You Owe Daniel Bryan An Apology

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
For weeks now, Daniel Bryan has been on fire. Week in, week out, he's been kicking heads in, making fools tap out and just generally whooping the shit out of people. The crowds have also been on fire, regardless of the city, state or country - entire arenas have been up on their feet, chanting "Yes!" in unison.

All things considered, I think you owe Daniel Bryan an apology. You who doubted the value of this 'indie darling' to the WWE. You who said Daniel Bryan didn't have the charisma to be a success in the big leagues. Definitely you who claimed that Daniel Bryan could never get over as a 'serious' wrestler, as a submission specialist, as a man who kicked people's heads in. How you mocked those that claimed Bryan should be allowed to sell himself as a submission wrestler! How you picked on those that said his hard-hitting, chain-wrestling style wouldn't translate! How you belittled those that believed in what would happen if Bryan Danielson were let off the chain!

Daniel Bryan has been bending limbs, kicking fucking heads in and flying across the ring - and you know what? It's worked; worked big time. He is easily the most consistently over wrestler on the roster. In a time when even world champions struggle to inspire a stifled mouse fart from all but the most vocal wrestling fans, Daniel Bryan gets everybody in the audience up on their feet and chanting along.

Get down on your knees, clasp your hands together and plead for forgiveness, non-believers.
I agree. Over the course of the past 1.5 years, Bryan has proven a ton of doubters wrong left and right by showing himself to be one of, if not the single most, reliable sources for quality on the WWE roster. I'm not going to declare him an "all time great" or anything like that just yet, but I fail to see how anyone couldn't be impressed.

Whenever WWE has given Bryan the ball and let him run with it, he's not only ran with it but he's knocked down anybody that's gotten in his way. The audience has connected with Bryan consistently since December 2011 and, if anything, the connection has only grown. He's shown that if he's simply given the opportunity, he can flat out deliver in a big way.
Too fucking right, Jack-Hammer. To clarify, though I think the opening post is pretty bloody clear as far as my intentions are concerned, this thread is a response to threads like this (give it a click, fellas) which inspired me to make posts like that in the OP and, um, this:

It's a popular myth that Daniel Bryan wasn't over before the "Yes!" gimmick. He was. Very over. He was by and far the most significant thing to come out of the first season of NXT and was very over with the fans - as a 'serious wrestler'. You remember: he ran down Michael Cole, sparking that whole heel turn, then got fired, and "Daniel Bry-an!" chants closed out a pay-per-view.

What happened? Writing happened. The two pronged fork of shitty writing and The Bella Twins to be exact. Two problems - The Bella Twins (who I'm sure are great sex, Messrs. Bryan and Cena, just not great television) and vanilla face syndrome. If you've read Chris Jericho's book (the good first one, not the boring second one) then you'll have read how your heart drops when you're handed "vanilla babyface" and tasked with getting over. In short, it's like being handed a bucket of ice and asked to start a house fire. Daniel Bryan became infamous for sportsmanship, competitiveness and, um, smiling. Essentially, he was given exposure without being given an outlet for his personality, and so his heat died out in such a way that you could put the blame on him.

Then, oh, he's given the world title, given an outlet for his personality and this bizarre thing happens - he gets over again. This was before he was a goatface, before he had yelling matches with Kane and before he had a best-selling t-shirt. He was still a 'serious wrestler', he just had a personality. He got so over that he was more popular than the actual babyface he was facing at WrestleMania, and it was his chant which interrupted The fucking Rock. "Yes!" chants were systematically removed from SmackDown for weeks on end - because no getting over without permission, damn it! Bryan, as a 'serious wrestler', had one of the best matches - and biggest crowd reactions - of the year against Sheamus at Extreme Rules.

Bryan didn't get over as a comedy wrestler. He got over, then became a comedy wrestler, and has remained over. Because it's a good gimmick. But it shouldn't be forever. It's already worn out its welcome for me, fond as I was of it for the first few, well, months. There's a future for Daniel Bryan, and it shouldn't be as a Santino 2.0 who always takes the pin so fucking Kane doesn't have to look bad. He's better than that; he's proved he's better than that. Let's not pretend that becoming a 'serious wrestler' (yes, those inverted commas are staying put) is a death sentence.

Of course, everybody will now be pretending that they always thought Bryan would make it big - or at least they'll ignore all the times they said he wouldn't. A sort of 'everybody in France was in The Resistance' sort of psychology, I suppose.
He was always going to be this good. Granted, I prefer serious Bryan Danielson from Ring of Honor over comedic, light-hearted Daniel Bryan of the WWE but his success pleases me greatly. Ton of people doubted him, called him an Internet darling, overrated, "he cn mak it in roh but roh isn WWE SO HE WIL FAIL," yet he is a former MITB holder, US Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, has been heavily involved in all aspects of the WWE product for the last year and a half and has reinvented himself on a whole other level.

He'll always be American Dragon to me though. "You're gonna get your fucking head kicked in!"
I'll tell you exactly when I took notice of Daniel Bryan. He was backstage playing a rookie on NXT when his 'pro' Miz was yelling at him to go out there and show what he is and what he can do. Bryan politely says,"I can." And then Miz says that Bryan's gonna be played to the ring by Miz's theme, Bryan smiles and says," That maybe a little difficult."

He had that wit. That wit and charm so few have. That makes them so great one day.

That being said, I remember him having that ailment that made him lose quite a chunk of his body mass and it looked like it would result in his release. I doubted if he was ready, he was too small but he is breaking a WWE mould as to how a top superstar is supposed to look like.

He preserved and importantly, WWE preserved and gave him that coveted 6th spot on Team WWE against Nexus at Summerslam. And things took off.

I'll be honest, although I liked Bryan when all this was happening, I never thought he would become this big, ever. But he did. He beat a Giant for the WHC, he lost it in 18 seconds at Wrestle-fucking-Mania, he had smashing matches with ADR that had me screaming on the forums as to how good they were and above all, through all of that, he connected with the fans.

So Bry Bry, wherever you are, I apologize for ever doubting you. You are now one of the most entertaining and lovable wrestlers I have ever seen.
Actually, from the first time I saw Bryan (and you can dig it up on these forums), I've been a major fan, and while I didn't think he'd be this over, I thought he'd be an upper-card guy to a world champion. No apologies necessary from me :p
When I first heard he'd be on NXT I had serious doubts about his ability to get over, I'm not going to deny that. The first match, the one with Jericho, showed me he did have the ability to adapt to the WWE style.

My biggest complaint with Bryan, to be honest, wasn't Bryan himself. It's been a small minority of his very vocal fanbase.

I remember a time when Bryan was still a midcarder (back in 2010) and was scheduled to have a match with Sheamus. Sheamus attacked him prior to the bell and beat him down in a non-match. The response on this site was almost unanimous, people were disgusted at how "weak" they made Bryan look. They were genuinely complaining that (at the time) a main-event heel had beaten down a midcarder.

Sheamus had just lost two consequtive PPV matches and many Bryan fans here genuinely couldn't see why a midcarder was fed to a Main-Eventer. Had it been Matt Hardy, or someone like Titus O'Neill (first midcarder that sprung to mind but you get the point), it'd be business as usual. Because their favourite wrestler had to put over a top talent they were butt hurt.

That's to say nothing on the thread, if memory serves, that called for Triple H to feud with the then US Champion Bryan for the belt. That's how ridiculous thing got.

So many Bryan fans expected him to rise to the top of the card without having to do the obligatory putting over of main-event talent. They complained about EVERY bump in the road. That's what made me give Bryan a hard time, on occassion, it was to get a reaction from these fans.

I don't watch WWE regularly, haven't for about 2 years, but when I saw that Rollins/Bryan match I was blown away by how involved the crowd were. I haven't seen the WWE crowd get that behind somebody since Jeff Hardy in '09. That's not over-selling Bryan, from a casual WWE fan's perspective Bryan looks like a million bucks.

If he keeps rising to the top of the card he'll be a God-send for the WWE. They have guys like Cena, Orton and Sheamus. Big stars with a lot of gas left in the tank career wise. None of them are bad in the ring, but none of them can have an amazing match with just about anyone. That's what the WWE are missing and they've found it in Bryan.

I thought he'd make it as an upper-midcarder, definitely, but I never thought he could get this far. Congratulations to him, I'm very glad he proved me wrong.

Side-note: People have probably noted this elsewhere but Madden and the like are complaining that he's in a tag-match at Payback. To ignore the fact it's against the Shield and a FAR CRY from "WWE purgatory", as Madden is calling it, I think it's to turn Orton heel. You have Orton RKO Sheamus or someone and, yeah, he'll turn and it'll be good. Have him turn on somebody the crowd are heavily invested in and the moment that will ensue will take the turn to the next level.

I don't watch WWE regularly so I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me.

Back on topic, though! Yeah, I'll apolgise for not having as much stock in Bryan as I should have......when the hardline Bryan fans apologise for being so insufferable and all of the bitching and moaning through every bump on the road to the top!!!!
Owe him an apology for not thinking he would make it? Are you on crack??
If you don't think someone will "make it" and they "make it" you do not owe them an apology. It's an opinion.
Why should they apologize? Cos they hurt your feelings? Cos you want to say "I told you so, I said it, I said it, I'm a genius, even though everyone else should have known it"
You think Daniel needs some idiot on the internet saying "apologize to my favorite wrestler" cos you didn't like him.

And to my next point... He's made it to what extent? Being the best of a bad bunch? People chanting his catchphrase like they did with Ryback? Getting the crowd behind him as a face cos he was allowed to take out the biggest heels right now?

Before you start wetting your pants, I do like him... but what you think is over could be next weeks 12th topic. He hasn't won the WWE title, he's not over with the crowd as the top few superstars are... he's on a roll, preforming well... as much as I like him, I don't think he's got anything on a Benoit or Angle... not saying he has to be as good as them but I don't see what you're getting excited about? Even if, and it's a big if, cos of his size, Vince lets him have the title, he'll be on par with a Sheamus.

What the internet fan thinks is rarely the case that's why you always here "This is what should happen but WWE will mess it up"

Yeah he's good, enjoy watching him but who do you think you are telling people to apologize for an opinion?!

I also like how you're asking people on a wrestling forum to apologize... you know the internet fans... also known as Daniel Bryan fans.
Owe him an apology for not thinking he would make it? Are you on crack??
If you don't think someone will "make it" and they "make it" you do not owe them an apology. It's an opinion.
Why should they apologize? Cos they hurt your feelings? Cos you want to say "I told you so, I said it, I said it, I'm a genius, even though everyone else should have known it"
You think Daniel needs some idiot on the internet saying "apologize to my favorite wrestler" cos you didn't like him.

Perhaps you could acquaint yourself with a book - more specifically, a dictionary. Here, so you don't have to wait until your birthday for somebody to buy you one:


And to my next point... He's made it to what extent? Being the best of a bad bunch? People chanting his catchphrase like they did with Ryback? Getting the crowd behind him as a face cos he was allowed to take out the biggest heels right now?

Being allowed to beat heels automatically makes you popular? Shit, man! Could you tell the WWE writers this? Could really help out Bo Dollas, Alberto Del Rio and the like.

Before you start wetting your pants, I do like him... but what you think is over could be next weeks 12th topic. He hasn't won the WWE title, he's not over with the crowd as the top few superstars are...

Pick a wrestler on the WWE roster right now. Pick one. Any one. Throw a dart. Pick the world heavyweight champion. Pick Randy Orton. Pick John Cena. Daniel Bryan gets a louder reaction than all of them.

Even if, and it's a big if, cos of his size, Vince lets him have the title, he'll be on par with a Sheamus.

He was above Sheamus when Sheamus was beating him.

What's more, you use "Oh, he's being allowed to beat heels" to denigrate him in one paragraph and then "Vince won't let him be too successful, therefore he's not great" in another. Contradiction.

What the internet fan thinks is rarely the case that's why you always here "This is what should happen but WWE will mess it up"

So you're admitting that randomers on the internet have better ideas than what appears on television, or...?

Yeah he's good, enjoy watching him but who do you think you are telling people to apologize for an opinion?!

A wrong opinion, yes. Why is that part unreasonable? For instance, I'd have liked all the scientists that laughed at Darwin to have apologised. It was Kramer's opinion that black people should be lynched. Your logic is flawed.

I also like how you're asking people on a wrestling forum to apologize... you know the internet fans... also known as Daniel Bryan fans.

Internet fans are fans with an internet connection. There is nothing special about them. I would suggest that popularity amongst internet fans would translate to popularity among real fans - as it has.

Additionally, I linked to a thread where several posters talked about how Bryan wouldn't make it as a serious wrestler and was a midcarder as best, so... guh?

Now that I'm all warmed up, I've got to go shoot some fish in a barrel. Excuse me.
I've said that Daniel Bryan will never be a permanent main event player in WWE, and I stick by that assessment. He's going to have, at best, a Kane-type career. He spends a few months in the main event scene, then goes back to the midcard or tag team ranks for a few years.
If you've not got any valid points, why bother replying?
You didn't give any facts... you stated your opinion... again.

You're comparing wrestlers to scientists?

You think Bryan gets a louder pop then Cena? Do you know what a pop is?

You don't think the fans cheered when Ryback got the better of the shield... You don't remember "Feed me more"?

What makes your opinion right?
Cena has a bigger fan base then any wrestler you like so why isn't their opinion right?
(btw I can't stand Cena before you wanna try throw that back)
I'm not asking who's better before you cry again... I said a bigger opinion to your smaller opinion.

You know it all fans are all the same... you hear and see what you want when facts can prove you wrong.
Do you know how sad you are asking fans to apologize for an opinion?
If you've not got any valid points, why bother replying?
You didn't give any facts... you stated your opinion... again.

Evacuate the town, there's been an explosion at the irony factory.

You're comparing wrestlers to scientists?

Well, yes - but the actual point was that an opinion can be wrong and it's not unreasonable to expect one to apologise for it. Seeing how persistently you've been missing the point, I should have seen this one coming. My apologies.

You think Bryan gets a louder pop then Cena? Do you know what a pop is?

Yes, and John Cena's is lesser in comparison to Bryan's. Which, maybe even you'll get this, means he blitzes everybody elses.

You don't think the fans cheered when Ryback got the better of the shield... You don't remember "Feed me more"?

I remember when the very talented Ryback got the Ryback character over with the aid of the WWE writing team and his in-ring colleagues. Comparable to when the very talented Daniel Bryan got the Daniel Bryan character over with the aid of the WWE writing team and his in-ring colleagues. And when the very talented John Cena got the John Cena character over with the aid of the WWE writing team and his in-ring colleagues. And that time when the very talented Steve Austin got the Steve Austin character over with the aid of the WWE writing team and his in-ring colleagues.

I was wrong when I said you didn't make any good points - that one was a corker.

What makes your opinion right?

Because I backed it up with facts. We're getting there. Slowly, but we're getting there.

Cena has a bigger fan base then any wrestler you like so why isn't their opinion right?

If a John Cena fan stated that John Cena has a larger fan base than any other wrestlers, their opinion would be right. Well done - asking questions is the first step towards learning. I'm proud of you.


(btw I can't stand Cena before you wanna try throw that back)

Oh no, you expertly guessed my next move. Blast! Foiled again.

I'm not asking who's better before you cry again... I said a bigger opinion to your smaller opinion.

Some people have bigger opinions than others? That's an... interesting take. Maybe you should enroll in one of those asylums where similarly 'interesting' people live.

You know it all fans are all the same... you hear and see what you want when facts can prove you wrong.

I don't know it all. I know how it might seem like it when I'm arguing (being generous to you here) with a cretin like you, but I don't.

Do you know how sad you are asking fans to apologize for an opinion?

About as sad as an illiterate arguing through text:


Read it this time. You'll have a new word to use!
Why are you replying like you're trying to hurt my feelings? Are you 9? Ohh you went sarcastic... ouch??

I like how you try to be patronizing... when you're clearly an idiot, my opinion is bothering you big time and you pretend your opinions are facts.

I stated my opinion, like others did about Bryan and for some reason, you can't take it.
Let it go.

You have nothing for me to reply to other than your stupidity... "D Bryan is the best, he's way more over then these people and I am so smart, apologize so I can sleep without having to make more angry rants"

You are sad for asking people on the internet to apologize.
Daniel Bryan isn't as over as you think he is.
Your opinion counts for nothing (like mine, but I have a good point)

You can stop spamming your own thread now... if you're not gonna make wrestling points then I'm not gonna waste my time reading them.
Why are you replying like you're trying to hurt my feelings? Are you 9? Ohh you went sarcastic... ouch??

I like how you try to be patronizing... when you're clearly an idiot, my opinion is bothering you big time and you pretend your opinions are facts.

I stated my opinion, like others did about Bryan and for some reason, you can't take it.
Let it go.

You have nothing for me to reply to other than your stupidity... "D Bryan is the best, he's way more over then these people and I am so smart, apologize so I can sleep without having to make more angry rants"

You are sad for asking people on the internet to apologize.
Daniel Bryan isn't as over as you think he is.
Your opinion counts for nothing (like mine, but I have a good point)

You can stop spamming your own thread now... if you're not gonna make wrestling points then I'm not gonna waste my time reading them.

For gods sake WWEWZ, just stop posting. While I personally believe that there is no such thing as a "Wrong" opinion, You started this whole mess. You've lost this one, big time. Please just take you're three posts of pure idiocy and leave.

ANYWAY, Back on topic, I have been a fan of Daniel bryan since NXT (never watched ROH) but it was in the same way I'm a fan of Kofi Kingston. I admit, I NEVER thought he'd get as big as he is right now.
Why are you replying like you're trying to hurt my feelings? Are you 9? Ohh you went sarcastic... ouch??

Repeated explosions reported at the irony factory.

I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, random person on the internet - I'm matching your tone and, more importantly, stating facts. You are a cretin and a moron saying really dumb things. If I don't point that out and pretend you're not a mental case when you so clearly are, I lose credibility.

Your feelings are irrelevant to me. Go down a bottle of antidepressants and dance around in your pants with a dumb grin on your face for all I care, mate. Have a wank and some cheesecake. Fill your boots.

I like how you try to be patronizing... when you're clearly an idiot, my opinion is bothering you big time and you pretend your opinions are facts.

No, I am being patronizing, because you're a moron. If you were a polite moron, I might be polite back, but you're not.

And the facts I stated are facts.

Here, I'll summarise all the points you've made:

  • Uncle Sam, you are a meany!
  • Daniel Bryan is not good because he had to beat The Shield to get cheered and that's not fair for some reason.

Astounding stuff.

I stated my opinion, like others did about Bryan and for some reason, you can't take it.
Let it go.

Let it go? Um, OK. I'm watching The Devil on Film4 at the same time as this. I reckon the old lady is the devil, but she just died. Hmm.

You have nothing for me to reply to other than your stupidity... "D Bryan is the best, he's way more over then these people and I am so smart, apologize so I can sleep without having to make more angry rants"

Genuine question: is this an experiment to see how ironic you can be or are you that much of a dumb twat that you don't realise what a massive hypocrite you are?

You are sad for asking people on the internet to apologize.

Hey, idiot - you know that thing I keep posting about hyperbole? Yeah, you were supposed to read it.

Your opinion counts for nothing (like mine, but I have a good point)

Everyone that isn't as big a cretin as you is marvelling at how big a cretin you are now. So yeah, cool.

You can stop spamming your own thread now... if you're not gonna make wrestling points then I'm not gonna waste my time reading them.

Hundreds dead and thousands more feared injured after Nagasaki-level irony explosion.


The Devil spoilers

The old lady does turn out to be the devil, even after she died. Go figure.
I never had a single doubt about Daniel Bryan's capability to become a star in pro wrestling. I had doubt in WWE in giving him the opportunity he needed to become a star, but I still never had a shred of doubt in Bryan Danielson. I knew not only was Bryan one of the best in-ring workers in pro wrestling, but I also knew he had the personality to get over. I think anyone who consistently watched his title run in ROH back in 2005/2006 knew this guy had it all, including the personality. People just judged his personality because there were no famous promos cut by him or anything like that like there were of CM Punk. However, if you watched him in the ring, you could see the personality shine through every time he stepped in there. The way he would work a crowd. The aura that surrounded him simply during his entrance alone. This guy has ALWAYS had unlimited star potential, and I'm so proud of what he's accomplishing now in WWE. And I know this is only the beginning.

What I personally owe Daniel Bryan is not an apology, but gratitude. I'm very grateful to the guy for keeping my hopes and excitement for pro wrestling alive (along with CM Punk).
I didn't doubt his ability to get over. I doubted WWE's ability to let him get over. I mean, how much of Bryan's early push, beating the Miz and having a decent U.S. title run was just kind of an experiment? He got over as much as a "vanilla babyface" could to be honest, but there didn't seem to be much more to it.

Then Low Ki or Cakeboss or whatever they called him failed after he "won" NXT. I mean he went down in flames. Which were then extinguished cause of how badly he was being buried. I don't think he won a single match on the main roster. And he left. And it was all very unceremonious. At that point I thought Vince had gotten bored of his little indie darling experiment.

Then Punk did his thing and became super hot and Bryan won Money in the Bank. Yes, I think the two are related, and I'm not just being cynical. But there was still the fear he'd be the first to lose. At most, he'd get a Punk Version 1 title reign. But then, in an absolute master stroke of booking, they decided to turn him heel as he was getting over with his Yes chants and while he was still world champion. That's when I knew WWE had let him make it. It made his title reign interesting, and it made Daniel Bryan matter as a world champion.

You can get over pretty well as a face doing a chant that the fans like. You get over as really well as a heel telling the fans not to chant a chant they like. And that's what Bryan did and he became a wrestler who was comedic outside the ring and kind of a badass inside the ring, much like early Kurt Angle. He did the anger management angle, became half of the most entertaining tag team since Edge and Christian, started killing it in the ring on a bi-weekly basis (I mean twice a week, not once every two weeks...) and now he looks set for a main event.

TL;DR: I don't need to apologise, I knew he was capable if booked properly.
Sorry to disagree with the consensus of "I knew he'd get over if they let him get over". I think that downplays the input people behind the scenes in WWE would have had in developing the character.

Having what it takes to get over in ROH, and even TNA, is far different than getting over in the WWE. Not only is there more competition but one must also tick an awful lot more boxes and appeal to far more demographics to obtain a meaningful push. Had Bryan come in and just used the tools he crafted in ROH he wouldn't have gotten over.

We don't know the details of what goes on backstage but I wouldn't be surprised if Kaval/Low-Ki's attitude was that he already knew everything he needed to know. Whereas Bryan may have gone in with the right attitude, wide eyes and open ears.

I don't think Punk and Bryan's success is connected either. How long has Punk been in the WWE? Since 2006? It wasn't until 2009 and the feud with Hardy that Punk became "super hot" and he certainly cooled down after the 'Taker feud. He didn't become what he is today until that promo. By the time Daniel Bryan came along Punk had already adapted to the WWE style and hadn't really been an "indie" guy for quite some time.

I didn't catch all of Bryan's return after he was let go but prior to that I don't think he was stuck with the traditional vanilla babyface per se. He had Miz giving him grief and helping him get over from the outset and he was allowed to somewhat make Miz eat his words at times. Cole giving him grief did the same. He was far from "edgy" but I view a vanilla babyface more like early Evan Bourne. To me, vanilla babyface implies a complete lack of gimmick past being a good guy. Bryan was given more tools to get over during NXT and after than many guys are given during their debut.

I don't think he got over "against all odds" by any stretch. He wasn't given a fast pass to the main-event scene but he was always given more tools than many WWE workers are ever given. I understand as fans that you may feel it's an underdog tale but, for me, it really isn't. That's not to detract from Bryan's talent which is a huge factor in how he got over but he neither did it on his own 'nor was he given shit and told to make it sparkle. He made the best of all of his screen time, granted, but he wasn't thrown to the sharks like many new guys are.

I think much of Bryan's EARLY success is to do with The Miz and Cole, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, none of it would have mattered if Bryan had no talent. However, Miz worked hard as his mentor to set-up the dynamic between the two. Even after the pair stopped working together it still lived on in the Cole/Bryan dynamic. Both of those little mini-feuds gave the Bryan character an added dimension that, in my view, kept him out of "vanilla babyface" territory. He was always the guy that was getting put down and still giving it his all (so to speak), not the guy with no gimmick.

You can call Bryan's US title push as an "experiment". I'd counter that argument by saying you can be DAMN sure that by letting a returning Bryan go over the MITB winner that would be cashing in (and headlining WM) successfully, and would be the focal point of Raw for a good while, that there was definitely already a long term plan in place for Bryan.

You don't do that to see what happens, you do that when you're planning to get behind somebody. Miz was the golden boy and being positioned as the future at that time, nobody would be going over him definitively for an "experiment". I'd be willing to bet that there were long-term plans for Bryan before the ink on his second contract was dry.
I loved Daniel Bryan even when he was in the Indies only seeing his matches on youtube every now and again. Did i ever think he make it this big? No Honestly i didnt. Not because of his ability his fucking incredible athletic ability but because of Vinnie Mac. DB does not have the body that Vinnie Mac loves... When he struggled on NXT clearly he was the best of the bunch but he went something like 0-8. But he was over even then..

Wow to think how over this man is it is incredible. Indeed throw a dart on any roster DB clearly gets the loudest pop there is. More over than Cena more over than Orton anyone. Like i said any opportunity this guy is given he makes it Fucking Gold! IN such a short time this guy has achieved of what many past and present stars can only dream. DB clearly sir you are the best and I apologize for ever doubting you
I don't owe Daniel Bryan an apology. I was onboard with him from the first time I saw him in the ring.

I do, however, owe him applause.
The guy is very talented, no doubt. He's on fire right now and getting a deserved push. I'd just like to see if he can maintain it without the comedy shtick. Can he cut believable, serious promos and carry a top of the card feud? That's the last piece of the puzzle. You don't get to carry the ball if you can't. Cena, Punk, Rock, HHH, Flair, Michaels, Taker, Austin, Hogan, Foley, Edge all had the "I can and will kick your ass" promo in their repetoire. Bryan has to have it, too. Maybe he does, I don't know. But, comedy alone won't main event Wrestlemania.
I love the love, but do we dare give WWE credit also?

I mean ye they gave him the coveted 6th man spot at Summerslam, then the title against The Big Show of all people. The otherside of the spectrum: he lost that in 18 seconds at WrestleMania; compounding the fact that it should've been What the WWE giveth, WWE taketh away in the bible.

Slight imaginary typo that in the good book.

If this push goes as planned and WWE does go all out for Bry Bry, I guess all will be forgiven n' forgotten.

A pivotal moment for Bryan where his fortunes really turned was how the Florida crowd at last years Mania roared and poped for the guy.
First saw him, Punk and Joe at an ROH show in Chicago back in 04... never thought he'd be this big of a deal and this over, upper mid card sure but I thought Id see Punk and Joe make it big time back then, I never jumped on the DB bandwagon til Yes broke out
Repeated explosions reported at the irony factory.

I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, random person on the internet - I'm matching your tone and, more importantly, stating facts. You are a cretin and a moron saying really dumb things. If I don't point that out and pretend you're not a mental case when you so clearly are, I lose credibility.

Your feelings are irrelevant to me. Go down a bottle of antidepressants and dance around in your pants with a dumb grin on your face for all I care, mate. Have a wank and some cheesecake. Fill your boots.

No, I am being patronizing, because you're a moron. If you were a polite moron, I might be polite back, but you're not.

And the facts I stated are facts.

Here, I'll summarise all the points you've made:

  • Uncle Sam, you are a meany!
  • Daniel Bryan is not good because he had to beat The Shield to get cheered and that's not fair for some reason.

Astounding stuff.

Let it go? Um, OK. I'm watching The Devil on Film4 at the same time as this. I reckon the old lady is the devil, but she just died. Hmm.

Genuine question: is this an experiment to see how ironic you can be or are you that much of a dumb twat that you don't realise what a massive hypocrite you are?

Hey, idiot - you know that thing I keep posting about hyperbole? Yeah, you were supposed to read it.

Everyone that isn't as big a cretin as you is marvelling at how big a cretin you are now. So yeah, cool.

Hundreds dead and thousands more feared injured after Nagasaki-level irony explosion.


The Devil spoilers

The old lady does turn out to be the devil, even after she died. Go figure.

I never get on this forum because of how people here talk about wrestling, like they dont watch it at all but act like big shots. I just stick to the comment section where the few smart people are.

I came on just because of this topic and your post, Its what I'd expect from a high schooler doing better than normal in a class they were always failing and decided to be smug about it online. To the next point Daniel Bryan is the same as CM Punk to me, Mid-card players who got forced up, I'll always see them as Mid-card players they were when they came in, they're like AJ they were forced up and people bought into it. I'll admit they have great talent but i dont see why anyone should be into them(Or why I should). I havent seen anyone High on either one of them until they were written in to do something huge. Thats all I see here, people jumping from one ship to another when its full of crap.

I'm an unbiased wrestling fan, I'm not high on a guy because he/she is from the indies doing a great(Ambrose) or completely terrible (AJ Lee) job.

Dissect this anyway you want and point out whats not there like everyone else does here.
Oh shut the fuck up already, will you? :suspic:

I owe him an apology, for what exactly? What has Daniel Bryan accomplished that is so miraculous that sets him apart from the rest of the roster? What makes your opinion of him far more correct than mine or anybody else's online?

When I saw him at first glance I didn't see much promise in him. However, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt because pushes take time. Character development takes time. For a long time I was hearing about his miraculous mic skills, which I respectfully disagree with. Neither in the WWE nor the indy vids I could find could I see something that set him apart from the roster. CM Punk is a great promo guy. Its not because he's from the indys or because he's a Heyman guy, its because Phil Brooks decided for himself to perfect that skill. Evan Bourne is from the indy's and he cant cut a promo to save his life. So no, being from the indys doesnt give you magical promo cutting abilities, working hard on your mic skills does, and Dbry hasnt done that, but theres still plenty of time granted he doesnt get injured, killed or fired.

In the ring, hes pretty descent. He, like half the roster today, can wrestle a good technical game. Hes a high flyer. So is Kofi Kingston. If people arent clamoring for Kofi or Ziggler to win the title on account of his in ring ability, then in ring ability alone shouldnt be enough to make him some spectacular megastar.

Ok, so far he has average mic skills and above average in ring skills. Hes right up there with Alberto Del Rio lmaoo. But if theres one thing I underestimated him for was I thought he was bland. I thought he wouldnt be able to pull off a convincing and entertaining character, but so far hes pretty entertaining to watch. Hes funny. Santino funny.
*Look I'm just kidding

In all seriousness, yes, some people underestimated Daniel Bryan. Hes great in the ring, I like his mic work, and hes fun to watch, but he still has a long way to go. Half the people who watch WWE are kids or people who dont care about the indy's or the IWC. In their eyes Bryan's past is virtually nonexistent. He came in as The Miz's rookie, and now hes Kane's former tag partner. The problem when the likes of Bryan, or Punk, or Ambrose start to gain popularity or debut on WWE is people start singing their praises as if a) we've never had a indy star in the WWE before and b) as if the fact that they chose to work the indys longer than most other men makes them more deserving for a push than guys who have been laboring in the WWE for almost a decade waiting for their moment. As soon as Bry debuted people were asking for WWE to drop the strap on him, make him a main eventer, give him lengthy air time. You can only see the same scenario unfold so many times before it gets annoying. When you hear these legends talk about the business, you always hear them use the phrase "paying dues". These were guys who wrestled every night, twice or three times a day, every day in a new city, for significantly smaller promotions that didn't have the exposure today's indy circuit has. DBry has nothing on these guys. Even guys like Flair, who showed signs of a promising career early on, were forced to pay their dues. Its why DBry was given The Miz, the least talented main eventer WWE had at the time, as his mentor on NXT. Its as if to say "Ok, we know you're laughably better than you're mentor, but guess what? He paid his dues. Hes a former champion, a Wrestlemania main eventer, and one of our top names because he paid his dues. Not because of what happened outside of WWE's doors. That was out of WWE's control. Everyone gets a fair shot, no one bypasses the system". His career in the WWE is what counts now. Even internet darlings like Punk and Ambrose proved themselves within WWE's system. Being from the indy's doesnt make DBry special. Having a stellar moveset doesnt make DBRy special. Bryan will prove himself just like everyone else has. No special treatment. And if he continues on the path hes on right now, he'll have a great career down the line. I'm sure he doesnt want an appology, since no one whos been in his shoes before has asked for one. ;)

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