WWE No Mercy Please Rate! (In 3 Parts)

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St. Louis Cardinals FAN!
Pyros go off and No Mercy's theme song, In Regards To Myself plays, and it's time for No Mercy!

Arena: Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, CT September 24th, 2006

J.R- We welcome you here Live, to No Mercy! And what a night we have for you.

King- That's right! We are also joined by Tazz and Michael Cole!

Cole- Tazz I personnally cannot wait for tonight's main event!

Tazz- Yeah Angle and Michaels want to tear each other apart!

Cole- J.R and King, take it away!

London and Kendrick make their way to the ring.
Various tag teams make their way to the ring.

Entry Order:
1. Nitro & Mercury (MNM)
2. Conway & Dupree (La Resistance)
3. Doug & Danny (Bashams)
4. Booker T and Goldust (surprise!)
5. London & Kendrick

World Tag Team Championship
MNM and La Resistance start off. This match is under tornado tag team rules. Nitro goes after Conway and Mercury goes after Dupree. Nitro dumps Conway over the ropes and MNM double teams Dupree. Mercury hits a huricaneranna while Nitro uncovers the turnbuckle. Nitro climbs to the second rope and dives at Dupree. Cover...1....2....Dupree kicks out. Conway gets back in the ring and charges at Mercury knocking him out the ring. Nitro tries for a clothesline but Conway ducks and hit nitro with a powerbomb. ...1.....2 Mercury breaks it up. Dupree trish whips Mercury and hits a colthesline, as he bounces off the ropes and they both dump to the floor. Nitro picks up Conway climbs to the top turnbuckle and bounces his head off the uncovered steel! Then Nitro flips over Conway, and powerbombs Conway hard off the top! Cover, 1......2......3. Ding! The Bashams come in. They both go to work on Nitro. They double irish whip off the ropes and Nitro gets a double clothesline. Mercury gets back in the ring. But Danny gets up and dropkicks him. Danny does the same to Nitro. Danny pins.... 1.....2....Nitro kicks out. Doug elbows Mercury and Nitro hits a low blow. Nitro dumps Doug out and Mercury gets up. They lift up Danny and hit a double Alabamaslam! 1..........2..........3. Ding! Booker and Goldust come in. Booker shouts can you dig it! Booker kicks Nitro in the gut, and hits a Book End! Mercury goes after Booker but Goldust taps him on the shoulder and Goldust rubs his chest. Goldust then kicks Mercury, and Booker hits the scissors kick! Goldust covers, 1..........2.............3.! Ding! Kendrick and London look at each other and then they both get in the ring and exchange blows with Booker and Goldust. London hits a quick dropkick on Goldust then Kendrick lifts Booker and sets him on his knee. London climbs the turnbuckle and does a leg drop on Booker! Kendrick covers, 1.........2....... Booker gets the rope. Goldust gets up and hits a neckbreaker on London! London rolls out of the ring. Kendrick gets backed up into the corner. Goldust hits the shttered dreams! Booker lifts him up and hits the book end! Booker covers and as the refferee was about to hit the mat for 3, London pulls the ref out of the ring! London beats up the ref. The gets a steel chairand cracks it over Booker t's head! He does the same to Goldust! Kendrick and London hit a double suplex on Booker! Kendrick gets the ref as London covers Goldust.... 1.....2......3..! Ding! London and Kendrick celebrate as the turnbuckles explode with PYRO! Kane (with mask!) appears behind them along with the Hurricane! Kane chokeslams London, as Hurricane Hurri-chokeslams Kendrick! Kane covers London! 1.........2.............3!!! Ding!
Kane & Hurricane celebrate as Kendrick and London lay motionless in the ring....

Backstage: Jericho is wrapping tape around his wrists and fingers. J.R makes a note of how focused he looks.

Josh Matthews interviews HBK....

Matthews: How do plan on approching Angle tonight Shawn?
HBK: It doesn't matter how I plan. You see, Angle has crossed the line. Tonight, I will defeated Kurt Angle. And take the World Heavyweight Championship.

Michaels pats Matthews on the shoulder and walks away.

Carlito vs. Edge
Carlito, followed by Edge make their way to the ring. Carlito stares at Edge and J.R makes a note of howmany times Edge has crewed Carlito out of match victories. Carlito tries a low drop kick but Edge moves and Carlito lands on his back. Carlito quickly gets up and is met by drop kick from Edge. Carlito gets up and is hit with a mini-spear! Edge covers.....1....2...Carlito kicks out. Edge drags Carlito to the corner, ad rams his head on the turnbuckle. Edge puts Carlito atop the second turnbuckle and hits suplex! Edge gloats, and the crowd boos. Edge picks up Carlito and knees him in the gut. Edge bounces off the ropes, and goes for the spear, but Carlito dodges and Edge goes flying through the second rope and crashes and burns on the floor! Carlito lies in the ring for about a minute and goes outside the ring and lifts up Edge and puts him on the announce table. Carlito tries to superplex Edge right onto Tazz and Michael Cole! Edge blocks it and gets down. Edge gets up on the apron and Carlito gets in the ring and dropkicks Edge, and Edge falls off and lands on J.R and King! Carlito gets up on the turnbuckle. The ref tries to stop him but he pushes him away. Carlito dives off the turnbuckle and hits Edge! They both go through the announce table! The referee begins the count, and neither Edge, or Carlito is moving. 1......2...........................3 the ref reaches 6 and they still arent moving. 8....still not moving......10! Ding!

Winner: Double Countout, (6:51)

EMTs come out and bring Carlito and Edge to the back.

Backstage: Triple H paces back, and forth with his WWE Title on his shoulder.

United States Championship
Christian vs. Bobby Lashley

Christian makes his way to the ring, and Lashley comes out. Tazz makes a note of how powerful Lashley is and Christian had his work cut-out for him. Cole agrees, and predicts Lashley to win. Lashley starts out and back Christian to the corner. Christian gives him a thumb to the eye. Christian kicks Lashley in the back of the knee, and Lashley falls over. Christian continues stomping on Lashley. Christian taunts, crowd boos. Lashley gets up and kicks Christian to the gut. Lashley hits a snap suplex and covers, Christian quickly kicks out. Christian gets away from Lashley and goes outside the ring. Lashley bounces Christian's head off the announce table. Lashley tries a spear, but Christian moves and Lashley GOES THROUGH THE BARRICADE! Lashley rolls around in pain and Christian goes to work. Christian drives Lashley into the side of the ring. Lashley screams in pain. Christian gets in the ring and back out to break the 10-count. Christian throws Lashley into the steel-steps! Christian brings him back into the ring and goes for the pin...1....2...Lashley kicks out! Christian lifts Lashley up and goes for an Unprettier! Lashley gets out, and bounces off the ropes and tries to clothesline Christian, but he ducks and Lashley is met by a dropkick. Christian gets out fo the ring and gets a steel chair. the ref takes it away and while he tries to put it away, Christian exposes the turnbuckle, but when he turns around, he gets spear right into the steel! Lashley hits a dominator and covers........1............2............3 Ding!

Winner: And, still US Champ, Lashley (8:23)

Kurt Angle is getting ready for his match.
The camera shows Jericho, and his music hits.

WWE Championship
Triple H vs. Chris Jericho

Y2J appears at the ramp and the crowd goes crazy. Y2J slowly makes his way down. King says that HHH is going to win no doubt. J.R disigrees and thinks Y2J can pull a victory out fo thin air. Triple H's music hits and you hear boos and cheers. Jericho waits in ther ring and as HHH gets on the apron for his mist, Y2J dropkicks him in the back HHH goes all the way outside hitting the barricade. Y2J elevates over the ropes and takes HHH out on the outside. Jericho gets up first and whipps HHH into the steel steps! Y2J drives HHH into the side of the ring. Y2J puts HHH inside the ring. Flair comes out and Y2J clotheslines him down. Y2J covers..1..................2........HHH kicks out. Triple H gets et up on the ropes and Y2J bounces off the ropes on the oppsite end, but Flair grabs his foot! HHH recovers and rams Jericho on the turnbuckle. HHH lays Jericho out and drops his knee on him. Cover: Jericho quickly kicks out. Triple H lifts Jericho up, and goes for a pedigree! Jericho elevates HHH over the ropes and on top of Flair! Y2J gets out of the ring and kicks HHH in the face. Jericho sling-shots HHH into the steel pole! HHH starts to bleed. HHH stats crawling around as Jericho gets on the apron. Jericho dives of at HHH, but he moves Jericho nails the steel-steps!! HHH lays down, and the referee begins the 10-count. at 6 HHH gets in the ring and comes back out, to the break the count. HHH stomps on Jericho. HHH shouts: "You have no chance!" Crowd boos. HHH repidiatly drives Y2J into the steps. Jericho is busted open. HHH gets Jericho in the ring and locks the indian death lock! Jericho screams in pain. Jericho is fading. Jericho gets back up and tries to grab the ropes. He finally reaches them! HHH looks suprised and Jericho rolls out of the ring. HHH lays down for a minute and goes after Jericho. HHH lifts him up for the pedigree, on the floor! But, Jericho counters and HHH is elevated up and hits the floor, hard! Jericho struggles around a little bit, and gets back in the ring and breaks the count. HHH gets back in at 9. Jericho hits a dropkick, and goes for a quick lionsault! Jericho misses but lands on his feet. HHH kicks Jericho in the gut and goes for the pedigree! HHH nails a huge pedigree! HHH slowly covers, 1.........2.........Jericho kicks out! Neither HHH, or Flair can believe it! Jericho rolls around as HHH stares in disbelief. The canvas in stained with blood. HHH tries a quick cover, Jericho kicks out. HHH tries again, Jericho kicks out again! HHH starts hitting the mat hard, and gets out of the ring. HHH grabs a steel chair. HHH takes a swing at Y2J, Jericho ducks. HHH turns around and Jericho dropkicks HHH in the ankle and HHH drops down and his face bounces off the steel! Jericho rests for a minute and tries to get up. Jericho goes for the lionsault hits HHH right in the back! Jericho covers........ AND HHH KICKS OUT! Jericho can't believe and neither can the crowd. Jericho lays down. Each combatnant gets to their feet at the same time. They exchange right hands, till HHH goes down. Jericho bounces off the ropes and Flair trips him! HHH gets up and whips Jericho at the turnbuckle but Y2J stops himself. Jericho climbs to the second rope, and dives off, only to be met by a kick to the gut in midair! HHH hits a huge pedigree! HHH covers, ............1.............2...........Jericho grabs the rope! HHH is furious! HHH gets the chair, and tries to hit Jericho! Jericho dodges again! Y2J gets the walls of jericho! HHH gets dragged to the middle of the ring! HHH screams in pain! HHH refuses to tap! HHH slowly, gets closer, and closer to the ropes. Jericho pulls him back a little. Flair distracts the ref. Mr. Kennedy hands HHH a sledge hammer! HHH hits Jericho right in the back of the head, and the hold is broken! Jericho falls out of the ring. HHH lays there, screaming and holding his ankle. Jericho moves a little. HHH finally gets outside, and puts Jericho inside the ring. HHH covers but once again, Jericho finds the bottom rope! HHH lifts Jericho up for a pedigree and Jericho counters! Jericho elevates over ropes, and take out Kennedy and Flair. Benoit comes out! Jericho gets back in and hits a low dropkick on HHH. Jericho goes and climbs the turnbuckle and dvies off but misses HHH! HHH goes for a pedgree, Jericho escapes, and gets HHH in a schoolboy! ......1..........2...........3!!!!!! JERICHO WINS!

Winner: AND, NEW WWE CHAMPION, Jericho! (27:30)

The next 2 parts will be on in the next 2 days!
o man great card i like how you made The masked Freaks (Kane and hurricane that was their name when they were a tag team) TTC awesome card so far
Jericho celebrates with his won championship and outta nowhere, HHH beats him down with the sledge hammer! HHH won't stop! Security comes out to try to stop him! J.R says Jericho must be broken in half!

Benoit is shown and puts HHH in the crossface, Kennedy, comes back in ad beat Benoit withe hammer! Kennedy beats down Jericho and Benoit till they are both bleeding everywhere, and wearing the true defintitions of crimson masks. Kennedy hits Benoit with the Euro title... and leaves.

J.R says that European title match is cancelled, because Benoit is in no condition to wrestle...

Matt and Jeff are shown getting ready. Jeff says that this our match, and we won't lose.

TLC Is Next!

WWE Tag Team Championship
Tables, Ladders, And Chairs Match
Benjamin/Haas vs. The Hardyz

The Hardyz come out followed by Haas/Benjamin. the ring is surrounded with ladders various tables, and of course, chairs. Matt grabs a table and sets it up, inside the ring. Benjamin takes down Jeff quickly with a superkick. Haas gets out and throws in a chair, and a brings in a ladder. Matt helps Jeff up, dodges a ladder shot from Haas. Matt dropkicks Benjamin. Matt snatches the ladder and starts climbing. Matt gets to the 2nd to last step quickly. Haas gets on the top turnbuckle with steel-chair in hand and kicks it into Matt! Matt falls off going through the table! Jeff kicks another chair into Benjamin's face. Jeff grabs the ladder and hits Benjamin in the faces knocking him out of the ring. Hardy hits Haas and sets him up on top of the closed ladder. Jeff climbs the top turnbuckle and goes for a 450-splash! Haas moves and Jeff bounces off the steel. Haas gets out and throws in another chair, and sets up a table, on the outside. Haas gets on the apron and is kicked by Matt! Haas goes through the table! Matt and Jeff each bring in 2 more ladders. Jeff lines them up with each other. Jeff and Matt climb but Benjamin pushes down Matt's ladder and Matt hits the chair! Benjamin tries to knock Jeff down, but as the ladder is going down, Jeff lands on the other set up ladder, and hits the whisper in the wind, off the ladder! both teams are down. Haas gets up and brings in 2 tables. He sets up one, and rests the other up against the turnbuckle. Haas go back under the apron and lifts up a ladder. As he holds it up, Matt baseball slides it into his face! Matt elevates over the ropes landing on the ladder, and Haas! Benjamin slowly gets up, and goes for a superkick on Jeff! Jeff ducks and elevates Benjamin over the ropes causing him to crash to the floor. Jeff climbs the ladder and touches the belts. Haas pushes the ladder down and Jeff crashes into the turnbuckle! Haas sets up the ladder, but Matt stops him from climbing, and hits a side effect on Haas. Benjamin hits the t-bone suplex on Matt. Benjamin gets another ladder and starts pulling it through the 2nd rope. Jeff jumps on the end pushing the ladder up into Benjamin's face. Jeff Starts to climb and Haas climbs up the other end. Lita runs down pushes the ladder, and Jeff and Haas go through a table on the outside! Matt hits a twist of fate on Lita. There are ladders everywhere. Benjamin goes to help Haas and Matt goes to help Jeff. Jeff gets up and runs along the guard rail and Haas throws the ladder into Jeff! Matt and hits Haas with a table. and set it up against the side of the ring. Benjamin runs at Matt, but he dodges and arm drag Benjamin right thrugh the table! Matt rests on one knee for a minute. Matt gets in and knocks a ladder over and it halfway falls and lands on the ropes. Matt gets back out and holds up a table, and Benjamin runs up the fallen ladder and hit a senton out of the ring and lands squarly on Matt! Jeff gets in the ring and slowly climbs the ladder. Haas comes in and Jeff gets down and gets put in the Haas of pain! Jeff screams in pain until Matt finally breaks the hold by cracking a chair over Haas' head! Jeff struggles to his feet, and Matt sets up Haas on a table. Jeff gets another table, and brings Benjamin in. Jeff sets up Benjamin on the other table. Both tables are side by side, and Benjamin and Haas are set on them. Jeff and Matt climb oppostie turnbuckles! The Crowd Goes Crazy. Matt and Jeff go for the Hardy Boyz leg drop! Haas and Benjamin move, and Jeff and Matt go crashing through the tables!! Benjamin rolls out fo the ring. Haas slowly moves up and gets a ladder. He sets it up and climbs very slowly. Benjamin comes back in sets up another ladder...after a couple minutes, Jeff climbs the ladder Benjamin is on and Matt climbs the one Haas is on. Matt pushes Haas from the top, and Haas lands on the ropes. Jeff and Matt get to the top grabbing each belt. Benjamin pushes Jeff, and he goes through a stack of tables!! Matt grabs Benjamin and hits the side effect from the top of the ladder! Matt throws Benjamin outside the ring. Matt gets out and finds a HUGE LADDER!!! He sets it up outside the ring. There's a stack of tables next to it. Jeff puts Benjamin and Haas on it. After a couple of minutes, you see Jeff climbing the huge ladder!!!! Jeff takes his shirt off. Jeff goes for a HUGE SWANTON BOMB! Haas and Benjamin once again move! And Jeff crashes through the huge stack of tables!!!! Matt looks dumbstruck and Haas T-bone suplexes him through another set table. Haas and Benjamin climb the ladder and pull the tag team belts down to retain....

Winners: And Still Champs, Haas & Benjamin (33:05)

Haas & Benjamin celebrate atop the ladders...

Part 3 Is Up Tommorow!!
Tazz believe he just witnessed one of the greatest matches he's seen.
Orton and Batista are giving each other pep talk before their match with the Dudleyz.

Dudley Boyz vs. Randy Orton And Batista
Bubba and Devon make their way down to the ring. Orton and Batista come in next. Orton and Devon start off. Orton taunts the crowd and Devon and Devon clotheslines him hard! Orton gets up, and Devon starts with the right hands. Orton fight back with one and goes for the RKO but Devon pushes him. Devon tags Bubba. Bubba german suplexes Orton, then knocks Batista off the apron. Bubba turns around and gets hit by an RKO! Orton pins... and Devon quickly breaks up the pin. Devon throws Orton through the second turnbuckle sending his shoulder right into the steel post. Batista comes back in and goes for a demon bomb on Bubba! Bubba fights out of it and hits a huge Bubba Cutter! Bubba tries to pin but Orton pulls him out of the ring! Devon beats down Orton. Bubba starts staring. DEVON GET THE TABLES! Devon pulls out a table, and put it in the ring. Bubba sets it up. But, when he turns, around Batista hits the demon bomb, putting Bubba through the table!!! Devon tries to hit Batista but Batista grabs him and throws him over the top rope. Batista throws the discarded table piece outside the ring. Orton throws the ref back in, and Batista covers......Bubba Kicks Out!! Batista looks suprised and tags in Orton. Orton holds a headlock on Bubba. Bubba starts fading, and fading. Devon finally gets in and breaks the hold. Devon lifts up Orton and hits a neckbreaker! The referee forces Devon to get in his corner. Bubba and Orton are both down. Devon starts clapping, and plying to the crowd. Devon holds out his hand as Bubba struggles to get to Devon. Bubba tags in Devon! Devon lifts up Orton and hits another neckbreaker! Devon knocks Batista off the apron. Bubba gets in the ring and holds Orton's legs. Devon climbs the top turnbuckle and dives off on to Orton! Bubba and Devon get into postition to hit the 3-D! Batista gets in and diposes of Bubba, and Devon. Orton crawls back over towars the corner and tags in Batista. Batista hits a spinebuster on Devon. Batista hits Devon with the Demon Bomb! Batista tries to hit Bubba with it, but Bubba escapes again! Bubba hits the Bubba cutter! Batista and Devon are down. Batista crawls over towards Orton, and Devon crawls over toward Bubba! They tag in their partner at the same time! Orton goes for the RKO! Bubba blocks it and goes for a Bubba-Bomb! In mid-air, Orton hits the RKO!!! Orton covers.......1.........2..............3.!!! Ding Ding!!!

Winners:Randy Orton and Batista (11:00)

Now it's time for our main event!!!!
A video package highlights the story between Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle.

No Holds Barred Match For The World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

HBK makes his way to the ring, followed by Angle. HBK takes out a table before Angle gets to the ring. HBK also gets a steel chair. Angle runs to the ring and dodges HBK's chair swing. Angle turns around kicks HBK in the gut, and goes for an Angle slam! HBK counters and arm drags Angle on the floor! HBK goes under the apron and takes out a tool box. HBK opens up the box and takes out a wrench. HBK starts beating Angle with the wrench!! HBK throws it, and goes back under the apron. HBK throws out a hammer, a ladder, and another table. HBK picks up the chiar and cracks it over Angle's head!! HBK sets up the table and puts Angle on it. HBK gets in the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle. HBK goes for a moonsault! Angle moves and HBK goes crashing through the table!!! Angle goes for the cover....HBK quicks out at 2. Angle gets back up to his feet and grabs the ladder. HBK slowly gets up and Angle hits HBK squarly in the face with the ladder! Angle goes under the apron and finds a singpore cane!! Angle cracks it across HBK's back! Angle gets Michaels up and HBK thumbs him in the eye. HBK pulls something out fo his tight and punches Angle right between the eyes!! Angle starts bleeding! HBK throws the brass knux down and starts pounding the floor with his foot. Angle gets up and HBK superkicks Angle! Angle falls over the barricade! HBK picks up the table and toss it over the barricade. HBK grabs the steel chair and stands atop the barricade! HBK jumps off and nails Angle right in the back of the head!! HBK goes for a pin!!! 1.......2............ Angle kicks out. HBK outstetches the table and when he turns around, he gets caught by an Angle Slam!! HBK goes crashing through a table for the second time!! Angle slowly covers HBK.. and Michaels kicks out at 2. Angle gets back over the guard rail and sets up a table in a bridge-like postiton bewtween the ring and the guard rail. He brings the ladder in the ring and sets it up. He gets back out and grabs the hammer! HBK gets over the barricade and Angle hits it across HBK's back, breaking the hammer in half!!!!! Angle throws HBK in the ring and Michaels hits him with the knux again! HBK superkicks Angle, knocking him over the top rope! HBK slowly gets out and set up Angle on the table. HBK gets back in the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle! HBK hits the elbow drop on Angle while crashing through the table!!! Michaels slowly covers and Angle kicks again!!! Michaels and Angle lay motionless for a couple of minutes. Angle finally gets up and tries to lock the ankle lock! But Michaels escapes and turn it into a roll-up!! Angle quickly kicks out. Blood is pouring from Angles' face. Angle slingshots HBK into the steel-post! Michaels starts bleeding.... Angle dis lodges the steels steps and hits HBK in the face with them! Angle throws a steel-chair in the ring and brings HBK inside. Angle angle-slams HBK , breaking the chair in two! Angle climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault, but does not connect, and both men rest. Angle gets up, and hits 3 german suplexes on HBK! Angle locks the ankle lock!! HBK screams and kicks Angle in the face, and escapes! Angle turns around is nailed by sweet chin music! Michaels very slowly covers, and .......1................2..........Angle KICKS OUT!!!!!!!!! Michaels goes to the corner and tunes up the band!! HBK goes for sweet chin music!! Angle ducks and locks the ankle-lock in the middle of the ring!!!! HBK screams and desprtily tries to escape!! Michaels holds on for about 5 minutes!! HBK finally taps!!!!!

Winner: And, Still World Champion, KURT ANGLE! (26:37)

Angle, with blood pouring down his face, celebrates with the World Title, as No Mercy goes off the air!!!!!!

If anybody liked No Mercy, Please Rate :)
My favorite match was the Angle-Michaels. If Kurt read this, he'd be impressed, and don't be so suprised if I get him to read that match ;). 9.9/10.
^^ thanks i love your shows too gupp and the posters you make are just amzing.. you should like write for WWE but how would you get Kurt to read it?

i did meet him a couple times.. and my friend won this contest and he got to go on rides at six flags with kurt angle... lol
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