WWE WrestleMania XXXIV: WWE United States Championship Fatal Fourway Match


It was made official yesterday, though we've all suspected it was coming for some time, in that Randy Orton will defend the United States Championship against Bobby Roode and Jinder Mahal.

My interest in this feud went south when Roode, for whatever reason, dropped the title to Orton at Fastlane. While I'm not terribly thrilled about Jinder being in this picture, it looks like he's not going anywhere near the main event picture again. He still sucks, but at least he's in a more appropriate spot than carrying around the biggest championship in wrestling for half a year.

I look for Orton to retain at WrestleMania by finally getting the pin on Jinder. Jinder's stooge Samil will interfere in this match, he'll get the hell beaten out of him, he'll probably be rag dolled on the announce table by Orton, but I see Orton sort of redeeming himself a little as every time he's clashed with Jinder, he's lost. I see Orton continuing the program with Roode and Jinder for another month or two before it goes back to a 1 on 1 program.
out of all the matches announce as of now, i fell like this will probably be the main event of the kickoff mostly because that's the coldest match they have on the card right now.

Having said that, i think they will have a really good match mostly because all three are great performers and i could see Jinder some how winning the belt which would be awesome as he a great heel and having him as US champion would bring his character to the level that his WWE title reigns never could.
The WWE made its bed.

It irritates me when the WWE does matches like this. The US title was put on Bobby Roode because he's a loud and proud spectacle that can bring new meaning to the title, so they immediately took it off of him and put it on Randy Orton. Randy Orton is just kind of there, he got bored and decided that he wanted to RKO some people.

I get that Jinder and Randy have history, then there was the whole top ten thing, and I'm almost boring myself to tears remembering any of that. If Randy and Jinder have rabid fanbases that are super excited to see how they do in this match, they need to get on social media because I'm not seeing any buzz beyond how weird it is that they're involved in the US Title scene.

It made sense to make Bobby the US Champion, it makes sense to keep the belt on him and have him defend it against up and coming talents that could potentially have their status elevated for it. This feud seems like a huge waste of time.
I'm kinda glad that this has become a four way with Rusev being added and it prove one thing that pretty much every WWE performers has said over the year, if you make money for the company, you will get a push. Rusev is moving a ton of merch, so they change plans and add him to this match which i still think will be the main event of the kickoff but still, he's will make that match a lot better since he's pretty much the only guy in that match that has any personality right now. Not Knocking the other three, but let face it Orton as been costing lately and doesn't really care as much as he use to, Roode is a great wrestlers but his theme music and glorious catch phrase they gave him in NXT pretty much kill any chance of him turning heel which is what he should be and Jinder, is a great heel but is just boring in the ring.

So at less now you got somebody that's good in the ring and actually has a personality and will help the match as a whole. If i had to pick a winner, i would go either with Rusev or Jinder. Rusev is more because he deserve more then being stuck in the midcard and i couls see him do entertaining thing with it and Jinder would be just a natural fit for this title.
Rusev being added to the match elevates my interest for the match. Even though I don't think he has much of a chance, Rusev's over with fans and he's done some of the best work we've seen in a long while during his matches against Nakamura and Roode.

I still expect Orton to retain but I think there'll be a few dramatic, close near falls to help keep things up along with the usual energy of a three or fourway dance.
Shame this will be on the pre show, but shot house lazy booking has buried this feud which had so much potential. Roodes glorious entry wasted on a half empty stadium. Urghhhhh
Meh, this one is a filler. No real build up, no confrontations...It's just there in the Mania card... I mena, it got a little bit more interesting with Rusev,but I doubt he is going to win the U.S. title again.

Probably Orton retains in a mediocre match.
I'm looking forward to this match. I honestly believe Randy Orton was just holding on to this title to put one of the other guys over. Orton has had several Mania moments that I think it ought to be someone who could benefit with the victory more. What better day to do it, than on Rusev Day. ;)

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