Y2J Returns Tonight!

The Best At What I Do

and that's posting
The words of the best in the world at what he does himself. At a recent house show The Nexus was beating down on Chris Jericho until Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan Danielson made the save. This led to Jericho grabbing a mic and declaring "Y2J returns tonight!" and working the remainder of the show as a face.

Now I know good and hell well the WWE superstars like to throw in something a little extra for the house shows so the audience doesn't feel like they're completely wasting their money. But at the same time house shows are usually the testing grounds for new angles in order to gauge fan reaction. I can't even count how many times I've read something happening at a house show only for it to happen on the following Monday Night RAW including the recent Santino/Tamina poppycockery.

So what do you guys think of a return of Y2J? More and more fans in the audience has been chanting for it lately but would it be a good idea with RAW as overstacked as it is currently? Should the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla come back or should he keep reminding all you troglodytes why you're hypocritical parasites?
No,they NEED another top face on RAW. I just made a thread about that so I won't go into detail,but Orton and Cena can't do it alone. Jericho knows how to work a crowd whether face or heel so I don't see how this can fail.
i honestly dont see how this can fail, Jericho was face in early 2008, then turned heel in a heartbeat after smashing HBK's face into the Jeritron, and boom instant heel, i think it will be the same way, Jericho comes out and destorys a nexus member (any will do) and grab a mic, and say "RAW is JERICHO!!!!!!!" and boom instant face
He probably will turn face at some point in the near future. But he turned heel for a good reason - his face run was hardly setting the world on fire, after a huge return like that there was some initial excitement, then he just fell into his old upper-mid card role again like an old pair of shoes, he was getting out-faced by guys like Jeff Hardy and HBK, it made sense to turn heel, and he got 2 title reigns out of it.

If he turned face again, after the initial fan reaction where does he go? Back to where he was 2 years ago? The modern Jericho just isn't that cool any more. He can't do the Y2J gimmick like he used to, it's a young man's game.
Jericho is awesome as a heel and a face. So I don't think there is a downside, I miss the old Jericho even if he is doing some of the best work he has ever done as a heel.

Just my Opinion
Yeah I like the idea. Jericho has been a heel for a long time. Not much else he can do right now on RAW in that role that we haven't already seen. As a face he can feud with Nexus, Sheamus, Miz and HHH if he returns in a heel role as expected. Like someone else already said, he's super over so I'd love to see it and it would work.

Miz, Barrett and Sheamus are more than capable of holding down the top heel spots on RAW right now.
Well good for Jericho it doesn't really matter if he's a heel or face. Does it even matter at all if Jericho is leaving in October?
I swear to god if they have Y2J return tomorrow night's RAW, then it goes down as my favorite RAW episode ever. They could have John Cena come out and slap a baby in the face and I wouldn't even care. The savior has returned :worship:
If this is true I actually see Jericho opening the show with the millenium countdown and than he comes out talking about how he's sick of the Nexus and that Y2J will put the Nexus to an end but then obviously the Nexus will end up interrupting :p
The Best At What I do,

I was going to start a thread as soon as I read about this earlier, but i decided since it is mandatory for you to reply to any thread Jericho related, and posting is the best of what you do, I could not take the opportunity for you to start the post.

I really hope he does turn tonight on raw, i am not a Cena hater but we need someone 2 really make people care again. Orton was once bashed as hard as Cena is and he is over now but i believe he will get stale and turn full heel by mania so we do need Jericho as a face even if it is only because he is retiring and will get a sendoff.(even tho he has said he would like to go out as a heel.)
I saw this this story, wanted to open a thread, then asked myself a simple question. "How can I see this from the business side of things" I then deduced the following

1. Makes good money
Hello; new face= new merchandising and advertising opportunities. I mean; c'mon can anyone remember the last time you saw WWEshop come out with a new Jericho product?

2. Puts over new talent
You now can use your best talent to put over up and coming stars. Ex: Miz (should he need more to "really put him over" Barrett, Riley, possibly McIntyre or Ryder

3. Satisfies the "internet" fans...
Thats right, I believe that WWE is promoting a internet fan base. Having Facebook, Twitter, Superstar blog sites, on-line voting, gives people a reason to go online and interact with other fans. This internet fan-base (Primarily the dirt sheet readers, reporters, and yes us thread writers) WWE has currently is being heard and satisfied so in order to keep then paying attention and hopefully interact with their webpage and other technological PR
it would absolutely make the 900th episode perfect to have jericho turn face even if its just for 2 months he is the best but for the guy who said that jericho is going to retire where is your proof?

the only thing that has been said is he is going to take a break for a while for his family and music it has been known wwe an chris are negotiating over his contract he may be gone for a few months but he said he still has love for this buisness and he has still stuff to do.
Unfortunately for Chris Jericho, the crowd just doesn't want to give into the fact that he is still a heel. He is doing everything correct and garners boo's from the audience, but there is still a large portion of the crowd that cheers for Jericho in his matches. Look at the PPV match with WWE vs. Nexus... he was blowing the roof off the place. Also on Nexus, they have taken a good portion of the heel positions on RAW along with Sheamus, Edge and The Miz... Monday Nights can't possibly fit another heel and the amount that it has now is already too much. The normal heels like Jericho are now forced into Tweener roles, so it makes no sense to keep him heel if he stays on RAW.

Considering that Chris Jericho can pull off any character you give him (as well as the circumstances above), making the face turn wouldn't be a bad idea. If it fails, incorporate it into storyline. Jericho has been in the tweener role in a while, so they could play it off as him playing mind-games.
in case you've forgotten: y2j is gonna have a feud with cena after nexus is done
and i dont think that y2j will turn face after.. its too good to be true:disappointed:
The words of the best in the world at what he does himself. At a recent house show The Nexus was beating down on Chris Jericho until Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan Danielson made the save. This led to Jericho grabbing a mic and declaring "Y2J returns tonight!" and working the remainder of the show as a face.

Now I know good and hell well the WWE superstars like to throw in something a little extra for the house shows so the audience doesn't feel like they're completely wasting their money. But at the same time house shows are usually the testing grounds for new angles in order to gauge fan reaction. I can't even count how many times I've read something happening at a house show only for it to happen on the following Monday Night RAW including the recent Santino/Tamina poppycockery.

So what do you guys think of a return of Y2J? More and more fans in the audience has been chanting for it lately but would it be a good idea with RAW as overstacked as it is currently? Should the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla come back or should he keep reminding all you troglodytes why you're hypocritical parasites?

I think WWE are going in the direction were they have a handful of faces, Cena's, Undertakers, Bryans, Truth's etc, they'll have the heels, Miz, Sheamus, Mcintyre etc and I think WWE are going to have tweeners like Orton, Jericho, Edge who will play the roll of a heel but getting cheered when they want and will do heel tactics against faces when they want to be booed. The age old No black and white just shades of gray line.
I think the WWE tends to jump the gun on turning people to go with the crowd. They should keep Jericho EXACTLY the way he is and let the crowd do whatever they want with him.

Raw also doesn't need a top face like him and I just love him as a heel. :icon_biggrin:
I could see it by a kilometer.

6 man pack has only 2 faces and if you watched Raw past 2 weeks you have realized that Jericho didn't cut heel promos and people still want to chant Y2J.He even attacked Sheamus instead of Edge or Cena which seems a face move.

I see no problem here.People respect him a lot and I've noticed fans have been doing "bow down" taunt for him recently.I think he has gotten to a point in his career which people will cheer him whether he is face or heel or he is feuding with a face or heel , Like Taker and HBK.

He is totally a cool guy and will always know how to connect to crowd and it really doesn't matter if he is face or heel , he gets the job done.

It's also a little shame that he can't grow his hair long , like good ol Y2J!
I hope he does change back soon. I think there have been a few hints of it happening over the last few months, and lord knows the parasite routine is getting stale, not to mention the fact that he looks miles better in long tights. I don't care if Jericho is a face or a heel, but he's evidently about a million times more interesting when he's being flamboyant on the microphone, and this is a perfect platform. Generally 6 men matches have three faces and three heels, which allows for tag team matches etc. in the preceeding weeks, and with the imminent promotions of Miz and Barrett up the roster, it seems likely that Edge or Jericho will turn face. This isn't TNA, so Edge won't turn again this year, so it looks like Jericho will step up and become Raw's #3 face, a position currently jointly held by Morrison and R-Truth, hardly the men you want having sporiadic title interest. Jericho needs to change characters, and Raw could do with another face, it seems likely.
If this happens tonight (or at least quite soon) I will be very happy. I've long felt that RAW was in need of another top face, and that either Edge or Jericho needed some sort of a refresher for their characters as both have either gotten stale or are well on their way to becoming stale. True, Jericho is great on the mic and can work a crowd like no other, but there's only so many times you can call the crowd "hypocrites" before it wears thin.

It's a perfect time for him to turn. There are only two faces in the 6-Pack Challenge, WWE has been teasing it for a while, and the fans want to cheer for him. I say, pull the trigger. Make it happen!
The return of 'Y2J' would be interesting because, as a few have pointed out, Jericho's current persona while great in its own right, has grown rather stale and that's often indicative that a change is necessary. Aside from Cena and a possibly injured Orton, Raw could use another major face and let's be honest, Edge just doesn't seem to cut it as a face and that only really leaves Jericho as a credible candidate. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing the Jericho of old but whether WWE has what it takes to make it happen is only a matter of time...
If Y2J returns tonight I'll be fine with it because there's another face whose currently lost in the shuffle and that's John Morrison who I think needs a mentor in Jericho as they worked perfectly together back in 2003 before Chris even left for his break and Morrison was Nitro. Jericho could take him under his wing like he was gonna do before w/ Lance "God rest his soul" Cade. That right there would be the only justifiable way to turn him face other than that leave him a heel or tweener. But if Y2J doesn't return I'll be fine with it.
it would absolutely make the 900th episode perfect to have jericho turn face even if its just for 2 months he is the best but for the guy who said that jericho is going to retire where is your proof?

the only thing that has been said is he is going to take a break for a while for his family and music it has been known wwe an chris are negotiating over his contract he may be gone for a few months but he said he still has love for this buisness and he has still stuff to do.

If you read what that poster said, he said that Jericho was leaving in October, not retiring. 2 different things IMO. Just because his contract is up in October doesn't mean he won't either retire or leave either. But getting back to the reason of the original posters comments about Jericho going face, it is about time...as much as I love Jericho as a heel, I love him even more as a face, and raw will never, evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver be the same AGAIN.
RAW is Jericho.Jericho returning to his Y2J persona would definitely escalate RAW's face power, but the thing is he has really carried Raw on it's heels, Edge is all topsy turvey, Batista is gone and Sheamus can't do it alone. I kind of want him to turn face so maybe Wade Barret could replace him as a top heel.
RAW is Jericho.Jericho returning to his Y2J persona would definitely escalate RAW's face power, but the thing is he has really carried Raw on it's heels, Edge is all topsy turvey, Batista is gone and Sheamus can't do it alone. I kind of want him to turn face so maybe Wade Barret could replace him as a top heel.

I thought Barrett and Nexus already are the top heel's of RAW? I mean.. They're so heel, they attack other heels. Including the baddest one of all time, Mr.Mcmahon.
If anything RAW needs more faces, top faces that is.
Why make him a face though and have him go back on all the crap he has said for over the last year?

He is much better suited at this point to stay heel and put over some newer, younger guys. WWE wont make any more money on him going face right now, he should create new top faces.

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