WWE Roadblock - Brock Lesnar VS Bray Wyatt


If the reports from the WON are correct, then it looks like the head of the Wyatt Family himself, rather than Luke Harper, is going to be offered up as a sacrificial lamb for the Beast Incarnate at Roadblock.

A lot people will eat up the notion of Lesnar decimating Wyatt, the live crowd will be chanting "Suplex City" every 10 seconds or so, counting off every time Lesnar performs a suplex and Wyatt will probably be slaughtered within a 5 minute stretch.

Hell, I won't be at all surprised if they have Lesnar demolish the entire clan before it's all said & done. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Wyatt actually has a good showing, but the odds of that are pretty long so ultimately, this is another setback for poor ol' Brother Bray.
Well at least they are tying it up. This could have ended up in one of those ''Stories they never finished'' threads. Granted it was only 1 night of interaction and Heyman mentioning it in passing the nexct night but you get the point.

I wasn't looking forward to the rumoured Wyatt vs Lesnar at WM. We definitely most fucking certainly got the better end of the stick with Ambrose Vs Lesnar. Wyatt has been booked pretty damn crap lately and he isn't going to get mauled at this Network Special, and come out in a years time with Godfather and his Ho Train.
I can't emphasize this strongly enough; Roadblock is so stupid.

They're caught trying to put on big money matches, without hyping them too much so they don't overshadow the build toward matches at WrestleMania. For matches like this and the world title match, they're still going to have to suddenly start pushing WrestleMania hype onto us after Roadblock is over.

The only good thing I could see coming out of this particular encounter is that maybe Brock will take a kayfabe bad bump and go into his match with Dean while not being 100%, thus making the encounter a little less of a joke.

It'll be great to see the mayhem and all that, but this is pretty fucking abrupt even for WWE's standards. If they were going to close the book on the Lesnar vs Wyatt feud, they should have built toward its ending a little more. I don't see this match benefitting the Wyatt's in any way in terms of their likelihood to be a significant part of WrestleMania.
Chalking up another major L for Bray here. I find it foolish that they're doing this at all. Either WWE's stock in Wyatt is completely in the toilet or they have plans for him in defeat.

This isn't me saying Bray should win, or should have a great showing against Lesnar. Surely there could have been a better suited Jobber for the task. Maybe even a crew of four of them who desperately want to trend.

I won't hope for a strong showing by Bray out of this, but I do hope that his character, or clan evolve past this. Luke Harper needs to start getting mic time and accusing the patriarch of leading them astray, or something to that effect.
Roadblock is already more appealing than WrestleMania. This isn't a Mania level match but nor is Ambrose vs. Lesnar. I don't see why they can't give Wyatt the win by nefarious means. A DQ or count out can further Lesnar's Mania match and set up a future Wyatt rematch.
If I had to ferry a guess, Harper was likely the opponent here when Wyatt was the Mania opponent for Lesnar, now that things have changed, you know.

Obviously Wyatt loses here. Hopefully it's not a squash, and the two have an actual match before the Family gets involved. Bray losing here doesn't really matter. What really matters is what they do with him at WrestleMania.

Hopefully they do something with him period. They've been teasing this Lesnar feud, and now Wyatt has no clear opponent. The character has no wins at WrestleMania presently and seems poised to face less credible opponents than his previous two Mania outings. In all fairness, considering those opponents, he had no where to go but down unless he got Lesnar or Triple H.

I think the Wyatts might be better suited for a brief tween run. 8 man tag vs League of Nations sounds like Mania to me, although the model UN seem destined to meet New Day.

Lesnar and Wyatt are both heels, though Lesnar seems to be benefitting more from the "no more heels or faces" mentality. Whatever the case, the crowd needs a hero to root for. Lesnar is being booked as not the hero vs Ambrose, so where is the logic in this swamp detour at Roadblock? Is Bray Wyatt now a hero?
Oh great Lesnar squashes Wyatt and all the credibility he had left.

The match will literally go just like this:

Suplex, Suplex, Suplex, Suplex, Wyatt Family Attempted Interference, Lesnar Suplexes Wyatt Family Members, F5, Pinfall

Lesnar wins and Wyatt is buried.
Don't know what will happen in this match. Was really hoping it would be Harper against Lesnar. Harper can go in the ring, and I think he's a much better wrestler than Wyatt is. Wyatt and Heyman can slug it out for mic supremacy.

But there won't be any family interference as Harper and Wyatt are the only two advertised. Strowman and Rowan will be at the Atlantic City show.
I think we know where Wyatt stands at this point. He's gone from a Mania squash to a live event squash. Whereas the Mania squash would have at least given him the rub of facing 3 bonafide legends at Mania 3 years in a row, the live event squash just pushes him further down the totem pole.

Follow the Buzzards Bray. Right into the dirt.
So I get what I wanted but the event is Roadblock instead of Wrestlemania 32. As much as I love Bray, I see no way of him going over Lesnar here. Harper or even Social Outcasts would have been better choice for the squash rather than Bray.

We all know that Lesnar will win but I hope its not a squash match. If its a squash, Bray can really become the leader of glorified jobbers.

In other news, I am expecting it to be a good match so as to change the perception of people who think that Wyatt VS Lesnar would have sucked at Wrestlemania. Great dream for me though :shrug:

If the reports from the WON are correct, then it looks like the head of the Wyatt Family himself, rather than Luke Harper, is going to be offered up as a sacrificial lamb for the Beast Incarnate at Roadblock.

A lot people will eat up the notion of Lesnar decimating Wyatt, the live crowd will be chanting "Suplex City" every 10 seconds or so, counting off every time Lesnar performs a suplex and Wyatt will probably be slaughtered within a 5 minute stretch.

Hell, I won't be at all surprised if they have Lesnar demolish the entire clan before it's all said & done. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Wyatt actually has a good showing, but the odds of that are pretty long so ultimately, this is another setback for poor ol' Brother Bray.

I could see Brock winning to look strong. I just hate to see Bray lose clean at Bray's expense. I'm hoping they put on a good match and Brock wins by DQ and destroys the Wyatt Family after the match.
Here's what I hope happens
In my perfect world after Bray uses the numbers game to try t win but Brock still looks strong and like he may win. All of a sudden out comes Dean Ambrose to somehow cost Brock the match. Brock then destroys Rowan, Harper & Strowman which gives Bray a much needed big match win while keeping Brock looking like a monster going into WrestleMania.

What will more than likely happen
Brock totally dominates all 4 members of the Wyatt family by throwing all of them around like Rag Dolls and Bray loses yet another big match. Dean tries to get involved but Brock leaves him laying right next to the Wyatt Family and Brock stands tall because he's Brock Lesnar and fuck the full time workers as long as Brock gets his.

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