WWE Revamped!


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm going to start doing weekly RAW's & Smackdown's following Survivor Series. i will use the same champions WWE currently has but will alter the rosters in some ways. Also, I will not be doing a weekly ECW show. Also, new GM's will be announced for both brands on the first RAW & Smackdown shows. So here are the current rosters & champions.


World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho
Intercontinental Champion: William Regal
Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix (able to compete on both shows)
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler

Beth Phoenix
Candice Michelle
Charlie Haas
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Evan Bourne
'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan
Jerry 'The King' Lawler
John Morrison
Kelly Kelly
Kofi Kingston
Lillian Garcia
Matt Hardy
Mike Knox
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Shawn Michaels
Ted Dibiase
The Miz
Tommy Dreamer
Val Venis
William Regal


WWE Champion: Triple H
United States Champion: Shelton Benjamin
World TagTeam Champions: Carlito & Primo Colon (able to compete on both shows)
Commentators: Tazz & Matt Striker

Big Show
Brie Bella
Chavo Guerrero
Curt Hawkins
Ezekiel Jackson
Hurricane Helms
Jeff Hardy
Jimmy Wang Yang
John Cena
Katie Lea Burchill
Kung Fu Naki
Matt Striker
Michelle McCool
Mr. Kennedy
Nikki Bella
Paul Burchill
Primo Colon
Shelton Benjamin
The Boogeyman
The Brian Kendrick
Triple H
Vladimir Kozlov
Zac Ryder
*Show starts off with the usual opening RAW video followed by the pyro. The camera shows the crowd in a frenzy holding up their signs as it pans from corner to corner. JR & The King welcome everybody to RAW, then Vince McMahon is shown on the titan tron..*

VINCE MCMAHON: Well, I'm going to get right down to business here tonight. I said that after Survivor Series that we would have a new General Manager for RAW & Smackdown. But before I announce this person, let me make one thing perfectly clear. If at ANY time i feel this general manager is not doing his job of making his or her brand the #1 brand in WWE, then i can fire this person as general manager anytime I want! So, without further ado, here is your new general manager of Monday Nights...

*The crowd is silent, waiting to see whom the new general manager will be. After a couple of seconds, HAHAHAHAHA can be heard and sure enough, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase comes out from the back with a microphone in his hand.*

That's right folks. What you see is the truth. Ted Dibiase is your new general manager of RAW! And rest assured, I will do anything possible to bring you the best this RAW talent backstage can bring each & every week, and on every Pay Per View. First off, I have two huge matches to announce tonight. Two title matches to be exact. First off, The Intercontinental Championship will be defended tonight when William Regal defends the gold against...REY MYSTERIO! And secondly, in our main event. Our World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho, will be in action. However, I am not going to announce his opponent just yet. Everybody will just have to wait until later tonight to find....

*Ted is cut off by Chris Jericho's music. Jericho comes out in a nice looking suit with the World Heavyweight Title draped over his shoulder..*

CHRIS JERICHO: Well well what a pleasant surprise. The one & only Million Dollar Man as the new GM of RAW. I never saw that coming! I used to watch you growing up man. Bullying around that little peasant Virgil. Trying to buy the World Title from Andre The Giant. You're truly a legend Ted. So congratulations that your now the head honcho here on RAW. And i know your excited & want to make your first night as GM a memorable one. But Ted, lets be realistic here. Me, defending my World Title, here tonight? And against a mystery opponent at taht? That just isn't fair Ted, and you know that. So, with all do respect, I have to decline your offer to defend my title tonight...

*Fans start booing and start a Jericho sucks chant. Ted just looks around with a smirk on his face..*

TED: Sorry Chris, but the match is already finalized. Don't worry about it champ. You'll do fine. You're holding that World Championship for a reason. Because you're the best in the world. So you shouldn't have a thing to worry about.

Perhaps you didn't understand me quite clearly Ted. I don't care how much respect I have for you as a legend, I am not defending my World Title here tonight, end...of...STORY!

TED: Chris, I am the general manager around here now. So you can either defend your World Title tonight, or I will strip you of that title right this instant!

CHRIS: You know what Ted? FINE! I'll defend my World Title against whoever you have as my opponent. And after I kick their ass, I'll be waiting at my locker room door for an apology from you.

TED: Whatever you say Chris. Just remember one thing..everybody has a price for the Million Dollar Man!

*Ted's music plays as he lets out a loud laugh in the microphone. Jericho stares down Dibiase as he makes his way backstage.*


JR: Well that was quite the interesting opening here to RAW. New general manager Ted Dibiase made two huge matches here tonight, both of them being title matches.

King: I'm excited to see how Ted does as GM. So far, he seems to be working out quite well..

*Santino Marella's music plays over the PA system & he makes his way to the ring followed by the womens champion Beth Phoenix. After he makes his entrance, Tommy Dreamer makes his way to the ring to an ECW chant. The bell rings starting our first match...*

SANTINO MARELLA w/Beth Phoenix Vs. Tommy Dreamer
Results: Good back & forth match. Tommy controlled most of the match. Santino worked on the leg of Dreamer, making it be difficult for him to pull off the Death Valley Driver. Tommy eventually sets up Santino and hits the DVD but Beth Phoenix jumps up on the apron & starts yelling at Tommy. Dreamer listens to the yelling for a little bit and even takes a slap from beth. Tommy then grabs Beth and plants a big kiss on her, making her fall off the apron in disgust. Santino rolls up Dreamer, hooks the tights, and gets the 3 to get the surprise win.


*A local wrestler is in the ring as Mike Knox's music plays and he makes his way to ringside...*


Results: Very quick match with the local not even getting any offense in on the big Mike Knox. After some punishment, Knox hits his finisher and ends the match in quick fashion.

*Scene in the back shows Rey Mysterio getting ready for his Intercontinental Title match later tonight..*

*Cody Rhodes & Manu are scene backstage talking amongst themselves..*

CODY RHODES: Alright Manu, Ted Dibiase Jr. is going to be out for who knows how long, so me & you are going to tear the house down here on RAW. And when he comes back, you know me, him & you will be in like flint considering who the new GM is, right? So lets go out there & kick some ass!

*Cody & Manu head toward the ring as their match is next...*


*Priceless' starts to play as they make their way to the ring. Kofi Kingston's music then starts playing as the crowd errupts into cheers. Then, CM Punk makes his way to the ring. Punk & Kofi slap hands, then run to the ring as Punk, Kofi, Cody & Manu all start brawling..*


Results: Eventually, order was restored and the match began with Cody & Kofi. Cody got the upper hand and the heels did the usual of isolating Kofi from his partner, making frequent tags & keeping Kofi in their corner. At one point, Manu went to the top to hit a flying headbutt but Kofi moved out of the way and eventually made the hot tag to Punk. Punk came in cleaning house taking out both Manu & Cody. Eventually, Punk ended up hitting the Go To Sleep on Rhodes & pinned him to pick up the win..

*Scene in the back shows Mike Knox walking around backstage when he is confronted by Snitsky. Snitky just looks at him smiling..*

SNITSKY: I like what I saw out there Mike. Me & you could be quite the force to be reckoned with. Think about it...

*Snitsky laughs & walks away as Mike Knox looks on..*


*After commercial break, Rey Mysterio's music plays and the arena gets on their feet & cheers. Rey emerges from the back acknowledging the crowd. He makes his way to the ring, touches faces with anybody also wearing a Mysterio mask. He gets into the ring and taunts the crowd. William Regal's music then plays & he makes his way to the ring with the IC title around his waist. The ref holds the title up & the bell rings to start the match.*


Results: Match started off good as Regal with the ground game & Rey with the high flying game made for a good contrast. At one point, Regal worked hard on the legs of Mysterio to make it harder for him to hit the 619. Regal locked the Regal Stretch in the middle of the ring but Rey still managed to make it to the ropes. Regal went to the outside & grabbed the IC title but the ref took it away from him. Mysterio then took advantage and hit a top rope Hurricanrana on Regal, which appeared to have injured the IC champ. Regal slid to the outside and started walking away from the ring. The ref counted out Regal & Mysterio was declared the winner by countout. Rey just looked on in confusion as the ref held his hand up in victory.

*Scene shows Ted Dibiase sitting backstage in his office, relishing his new general manager position...*



*Shows come back & Cryme Tyme's music plays as the crowd once again errupts in cheers. Shad & JTG make their way to the ring, followed by their partner Matt Hardy. John Morrison's music hits and himself & the Miz make their way to the ring. The explosion goes off & Kane's music plays followed by him making his way to the ring...*

*Match starts off with JTG & The Miz. Good back & forth action by both teams with the heels once again keeping JTG isolated. Hardy tries to get involved with allows Miz & Morrison to do some double teaming. Kane, now working on JTG goes for a chokeslam but JTG slides out of it and makes the hot tag to Shad. Shad exchanges punches with Kane and eventually gets the upper hand. He runs into the ropes but is caught with a big boot by Kane. The match goes on longer with Hardy & Kane being the legal man at one point. Matt runs into the ropes but Morrison knees him in the back. Shad & JTG then run after Miz & Morrison and the 2 teams start to brawl outside. Meanwhile, in the ring, Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Kane reverses it into a choke slam. Kane covers Matt & gets the 3 to win the match..*

*Scene once again shows Dibiase in his office when the door is suddenly busted open. JBL then appears in front of Ted Dibiase..*

JBL: Ted, what in the hell is going on here? I know you don't want to reveal who Jericho's opponent tonight is. And I don't have a damn clue who it is. But one thing i do not is who it's not, and that's me! Now what I want to know is why in the hell JBL does not deserve a shot at the World Championship? I AM A WRESTLING GOD DAMNIT!

TED DIBIASE: Well John, it goes like this. Last night at Survivor Series, you really did not show me a whole lot to impress me or make me believe you deserve a shot. I know you had a hell of a title reign, but that was then, this is now. And second of all, you busting into my office like this is NOT a way to earn my respect. Now before you open your mouth again and really make me mad, I suggest you get out of here & start to prove ot me why that title shot should be yours!

*JBL, looking frustrated, makes his way out of the office. He opens the door and sees Charlie Haas standing there with his ear against the door, once again dressed up as JBL. JBL gives him a confused look..*

JBL: Charlie, what in the hell are you doing now?

CHARLIE HAAS: Well, I was just listening in on your bickering & whining in there with Ted. I AM A WRESTLING GOD DAMNIT. Ha, that line was always an instant classic for you wasn't it?

*Before Charlie can say anymore, JBL grabs him and throws him up against the wall & stomps him a little bit. JBL stalks Charlie & when he gets up, JBL nails him with a Clothesline From Hell..

JBL: I thought you learned your lesson the first time BOY!

*JBL walks off as the camera fades out on an unconscience Charlie Haas..*


*Show comes back & shows highlights from Survivor Series last night and hypes the replay which will be on tomorrow night...*


*Chris Jericho's music hits and he makes his way to the ring with a pissed off look on his face. Jericho stands in the ring waiting for his opponent. Dibiase appears on the titan tron...*

TED DIBIASE: Well Chris, here's what you & everybody has been waiting for. Your opponent here tonight...

*Randy Orton's music plays and he makes his way to the entrance ramp. He taunts the crowd then makes his way to the ring. Orton & Jericho are about to go at it...*

That's not all Jericho...aaaand....

*Batista's music hits next as the crowd starts to cheer. Batista does his usual entrance then makes his way to the ring. Orton & Jericho stare down Batista...*

TED: Aaaaaaaand.....

*Shawn Michaels' music hits next and the crowd goes crazy as Jericho starts yelling this isnt fair. Michaels makes his way to the ring and the match officially begins...*

Results: Jericho tried to spend most of the time on the outside hiding from the other 3 competitors but always got thrown back in to the ring. Good 20+ minute match between these three. Many close pinfalls. Batista controlled the early part of the match using his power to over power the other 3 competitors. Jericho & Orton did a lot of double teaming but at one point, Jericho nailed the Code Breaker on Orton and went for the pin but Michaels broke it up. Michaels then went to hit the Sweet Chin Music on Jericho but he ducked and Michaels hit Batista instead knocking him to the outside. Jericho then hit the Code Breaker on Michaels & pinned him to retain the World Championship. Jericho held up the World Title as his hand was raised in victory. Jericho backed up into Batista and he grabbed him and nailed Chris with the Batista Bomb. Batista then stood there holding the World Title when from behind, JBL attacked Batista with a steel chair. He nailed him twice, once in the back then in the head. JBL then hit Orton, Michaels & Jericho all with a steel chair shot. JBL then looked at the World Title, placed in down on Jericho then left. The show ended on the carnage left in the ring by JBL..


I would love some feedback as this is the very first show i've ever done on here. so it would be appreciated!
*Smackdown video plays and along with the opening music. Pyro goes off and the crowd goes nuts, holding up their signs just hoping to get there couple seconds of fame. The commentators are shown talking about Ted Dibiase being named the new GM of RAW. Vince McMahon then appears on the titan tron, once again, just like Monday night..*

VINCE MCMAHON: Well, as you all saw on RAW, it was a monumental night when the legend Ted Dibiase was named as the new GM of RAW. I just hope he does a good job, because if not, I will look him straight in the eyes and say to him YOU'RE FIRED! I don't care who you are. Anybody that crosses the boss will not stay around. Now, as far as the Smackdown GM goes, which will be announced shortly, I honestly have no idea who that is. I left that up to my wife, Linda McMahon. Now I just hope she makes a good choice and has learned from the past that going with a fan favorite is not always the best choice. So ladies & gentlemen, your new General Manager of Smackdown...

*The crowd is silenced once again as they all look on, waiting to see who the new GM of Smackdown will be. Suddenly, the glass shatters & the crowd goes ballistic as Stone Cold emerges from the back, giving the middle finger & getting the crowd rowdy as only he can. Vince, on the titan tron, looks shocked & pissed off at the same time. Austin looks up at the titan tron and flips it off...*

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Man it's good to be back here in the WWE. And Vince, don't worry about a thing. I will do whatever i can to make sure Smackdown reigns supreme, but at the same time, piss you the hell off like only the Rattlesnake can!

*Crowd starts up an Austin chant...*

VINCE MCMAHON: Damnit, SHUT UP! SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! This is only temporary. I don't know what Linda was thinking, but I'll make sure you don't last long as General Manager Austin. I'll be damned if I'm going to let you run one of my shows. not after the history we have.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Vince you can say whatever the hell you want, but it wont change a damn thing. Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to stick around for a while. I tell ya what Vince. I wont lead it up to me or you. I'll leave it up to all these people. So if you all want Stone Cold Steve Austin to remain as your general manager of Smackdown, give me a hell yeah!

*Crowd yells HELL YEAH*

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Hate to break it to you Vinny Mac, but it sounds like everybody wants me to stay around for a little bit. So I tell you what Vince. I want you to get inside your stupid jet, get inside of your stupid limo, drive it down to the arena next week, and come face to face with the Rattlesnake and try to take me out of this ring yourself. I'll just laugh in your sad, pathetic face then Stunner your sorry ass straight to hell. And that's the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!

*Austin flips the titan tron off once again and his music plays once again as Vince looks on in disgust...*

TAZZ: Wow, can you believe that annoucnement Matt?

MATT STRIKER: I thought the announcement of The Million Dollar Man was huge, but Stone Cold as the GM of Smackdown? He is going to run this show straight to the ground! A guy like him shouldn't be running any show, let alone the #1 show in Sports Entertainment.

TAZZ: I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you Striker. Or Austin might come down here himself & give you a stunner as well.

STRIKER: Heh, I'm not afraid of him. In fact, I'd love to see him try!


Results: R-Truth dominated the majority of the match until he went to the top for a high flying elbow drop and Chavo moved. Chavo then moved on the offense, taking it to R-Truth with head locks, trying to wear down the high flyer. Chavo went up for the Frog Splash but R-Truth moved, giving him time to retaliate. During the match, Shelton Benjamin started heading towards the ring, causing a distraction. R-Truth started yelling at Shelton, which caused the referee to get involved. While the ref was yelling at Benjamin, Chavo grabbed some brass knucks and nailed R-Truth with it. Chavo then hit the Frog Splash and pinned Truth for the win.

*Scene shows Stone Cold sitting in his office...*

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: This just isn't me, I need some of my own touches in here..

*Then there is a knock as his office door. Austin yells come in & a guy comes in with a pack of beers. Austin takes the beer then throws the guy out. Austin opens up a can and starts drinking..*


Results: Ezekiel tried to get involved but Carlito took him out with one of the Tag Titles. Then, Zac Ryder & Curt Hawkins ran down and double teamed Carlito on the outside. The distraction gave Kendrick enough time to capitalize on Colon, and he hit Sliced Bread #2 & got the pinfall for the win.

*Scene in back shows Big Show heading towards the ring...**


*Big Show's music plays and he heads towards the ring, looking very pissed off. He grabs a microphone and waits for the crowd to stop booing before he starts to speak.*

BIG SHOW: I am NOT in a good mood right now. I should be the WWE Champion right now, NOT Triple H. I'm out here for one reason & one reason only. I want to kick somebody's ass. That's right, I want a fight, plain & simple. So any peons in the back that want a fight, come on down!!

*Big Show throws the microphone down & waits. After a couple seconds, Finlay's music plays and he starts heading towards the ring. He grabs a microphone..*

FINLAY: So you're looking for a fight, eh Show? Well Finlay is one to never back down from a fight. So ref, ring the bell!

TAZZ: Well Matt, it appears as if we have an unsanctioned match here starting right now!

Results: Finlay took it to the big man, but Big Show's aggressiveness took over, and Show eventually got the win with the Show Stoppa, followed by the pinfall.

*After the match, Show was about to leave but came back in & decided he wanted to inflict more damage on Finlay. So Show went back inside, grabbed Finlay, and hit another chokeslam on him. Show then dragged him to the outside & cleaned off the announce table. He grabbed Finlay and lifted him up to Chokeslam him once again but John Cena's music played and he raced down to the ring. He ran after Show but he went around the other side of the ring, avoiding Cena...*

Show, you said you want a fight? Then come on down and I'll give you one hell of a fight!

*Big Show continues going up the entrance ramp until Stone Cold's music plays. Austin comes out from the back, appearing once again at the top of the entrance ramp. Show stares him down as Austin speaks on the microphone..*

STONE COLD: Well it's quite obvious that both you two want to get it on in that ring tonight. So, I'm going to make a match for later tonight. Big Show & a partner of his choice Vs. John Cena and a partner of his choice. You guys only have a little while to choose your partners, so you all best get started now!

*Big Show & John Cena stare each other down...*
TAZZ: Wow, what a main event signed for tonight! I wonder who they will choose Striker.

MATT STRIKER: I'm not sure Tazz, but up next, Mr. Kennedy makes his return to the ring in tagteam action up next.

Results: Huge ovation for Kennedy's return. Paul & MVP tried keeping Kennedy in the ring, doing what they can to make his return a quick one. But he eventually made the tag to Hardy & he cleaned house. Jeff went to the top for the Swanton Bomb but Katie Lea shook the ropes causing him to fall. Michelle McCool then ran down & took out Katie Lea. The ref lost control in this one. Kennedy ending up hitting the Mic Check on MVP, then Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb & pinned MVP for the win.


*Scene in the back shows Jeff Hardy, Kennedy & McCool all walking together.*

JEFF HARDY: Great match there Ken. Feels good to have you back. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some unfinished business to take care of..

*Jeff walks off leaving Kennedy & McCool.*

KENNEDY: Well Michelle, thanks for helping us out out there. You really evened out the odds.

MCCOOL: Well Katie Lea has always been a thorn in my backside. And I just hate it when these women always get involved in matches they don't belong in. Good to have ya back Ken!

*Michelle gives Kennedy a peck on the cheek and the 2 look at each other for a second, then Michelle walks off as Kennedy checks her out...*

*Another scene shows Jesse & Festus standing in front of a table filled with Thanksgiving food..*

JESSE: Alright Festus, we have everything you could possibly want right here in front of us. We got Turkey..Stuffing...Corn...Green Beans...anything you could want in a Thanksgiving meal. So just sit down, relax, and dig in!

*Jesse sits down & starts eating as Festus just stands there in a trance. Maria comes in next and joins Jesse at the table as Festus stares away. Kung Fu Naki comes in next & starts dancing, which prompts Jesse & Maria to start dancing as well. Jimmy Wang Yang joins in next. Edge comes in next and the music & everything stops..*

EDGE: What in the hell is going on in here? A bunch of nobody's standing around, dancing & eating turkey? You guys have nothing better to do tonight then this? Oh wait, that's right, you guys are nobodies compared to the Rated R-Superstar. I guess everybody is happy that Austin is the new GM, well i'm not! And like Vince, I'm going to do whatever I can to make his stay very short!

*Jesse, Naki, Jesse & Maria all look around. Jesse then looks behind Edge..*

JESSE: Right now, if you don't mind...

*The camera pans out and The Boogeyman is standing behind Edge holding a bell. He rings the bell and Festus yells and starts throwing stuff off of the table. Edge looks on in shock & takes off, running out of the room. Chaos is going on in the background...*

THE BOOGEYMAN: Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy yours...WITH WORMS!

*The Boogeyman starts laughing as he takes a mouthful of worms...*


Results: Koslov dominated the match and finished the 2 locals very quickly. Afterwards he got on the microphone, once again asking for a challenge. Saying he will be the WWE Champion in the very near future!

*Scene in the back shows Jeff Hardy walking around, looking for somebody...*


Results: John Cena came out first with his partner, the WWE Champion Triple H! Big Show then came out and announced his partner, Vladimir Koslov! Both teams pumbled each other back & forth, neither team giving in. Cena got Koslov up for the FU but Show kicked him out of it. Jeff Hardy then ran down & nailed Show with a steel chair, causing a DQ & giving Show & Koslov the win. Hardy nailed Show again with the chair, then took out Koslov with it. Hardy then turned around & nailed Cena with the chair as well, followed by Triple H. Hardy then got on the microphone...

JEFF HARDY: I'm so damn sick & tired of this. I should be the WWE Champion. Not Triple H, not Koslov, not Cena, ME! Every single time i get a show i get screwed some how. Well not anymore. From now on, Jeff Hardy is all about Jeff Hardy. You fans can love me or hate me, but either way, I wont stop until the WWE Title is mine!

*Jeff throws the microphone down and looks around at the carnage he has left in the ring, and smiles about it. Jeff heads up the entrance ramp as it fades out to end the show.*

Liking this Book This man!

Keep up the good work.

The only thing you could do better is the layout. Try to include some colour and other things when writing.

I enjoyed the Main Event match, especially the Hardy promo as I thought it was very well written.

Good luck with this.
*Video is shown of what transpired last week on RAW. First it shows Ted Dibiase being named the new GM of RAW. It also shows the end of the show, with JBL laying out everybody with a steel chair. Opening pyro then goes off and before the announcers can say anything, JBL's music hits and he comes down to the ring, microphone in hand..*

JBL: What you all saw last week, was something that could of been easily avoided. You see, everybody knows what JBL is capable of. Everybody knows how successful JBL is in this business. Yet, according to Ted Dibiase, I have to prove that I am worthy of even getting a shot at the World Championship, let alone be the champion. So I decided to take some drastic measures. I just grabbed the first weapon of destruction I saw and took out everybody in my path. And all for one reason..to prove myself. Well I find that to be horse shit! JBL doesn't have to prove anything to anybody. So Dibiase, get out here now & give me what I want. Give me what should be mine in the first place...The World Championship!

*JBL waited but instead of Dibiase's music playing, Batista's played and he came out. Batista got right in the face of JBL.

BATISTA: JBL, you have a lot of nerve coming out here and demanding everything. You know, Chris might have won that 4 corners match last week, but what sticks out in my mind is the act of a coward! You, hitting me from behind with a steel chair. And you know what John? That doesn't sit well with me!

JBL: Well I could really give a rats ass what sits well with you Dave. I want my shot at the World Title, and I want Dibiase out here now!

*Ted Dibiase's music hits and sure enough, the GM comes out which brings a smile across JBL's face...

JBL: About time. Now Ted, do the right thing and give me my World Title shot tonight!

TED DIBIASE: Well John, congratulations. You made one hell of a statement last week. But you know what? That wasn't enough for me. I want to see more frmo you John. And you know what? An idea just came to me. Tonight, JBL, you are going to be in action. But it wont be against Jericho. After his effort last week, I've decided to give him the night off. But tonight John, you will go one on one with...BATISTA! But not only that. It will be a street fight...and...the winner will face Chris Jericho at Armageddon for the World Championship.

*Dibiase laughs as his music hits. JBL looks pissed off as Batista is standing there smiling...

JIM ROSS: Another interesting way to kick off RAW this week. Later tonight, Batista & JBL in a street fight where the winner gets Y2J at Armageddon.

JERRY LAWLER: Not only that, but Mr. Dibiase also made a huge announcement over on WWE.com earlier in the week. Due to William Regal's injury, the Intercontinental Title is now vacant. So there will be a tournament starting tonight with the Semi Finals & Finals occuring at Armageddon.

JR: I can't wait for that King. Nobody knows who is in this tournament yet. But we will find out as the night progresses.

KING: In fact, up next JR will be our first match in the tournament.


Results: Good back and forth match in this one. Hardy dominated the most of this match, and eventually picked up the win following the Twist of Fate to advance in the tournament..

*Scene in back shows Jericho arriving to the arena...*


*Cryme Tyme's music hits and they come out next to a big ovation. As theyre making there way to the ring, Miz & Morrison run up behind them and attack them, starting our next match up...*

RESULTS: Miz & Morrison took out Shad on the outside by throwing him into the steel steps, basically leaving JTG on his own in this one. JTG barely hung on as Miz & Morrison really took it to him. Shad did make it back on the apron and eventually, JTG made the hot tag to Shad. Shad cleaned house. Shad & JTG hit a spike piledriver on the Miz and Shad pinned him, giving Cryme Tyme the win. Shad then grabbed a microphone...

SHAD: Another big win for Cryme Tyme. But you know what? It's time for myself & JTG to start getting some gold around our waist. Because, with gold, comes the...


*The crowd joins in with Cryme Tyme as they make their way to the back.

*Scene in back shows Shawn Michaels walking around backstage when he is confronted by Randy Orton.

RANDY ORTON: Michaels! I know you have to be just as pissed off as I am about JBL & Batista getting a shot at the title and not me and you. Well, maybe just me, as I don't know why you were in that match to begin with.

SHAWN MICHAELS: I'm not in the mood for words right now Orton. I do my talking in the ring. So instead of getting into an argument with you and having it go in one ear & out the other, I'll just see you out there in that ring later tonight. Where I'll let my fists...and my foot..do the talking..

*Michaels smiles, then slaps Orton across the face and walks away as Orton looks on...*


RESULTS: Manu got involved at one point but the referee caught him and threw him out of the ringside area. While Rhodes was distracted, Mysterio dropkicked him and set him up for the 619, which he hit. Rey then hit the West Coast Pop and pinned Cody to advance in the tournament.

*Scene in back shows Beth Phoenix walking towards the ring, getting ready to defend her Women's championship in a triple threat match up next...


RESULTS: Typical Women's title match with lots of close pinfalls. Melina grabbed the Women's Title and hit Mickie with it at one point but before she could go for the pin, Beth grabbed her and hit her finisher on Melina and pinned her to retain the title.


RESULTS: Once again, Knox dominated the match and finished the local in rather quick fashion. Meanwhile, Snitsky was standing at the top of the entranceway, smiling at Knox's win. Snitsky just smiled & nodded his head, then walked backstage..

*Scene backstage shows Cody Rhodes & Manu walk into Ted Dibiase's dressing room..*

CODY: Ted. Ugh, Mr. Debiase sir. Any word yet on when your son will return to action?

TED DIBIASE: No, nothing yet Cody. Still going to be a couple of weeks. But don't worry. When he makes his return, everybody will know.

CODY: Good. I know with him being your son and all, you'll make sure he gets hooked up just right..

*Ted gives Cody & Manu a look as Cody has a cocky smile on his face..*


RESULTS: Santino started off running his mouth like usual until Goldust's music cut him off. Santino went right after Goldust but his experience & power was too much for Santino to handle at first. At one point, Goldust went for the Final Cut but Santino reversed it. Santino rolled up Goldust, hooked the tights, and got the 3 to steal the win & advance.

*Scene in back shows John Morrison & The Miz walking backstage..*

MIZ: Man, I can't beleive we let them punk bitches Cryme Tyme beat us here tonight. That is bull man!

MORRISON: No disrespect Miz, but we? I believe it was you that got pinned in that match.

MIZ: Whatever John it doesn't matter. What matters is...What in the hell is that??

*Miz & Morrison stare as the cameras pan out to show Charlie Haas dressed up in both Miz & Morrison's attire. He has Miz's hats & pants on and a wig & sunglasses like Morrison's.

MORRISON: Dude, what in the hell are you doing?

CHARLIE HAAS: Hey I just wanted to know what it was like to be the Shaman of Sexy &...uh...whatever you call yourself Miz.

*Miz & Morrison just give each ohter a look, then keep on walking as Charlie stands there smiling..*


RESULTS: Great match here. Match of the night. Both men really took it to each other. During the match, the referee took the usual ref bump. Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music on Orton and covered him but there was no ref. As Michaels tried to revive the ref, Orton recovered and nailed Michaels with a low blow, then punted him in the head. Orton then covered Micahels & the ref made a slow 3 count, giving Orton the win.

*Scene shows JBL heading towards the ring, then Batista heading towards the ring..**


RESULTS This match starts off on the outside and doesn't really make its way into the ring. JBL grabbed various weapons frmo under the ring, such as trash cans and kendo sticks. Batista grabbed the kendo stick and cracked JBL over the head causing him to start bleeding. The action finally ended up in the ring where JBL powerbombed Batista and covered him but only got a 2. JBL then set up for the Clothesline From Hell but Batista ducked, then hit the Spine Buster on JBL. Batista followed that up with a Batista Bomb & pinned JBL to become #1 contender. After the match, Chris Jericho came running down the ring to attack Batista but Batista caught him before hand and hit a vicious spine buster on the champ. Batista then posed for the crowd as the camera's faded out...

*Show opens up right away with Jeff Hardy's music playing. The crowd starts to cheer as Jeff Hardy makes his way from the back, with the same steel chair he used last week in his hand. Jeff stands at the top of the aisleway, microphone in the other hand. He raises it to his mouth to speak..

JEFF HARDY: What happened last week, was not an act of a desperate man. It was not the act of a man trying to turn on the fans. It was an act, of a man that wants to make a statement. All my life, I've watched wrestling, and always dreamed of one thing, being the WWE Champion. My brother Matt, he had the ECW Championship until that was taken away from him when ECW folded. My brother got screwed, and so have I! I've heard myself billed as the future for a while now. Well enough of that. It's time for Jeff Hardy to become the present! So you know what? I'm calling out Triple H. And I'm calling him out right now!

*Jeff throws the microphone down and looks back at the entranceway, waiting for Triple H. However, instead of HHH's music, John Cena's music hits & he emerges from the back to a mixed reaction. Jeff just stares at John as he makes his way closer to Hardy.

JOHN CENA: Jeff, what are you doing man? This isn't the real Jeff Hardy. The real Jeff wouldn't walk around demanding people to come out to him, carrying around a steel chair. What's up with you man? You'll definitely be WWE champ one day, just give it...


JOHN: Jeff, it's starting to become an obsession with you isn't it? You don't just want the WWE title, you need the WWE Title. Well I've been there before Jeff, and I know how you feel. Growing up, all I wanted to do was hold the WWE Title as well. And eventually, it happened for me, and it was the greatest feeling in the world. But I didn't do it by hitting anybody in my path with a steel chair. I did it with pure emotion and pure heart for the business. I have it, and I know you have it too. So Jeff, just put down the damn chair & get your head straight man!

*Jeff looks down, as if to be in deep thought. Jeff nods his head and holds his hand out to shake John's. John extends his hand & Jeff & John shake hands.*

JEFF: You're right John. I've come so close to many times, it's going to happen sooner rather then later. And in order for it to be the most satisfying, I have to do it the right way. So thanks John!

JOHN: No problem Jeff. I knew this wasn't the real Jeff Hardy we saw last week or just a few minutes ago. You got what's needed kid. You just have...

*All of a sudden, Jeff Hardy turns and cracks John Cena over the head with the steel chair causing the crowd to both cheer & boo. Jeff looks down at Cena with a blank stare as the camera fades to commercial...*


TAZZ: Wow, I cannot believe what we just saw before that commercial break Matt. This truly is a side of Jeff Hardy we've never seen before

MATT STRIKER: And to be honest Tazz, I like it! I think more guys on this roster need to show that kind of aggression Jeff is showing. In fact, I love it!

Mr. Kennedy Vs. MVP
RESULTS: MVP attacked Kennedy as soon as he entered the ring, targeting Kennedy's recent injuries. MVP controlled most of the match and appeared primed for the win when he went for the The Playmaker, but Kennedy escaped it and took over. During the match, Maryse came down with a clipboard and was writing stuff down throughout the match. MVP went for a flying clothesline but Kennedy ducked. As MVP got up, Kennedy hit the Mic Check on Montell, covered him, and got the 3 count for the win. Kennedy looked up and saw Maryse, who was now clapping after Kennedy's win. She blew him a kiss then walked to the back as Kennedy looked confused..

*Scene in the back shows Stone Cold sitting backstage when he is confronted by John Cena..*

STONE COLD: Hey John, hows it going?

JOHN CENA: I know you're the man & all Austin, but I'm not in the mood for jokes right now. I want Hardy, that little punk ass bitch, in that ring tonight!

AUSTIN Yeah I saw that. Wasn't a very smart move on Jeff's part. You know what John? You want Jeff later tonight, you got him! But, I'm going to add a little more spice to this match. The winner, will face Triple H at Armageddon for the WWE Championship. Sound good?

CENA: Sounds great Austin. Not only will I kick Jeff's ass and teach him a lesson, I'll earn my shot at the title again...

*Another scene backstage shows Brie & Nikki Bella talking backstage with Jimmy Wang Yang when suddenly, disco lights & all come on as Kung Fu Naki comes into the picture. The 4 of them start dancing once again as the camera's cut to commercial...*


RESULTS: During this match, Primo & Kendrick started fighting on the outside which caused the ref to get distracted. Kendrick ran in the ring followed by Colon and the ref tried to get Primo out of the ring. While this was going on, Kendrick hit Carlito with Sliced Bread #2, then took Primo back to the outside. Ezekiel then hit a legdrop and pinned Carlito for the win. Afterwards, Kendrick got on the microphone.

THE BRIAN KENDRICK: Well, there you go everybody. Last week, I defeated Primo Colon here in this ring. And just now, my man Ezekiel DOMINATED Carlito. So two weeks in a row, myself & Ezekiel have defeated the World Tag Team Champions. So what that means, ladies & gentlemen, is that you are all looking at the next World TagTeam Champions!!

*Kendrick throws the microphone down and taunts Colon, who is tending to Carlito...*


*Paul Burchill's music plays and he comes out with his sister, Katie Lea. They get into the ring and Paul requests a microphone..*

PAUL BURCHILL: Okay, enough is enough. I'm tired of not being utilized correctly here in the WWE. Katie Lea wants me to go to the top of the WWE ladder, and what Katie Lea wants, Katie gets! So I'm making an open challenge to anybody in the back that wants some action. Just come on downnnnn!!

*Paul throws the microphone down & waits. Suddenly, the lights go out and the Boogeyman's music plays. The Boogeyman comes out from the back & does his usual creepy entrance. He walks down to the ring and rolls into it. He gets in Paul's face & smiles as he puts a mouthful of worms in his own mouth. Paul attacks Boogeyman, starting the next matchup.

RESULTS: Paul attacked Boogeyman first with a couple of kicks to the gut. Paul then threw Boogeyman into the ropes and lowered his head and Boogeyman DDT'd Paul, taking advantage. Boogeyman then took advantage & took the assault to Paul. Katie Lea got on the apron and Boogeyman went after her. He grabbed her and was about to give her a mouthful of worms, but Paul got to Boogeyman first. Paul then hit the C4 on Boogeyman and pinned him to get the win, much to Katie Lea's delight.

*Scene in back shows Mr. Kennedy walking around when he runs into Jeff Hardy..*

KENNEDY: Jeff, what the hell is going on with you man? Last week me & you kicked ass in that ring as a team. Then you go & attack everybody last week? And John Cena tonight?

HARDY: I'm not here to impress you Kennedy. Or anybody else. I'm here for one person & one person only...MYSELF!

*Hardy bumps Kennedy with his shoulder as he walks by him. Kennedy just shrugs it off then walks a little further until he walks into Michelle McCool..*

KENNEDY: Hey Michelle! Long time no see. Thanks again for taking out Katie last week

MCCOOL: Again, I just did what I felt was right Ken. Katie had no business in that match, or in that match that just happened. She'll get whats coming to her. But I wanted to talk to you about something Ken. I noticed Marsye during your match earlier. Now, rumor has it that she plans to recruit a stable of guys to parade around that she can control. I wouldn't trust her Ken!

KENNEDY: Oh she can watch me all she wants. I'm not interested in Marsye's services. Now you on the other hand, I'm pretty interested in..

*Michelle blushes & turns her head away. Suddenly, Paul Burchill & Katie Lea come into the picture..*

PAUL: HA! Did you see that win Kennedy? You see me kick that freaks ass out there, didn't ya?

KENNEDY: Yeah, I saw it. Quite impressive how you had to use your sister, or whatever she is to you, to help you out. REAL IMPRESSIVE THERE!

PAUL: Oh your so funny Ken. Apparently you didn't quite see the match as it was Boogeyman that got my sister involved. He caused the distracted himself, not Katie!

KENNEDY: Well, either way Paul. Whether you won or not, you really didn't impress me in that ring. In fact, you usually don't to be honest.

PAUL: Oh, is that so Ken? Well then how bout next week, we see just how impressive I am when I kick your ass in that ring.

KENNEDY: Well, if that's a challenge, then I accept!

MCCOOL: Oh, and just to make sure your tramp sister don't get involved, I'll be in Kennedy's corner to even the odds!

KATIE: TRAMP SISTER!?! I ain't no tramp Michelle. You're the one running around in barely any clothing just to turn a couple heads. So go ahead, be in his corner next week. I'll just smash your face in the ground!

*Suddenly, a brawl starts with McCool & Katie. Paul & Kennedy grab both women and seperate them. Paul yells that he'll see Kennedy next week as Kennedy calms McCool down..*


RESULTS: Jesse & Festus dominated most of this match and eventually picked up the win by hitting a spike piledriver on Ryder then Jesse pinning him. Not much else to note with this match..

*Scene in back shows Stone Cold once again in his office when The Big Show comes barging in..*

AUSTIN: God damn, I got to get that lock fixed I assume. What in the hell do you want now?

BIG SHOW: I want to know why you gave Cena & Hardy the chance to be the #1 contender but not me. I'm the largest athlete in the world Austin. In fact, i shouldn't even have to do anything to earn the shot. I should get it automatically!

*Before Austin can say anything, somebody else barges into the room. Now it's Vladimir Koslov.*

VLADIMIR: Koslov wants to be the WWE Champion. I did not like how Jeff Hardy attacked myself & Big Show last week. Now he gets shot at WWE Title? Vladimir Koslov deserves that shot more then anybody..

BIG SHOW: Woah Woah hold up there Koslov. You might be impressive, but you haven't done nearly as much as I have. If anybody out of you, me, hardy & cena deserve it, it's me.

KOSLOV: I disagree. While you might be the largest athlete, I'm the the MOSCOW MAULER! I defeat all challengers.

AUSTIN: Tell you what. How bout next week, here on Smackdown, Vladimir Koslov Vs. The Big Show. And the winner will also get a shot at Triple H at Armageddon, making it a triple threat match..

KOSLOV: Sounds good. Koslov likes a challenge. And at Armageddon, Koslov will be champion!

*Koslov walks off as Big Show gives Austin a snarling look, then also walks off.*


*Shelton Benjamin's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring for color commentary. He lays the United States Title on the announce table and gets himself ready..*

RESULTS: Right away, Shelton proved to be a problem for R-Truth as two distractions caused Chavo to get the upper hand. At one point, Shelton distracted the ref and tossed the brass knucks into Chavo. However, R-Truth grabbed them first and nailed Chavo with them. Truth then hit Benjamin with a clothesline knocking him out of the ring. Truth then covered Chavo & got the three.

*After the match, R-Truth grabbed a microphone...

R-TRUTH: Benjamin, you might of cost me my match last week, but I wasn't about to let it happen again. I don't know what your problem with me is, but I know I have a problem with you. And that problem is that I want the United States Title. So how about next week, me & you, for the United States Title! What do ya say champ!

SHELTON BENJAMIN: Quite frankly, you haven't proved to me that you are United States Champion material. So sorry to break it to ya Truth, but no!

*Benjamin has a cocky look on his face as he makes his way backstage. R-Truth just looks on, looking pissed off...*

*Backstage scene shows John Cena walking towards the ring, then Jeff Hardy. As Jeff is making his way to the ring, Edge is shown standing to the side. He stops Jeff..

EDGE: Jeff, don't listen to what Cena or any of these other idiots are saying. I like what you've been doing lately. Keep it up man.

JEFF: Edge, I don't know what you're trying to do here, but again, I'm not doing this to impress anybody. And that includes you. Just stay out of my way!

*Jeff pushes Edge away and continues walkin towards the ring...*


RESULTS: Jeff came down holding the chair but the referee took it away from Jeff before the match. This was an excellent back & forth match. At one point, Jeff knocked Cena out with a running powerbomb but only got a 2. Jeff then went to the top for a Swanton Bomb but Cena moved, causing Jeff to crash into the ground. Cena then hit the FU and pinned Jeff to become the #1 contender.

*As Cena was celebrating his win, Jeff went to the outside, grabbed the chair and nailed Cena once again with it, this time in the back. As Cena was down, Jeff raised the chair to hit John again but Triple H's music came on and he ran down to the ring. Jeff waited for him & HHH took him out. HHH threw Jeff into the ropes but Jeff slid out of the ring and started retreating up the ramp. HHH then helped Cena up, only to hit him with a Pedegree too. HHH posed with the Title as the camera's fades out...*

Triple H Vs. John Cena Vs. Koslov or Big Show for the WWE Championship
Carlito & Primo Colon Vs. The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel for the World TagTeam Championship
Chris Jericho Vs. Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship
Semi Finals & Finals of Intercontinental Title Tournament​
*Show starts off showing a video of what transpired last week. Then the usual opening RAW video, song & pyro all go off in the arena, making the crowd go into a frenzy. Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase's music plays and the crowd cheers as the Ted makes his way from the backstage area. He stops at the top of the aisleway with a microphone in his hand.*

TED DIBIASE: How all you great fans doing tonight? You all ready for one hell of a night?

*crowd erupts into cheers.*

TED DIBIASE: Good. Because I have not one, not two, but three main events lined up for tonight. With Armageddon just 6 days away, you know the RAW Brand had to put out one hell of a show! So first off, we will see CM Punk go one on one with Randy Orton! Then, the next two matches deal with our champion and the #1 contender, Chris Jericho & Batista. Tonight, both will compete in a Pick Your Poison Match. Jericho will choose Batista's opponent and Batista will choose Jericho's opponent. So who knows what is going to happen...

*Suddenly, Dibiase is cut off by JBL's music, which causes the crowd to start booing. JBL comes out from the back and stands right next to Ted Dibiase.*

JBL: Ted, I know you saw what happened last week in my match with Batista. I should of had that match won! However, that Animal Batista drew blood on me & caused me to temporarily lose eye sight during the match. That's a health issue right there Ted! Plus, me & you have one main thing in common: money. We both love money, and we both have lots of money. So why don't you just go ahead & do the right thing & name me the rightful #1 contender!

TED: As much as your comparison of me & you make sense, because we both do love & have a lot of money, the match was a street fight John. Everything Batista did in that match was completely legal. So as far as making you the #1 contender for the title, you had your chance JBL and you blew it. So no.

JBL: Ted, you're making a huge mistake! If I were the World Heavyweight Champion, RAW's ratings would go through the roof! I would bring people to the television and put asses in these seats unlike our current champion or Dave Batista. You done pisses me off Ted. And that's not a wise thing to do!

*JBL gives Ted a very dirty look, then throws the microphone down & storms off as Ted just laughs...*


RESULTS: Before the match started, the referee made Santino go to the back so he wouldn't interfere. It still wasn't enough however as Beth was still able to retain the title when she hit her finisher on a stunned Candice & pinned her 1, 2, 3.

*Scene in the back shows Ted Dibiase walking backstage when he is met up with John Morrisno & The Miz

MIZ: Hey Ted, we have to talk to you about something real quick.

MORRISON: Yeah. Myself & Miz, we want some action here tonight. But not tagteam action. We both want some one on one action. I don't care if there is no room left on the card or not. We are the two hottest superstars on the roster. You can bump anybody for us two! So make it happen Ted.

TED: You know what? You two just gave me a hell of an idea. As I'm sure you're aware of, there have been 3 first round matches in the Intercontinental Title Tournament. Well, it just so happens that I need two people to be in the final 1st round match. So here tonight, for the final spot, John Morrison goes one on one with The Miz!

MIZ: Whoa Whoa wait a minute Ted. We didn't mean a match against each other. We meant against other people...

TED: Oops, well it's too late Miz. The match is official. Now I suggest you two go get ready. Just remember, EVERYBODY has a price for the Million Dollar Man

*Dibiase laughs in Miz & Morrison's face and walks away as John & Miz just look at each other dumbfounded..*


*Cody Rhodes' music plays and himself along with Manu make their way down to the ring. They slide into the ring and Cody requests a microphone.*

CODY: You know, I thought once Ted Dibiase took over Monday Night's that he would do what he could to make his son's buddies get over. He'd pull some extra strings for us and make sure we were set up perfectly. But instead, myself & Manu are stuck in some kind of flunk & a losing streak! I'm sure once Dibiase Jr. returns things will change, but for now, we're tired of it. So we're making an open challenge to anybody backstage, tag team match, right now!

*Cody Rhodes throws the microphone down and himself & Manu wait. Goldust's music plays and the bizaare one made his way to the top of the aisle. Goldust then pointed to the back and Charlie Haas came out as GoldHaas. Goldust & Charlie made their way to the ring starting our next match...*

RESULTS: Both Goldust & Haas played mind games with Cody & Manu, doing whatever they could to get into their heads. Manu & Cody continued with the double team on Charlie however, keeping him cornered & away from his partner. Charlie eventually made the tag to Goldust and the veteran cleaned house. Goldust hit the Final Cut on Manu and covered him but Rhodes broke up the count. Manu then distracted the referee while Cody Rhodes grabbed a chair. Haas grabbed Manu and the ref turned around right as Cody hit Goldust with the chair, causing him to get the DQ and Goldust & GoldHaas to get the win.


RESULTS: Orton controlled this match, taking Punk out with the ground game. At one point Orton went for the RKO but Punk blocked it. Then Punk went for the GTS but that was also blocked. As Punk had Orton up, Orton's foot hit the ref knocking him out. Orton hit a DDT on Punk then got a sick smile on his face. Orton went to the outside and grabbed a table and set it up in the ring. Orton then started to stalk Punk. Shawn Michaels ran down, turned Orton around and hit the Sweet Chin Music on Orton. Orton fell back and laid down on the table. Michaels then hit a flying elbow drop off the top to Orton, causing him to go through the table. Michaels then woke the ref up as Punk grabbed Orton and hit the GTS on him, then pinned him to get the win. Michaels then stood over top of Orton and gave him the crotch chop, then left.

*Scene shows the Intercontinental Title brackets which will continue at Armageddon, which will be Rey Mysterio Vs. Santino Marella & Matt Hardy against either Miz or Morrison. Hardy is shown standing backstage watching the television monitor..*


RESULTS: Miz & Morrison were standing there talking at first, then John turned around & Miz attacked him from behind. The two started exchanging fists then, putting their partnership on the back burner for the chance to be IC champion. Both men kept taking advantage of the match and hit a lot of high flying moves. In the end however, it was Morrison who advanced by hitting the Snapshot and pinning the Miz.

*Scene in back shows Cryme Tyme talking to Kelly Kelly, hitting on her. Suddenly, Kelly looks scared and the camera pans out to show Mike Knox & Snitsky standing there.

SHAD: Yo yo yo yo yo. You two got a problem? Why you gotta scare out girl Kelly?

SNITSKY: We just wanted to let you two know, Mike has taken me up on my offer. You two might be a hot tag team now, but once myself & Mike Knox start taking over, we will annihilate anybody in our path. Including you two!

*Snitsky smiles evily as Mike knox just looks on. The 2 then walk away as Cryme Type & Kelly look on...*


*Batista's music plays and he makes his way to the ring for the next match. Jericho's music then plays and he comes out to the top of the entrance ramp.*

JERICHO: Batista, in just 6 days I will kick your ass in that ring and prove that any dreams you had of regaining the World Championship stay just that, a dream. But to make it even easier for me this Sunday, I have picked the perfect opponent to pick you apart and to hurt you. So your opponent Batista....

*An explosion goes off & Kane's music plays as he makes his way to the ring..*

RESULTS: Batista takes it to Kane as soon as he gets into the ring but Kane over powers the animal and shoves him away, then gives him the big boot. Kane then goes to work on the back of Batista, targeting that area throughout most of the match with bear hugs & punches to the back. Jericho, who remains at the top of the aisle, smiles on as Kane dominates Batista. Kane went to the top for the flying clothesline but Batista caught him and hit a spine buster. Batista now gains control and doesn't look back. Eventually he hits the Batista Bomb and pins Kane to win. Batista calls Jericho down to the ring and Jericho slowly makes his way down.

JR: Well folks, when we return, we'll find out who Batista has chosen as Jericho's opponent.

KING: I have no idea who it could be JR. Guess we'll just have to wait & see.


*We return from commercial break & Jericho is now standing in the ring with Batista at the top of the aisleway..*

BATISTA: Well Chris, congratulations. You picked one hell of an opponent for me. Kane always takes me to the limit. But tongiht, it was my night. And this sunday, it'll also be my night. The World title is coming home with me at Armageddon! Now, as far as tonight goes, I think I found a pretty good opponent for you. It's somebody that isn't in a very good mood right now with you, or anybody for that matter. Chris, your opponent here tonight, John Bradshaw Layfield!

*JBL's music plays and he makes his way down to the ring. He stops & gives Batista a stare then continues walking as Jericho does not look happy..*

RESULTS: JBL took it to Jericho pretty good & really put a hurting on him. Jericho didn't get much offense in at all. At one point, Jericho slid to the outside and grabbed the World Title. He then hit JBL in the head with the belt, causing a DQ and cheaping out of the match. Batista then ran down to the ring and tackled Jericho to the mat. Batista started whaling on Jericho but Y2J escaped and made his way up to the aisleway & backstage. Batista chased Jericho & went to go backstage but instead stopped and fell on his back. Jericho then emerged, now with a steel chair in his hand. Jericho stared down at Batista, then cracked him one more time w/the chair over the head of Batista. Jericho then put Batista in the Walls of Jericho and Batista is out cold. Officials finally got Jericho off of Batista. Jericho then stood at the top of the entranceway holding the title up high as the camera's faded out...


Triple H Vs. John Cena Vs. Koslov or Big Show for the WWE Championship
Carlito & Primo Colon Vs. The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel for the World TagTeam Titles
Chris Jericho Vs. Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship
Rey Mysterio Vs. Santino Marella in the SemiFinals of Intercontinental Title Tournament
John Morrison Vs. Matt Hardy in the SemiFinals of Intercontinental Title Tournament
Finals of Intercontinental Title Tournament
Randy Orton Vs. Shawn Michaels
*Show starts off with the opening pyro going off along with the Smackdown Video. Crowd gets up and cheers as the camera pans around at everybody holding up their signs. Tazz & Striker are shown talking. John Cena's music then plays and the crowd cheers as Cena emerges from the back, microphone in hand...*

JOHN CENA: What's up everybody in the Chain Gang??? John Cena is in the house, and John Cena is PUMPED UP! Not only did I beat the snot out of Jeff Hardy last week, but now I got a shot at Triple H this Sunday at Armageddon to gain back my WWE championship. The same title I had to forfeit against my own will. Well, for now, all I can say is John Cena is here. But after Sunday night, I'll once again be able to say, THE CHAMP IS HERE!!

*Crowd starts cheering and starts a John Cena chant as he looks around with a smile on his face.*

JOHN CENA: Now, I have a few choice words for my opponent this sunday. Triple H, I know you're backstage, and I know you're listening. I'm ready hunter. I'm ready to go into Armageddon and go through one of the toughest battles of my career, because I know that is just what you will give me. I know you wont give up that title quickly. I'm going to have to give it all I have. 100% and beyond. But you know what Triple H? I'M READY! I'm ready to be the Champ once again, and I'll go through anybody to do just that..

*Triple H's music plays as the crowd erupts in even louder cheers. Triple H comes out from the back in a suit and the WWE Championship over his shoulder. He gets face to face with John and starts to speak..*

HHH: Cena, I know you've been on one hell of a roller coaster ride lately. Everybody knows about your miraculous return from surgery, and how you want your fairy tale story to end with you reigning as WWE champ again. But let me remind you of just who in the hell I am. You know, back in the day, they used to call me the Cerebral Assassin. And they didn't call me that because it sounded cute. Because I truly was just that, a cerebral assassin. And don't think that just because I am no longer that guy that I cannot bring him back out every once in a while. So don't think for one damn second that I will forget about that surgically repaired neck Cena. I am going to target it like a shark that smells blood. It's not because I don't like you John. It's not because I don't respect you John. But it's because of this. The WWE Championship. I'm in this business for this sole reason. And I'll be damned if anybody...ANYBODY is going to take it away from me anytime soon. You might have had an impressive win over Hardy last week, but lets face it, I'm no Jeff Hardy. I'll slap the taste right out of your mouth in a heart beat. So, bottom like John, I'm the WWE Champion right now. And after Armageddon, I'll still be WWE Champion!

*Cena just stares a hole through HHH and gets ready to speak until The Big Show's music plays and he now emerges from the back..*

BIG SHOW: Now boys, don't get too ahead of yourselves. You two might be guaranteed in the match this Sunday, but have you forgotten about me? All I have to do is beat Vladimir Koslov later tonight and I'm added to the mix making it a Triple Threat Match. So after I beat Koslov, I'm going into Armageddon and kickin both of your scrawny little asses and becomming the new WWE Champion!

CENA: Oh, is that so Show? Even if you do defeat Koslov, what in the hell makes you think you got what it takes? Myself & HHH have already defeated your big dumb ass numerous times. Sunday wont be any different.

SHOW: Oh, you're so funny Cena, you know that? I could squash like a bug in my hands right now if I wanted to. Squeeze that puny little neck of yours until it snaps!

CENA: Yeah well I'd love to see you try Big SLOW!

HHH: Whoa Whoa now wait a second. Show, you really think you can take this WWE Title away from me? Man, i've lost count of how many times I've pinned your ass to the mat for the 3 count. You think just because your some big giant that you're better then anybody?

*Big Show starts to look very pissed off. He then grabs HHH by the throat. Cena goes towards Show but he grabs Cena by the throat as well. Show threatens to throw them both off the stage, but Stone Cold's music plays and the crowd errupts.*

AUSTIN: Show, put them both down! You dumb son of a bitch. They're my main event for Armageddon. Plus i got a match for both of them tonight. So I suggest you let them go before I toss your ass out of your match tonight.

*Show gives Austin a snare, then lets go of cena & HHH. Show walks by Austin, staring at him, as he makes his way to the back.*

AUSTIN: Now, as far as you two go. I got a match for both of you. I didn't want either one of you two getting stale before Sunday, now do I? So you'll both be in singles competition against somebody. Cena, you'll be going one on one with MVP. And Triple H, in a non title match, you'll be facing the United States Champion, Shelton Benjamin! And just to let you both know, Jeff Hardy will not be here in the arena tonight. And that's the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!

*Austin's music plays and he flips off the crowd as he makes his way to the back. Cena & HHH stare at each other as the camera fades out...*


RESULTS: Match started off with Festus & Kendrick. Ryder & Hawkins were trying to keep the time keeper from ringing the bell but once he did, Festus let loose and took it to Kendrick. Festus dominated most of the match until Ezekiel came in & took control. After a couple of hot tags back & forth, the ref started to lose control. Partly into the match, Kendrick grabbed one of the Tag Title's and clocked Colon with it. Ezekiel, who was also the legal man, then covered Colon and got the 3 to win the match. Kendrick & Ezekiel celebrated afterwards..

*Scene backstage shows Finlay walking around backstage w/Hornswoggle...*

FINLAY: Great to have ya back son. Sorry you had to miss a couple of weeks. But now that you're back, it's just like old times!

*Hornswoggle smiles then suddenly, it gets very dim. Boogeyman's music starts playing and he appears from in the darkness.

BOOGEYMAN: How would the little guy like to hear a nursery rhyme from the pit?

*Hornswoggle screams and runs down the hallway.*

FINLAY: What the hell you doing? You scared my son!

*Finlay runs after Hornswoggle as Boogeyman just looks on, then smiles...*


RESULTS: Crowd was actually behind Big Show in this one. Koslov wore the big man down with bear hugs & submission moves. It looked as if Koslov would have the win but Big Show hit a couple head butts then a clothesline to knock the moscow mauler down. Big Show had Koslov by the throat for the chokeslam, but Jeff Hardy ran down from the crowd with a chair & hit both Big Show & Koslov at the same time, causing a Double DQ. Jeff stood in the ring for a while until security hit the ring. Jeff rolled out & ran back through the crowd as security chased him..


*Scene backstage shows Stone Cold walking around backstage when he is confronted by Triple H.

HHH: What the hell is going on Austin? You said that screw ball wouldn't be in the arena tonight.

AUSTIN: Well sorry to burst your bubble there HHH, but he is. I got security on him, I don't know how in the hell he got in. But if I were you, I wouldn't worry about him. I'd worry bout Benjamin later tonight.

TRIPLE H: I'm not worried bout tonight. I'm worried about Armageddon. That guy is crazy Steve! And you know damn well he's going to get involved Sunday.

AUSTIN: I figured that too, which is why I decided to make your match with Cena at Armageddon a Steel Cage Match! And if Hardy even gets near that cage, I'll make sure he doesn't get much farther!

*Triple H smiles then walks off...*

PAUL BURCHILL w/Katie Lea Vs. KEN KENNEDY w/Michelle McCool​
RESULTS: Katie Lea kept getting involved, grabbed the leg of Kennedy until Michelle couldn't take it anymore. Michelle ran after Katie Lea & chased her all the way backstage. Kennedy then took control of the match and was about to hit the Mic Check until he noticed Maryse once again standing at the top of the aisle with a clipboard. Kennedy started yelling at her, which was enough for Burchill to roll up Kennedy, hook the tights, and get the three for the win. Marsye looked disappointed as she made her way to the back..


*Kennedy is shown walking around backstage when he finally finds McCool.

MCCOOL: Ken! I'm so sorry I had to leave you. I was tired of that bitch sticking her nose in your business. So what happened did you kick Paul's ass?

KENNEDY: No. Maryse came down again and before I knew what was going on, that bastard had me pinned for the 3.

*Paul Burchill & Katie Lea come up behind Kennedy, laughing.

PAUL: So, what happened there huh Kennedy? You said I would need my sisters help to beat you. Well it looks like I did just fine out there by myself against you. And you thought you were good? PLEASE!

MCCOOL: Why don't you shut up Paul! Ken can kick your ass any day of the week. You had that **** distract me I had to leave ringside.

PAUL: Yes, typical of you Kennedy. Needing a woman to fight your battles for you!

*Kennedy tackles Paul & starts wailing away at him, then McCool takes down Katie Lea. A backstage brawl is now going on as officials run in & break up the two couples...*

KENNEDY: Hey Burchill, I got an idea. How bout at Armageddon. Myself & McCool take on you & Katie Lea. We'll see then just who the dominant team is!

PAUL: You're on chump!

STRIKER: WOW, another huge match just signed for Armageddon. Mixed tag action when Paul & Katie Lea take on Kennedy & McCool. Considering what has transpired these past couple weeks, that one should be explosive!

TAZZ: You're damn right about that partner. But up next, the 1st of our two main events happen when John Cena takes on MVP!


RESULTS: MVP took advantage of Cena's recent injury and focused mainly on the neck of the chain gang leader. Whenever Cena got the upper hand, he'd look around real quick to see if Hardy was coming or not. Eventually, Cena hit the FU on MVP and pinned him to pick up the victory.

*After the match, Jeff Hardy appeared on the titan tron..*

HARDY: You said it didn't have to be like this Cena. But it does! Apparently it does in order for me to get noticed. Instead of Jeff Hardy being the #1 contender, it's you. And then, either Koslov or Big Show? NO WAY! Only Jeff Hardy should be the #1 contender, and only Jeff Hardy should be the WWE Champion after Armageddon. Better watch your back Cena, cuz i'm not through with you yet!

*Titan tron goes blank as Cena just looks on, shaking his head...*

*Scene backstage shows Shelton Benjamin walking towards the ring, then The Game Triple H...*


RESULTS: Shelton really took it to HHH & showed just why he is the US champ. Halfway through the match, R-Truth's music played and he made his way to ringside through the crowd, which of course distracted Benjamin. Truth sat down and joined Striker & Tazz for commentary. Benjamin continued the assault on HHH, taking the action to the outside. Benjamin got in Truth's face and slapped him across the face. Truth started to chase Benjamin as HHH slid back into the ring. Benjamin soon did and he ran right into HHH, who gave Shelton a pedegree then pinned him for the win. Truth then went in after Benjamin who low blowed Truth, grabbed his title and ran off with Truth following. Cena's music then played and he made his way down to the ring and got toe to toe with the champion.

JOHN CENA: Now, as you know Triple H, Jeff Hardy is PISSED! He's been weilding that steel chair around week after week taking out anybody in his path. And i'm sure you saw after my match, he isn't out of the arena yet. And you know damn well he's going to get involved in our match at Armageddon, cage match or no cage match.

TRIPLE H: You're right John. And there's only one way to make it so he doesn't get involved at Armageddon. And that's to make sure he doesn't even make it to Armageddon! So Jeff! I know you're backstage somewhere. Get your ass out here now & face us!

*HHH & Cena look on as everybody waits. Suddenly, Jeff Hardy's music plays and everybody gets to their feet. However, nobody comes out. Jeff then appears once again on the titan tron..*

JEFF: If you guys really think I'm going to come down to that ring right now then you're both crazy. Oh no, I'm saving my big move for this Sunday. If Austin really thinks a steel cage is going to stop me, then he hasn't seen a whole lot of Jeff Hardy! I'm not coming out there right now, but you better believe I'll be there this Sunday. I just got three words for you two guys..WATCH YOUR BACK!

*Titan tron goes blank once again as HHH & Cena just look at each other. HHH & Cena then get face to face & start arguing.

HHH: Jeff Hardy or no Jeff Hardy, me & you will go through hell this Sunday John. And when the dust settles, and the smoke clears, I will still be the WWE Champion. THE GAME HAS SPOKEN!

*Triple H's music plays and he holds the WWE Title up high as John Cena doesn't look impressed. The camera fades out on HHH & Cena standing face to face...*


Triple H Vs. John Cena in a Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship
Chris Jericho Vs. Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship
Rey Mysterio Vs. Santino Marella-SemiFinals of Intercontinental Title Tournament
Matt Hardy Vs. John Morrison-SemiFinals of Intercontinental Title Tournament
Finals of Intercontinental Title Tournament
Randy Orton Vs. Shawn Michaels
Carlito & Primo Colon Vs. The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel for the World TagTeam Titles
Ken Kennedy & Michelle McCool Vs. Paul Burchill & Katie Lea-Mixed Tag Match

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