You know you're from [your city] when...


WrestleMania Main Event
You know your from Vegas when...

You think a drive through Wedding Chapel is normal.

You've been in a club before you were legal.

You don't understand the meaning of curfew.

You start getting ready at 11pm.

You've gone bowling and watched movies in casinos your whole life.

You have a collection of porn cards that were handed to you on the strip.

You've had to break up a wedding at 2am due to your buddy getting drunk and not realizing what he was doing.

You drink hypnotic.

You've been to more hotel parties than house parties.

You delt with stupid tourist all your life.

You've avoided the spaghetti bowl.

You hate finding good parking at the fashion show.

You think a red light is merely a suggestion.

All of your out-of-state friends start to visit after
September but clear
out come May.

You think someone driving wearing oven mitts is

You think 6 tons of crushed rock makes a beautiful

You notice your car overheating before you drive it.

Your house is made of stucco and has a red clay tile

You no longer associate bridges with water, only

You know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink.

You can say 115 degrees without fainting. (But it's
a dry heat!!!)

Every other vehicle is a 4x4.

Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in
the summer.

People break out coats when temperature drops below

You discover, in July, it only takes two fingers to
drive your car.

The pool can be warmer than you are.

You can make sun tea instantly.

Kids will ask, "What's a mosquito?"

People with black cars or have black upholstery in
their car are
automatically assumed to be from out-of-state or

You notice the best parking spots are determined by
shade instead of distance.

The Air Conditioner is on your list of best friends.

You realize that Valley Fever isn't a disco dance.

In summer the water from the cold water tap is the
same temperature as the hot one.

You actually burn your hand opening the car door.

Sunscreen is sold year round, kept at the front of
the checkout counter, a formula less than 30 spf is a
joke, and you wear it just to go to the mailbox.

No one would dream of putting vinyl/leather
upholstery in a car.

And no, we do not live elsewhere and commute every
day! People actually live in Las Vegas.
You know you live in London when you run away from muggers instead of having the common sense to get beat up.

When you're not a ******** like New Yorkers.
You know your from West Virgina when your dating your sister

You know your from Tennessee when you find possum, squirrel, and moonshine listed as food items in most Mom and Pop restaurants
You know your from Pittsburgh when your an egotistical jackass and have no knowledge about sports, wrestling or how to drive a motorcycle whatsoever.

:p :D
you know you're from Texas when you have a choke as QB, or you have football team that can not win their first round game.

I dont think they have won their first round game since the Smith/Aikmen Era.
You know your from Pittsburgh when your QB can't throw a fly route, your star hockey player is tremendously overrated and your baseball team is more shit that the Benchwarmers.
you know your from texas when you had George Bush run your baseball franchise into the ground, you haven't won a playoff game in 6+ years, your college football programs are incredibly overrated, when your Dallas Stars are two times older than the PGH Penguins...You know you're from Texas when your QB can not hit a wide open T.O running across the field. You know your from Dallas when your QB throws into triple coverage when the game is on the line.

How is Crosby overrated? Is that because he gets more assist than goals? If he plays long enough, he can be the greatest thing hockey has ever seen.

You know you're from GB when every road is named after Favre or Lombardi :lmao:
You know you're from Minneapolis when you moved there because they have the best welfare, yet for some reason you still act rich.

You know you're from Minneapolis when you think 20 hours is a work week.
You know you're from Birmingham when you hear that someone's been shot on the local news, but it's ok when it's not on your side of the city.

You know you're from Brum when every other person on the street is Asian, and when you go to a football game (whoever you support), you walk through an entirely Asian area, but none of them support your team. Why are they there? No-one knows, but they always are.
You know your from Shittsburgh when you college football team gets beat by cupcakes, your head coaches in each sport know jackshit, when you have a QB in Big Ben who was a one time wonder, And you know your from Pennsylvania when a 80 year old Joe Paterno is still the greatest thing to step foot in that state and your baseball team hasn't had a winning season in 15 years, when you can barely beat an 1-15 football team and the only reason you did is because your fucking dumbass Rooney owners don't know what the fuck Turf is, and when you boo your own hometown hero and one of the greatest wrestlers alive in Kurt Angle.
when you have a QB in Big Ben who was a one time wonder,
Explain his 3 Stellar seasons, his five playoff wins, and one SB? Romo has zero playoff wins.. Hmmm :headscratch:
And you know your from Pennsylvania when a 80 year old Joe Paterno is still the greatest thing to step foot in that state
:lmao: :lmao: He is also the reason why Pitt and PSU dont play each other in Football. Here are some names that stepped foot in PGH. Hmm, Dan Marino, Larry Fitzgerald, Mike Ditka, Russ Grim, Mark May.. Tony Dorsett,
and your baseball team hasn't had a winning season in 15 years, when you can barely beat an 1-15 football team and the only reason you did is
What has Texas done in years? They've never won a WS, or an AL Pennant.
dumbass Rooney owners don't know what the fuck Turf is,
Why? home field advantage.
and when you boo your own hometown hero and one of the greatest wrestlers alive in Kurt Angle.
He was a heel, we were suppose to boo him. So Toronto is stupid for booing Edge?

You know you're from Texas when your baseball has never won anything in like 30+ years of existance, when your beloved Cowboys have been playing in the same Stadium for 30+ years, because the State and City is too cheap to get a new one.
First of all, we are getting a new stadium in 09...:confused:

Second, Rangers > Pirates.

Third, Edge is never booed in Toronto...

Fourth, you need to look up the word stellar and when you do a picture of Tony Romo is right beside it, the guy has been lights out since becoming the starter.

You know your from Pittsburgh when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
You Know you are from Auckland when you see a homeless guy and you know his name and he is in the Local paper.

When the term Jafa is considered to be a term of indearment from the rest of the country.

When the majority of the population believes that there is no intelligent life south of the Bombay Hills.

When you drive on the motorway and you left two hours early and you are still late.
You know you're on WZ when Brian turns yet another thread into a football discussion. Change the track Brian, coz this one got old a long, long time ago.
First of all, we are getting a new stadium in 09...:confused:
One Stadium in like 37 years :lmao:

Second, Rangers > Pirates.
hmm PGH has 5 world series, Texas has none.
9 NL Pennants

Third, Edge is never booed in Toronto...
Yes he was, and The Rock was booed a little outside Miami. So those fans are atupid :headscratch

Fourth, you need to look up the word stellar and when you do a picture of Tony Romo is right beside it, the guy has been lights out since becoming the starter.
then explain two chokes job, and zero playoff wins?

You know your from Pittsburgh when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Explain PGH's success in every sport?
The two baseball teams in Texas have no WS rings :lmao:..
You know your from New York when your team beats 2 teams with no WR's and over the hill shit QB's (Favre is INT prone), 1 team with a choke artists at QB go into the SB against a team with an injured QB and distracted, make some lucky throws and still claim your team is the greatest team in NFL history.

You know your from pittsburgh when you think have to latch onto winners because your team sucks.

You know your from texas when you call a coach a choker ignoring that he runs a team that has won 3 SB's in a decade, only the 4th team to do that.

You know your from socal when everybody you want to win loses.

You know your from socal when your flat broke but still have 3 times as much stuff as people with twice as much money as you.

You know your from socal when your hometown team plays 370 miles to the north.

You know your from socal when you walk into an english speaking store and get confused.

You know your from pittsburgh when you think have to latch onto winners because your team sucks.
Is that a shot at me? :p

You know your from texas when you call a coach a choker ignoring that he runs a team that has won 3 SB's in a decade, only the 4th team to do that.

:headscratch: Pittsburghs teams suck because they won four SB's in 6 years, and each times were back to back... :p... I'd just throw that out their for ya :p
I guess you know your from pittsburgh when you brag about a championship that happened before you were born. The pirates haven't won jack since 1979. :headscratch:

I am not bragging, it is just throwing out facts. They have won World series. Baseball teams in Texas can't say that.. :headscratch:
Just a little. :p
the Giants had em all the way :icon_rolleyes: :cool:

I know that, but that was over 25 years ago in a waterdown league. Impossible to do that again as no team has done it since. ;)
True, but you cant dispute that. The majority of the old dynasties won with the same teams. FA wasn't a factor, but it is still hard to play at the same level for four years, in a ten year period.
You know your from New York when your team beats 2 teams with no WR's and over the hill shit QB's (Favre is INT prone), 1 team with a choke artists at QB go into the SB against a team with an injured QB and distracted, make some lucky throws and still claim your team is the greatest team in NFL history.

Yeah Doubtful Right Shoulder like his entire career.

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