WWE needs more tag teams

JT Strike's Alt

Dark Match Winner
Sometime in the 2000's tag team divison died in the wwe, TNA was the only place to see good wholesome tag team action. but now it's kinda changed wwe has really made some good tag teams

But just in 1 year listen to all the tag teams that has ended

The Real Americans
Tons Of Funk
Prime Time Players
Daniel Bryan & Kane
The Shield didn't split up but they left the tag team championship divison picture.

And chances is
The Rhodes Brothers & Rybaxel is getting ready to come to a end.
New Age Outlaws seems to be gone.

Which leads wwe with the following tag teams
The Uso's
Rowan & Harper
Los Matardores
3 Man Band
R Truth & Xavier Woods

This is kinda dissapointing to me.
I know nxt will be bringing up some new tag teams and new guys to make tag teams but what about the talent that is being waisted like ziggler or the miz?

This topic is to make your own tag teams and make up their gimmicks.

1st team Dolph Ziggler & Tyson Kidd this would be perfect for both of them they got a very similar moveset but tyson is better in my opinion natayla could be there manager and it could spark up the divison.

2nd Team Batista & Randy Orton Okay i know this is already happening as Evoultion but think about it The Uso's need a strong opponents to make a challenge for them and batista & orton has history together and could make it work.

So What Tag teams do you think wwe could do to make the tag team divison even better? You can choose former teams or even brand new teams its all for fun so have some will you? ;)
All of the tag-teams that exist currently, IMO, are bland, unimpressive and rather off-putting. (That's excluding Harper and Rowan because they are more of Bray Wyatt's accomplices than a tag-team; Rhodes brothers because they have been effaced from prominence long ago). The Usos are a very generic Samoan tag-team except that they don't have any size, intimidating qualities, etc. as their "other" cousins/kins such as The Wild Samoans, Umaga, Meng/Haku, etc. To be precise and blunt, The Usos are overrated, unimpressive, and bland.

The rest of the tag-teams you enlisted such as Los Matadores, 3MB, and Woods/R-truth are pretty much enhancement/jobber tag-teams used for Main Event.

What tag-teams would I make?

Considering Wade Barrett has already begun to be prominent as a singles competitor again, I can't include him but if he were somehow back to being insignificant, I'd unite him with a Heel Sheamus. Call them EU(European Union) or some Eurocentric label. It'd be basically about teaching the jobber tag-teams and The Usos what dominance is about. They'd be pretty much the most credible and unstoppable force ever since The Brothers of Destruction, IMO.

Another team would include Damien Sandow and Dolph Ziggler as a heel tag team. Or turn Cody Rhodes heel again and unite him with Dolph Ziggler and form the "Handsome Dudes" (I know it sounds corny) or "Dashing Dudes" where they'd bore areans by reading out tips for men on grooming, etc.

I can't think of any more but Sheamus and Barrett would definitely make an interesting and dominant duo, especially if Sheamus is not going to do anything of significance in the singles arena for the foreseeable future. (I just thought of a name. The Anglo-Irish Union or Anglo-Irish Alliance)
They say that they are pairing up Bourne and Kidd soon, but since Bourne has been out of the picture for some time, and Kidd being almost in the same boat it could work if they are reintroduced on WWE TV. However, I would personally put together these teams below:

Kofi Kingston and Justin Gabriel- Maybe they both can piggy-back off their African heritage and the fact that they are both high flyers. Haven't really seen much of either of them, especially Gabriel and since they are both talented its really a shame. They've both been on the roster for quite some time, and if they haven't peaked by now, there's really a little chance they will down the road. And thats quite all right considering not everyone is a main eventer. They both seem like career midcarders and you might as well do something productive with their talents. Maybe call them the Pan-African Express or something.

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder- I know that these two have been absolutely doing nothing in singles careers as of late and it'd make sense to put them back together. Id rather see them as heels, as there is a severe lack of credible heel teams on the roster, especially since the shield turned face, Real Americans broke up, and 3MB aren't even close to being taken seriously. If booked correctly I can see them becoming top contenders for the straps.

Also on a side note, the tag team division on NXT is even worse than the main roster, but its problem is simpler to fix as its just developmental. Make a 8 team tournament to crown #1 contenders to the Ascension's NXT Tag Titles by just pairing random people together (that remotely can seem plausible) and maybe what emerges from the tourney is a few tag teams that can be entertaining.
I think that the Sin Cara character needs a team to help build him up into at least the upper mid card now that a new person wrestles as Sin Cara and hopefully he won't botch half his moves like Mistico did. I'd like to see him paired with Evan Bourne who is still with WWE i believe or Adrian Neville, once he moves up to the main roster of course.
Another team i would like to see somebody made a thread about a while ago and i'm still thinking about it because i like it so much, it pairs Adam Rose with Damien Sandow. Both are relatively young guys and could be pushed to the main event, or leave Adam Rose in the mid card I don't care.
My final idea is one that I have had for a while but is a total stretch in that WWE will never do it, I'd like to see John Cena and Kofi Kingston turn heel simultaneously some how (I haven't worked that out because i have no idea how it would happen) and dominate the division for 1-1.5 years then have Kofi turn face by stopping Cena from attacking someone after they drop the titles or something, setting up a 3 month feud between the two of them. Cena would win the first match in the feud (at a PPV) and brag on RAW about how he decimated Kingston and how he was the star of the team, Kingston would come out and say that he is still here, blah blah blah, setting up a 2nd match between the 2 which Kofi wins and then John Cena demands a "rubber match" at the next PPV where Kofi wins, elevating him to the main event and then John Cena retires because he realizes he is no longer the best wrestler in the business. (feel free to shit all over this idea, its sloppy)
They say that they are pairing up Bourne and Kidd soon, but since Bourne has been out of the picture for some time, and Kidd being almost in the same boat it could work if they are reintroduced on WWE TV. However, I would personally put together these teams below:

Who said that? Some random idiots on the internet? I really doubt Bourne will be paired up with Tyson Kidd.. It wouldn't work because they would get smashed by every credible tag team in WWE, like The Usos and Rybaxel. Can you see those 2 shrimps beating those teams?
Who said that? Some random idiots on the internet? I really doubt Bourne will be paired up with Tyson Kidd.. It wouldn't work because they would get smashed by every credible tag team in WWE, like The Usos and Rybaxel. Can you see those 2 shrimps beating those teams?

Yes it was a rumor online but regardless of where it comes from I think it could be a rather fruitful idea. Their styles are very similar and that could mean they could mesh well as a tag team. The fact remains is that they are both very talented wrestlers that have had unfortunate things happen to them that would prohibit them from seeing TV time, but hopefully their time is soon.

Also, I actually could see them going up against larger, more established teams with the right booking. I mean the Motor City Machineguns were roughly their size and they accomplished quite a bit as a tag team for being relatively small; i.e beating Team 3D and Beer Money, who, if you're keeping score, were larger, more established stars. Proper booking and build can make a world of difference.
Who said that? Some random idiots on the internet? I really doubt Bourne will be paired up with Tyson Kidd.. It wouldn't work because they would get smashed by every credible tag team in WWE, like The Usos and Rybaxel. Can you see those 2 shrimps beating those teams?

It was reported by Some guy on wrestlezone.com so i'm thinking its as legit as anything else on the site, and i can see them beating the uso's last time i checked i don't think the uso's are huge strong guys.

And I could Beat Rybaxel, betty white could defeat rybaxel.
I can't think of any more but Sheamus and Barrett would definitely make an interesting and dominant duo, especially if Sheamus is not going to do anything of significance in the singles arena for the foreseeable future. (I just thought of a name. The Anglo-Irish Union or Anglo-Irish Alliance)

I always thought Sheamus & Drew McIntyre would make an interesting tag team. They could be managed by Regal and do the tried-and-true "We Europeans are better than you sloppy Americans" gimmick.

Also, throw Miz & Ryder together. I fa to see them do anything relevant, or be taken seriously. Maybe as a tag team they could have an awesome ride.

I think Ryback & Langston would make an intriguing team as well. A modern Legion of Doom perhaps?

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