WZCW Wrestler/Writer Trivia

This was really cool. I'll add to it.

Spidey Trivia
  • This is my first e-fed, but I have roleplayed in Supernatural, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, and I have gamed in several D&D campaigns.
  • I am working on several comic book and podcasting scripts. I also write short horror and dark fantasy in my super spare time. There is also a Steampunk novel in the works on my end. Basically I'm into writing and adore literature (which most of you knew already).
  • On the forums, I've went by the names of CultOfRaven and SAMCRO. I was never huge on Spiderman, but the Spidey memes are my favorite memes of all time, so I bare that name proudly now. My Pokemon GO avatar is SpideyRadio and I have a youtube account called that as well. That's where I dump amateur audio RPs for Ramparte.
  • Speaking of the audio RPs, I am the kind of writer who is always looking to add unique twists on how we roleplay on here as well as how the shows look. You've all probably heard a few shoot promo vids and Batti Otaku .gifs, but since Day One I've tried incorporating pictures with quotes, and sometimes I'll go out of my way to manipulate pictures to look the way I want them to look for the reader.
  • The Writing Gallery is my favorite subforum here and it saddens me that I never have enough time to do more on it.

Ramparte Trivia
  • When I first came up with the character, I borrowed heavily from The Picture of Dorian Gray, one of my favorite books. I didn't want him to be a devil worshipper trope, so I gave him characteristics opposite of what is generally considered cliche. That's why his early nickname was "The Man In White" and he appeared meticulously clean.
  • His original storyline featured demons and angels. I dropped it because it was too much like Dr. Zeus at the time, and Ty Burna returned.
  • Cerberus was almost called the CIA. Ask Dynamite.
  • Ramparte's Finisher evolved, and so did its name. At first it was a Berkocet, which was a spinning double underhook facebuster move. It was called The Cataclysm, which is a violent event. Then it became a Pedigree, a much tamer and easier to handle move similar to Berkocet but no spinning action. Ramparte calls this The Denouement, which is the part of the story after the climax takes place.
  • An idea I was floating around to NSL and Haiku to turn Ramparte face was to have Dr. Zeus want to marry and then sacrifice Batti Otaku a la Stephanie McMahon/Undertaker. He would come to the rescue and all that. In hindsight this was probably a bad idea, but it would have been an event. Wedding segments are fun.

Batti Trivia
  • Batti Otaku is the personification of how some of my friends act when it comes to anime and general geekdom. Of course this is heavily exaggerated.
  • Otaku is a person so obsessed with pop culture and the internet that they literally become social pariahs. Batti is, well, batty, which means crazy.
  • There are times she says something very meta, or even break the fourth wall. I try to keep it super subtle so it's something like an Easter egg if you can find it.
  • I've considered bringing her in as either a secondary or replace Ramparte. Will I?
  • As far as I know, she is the only character to ever use emoticons in her dialogue.
I will also play.

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

- One of the oldest guys here at 40.

- A wrestling fan since I was three apples high and watched The Road Warriors tear a new A-hole in Jumpin Jim Bronzell and some other guy pre Killer Bees time.

- Is Canadian. Never left Canada.

- Was (and still is really) a Hulkamaniac, brother!

- Huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan.

- Only found WZ a little over a year ago, but love it. Love the WZCW as well.

- Major gamer, started with PONG and nearly every system since. Video games are a great escape for me. Love movies, favorite genre is horror, then action and comedy.

- Dabbled with writing and drawing since early teens. Have about 30 scribblers filled with set characters not unlike Archie Comics, but with violence.

- Smoked for 23 years and celebrated 1 year quit back in May.

- Recently got diagnosed with cancer most likely because of the smoking and love of everything sugar, plus it runs rampant in my mother's side of the family tree. Cancer is in one spot and not spreading right now so no need for any radiation yet.

- Writing style is 95% comedy. Even if I try to write a serious piece it'll just revert to comedy anyway. It's how my twisted brain works. Writing style is also 50% planned and 50% make it up as I type, ideas will come while I write.


Remarkable Mark Keaton

- Is a mixture of what I wanted to be like as a kid in the 80s and the music style I still love today.

- Came up with the name Keaton using a name generator. Remarkable came next and took part of that for his first name.

- His gimmick was to be an all 80s type rocker, it still is but I've toned it down a notch since his first showings.

- His image rep was always Billy Idol in my head so that's what it ended up being.

- He's like a young Chris Jericho and sounds much like Jericho.

- Tagging with Cooper (Da Prophet ) early was the best entry for a new E Feder anyone could hope for. I reeled back the violence and Prophet helped me understand what creative likes and dislikes as well.

- Keaton's VHS Lariat is a combination of Jake the Snakes set up short clothesline and Stan Hansen's clubbing lariat.
Frank N Stein
I've been in and out of WZCW since I joined the forums back in 07

I collect Antique books. I have 31 ranging in age from 37-150 years old.

The youngest book I have is a 3 book set of the first 3 Xanth novels from 1979.

The oldest book I have (that has a copyright date) is Scenes from a Courtesan's Life part 2 from 1901 making it 115 years old.

My Copy of Gulliver's Travels may be older but because it doesn't have a copyright date I had to do the footwork and came up with a tentative printing date of any time from 1866 to 1920 making it 96 to 150 years old.

I am Christian and do my best to act accordingly even though I fail quite a bit.

I am a former alcoholic/massive pot head to the point it was detrimental and have been through a Christian recovery program here in Oregon.

For those unaware I am married. My wife is 44, I'm 29 & my stepdaughter is 14.

I took my current user name from a bar in the town I live called Frank N Steins.

I was told that I would never be allowed back into the fed after no showing for the 1,000,000 time. Thankfully Yaz and Co gave me a shot where I had to get 5 RPs in before Apocalypse.

I didn't know Yaz was HoC when I PMed him asking to come back. I just thought he was my best shot of getting a Yes.

I am a former Mayhem Champion and won the title after Everest vacated it.

Tony Mancini
Originally used for another fed under the name B.G. Mancini I brought him to WZCW because I didn't think I would be able to bring back one of the many previous characters I used before. I think I made the right choice.

Originally thought up to be a classic mob character but that didn't work as well as I planned and I have big plans for Tony that I think will make him unique and give him that emotion people say he's been lacking.

Expect big things up to Kingdom Come and beyond for Tony.
Another writer fact: I am addicted to KB's reviews. So far I've bought 8 of his Ebooks in less than a week. I have 13 to go to have all he's got out so far.
Dagger Trivia

  • This is the only forum I have ever been a mod at. My only other forums I have had accounts at lasted less than a month or two before I got bored of it and left. Not this one though. Coming up on 8 years as a poster here in about 2 months. I've been a mod for more than half of my 8 years here and I have been a G-Mod for 2 years.

  • The part of Theron's profile page where it says he has encyclopedic knowledge of classic video game titles is taken from parts of my own fandom.

  • WZCW was my first fantasy wrestling fed. I have been a member of one other fed for one round, where I was also Theron. The only RP from that fed has also been posted here as a "random dream" Theron had over in the Random RP thread. Theron's image rep at that fed was Heath Slater and the Critical Hit was a Codebreaker instead of an RKO.

  • English is my second language. Swedish was my first. My parents moved to the US from Sweden a couple of years before I was born.

  • My hair used to spike without gel. 3 years ago I decided to grow it out, now it's as long as Roman Reigns' is.

  • I've been to 4 WWE events. Wrestlemania 25, Summerslam 2010, NXT Takeover Dallas, and Wrestlemania 32. I've been a fan for my whole life but never made it to a wrestling event until 2009.

  • Favorite section on the forum is The Media Hub. Favorite band is Nightwish. I also love just about all 1980's hair metal.

  • I've had many pets. 9 dogs and 4 cats.

  • It took a combination of Killjoy, FunKay, and FalKon all at once to convince me finally give the fed a try after toying with the idea for a few years.

  • The longest RP that I ever submitted is probably my Kingdom Come 6 RP. If un-submitted drafts count, my draft for Lethal Lottery 2014 at one point was so long that it took 3 PM messages to send a copy to myself. It had around 7,500 words before I cut a very lengthy scene out.

  • I have been playing D&D since 2003.

Theron Trivia

  • The name Theron Daggershield came from a D&D character I was playing at the time who had the exact same name. That character's name inspiration was Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit.

  • Theron originally was not supposed to have a long-term love interest. His original application labeled him as a womanizer and the relationship with Kirilah (Tiffany) growing into one where they love each other as much as they do was not the original plan.

  • The same can also be said for his faith in Mystra. Also not part of the original plan. Theron converting to Mystrianism was legitimately something I threw in to my Meltdown 100 RP at the last second out of nowhere. Little did I know that would send him onto the Paladin path into becoming "The Warblade Of Mystra", which produced many of what are considered my best RP's.

  • There's multiple degrees of separation from Theron's reality to the real one. He is a Human playing a D&D character playing a Legend Of Zelda character.

  • The NPC Kaleesta was originally not supposed to be anything like how she ended up. She originally was going to be the twin sister of Elora, an evil heel NPC who ruled over the Cult Of Shar (Not to be confused with the Theronism for Trinity) that Theron battled in 2013-2014. Elora was Kaleena the Lady of Thunderbelle, a former significant other of Theron's twin brother Feron (who also has never been mentioned in years) and Kaleesta was her twin sister. There was going to be a big story arc with Davivel, Theron's former best friend who turned heel in my Kingdom Come 6 RP. Kaleesta got changed into a Rose Tyler inspired Cleric who had a prayer chamber bigger on the inside, and the original story arc was never addressed again. Maybe some day in the Writing Gallery....

  • Theron would not have been my first character had I joined the first few times I considered it. My All Stars character, Dr Anderson, would have been. He has been a wrestling character concept for almost a decade, being a created wrestler in the WWE video games as far back as 2005 as a heel that I would put into matches with legends like Hogan/Austin/Rock/etc. He was based on a real Art professor at my college. While, Theron, did not exist as a wrestling character concept until early 2013.

  • Theron's name for Apocalypse, The Day Of Lavos, came straight out of Chrono Trigger. I even paid tribute to Ayla's naming of Lavos in one of my Apocalypse RP's.

  • I have never done a Leon/Stacey interview in an RP and probably never will. Mainly because I want to produce RP content that you would never see from any other character.

  • Theron's Blackjack character and use of the four colored card deck came from an idea I had at one point to bring in a female heel counterpart of Theron into an All Stars round. She would have used cards instead of dice and had an evil party of her own Misfits.

  • Keifasar is the only member of The Merry Band Of Misfits to never go through a big change or be replaced, from my first RP until now. Even Sheshmish, if you look back far enough, did not have the pirate voice originally so the addition of his pirate voice marks when his big change took place.

Prince Vee Trivia

  • My character and I resemble a lot. In fact, it's supposed to be Vee A.D.Z. is a better version of me. Like I've an IQ of 135+ whereas he has 140 and all.

  • The name Prince Vee is actually how I was called by one of my former friends when I tell her that my real name's etymology is from a Indian Prince. Simply because she couldn't pronounce my real name. TBH not even Indians can pronounce my name in a proper way.

  • This is my first e-fed, previously one of my friend nagged me to join Harry Potter kinda fed which I prompted not to. I love to write stories because I've grown up listening to stories from my parents and grand parents.

  • I'm Indian of course, but been raised in England for the first few years. Ever since I've been commuted between places till got settled in India for the last 2 years or so.

  • I love science and engineering. I've Master degree in Engineering and now working as a Lecturer whilst going forward with my research career.

  • Also I've an avid interest in wrestling and MMA. I remember the time when I was 5 or something when Gangrial Edge and Christian were a thing with vampire persona. I'm a HBK fan.

  • Currently I'm trying to do my research in European countries and been working on it.

  • Straightedge, Cocky, Outspoken Atheist. Contrary to that I'm a good listener. I learn from my mistakes and I constantly evolve. Few years back I had this "I don't give a fuck" attitude. But had changed it over the years since I realized I really do need to give a fuck about few things.

  • Fun facts: I love to rap (Not freestyle though) I love to draw, you must've seen that in my RPs. Struggled with Insomnia for 1 years and got over it somehow. Now it seems like I've some serious symptoms of ADHD. But yeah screw it.

Vee A.D.Z. Trivia

  • Like I said before, Vee A.D.Z. is just an upgraded version of me. Most of the NPCs are my based on my real life characters.

  • Sara is the first name of my real life girlfriend and She's a swedish. She assumes her true-self as that character and got offended when Lee mocked her in Titus' RP. She is a black belt in Karate in real too. So be careful mate.

  • I started to present Vee as a highflier with little MMA background. But MMA became a vital part of his character as the story went forward. Main reason for that is NSL. Because once he wrote a match where Vee knocks out Justin Cooper with a roundhouse kick (Mawashi geri). As I like to keep links between stories I built my character on that.

  • The voices that sporadically appear in Vee's head is actually based on my real life. I used to think a lot which made me use those voices.

  • Right now what Vee is, is a former Mixed Martial Artist. Been a champion in Surrey Wrestling Academy, but been just an underdog ever since he joined WZCW. He never had a feud or grudge with anyone. It started off between him and Cassanova but the latter disappeared. Titus is his first real grudge.
Wrestler Trivia
  • The character of Titus has existed for over ten years. He started as a back yard fed character.
  • There was a character going to make an appearance who was Titus' brother, but Titus heel turn and subsequent banning for me cancelled that angle.
  • Titus before and after the banning is somewhat different. Now he has the almost foley esque which face will turn up, back then it was just a generic character.
  • Titus got noticed during his feud with Hasheem
  • Titus used to be me, now it's Stevie (picture wise)
  • keystone city is actually a fictional town, home of the flash in the DC comics. Titus was actually born in the UK but adopted Keystone during his tenure as Red Mask and after the amnesia developed an American accent.

Writer Trivia
  • Whilst WZCW existed on the old WZ boards, Kayfabe wise MD1 is the first show. Only Myself and Everest survive from there.
  • Ricky considered me for creative after I suggested that WZCW merge the Eltie X and mayhem titles.
  • Since then I became head of creative and added in the Eurasian belt due to a severe increase of roster members
  • Also added to that is the second show, Ascension.
  • There are three or four shows 100% written by me, they were planned to be done how WZ does their spoilers for SD.
  • A Titus background has begun.
  • Whilst RPing as Red Mask I would always throw out a sentence that had the first letters spell out the word TITUS
  • When I started on creative, I actually had no active character.
  • red Masks Elite X title shot was actually not my idea, I didn't want to seem like I was buying the title just because I was head of creative.

Since a lot has changed:

  • I take a lot of inspiration from random places for Titus. The Miz is a big help for the heel run but the acting side is mainly from the character RD Jr plays in Tropic Thunder.
  • I've heard legend comes from Smash Bros.
  • Avison is an old street of mine, I decided to add the surname in as it sounded more heelish than Titus. It also gave me a distinction between the two.
  • The idea for local areas to be used prominent was three fold. Traditionally my description was shit so I wanted something to focus on. Most 'celebs' I use are genuine ones from the local area the show is in. I also wanted to move away from Keystone and lastly it gives them more a unique feel.
  • I always throw in references that maybe only I will get. Example last RP was a character called David in the MMA shop who Titus calls Punk at one point. I know a set of twins called David and Phil Brookes so it was more a CM Punk joke with being in Chicago.
  • I love that the EurAsian is revitalised and now anyone can really put a challenge if needsbe. It was my vision of it when I brought the belt in (though originally it was going to be more old school style)
  • The secret stipulation to the Pure rules is...
What the hell:

Wrestler Trivia

  • James Howard is the closest I could get to my real name in the WWE 12 character generator.
  • In fact the gimmick was born whilst playing around with the titantrons in WWE 12. I liked the MMA insipired one as an idea and I was sold.
  • Howard's anger issues came from wanting him to have problems, but trying to be different. Also it fit with the gimmick and gave a legitimate reason why he would move from MMA to wrestling.
  • Dinah's personality is based on my fiancé, her rep, Dayna Delux, was chosen because the 1950s aesthetic is something she likes.
  • Howard's friend Aleksey is Russian as a nod to Rocky, there'll be a lot more of that dynamic to come.
  • Howard's height is about the same as mine, but I weigh about 40lbs more, and I am not in the shape of an MMA fighter.
  • I have a rough arc in mind for Howard, at least for the first few months. It will probably take me through to around August time depending on match results

Writer Trivia
  • This is my first E-fed since Foley was WWE champion
  • I used to run one way back when, but I was only 14 so the quality wasn't great, also since I ran it solo there was little in the way of checks and balances.
  • My name Shotaro dates waaaaay back to UT, and is the surname of Kaneda from Akira
  • I've never won a title in an e-fed
  • I am a mathematics teacher for high school age students.

Wow, this thread is a blast from the past!

I'm married now, have two kids (Twins, a boy and a girl) oh and I quit teaching. Nine years was enough.
Really? Why? This is the first I am hearing of this.
Out of the 4 on the mod list under each sectionI knew the other 3 were around for a lot of my past stupidity with my countless noshows and being a general dick. I also thought Killjoy legitimately hated me.

I thought you might have been as well but I wasn't 100% sure so that coupled with my desire to come back made me take that chance way back in January. It wasn't til after that I found out you were HoC in the discussion thread.
I'm here for all stars and I'm bored so I'm using that as justification to join in this.

Wrestler Trivia::
  • Lots of people know this already, but the entire RPs I was going to make originally were dr Seuss rhymes or poetry in the vein of "A Visit From St Nicholas" but Haiku showed up a few weeks before I considered the finer details.

  • The inspiration of M's eventual character was a mixture of Tamaki from Ouran Highschool Host Club and Zero from Code Geass.

  • General Green originally existed to serve the purpose of introducing colour related officials in a storyline I never bothered to post.
  • M technically has a worse win/loss ratio than Milenko's current character - over the course of all my matches I've won 5 times.
  • Despite that, M somehow got himself into three title matches and ended up in the Gold Rush tournament.

  • I don't want to bring M back. I liked the way he went out though, and really liked how some people even thought it was too far.
  • i think the letter to Hayden RP might be the best one I wrote, but I considered it cheating due to a) knowing that red skull wasn't going to RP and b) it's stolen from something I'll explain in the next bit.

Writer Trivia

  • This is my first e fed thing. I joined a thing jam was in for like 4 weeks where I wrote an angry angry man named Reggie. The rep was Brock Lesnar and all the RPs were done in the style of the second half of that Hayden RP I mentioned earlier.
  • I had to quit that fed because I started working at the national broadband network where I basically had to solve unsolvable problems. Statistics is a fun job because people never understand why stuff can't always be a simple x=y solution.

  • throughout my childhood I had a nasty history of turning down accomplishments and purposely trying to fail; I made national chess 2x, state softball 3x, state discus 6x, state shot put 4x, state cross country once and for every single year I made those squads I refused to compete. Academically I was just a dick, I refused a spot in the accelerated program three separate years, then I started trying to get crap marks so they'd stop asking me. One time I wrote "2" as the answer to every question on a maths test and I somehow passed (40% was the pass).

  • I don't particularly regret the academic dicking around since I could always just turn on god mode and laugh when I refused to do science classes in senior school after top scoring the year 10 exams, but I would have liked to see how a young M fared at higher stages in the other stuff. Softball and discus I was pretty good at too, though I'd happily admit I peaked at the other stuff.
  • Alright so here's something that'll sound edgy as fuck: I'm not a wrestling fan. During the 2007 Australian election I was bored as hell until I remembered that someone at school had said the undertakers real name was "like mark or something", so naturally I was like "no way" and proceeded to search for the answer. Somehow that lead me to wrestlezone, where I thought it was hilarious that there was this whole rumour business going on in wrestling, and eventually it ended with me making an account to extend the post per page limit on the forums to 30. I've tried getting into it before and I'll usually download the royal rumble or Wrestlemania, but as a whole I'm not really a fan and I keep up so I'm not 100% out of the loop.

  • The Agent Fresco album "Destrier" is my go to listening noise for when I need to get shit done. It works. Also the reason there's this many for points is because I just copied red skulls post and used his template because he's cool.

  • I am an extremely girly man in real life. Pink is tied with blue for my favourite colour, I'm obsessed with romance anime and cuteness is my life.
Did this way back in the day so I guess it's time for an update.

Wrestler Trivia:

  • Justin Cooper was originally a rapper who had multiple Grammy Awards but shunned hip-hop culture and thought he was above them. He wore no gold chains, hoodies or cursed in his music.

  • Justin Cooper wrote a rap for a battle royal once.

  • Mayhem Champion 2x, Elite X Championship and World Tag Team Championship along with victories over some of the biggest names in the fed’s history. Cooper has conquered every division he’s ever competed in. Even still, Number once said “Justine Cooper is a footnote worthy character in the fed.”

  • No joke, the name of the character is a mix between Justin Bieber and a footballer in Australia. The name Triple X was written in for the application, the movie with Vin Diesel was on TV at the time I believe or I had just seen it a few days earlier, but I took it out because I thought no way would they allow me to use the name due to it being ripped straight from a movie.

  • Justin doesn’t dislike people based on alignment. David Cougar and Titus are his favourites. He will never like Chris K.O. no matter what combination of heel or face they are at the time.

  • Cooper has been in at least four tag teams. Three out of the four pinned the World Tag Team Champions at the time. Cooper/Hays, Cooper/Bowen and Cooper/Keaton all defeated the reigning champions.

  • His first title shot and PPV debut was at All or Nothing 2010 for the tag titles. The event was headlined by Ty Burna. Upon his return, his first PPV match in over two years, Justin Cooper pinned Ty Burna to win the tag titles.

Writer Trivia:

  • I looked it up and my official start date in the fed was 09/09/10. I was about halfway through high school when I joined the fed and now I’m halfway through my degree at university. I do remember the reason I signed up for the fed back in ’10 was that I wrote a scene in the Book This! section at the time, can’t remember exactly what it was, and afterwards Falkon asked if I had thought of joining the fed. So for all hateful comments he sends my way it’s really his fault that I even signed up.

  • I had been following the fed for a few months before I applied. Didn’t really get the concept of the fed and had never RPed before anywhere. They had this storyline where the Mayhem title was stolen at one point and that was one of the more interesting plots which drew me into the fed.

  • I rarely studied for exams during high school and year 11/12. Ended up getting exactly what I needed to qualify for my degree. I’m shit at mathematics but I can write an essay with ease. It has always been my strength and gives me a good laugh when I hear people bitching about doing essays. I usually do my assessments the day before or day of the deadline. I have since attempted to prepare better and write essays in advance of the deadline only to see my marks fall when doing so. Last semester I wrote an essay a week in advance since my week was stacked with other tasks but ended up barely passing. This semester I wrote an essay, in a similar course, on the due date and got top marks for it.

  • Been in the fed four times. Left the first time because it was my final year of high school. The second time I had pushed for Cooper/Bowen III at Kingdom Come. We were teaming together at the time and we pinned the tag champions after All or Nothing, Bowen’s handler had personal issues or something and hinted at leaving. The only reason I was sticking around was to get our match together at KC so I was like ‘tell me if you’re staying or going’ and that caused him to go off on me because I didn’t send him a message to make sure he was alright and I never contributed to the team (it’s all in the discussion thread if you want a good read). I quit, our characters were wrecked by SHIT and Barbosa, he didn’t like that at all even though both of us had quit and we were heels. Worst experience in the fed by far. Third time I returned during my final year before university which was dumb. I had no time for the fed, RPed for a cycle and dropped out. I was able to get Numbers to RP against me at All-Stars, built it up for my entire third run by calling him out and all that good stuff. Then match came and I put up a R.I.P. thing and didn’t pay attention to the aftermath. I heard good things though.

  • My return this time only happened because the fed was doing the KC live discussion thread. I made a comment and the people demanded my return!

  • I was a book reader as a kid and have recently gotten back into it with A Song of Ice and Fire. I play video games but not as much as I once did. It’s mostly NBA, Madden and NHL these days rather than story based games. I’ve picked up a creative writing course as an elective for university mainly because it looks like a cool way to spend a few hours a week.

  • I have a good idea when I’ll finish up in the fed this time around. When I go I want Cooper to be totally destroyed and if I return I’ll give a different character a go.

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