Your first gaming system?

mine first ever game console was NINTENDO back in 1996 ... Super Mario Bros was my first ever non cd game i've played ... right now i have ps3
back in the day the first system we had was the NES with mario bros/duckhunt and light gun (my parents bought it on launch) haha what good times that was
My first video game console was the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Otherwise known as the SNES.

After I got that console, I was a Nintendo fan for life, and I've only owned Nintendo systems form that day.
Sega Mega Drive or Master System whichever one of them two has "Alex The Kid" pre installed into the system...........they were the days.
My first gaming system was the Nintendo Entertainment System (not Super Nintendo) It was the first of its kind and I remember playing Mario on it for many hours never getting board it was really fun. Now games seem to be short and sweet and you want more or they seem to be long and boring.
My first system was the N64. I had asked for it for christmas one year, and didn't recieve it, so begged for it the next year... And when I got it the next year, I freaked out. About ten minutes later, I found out the "truth" about Santa... What a best Christmas Ever!
First one was the NES and it came wit Super Mario Bros. 3. I played the shit outta that thing for over two years until my mom broke down & got me a Sega Genesis. Oh the memories..
The first gaming system I ever owned was the good old commodore 64. I had so many games for the damn thing I can't even remember them all. I still to this day have the thing but it's broke and wouldn't even know where to take it to get it fixed.

The first console system I got was the orignal nintendo system. That was the greatest christmas I ever had. Everyone since then has just been a disappointment. I can still remember riding my bike up to movie store to rent nes games for 2 bucks. Those were the days.....
I started my long and storied life as a gamer on the snes. For its time it was freaking amazing. I started out wiht mario kart and have been hooked on nintendo ever since. Some of its games were very hit or miss, but for stuff like mario and zelda, you simply can't go wrong.
Me and my bro used to play the hell outta the SNES. We played Super Mario Bros and Capcom Soccer 24/7. He used to beat the hell out of me at it, but after awhile, I was better and i still am today. One Day he actually beat me at it, and he was so excited, he grabbed my head, and yelled "YA, SUCK IT!"
But I'm still way better than him at it.
Well I played my brother's NES and Super NES, but I remember not asking for it, but on Christmas waking up and getting a Sega Genesis. I played Sonic for about a month straight. I think about it now, I know mu parents love the joy on my face as I found out my dad went to 5 different states just to get me the Sega.
Atari 2600. I had Asteroids, Pacman, Defender, Donkey Kong. Back then, the damn system was like 100 bucks and the games were like 60. You got a controller with a huge, penis-like, joystick and one button.

What pisses me off is after all the money I had spent on those games, you can download the ROMS of every single 2600 game and play them on your computer via an emulator. This is all free now.

I actually remember those games fondly, even though the graphics were the shits. The boxing was just two gloves fighting each other! :D LOL! Combat was a great two player though.
Atari 2600. I had Asteroids, Pacman, Defender, Donkey Kong. Back then, the damn system was like 100 bucks and the games were like 60. You got a controller with a huge, penis-like, joystick and one button.

What pisses me off is after all the money I had spent on those games, you can download the ROMS of every single 2600 game and play them on your computer via an emulator. This is all free now.

I actually remember those games fondly, even though the graphics were the shits. The boxing was just two gloves fighting each other! :D LOL! Combat was a great two player though.

Oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about! :p Pacman and Donkey Kong for me. I loved both games dearly. Especially Pacman.

I have no idea how much it cost, because I was like 7 or so when I got mine. Naturally I didn't buy it, my Parents did. Looking back on that system now, from what we have in today's world.. its no wonder my 40+ yr. old brother wants nothing to do with learning how to play an Xbox 360 game, or even a PS2 game.. because the controllers are far beyond the penis-like one button crap that Atari had.

The regular NES was also one of the first true systems I remember having, because the Atari I had broke down almost within the first few monthes of having it. For NES, it was definately Super Mario 2.. I still have nightmares about one portion of that game, where you're leaping over water and I swear there are dinosaurs involved.
Atari - loved it with Snake, Space Invaders, Pac Man ahhh the good old days when gaming as simpler.

Also had the NES and SNES. WrestleMania for the NES was amazing - loved it

And...The SEGA Megadrive and Saturn with Street Fighter were amazing

Can't remember exactly but on of those were my first console
my family used to go over to my uncle's every weekend to have dinner when I was really young, and he had the NES with the original Duck Hunt and the laser gun that came with it. I think he also had Zelda and Super Mario Bros. 2. When I turned 8 or something, my parents got me a Playstation. My dad won it at an auction, and it came in a package with Twisted Metal 2, and a TM2 t-shirt. I played the SHIT out of that game (if anybody's played this, you know what I'm talking about when I say Hong Kong scared the shit out of me). When I turned 11, I got a PS2 with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, and racked up a fairly big collection of games until I got my PS3 last September. Now I don't even use my PS2 because the PS3 basically has a built in PS2 (internal memory cards, HDMI full-screen support, PS2 online), plus everything the PS3 has to offer.
My first gaming system. Hmm *Thinks*

My first gaming system must have been the playstation, yeah I remember I played all sorts of stuff on that. Endless hours of my life wasted.....good times. Lets see, there were like space invaders, and shooting games, star wars shit, racing shiht.....all good stuff. I always find video games entertaining, I don't know why, but they are really enjoyable.
PS2, I went a while just playing computer games until I was 12. Then the system broke down in just 2 years and had to get the slimmer version which still is running efficiently to this day.
Commodre 64 which I shared with my sister, the first console I could really call my own was the Sega Megadrive(which I still have and play now and again!)

First game for that was Sonic, as it came free with the console! :p

Only game I can remember from the 64 was a wierd Spy Game, just remeber having to parachute into a palce, till the bloody thing stalled and it was a case of reload the damn cassette
the very first gaming system i ever had was the playstation. original playstation. i remember playing area 51, spyro: riptos rage, mega man x4 and a dave mirra game all the time! i think we sold it for about 20 bucks, but we kept most of the games for it. still play some of em too.
I actually wasn't allowed to have video games for a LONG time; my father was extremely against them. Course, once my parents got divorced, my mom went ahead and bought us an N64. This was 1999 I believe, so I was 10 when I got my first system. I remember my first two games were Chameleon Twist and Diddy Kong Racing. Chameleon Twist I managed to beat in about two or three months; Diddy Kong Racing I was never quite able to finish.

I still have it, having survived two moves and a flood, but rarely play it. Only on those nostalgic days were I feel like playing No Mercy or Super Smash Bros.
The first ever Nintendo. I loved the original Mario game & duck hunting game which both were bad ass.
I've played games all the way back to the NES, but the first system I ever owned, myself, is my PlayStation 3, followed about 9 months later by my Xbox 360. (11 games for PS3, 3 games for 360. About to be 11/4 with KillZone 2 and Star Ocean 4)

But I've played lots of SNES, N64, PS1, and PS2 (My brother either owned them or we shared them).
My first ever gaming system was the NES. It came with a Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet combo cartridge, along with the gun for Duck Hunt and the running pad for World Class Track Meet.
We had an ancient system (I don't even know which one, but I think Sega) when I was very young, but the only games we had were Rocky and Duck Hunt. I liked Duck Hunt.
When I was like 13 or so we got an N64. My games of choice were Mario Party 3 and Mario Kart. Soon after getting the N64, they stopped making games for them, and you can only play so much Mario Party. Needless to say, I got bored and stopped playing.
I kind of got away from games after that. I've only really enjoyed one game since that point, and it's Fable on TM's Xbox. That game is freaking awesome.

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