Yay! The feeling is back!

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
I don't know how many of you read my thread about a week ago, where I was talking about 'games becoming stale' because they weren't using a main character, such as Bandicoot etc.

But, I recently downloaded Splosion' Man from Xbox Live Arcade, and I have to say...it was brilliant!

It felt like I was playing Crash Bandicoot or Croc all over again! The game actually had a main protagonist and didn't revolve around having to spray an MP5 to progress through the game. Just a happy little character, running around the platform level causing chaos!

I didn't put the controller down for about 2 hours when I was playing it, I was totally addicted! Yeah, I didn't pass the levels in par time because I absolutely sucked at it, but I still had an amazingly fun time playing it.

The feeling I used to get when I played games like Crash Bandicoot, Croc etc. was finally back! I was originally going to play Call of Duty Classic, but I thought.. 'Mintberry Crunch mentioned that Splosion Man was cheaper...might go and get that instead.' and was I dissapointed? Hell no!

Splosion Man is an incredibly fun game and what made it so good? It wasn't military related for once, and the main character (Splosion Man) is an insane little bundle of plasmafied brilliance! He's so original! I was very impressed.

I'd highly recommend investing in Splosion Man. It's such a fun game to play, and it's easy! (If you don't suck at it like me.)

So, the feeling is back. I played a game that I found remarkably fun to play and the game actually had an original character throughout the entire game. I was very impressed.

Have any of you guys played Splosion Man before?

Will you be trying it, why and why not?

What was the last game you played that had the same original character throughout the entire game that you thoroughly enjoyed?

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