WWE Over the limit- Truth v Ted DiBiase Jr


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With his dad’s subservient enforcer Virgil in his corner, Ted DiBiase will square off with R-Truth — his prospective “new” Virgil — at WWE Over the Limit.

In his latest attempt to mirror the success of his father, The Million Dollar Man, the “Fortunate Son” has been on the lookout for his own Virgil, and tried to hire R-Truth as his new personal assistant during the April 26 edition of Raw. Insulted, R-Truth responded to DiBiase’s proposition with a stinging slap in the face.

Scorned and clearly not accustomed to rejection, the current bearer of the Million Dollar Championship vowed to make R-Truth pay for turning down his offer. Adopting the “everybody has a price” mentality his father made famous, DiBiase has stalked R-Truth for the past several weeks, paying WWE Superstars to pummel his would-be personal assistant to prove that disrespecting a DiBiase can be costly. But since R-Truth has fought back at every turn, the trust funded tough guy has hired the original Virgil as his bodyguard and is looking for the best revenge money can buy.

With Virgil in his corner, The Million Dollar Man went on to become a WWE Hall of Famer. Will Virgil’s presence prove to the WWE Universe that one can put a dollar amount on success? Or will R-Truth show WWE’s Fortunate Son “what’s up?” Find out at WWE Over the Limit, this Sunday, only on pay-per-view.

What I am excited about is the fact that this is a midcard feud, that has nothing to do with a belt and it's getting a PPV match. This is pretty good, we saw it with Shad v JTG and now it's Ted v truth. This is getting Truth out of the random pairing with Morrison and in turn is making Ted a star in his own right out of Randy's Shadow. The adding in of Virgil adds some comedy aspect to it, whether that is intentional or not is something to see. I for one can't see where the Virgil thing is going, but I love the way Ted is flashing the cash.

So what are your thoughts

- Is it good we're seeing mid card feuds?
- Do you like the direction of both men?
- What will Virgil have to say about this?
- Will it be a good match in ring wise?
Firstly: How awesome does Ted look in that suit with the belt?

Second: I'm very happy to see that WWE is putting more midcard feuds on PPV. First we had Shad/JTG, and now DiBiase/Truth? Awesome.

I've always been a big fan of Truth, and feel that he should be pushed into the main event scene. He's one of the most over people on the roster and one of the most exciting in my opinion. This is exactly why they're placing him in this feud with DiBiase. DiBiase is on a roll and defeating an extremely over face in Truth is sure to give him a rub as a heel. It's a bit like what they're doing with the McIntyre/Kingston match.

I'm not sure what the addition of Virgil will do. Probably just be an interesting throwback to the MDM days and a way of continuing the storyline. Virgil may interfere, he may just stand there and look intimidating. Who knows.

This should be a fairly fun match. Both are pretty good wrestlers, and I'm sure they'll try their best to put on a match to make the fans happy.
I think more mid card matches are needed to make PPV's top quality.

This one should be good and I wouldn't be surprised if Virgil didn't do one over on Ted Jnr and help out Truth at some stage during the match...
R-Truth vs Ted DiBiase, now this is a midcard match I can sink my teeth into. While the whole Virgil angle with this feud has been fairly weak in my opinion, more so that Ted has just brought the original Vigil back in the end, but I do like how it has been given plenty of TV time and now a chance on Pay Per View. Personally I don't want to see Virgil stay on in this role and I wouldn't be surprised if he turned on Ted to assist R-Truth pick up the victory. Also I wouldn't mind seeing JoMo turn on R-Truth later on down the track leading JoMo/R-Truth feud and letting JoMo get back into the heel role he fills far better then he does face. Either way, as far as midcard non-title matches go, I'm looking forward to it, I'm a huge fan of both Ted and R-Truth so hopefully they should put on a good match.
If this was a title match I wouldn't mind seeing Virgil turn on Ted and get Truth to when the match and championship. Virgil could cost JR the match as way to get back at DiBiase SR for all the years he had to serve him.
But being as this is a none title match I don't care what Virgil does, I'll just try to enjoy an actual mid-card feud at a PPV.
I'm glad WWE has gone back to putting midcard fueds on PPVs because sometimes they are the reason people buy a PPV when it goes on DVD. But i'm not really surprised,these midcard matches are probably to fill in the gap that was normally for the ECW title. But back on topic I am looking forward to this match and I would love to see Dibiase get the win with the dream street I love that move!
- Is it good we're seeing mid card feuds?

Very good, loving the potential of this feud in itself, I think it could turn out great.

- Do you like the direction of both men?

More the direction of Ted than R-Truth, Truth to me seems a little less involved in the whole thing as opposed to how involved Ted has been with the whole feud.

- What will Virgil have to say about this?

Nothing I'm guessing? Although I would prefer that Virgil really remained as the guy to be Ted's.. well.. Ted's Virgil, he still looks in a decent shape and build, he looks like he could continue to do it for a while until WWE puts him in some other direction.

- Will it be a good match in ring wise?

Definitely, as long as R-Truth doesn't finish it with the Lie Detector, then it can prove to be a very good match, I think his finisher is overrated and therefore I think if the finisher is involved, it kills the credibility of the match due to the easy appliance of the finisher, and therefore the lack of a legitimate powerful finisher, it looks very fake to me.

About the match: I'm thinking it could be very good, as I stated above, and I think if someone is to come out of this as a victor, it should be Ted DiBiase, he could benefit mostly from the victory, but I think only if R-Truth shouldn't be converged into the new Virgil, if so, R-Truth needs to win.
Is it good we're seeing mid card feuds?

I'd say that's a big yes. This is the kind of match you hardly ever see on PPV nowadays. It was actually pretty surprising when it was announced. I can't even remember the last time these two have had a one on one PPV match. Have they had one? It also helps that they are much better than both Shad and JTG.

Do you like the direction of both men?

Dibiase's whole trust fun thing seems to be interesting. At least much more interesting than the stupid Legacy stuff. He's almost not boring now. Almost. Thought Truth was destined to do nothing after being blown up by MaGruber awhile ago, but he's fit in quite well. Even made a cameo in the main event of Raw 2 weeks ago. Notice he's in this match and Morrison isn't. What does that tell you?

What will Virgil have to say about this?

Not sure. Likely is just there for eye candy.

Will it be a good match in ring wise?

Decent. Nothing memorable or anything, but it won't suck. I'd say they get around 7 or 8 minutes, which should be plenty, with Ted likely getting the win, since he's in a somewhat meaningful storyline at the moment. Virgil intereference is highly likely.
I can see Ted coming away with a victory here. Since he's on his own now, Ted could use the momentum. Ted has become more interesting since Legacy ended. He's not a punching bag for Orton's enemies anymore, and more importantly, he's no longer Randy's lackey. This win could help get Ted off to a good start on his new heel run.

Virgil will interfere in this match some how. I wouldn't be surprised if he helped Ted get the victory in this one.
This is going to be a match solely based on continuing Ted Dibiase's rise up the card, and I firmly believe he'll be a main eventer by the Royal Rumble. R-Truth is one of those guys who is a perfect opponent for Ted. He's immensely popular, and has slowly worked his way up to being a very solid upper midcarder. He's the type of guy who can take a loss in decisive fashion, not take much of a hit if any in popularity, and it elevates his opponent. Guys like R-Truth are the unsung heroes of the WWE. Anyone who can maintain popularity win or lose is a very solid asset for any company to have.

I foresee this being a very competitive back and forth match with Ted winning, possibly due to Virgil interference. Virgil's not going to be turning on Ted anytime soon. I think he'll be in this spot throughout the entire summer as he gets pushed around again by a Dibiase until he decides enough is enough at the end and stands up for himself. He just needs the shiny vest at this point.

I also think this match ends with R-Truth getting a hundred dollar bill stuffed in his mouth. Get ready guys, we're seeing going to be seeing the true birth of a main eventer Sunday night.
- Is it good we're seeing mid card feuds?

Absolutely! It's always great to see midcarders get time on a PPV and I've been enjoying this feud for the most part and the recent addition of Virgil only adds to this match. It'll be nice to see DiBiase in a singles match on PPV for once and it's nice to see Truth is still there also.

- Do you like the direction of both men?

DiBiase is definitely going in the right direction with this feud. He's facing someone who's over and experienced and this will help push him further up the ranks on Raw. As for Truth, at least he's on PPV. I'm not sure what he's going to do once this is all said and done but he's getting some air-time at the very least.

- What will Virgil have to say about this?

I see Virgil doing what he does best. Standing there looking big and mean. I personally hope he sticks around past this point to become Ted's new servant. Should be interesting.

- Will it be a good match in ring wise?

It should be entertaining. Will it be a five star classic, no but it should be worth the 5-10 minutes it's allotted and should get the crowd going. It could well be the opener and we'll most likely see some fun stuff with this match.
I am definitely going to have to give this one to Ted DiBiase. To start off, this is his first ever singles match on a PPV. This is also his first PPV match with his new "manager" Virgil. Personally, this was an easy one to call. R-Truth is kind of playing a bit of a jobber in this match but, DiBiase needs the win much more than Truth does. Ted DiBiase is trying his best to make a name for himself, by himself. I mean he does have his father's legacy to follow and he is doing a damn good job at it. I mean seriously, the guy carries his father's title around with him now.

So, I am picking Ted DiBiase to get the win over R-Truth by pinfall after Virgil distracts R-Truth and DiBiase hits the Dream Street 1...2...3!
My first thought was that Virgil would turn on ted Jr during this match, but now that I think about it...I don't think he will. I actually think that this may be a start of a new Million Dollar Corporation.
Very unlikely we will see a Virgil turn...either way I think Ted Dibiase will take this match, they've been building this characterr of his and it wouldn't be good if they were to make him lose his first singles ppv match in the wwe.. So because of that and many other reasons I think Dibiase will win this one..
This will be an interesting filler feud and I think the match will be decent. Ted's going to need the win more, as it would give him reasons to keep seeking a helper (I highly doubt Virgil is sticking around for long) and trying to convince Truth to reconsider if he loses. Truth doesn't have as much to gain from a victory here. Perhaps if the feud lasts a while then Truth should win in the end, but I give Ted my predicted victory because as the Million Dollar Champion he has to establish credibility by gaining PPV victories.

Ted Dibiase will defeat R-Truth.
DiBiase wins here.

The match preview Lee posted in the OP tells me that this feud is going to continue for some time with Ted trying to get Truth to work for him. DiBiase will win and keep pressuring Truth until he gives in. This will be a good match, and Truth will succumb to Dream Street.
I'm so glad this match is getting put on pay per view. Both guys are very good and will have an entertaining match. This should be the match that goes on first and get the crowd pumped which they certainly can.

I actually see Truth winning. I think that Virgil will cost him the match and DiBiase will be on the search for another "Virgil" which could lead to some entertaining TV. I wouldn't mind is Ted went over and did as someone said earlier, put a 100 dollar bill in his mouth. That would be amazing to see again.
truth won i really thought ted would get the win but i guess they are trying to further the fued maybe add the u.s title to the mix or put the MDB on the line.

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