Recent content by B Negreanu

  1. B

    The Undertaker & Wrestlemania XXX

    I do agree with the fellow comments here, Bray Wyatt is simply overrated. Yes, one of the worst matches in WWE history during Summerslam. Yes, his gimmick is cheesy and his promos are unbearable to watch without cringing and wondering 'why am I watching this?' Yes, he should not even...
  2. B

    An Improved Randy Orton?

    I agree! This Randy Orton character is my favourite for this current era, just really entertaining and edgy.
  3. B

    2001 Invasion Angle Discussion

    HOLY FUCK. That would have been so epic. Hogan VS Austin Austin VS Goldberg NWO VS DX All three of these matches can headline their own fucking wrestlemania.
  4. B

    Goldberg - if he came back for 1 year only?

    I wish Goldberg can come back with his old self, but Goldberg is 46 and he has shrunk too much to be believable as a threat.
  5. B

    Bo Dallas: No, More Bo!

    God damn it. That's why looks matter, no matter in attraction or the wrestling business. Fcking Bo Dallas's face is just unbearable, it gives me an uncomfortable, excruciating disgusting feeling like no other. And, that is why if WWE made him a super goofy cheesy face like Cena, he would...
  6. B

    I Don't Get Christian

    This has to be the best, most entertaining article I have read in wrestlezone history. F*cking loved it, so true. Unbelievably, we both are Mark Henry fans, now Mark Henry, ladies and gentlemen, is a truly believable heel unlike Stickman Christian
  7. B

    The Miz is Awesome

    Rubbish, pointless thread. The Miz is good, but he sucks now because he is being restricted on the mic.
  8. B

    Is the WWE Live Crowd Ruining WWE?

    umadbro? Mason Ryan= Batista Tensai= Albert Ryback= Goldberg Bray Wyatt= Husky Harris umadbro? Why didn't you complain when the crowd was chanting stupid shit during the RAW after WM 29?