WWE Saturday Morning... Why not?


JC CooL 420
The WWE is focused towards kids now, so why is there no wrestling on Saturday mornings?

I remember when I was young their was always some sort of Saturday morning show, I even remember the Rock N Wrestling cartoon...

So, my question is... Wouldn't a show like Superstars be better off being even more kid friendly and changing to a Saturday morning time slot? They all ready have the kid friendly stars like Yoshi Tatsu, Golddust (Weird as that sounds...lol) and a few others... So, why not just go all the way with it and make it a show specifically for young kids...?

Or along the same thought process...

Would a remake of Rock N Wrestling catch on today?

It would be pretty cool to see a wrestling cartoon on in the mornings... Instead of Hogan, JYD, and the rest of the gang it would be Rey Mysterio, Cena, Taker, etc... I think it could be pretty cool and may even draw in a few more kids to the WWE product...

To be honest, I don't know if kids even watch saturday morning cartoons anymore. So I don't think they would want to spend their morning watching wrestling either.

Despite what alot of people seem to think, WWE is not as PG right now as it was when they had their saturday morning shows, and I don't think they would really want a show that is that childish in material. That kind of stuff bombs overall (look at Hornswoggle). I also don't think their kids fan-base is nearly as large as it was back than. Whether or not it is because there is just generally a smaller fan-base or not is irrelevant, but I don't think it would draw nearly enough viewers to be worth while. Superstars might not get great ratings, but it at least gets the lower level guys some exposure, and I don't see any real benefit in a show for kids on Saturday mornings. Especially because it would litterally alienate any possible older viewers from watching it, which would only result in a lower rating.
While I'm not sure Saturday mornings are the best time slot, I could see a lot of value in a kids wrestling program. Or instead of creating a whole new show, WWE could have it's performers host popular kids shows that already exist, like what Sgt. Slaughter used to do for GI Joe. Exposure never hurts.
Hey, why not? It would be a good way to get kids to watch the programs. I don't know anything about Saturday morning programming, but I bet NBC would be happy to put on a WWE themed cartoon or a show with some wrestling and some character building.

There are only a few reasons I don't see this happening. The first one is the fact that traditional WWE programming doesn't mesh well with traditional Saturday Morning children programming. Now I know there's a fair share of TMNT and Power Rangers out there, but those are both pure fantasy and are clearly advertised as such. WWE shows are supposed to be real, not fantasy, and are billed as being real. This "real" violence doesn't really fit in to Saturday morning program.

Also, it would mean more work for the WWE wrestlers. If they want to have RAW, Smackdown, NXT/Tough Enough, and Superstars, they would need to record another match or two which would only mean more work for the WWE wrestlers.

It would be a good way to advertise, but it may be too much work for the WWE staff. I think a WWE themed cartoon would be good, as WWE could just stick a few of their writers on it and hire a producer or something, get an animation company, and they're good to go. Have it be like John Cena, Randy Orton, and Edge going on adventures to defeat a group of heels. Along the way they can help The Giant Big Show fit in with the regular sized people, help overthrow the tyranical King Sheamus, and visit John Morrison in the Palace of Wisdom. It could be a lot of fun for kids and adult fans and attract more money and viewers.
I don't see why now.. Early in the last decade we had Smackdown on Saturday morning on 10am here in the UK.. am not really sure if they still do this.. I was only 8 back then and I used to wake up early just to watch this.. I can't anymore because my sleeping timetable is just mental!! lol But the thing with cartoon is.. back then!!! they had cartoon/fake characters.. now its all about the real character behind the wrestler.. soo that wouldn't really work..

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