WWE Payback - WWE Intercontinental Championship: Barrett VS Miz VS Axel


Earlier today, WWE officially announced a triple threat match at Payback for the IC with current champ Wade Barrett defending against The Miz & Fandango. It's been obvious that WWE was building towards this match since Raw a few weeks back after Fandango abandoned Barrett in a tag team match.

While I don't think it'll be a barnburner, I think it could be a pretty solid outing. At this point in time, Fandango is the only one of these three with any real momentum going and that's a shame. As I've said in various posts, Barrett has all the tools but has been an unfortunate victim of schizophrenic booking resulting in him being buried as IC champ beginning the night after the Royal Rumble. As much as I'd love to see things turn around for Barrett, WWE has used the IC title as a chain around Barrett's neck that's dragged him down rather than elevate him. I think it's time to take the title off of him so he can, potentially, get a fresh start with something else a little later on down the road. The Miz, while I think he's gotten better inside the ring, just isn't a compelling babyface in my opinion. Even as a babyface, the guy comes off as really dislikeable because he still acts like a smarmy, sarcastic little asshole. I see Fandango walking out of Payback with his first gold in WWE. Vince really is into his character and I do have to say that the former Johnny Curtis is really putting a ton of effort into it, so I see him walking out with the gold. I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing or not but it can't be any worse than watching poor Wade Barrett buried the way he has been for much of the past 5 months.
Unfortunately, I don't think Barrett winning or losing will make much of a difference either way. Momentum wise, Barrett's been dead in the water for MONTHS. WWE hasn't done anything worthwhile with him, and they haven't given the fans a reason to care about him. He's just there, and that God awful feud with The Miz, the parasite who manages to suck the life out of anything he's involved in, didn't help anything.

Fandango has kind of cooled off since his pre and brief post Wrestlemania hot streak. I don't think the IC title will help him if he wins. Although, you would think WWE is setting it up, so Fandango can take the strap from Barrett, because as of right now, Fandango looks like the more promising prospect.
I have a feeling the crowd will be behind Fandango here. Wade Barrett is just meh, and The Miz still does not have the crowd behind him 100% (meaning in a city like Chicago he is going to get a ton of heat). Fandango's gimmick is doing him some good when it comes to crowd reaction so, by process of elimination, he's going to have the support.
I'm hoping Barrett retains here. A win over Vince's latest "it" boy, Fandango, would do a lot to undo the damage his recent string of losses has done to him.

But, it's unlikely. Vince is jacking hard to Fandango ever since the post-Mania RAW gave him an instant jump to his 15 minutes of fame, so I have no doubt Fandango will probably steal the win here.
I would really like to see Barrett win here, and keep working towards the main event, but I don't see it happening. He seems stagnant right now, and doesn't seem to be gaining any ground. In the end i think Fandango wins the title here, and his push will continue. I think he is starting to fade out already though, and I don't see him doing much more for the IC title.
I want Fandango to win this.

The other two are dead in the water...Miz less so than Barrett. The only way to salvage something worthwhile is to put the title on the guy who's actually over right now, and has some momentum.

This brings me to a pet peeve. The Triple Threat match. When was the last Triple Threat match where all 3 guys had a honest shot at winning? When was the last time that a Triple Threat wasn't used as a placeholder to just keep someone visible?

I've come to loathe these matches. Instead of being exciting, they are a symbol of creative's laziness.
Barrett is my pick for MITB this year. WWE haven't done anything with him for, well, years now so it seems entirely likely he'll be a world champion in the near future.

Fandango wins despite his popularity lasting all of three weeks. Still, I don't care, I like him and he's more interesting than almost every WWE mid-carder.
Calling Wade Barrett "dead in the water" is an insult to detritus everywhere. The Miz, while not as invisible as Wade, has fallen farther. Fandango's 15 minutes of fame ended about a half-hour ago, relatively speaking.

All three competitors need to get their mojo back, but only Fandango's is worth trying to recapture right now. He's still got a shot to get this character over in a more meaningful way than a meme based around his theme song. Fandango needs to win this match and get the hell away from the The Miz and Barrett. Those two need to apologize to whoever it is they pissed off backstage.
Barrett is my pick for MITB this year. WWE haven't done anything with him for, well, years now so it seems entirely likely he'll be a world champion in the near future.

Fandango wins despite his popularity lasting all of three weeks. Still, I don't care, I like him and he's more interesting than almost every WWE mid-carder.

Yeah I could see that with Barrett. I recall he was supposed to win MITB over Dolph had he not got hurt at Elimination Chamber last year. I can see Barrett win this year unless they decide to put former WHC's in the MITB and let Orton/Bryan win.

I can see Fandango winning but it's a smart move rather than thrusting him to the main event too early.
I'm looking forward to this match. I think a triple-threat is a good idea and there is no obvious winner. I can see Barrett dropping the belt and winning the MITB briefcase.

It seems ridiculous that they give The Miz the belt just after he lost it to Barrett but I guess that is a possibility. Fandango needs to keep his momentum going and having the IC belt would be a good method.

It will be a good match and I'm intrigued to see who will be the winner.
So with Curtis Axel replacing Fandango, I wouldn't be surprised to see Axel walk away with the IC title on Sunday. WWE continues to push Axel pretty hard, WWE obviously has no big plans for Barrett anytime soon, and the IC title won't do anything for Miz.
Jesus Christ! There's a very real possibility that Joe Henning is going to walk out of Payback as the IC Champion. I know the title is worthless, but that is a trravesty. In the history of these new 2nd or 3rd generation superstars, Henning is closer to Jesse (of Jesse & Festus fame), the Usos & Ted Dibiase. He is one of the blandest wrestlers on the roster who's somehow in the middle of a fairly large push. This is actually terrible. Fuck you, Fandango. It's only a concussion.
As of last night, this match is now between Barrett, Miz and Curtis Axel. Fandango apparently suffered a concussion during the SD! tapings last week, so WWE is taking every precaution with him.

It was surprising to see Axel injected into the match. I don't know if this means that they're simply accelerating Axel's push in light of Fandango's injury, if Fandango will make an appearance at the ppv that affects the outcome of the match, if he'll still be in the IC title picture, etc.

It puts the outcome a little more in question, in my opinion.
Fandango, Curtis Axel, effin' JTG-- whoever the third man is should win this match. Barrett and The Miz are talented and entertaining performers who've been given little to work with and have made the least of it in return. They need to move on, sans title belts, and rehabilitate their images lest they become even more irrelevant. Axel has had a rocket strapped to his back by the powers that be, and while he's nothing special, he's a solid wrestler and a new face in the mix. Axel wins.
I initially believe that Fandango would win this so I'll change my prediction to Axel (with him pinning the Miz). This is actually a good move to help give him direction. Holding the belt will help create actual feuds beginning with the Miz. Another former world champion for him to defeat.
Jesus Christ! There's a very real possibility that Joe Henning is going to walk out of Payback as the IC Champion. I know the title is worthless, but that is a trravesty. In the history of these new 2nd or 3rd generation superstars, Henning is closer to Jesse (of Jesse & Festus fame), the Usos & Ted Dibiase. He is one of the blandest wrestlers on the roster who's somehow in the middle of a fairly large push. This is actually terrible. Fuck you, Fandango. It's only a concussion.

On the bright side

Ic title + wrestler getting a huge push = by proxy, IC title getting a push.

Im all for it, because why the fuck not. Barret isnt doing anything with it, and goodness fucking knows the Miz wont, so it couldnt hurt.

Lets go Axel.
On the bright side

Ic title + wrestler getting a huge push = by proxy, IC title getting a push.

Im all for it, because why the fuck not. Barret isnt doing anything with it, and goodness fucking knows the Miz wont, so it couldnt hurt.

Lets go Axel.

If Axel wins the title and then only wins matches against people like The Miz, Barrett & Fandango by pinfall and can only get lame victories over top stars with the help of referees like he has been doing, then the belt is going to be in the exact same position it has been for years. In fact, seeing as he's not been allowed to defeat a HHH or a Cena properly yet, I'm guessing any future matches will result in him being treated like a jobber.

Also, Norcal, it's Curtis Axel. I'd rather they retire the IC title for a few months than put it on him.
Axel is my pick to walk out of Payback this Sunday in Chicago as the new WWE Intercontinental Champion and why? Because it is obvious they are pushing Axel to the moon having him as a Paul Heyman guy but also with him re-debuting being undefeated having not lost a match yet and not to mention his father the late, great WWE Hall of Famer Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig was Intercontinental Champion, what better way for his son to become IC Champion and especially to do it by beating both Miz and Barrett in the same match and not only that but I think he would make a great IC Champion certainly better than Miz or even Barrett for that matter
It was surprising to see Axel injected into the match. I don't know if this means that they're simply accelerating Axel's push in light of Fandango's injury, if Fandango will make an appearance at the ppv that affects the outcome of the match, if he'll still be in the IC title picture, etc.

It puts the outcome a little more in question, in my opinion.

I think it makes the outcome very much the same, just with a different wrestler. While Mr. Countout can't win that way this time, he's been given a far more prominent role then Fandango was given. Sure, beating Jericho clean at Wrestlemania was a great start, but can he boast wins over Jericho, John Cena(x2), AND HHH?

Miz and Wade Barrett have their personal thing going, making Axel the third man in. The third man in, as, Barrett and Miz battle, Axel interjects himself from time to time, but isn't the focal point of the match, as he hasn't been in any of his matches or wins. Then either Barrett or Miz hits their finisher on the other, my guess being Miz on Barrett, and Axel sneaks in and steals the pin.

Curtis Axel with Paul Heyman, new Intercontinental Champion? That's how I see it, and like the prospects of it very much.
Curtis Axel with Paul Heyman, new Intercontinental Champion? That's how I see it, and like the prospects of it very much.

That's how I see it too, and I don't care for it at all. What in hell is this love affair with Curtis Axel? Why has a guy who's languished off the main roster for several years suddenly become the hottest property in WWE? If he's so friggin' fabulous, why was he kept down so long? ("Sorry Joe, we don't have anything for you. Check back with us next year.....and the year after.")

We thought we were going to see Axel vs. Triple H at this PPV, no? If not, why has Trips been fainting in the ring and fighting with his wife and father-in-law? They were setting up a PPV match-up, I thought.....one that was going to be a showcase for Axel to "defeat" still another WWE legend, probably by foul means, using a WWE immortal to do the job.

Then, Fandango can't make his Triple Threat match.....so who are they going to use to take his place and most likely win the belt?.....who else, Curtis Axel. They'll even push Triple H aside to cater to the career of Axel.

What gives? If Axel doesn't win the title, I'll take it all back; I'll admit he's just a regular participant in the storyline......but if he does take the belt, I'm going to conclude WWE sees Joe Hennig as this gigantic presence of now and tomorrow. All hail Curtis Axel!

I mean, jeez.

This one could turn out to be good. If The US Championship match doesn't go on first, then this one will. It's likely going on earlier in the evening regardless. Axel is my pick to win it. He not only has the skills to be a great Intercontinental Champion but now with his current push as a "Paul Heyman guy", it makes sense to give the belt to him. The Heyman involvement is also why I don't think this will open. The US Championship has my prediction as the opener with this going on soon after, maybe 3rd.

I feel SO bad for Wade Barrett. Seriously. He had massive potential first with Nexus and then after he came back under the fighting gimmick. These lackluster Intercontinental Championship reigns are doing him NO favors. I say end this title reign and let Axel have a chance to make the belt important again with great matches and strong title defenses. He could work wonders for the belt and given that he is one of Heyman's clients the belt might be viewed as important again after he has held onto it for a while.

Oh yeah, Miz is in this too. He will be the guy who gets pinned. Barrett can them claim he didn't truly lose and we will get a rematch between Axel and Barrett continuing the feud. Meanwhile, Miz goes back to doing his Miz TV segments while doing nothing else relevant. The guy is good on the mic but he still sucks in the ring, I often struggle to get interested in his matches at all. This one should be ok, but that is thanks to Axel and Barrett.

Curtis Axel will win the Intercontinental Championship.
Not looking forward for this match at all, I don't know who is going to win this match but for once that's not a great thing, either man could win the IC title and it isn't going to make much diference. Right now probably the only one gaining something from this match is Curtis Axel.

Maybe a 10 minutes match but nothing spectacular, probably Axel winning and I'm hoping giving back some credibility to the IC championship.
Not shocked by the result. Obviously Miz was never gonna win this, but I really thought we might see HHH interfere at some point, costing Axel the match. But definitely had a feeling Axel would leave champion.

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