge one iota.
  13. B

    WWE PG, Attitude & All Other "Eras" Thread

    As a non-member I accidentally created a thread here when someone discovered my blog and created a solidly productive PG discussion. If anyone wants to check the article in question, here it is: (Some points maybe out of date, but I'm...
  14. B

    She said No Disqualification When She Meant No Holds Barred!! What an idiot!

    I was at the show, and seriously, that was the least of my personal experience concerns. At the Mid-Hudson Civic Center, you have the seats on the floor, and the seats on the bleachers. Once in a while they'll put seats on the stage. Sadly I got seats on the stage. I don't have a...
  15. B

    **MERGED** WWE DVD Discussion & Review Thread (Keep it in here!)

    There are two incredibly huge factors on why they're not doing it: 1. Blurring. Talking about anything 1998-2002, it would take an incredible amount of time to properly edit the footage. 2. Royalties: With Doug Somers' latest lawsuit in the woodwork, this could potentially derail any future...