Your assistance is needed, for a sig battle!

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
It's that time again, the time where YOU, the people of Wrestlezone, decide the categories for a sig battle!

This time, I have been challenged by red-hot rookie (and excellent graphics artist) SalvIsWin. We've decided to put our SKILLZ to the test and do WAR! The force of our collision will explode your kidneys!

This time, instead of doing straight categories, we've decided to do something a little different. We've decided that the five challenges will be pictures, selected by the general public. It will be interesting to see who does what with each picture.

It would be best if you got the images from here or here, as the ones on this site are pre-cut, but any image that tickles your fancy will do. If nominating one from those two sites, link the page. We will decide the five best and then EXPLODE with BURNING RAMPAGES OF ART.

So post your nominations here!
Use your TOO MANY LIES pic.


A TOO MANY LIES sig would actually be hilarious. That's definitely a category.
Just so you know, I don't condone this behavior. You should find another outlet to settle your differences. But if you challenge me I will beat anybody's ass to a square shape.
Please provide links to the renders, or the actual images in your posts. Makes it easier, y'see.
This isn't a render but it should be really easy to render it personally.

Some really good render entries thus far.

This isn't a render but it should be really easy to render it personally.


You're right, that is easy to render. The image quality on that picture is very good also, would make for an interesting signature!
Seriously. Sig this. Show what you're really made of.
Make it say "We don't horse around, bitch!"

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