WWE for Steph, XFL for Shane?

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Is it possible or likely that Vince McMahon plans for Stephanie and Triple H to someday run WWE and for Shane to run the XFL/Alpha Entertainment? Shane ran a non-wrestling business during his WWE hiatus. Is Shane best suited to run the XFL down the road? What are your thoughts?
The XFL isn't gonna last. I don't see any scenario in which it actually succeeds. Vince will probably have to scrap the idea and cut his losses again.

I'm guessing that after Vince passes away, Shane is gonna be a minority owner in WWE while HHH and Steph are the majority owners. That's all speculation of course. Shane could also leave wrestling and pursue his own interest like he did once before. If I remember correctly, he was fairly successful.
Had Vince said he was going to pursue a franchise in MLS or USISL, I could see Shane running it. There are some fans that would like to have a rebirth or the Hartford/Connecticut Bicentennials or and outdoor Hartford Hellions. But, restarting the XFL? Vince lost his mind. He lost $35 MILLION 16 years ago. How much do you think he will lose this time? OK, now, where is he going to get the players? The NFL has a bitch of a time getting STARTING Quarterbacks for 32 teams. Do you honestly believe that Vince will be able to bring in QUALITY players for the XFL. He would be better off going to the track and blowing his money on longshots. At least he would make money. XFL 2020 is a clusterfuck that will not end well.
I've said this about 10 times, but I think Vince missed a massive opportunity not looking into something like Rugby League.

Its an entertaining, and its as active as NFL but its continuously played for 80 minutes. The player costs would be cheaper, the teams would be half the size of NFL.

The US had a really good showing in the recent World Cup, for a sport that they have a very minor league and probably ranks outside the top 10 of sports played in the country.
Now that it's official that Vince and the McMahon family are going to going to try the XFL again there is some skepticism. There's first run of the XFL was an epic fail and it'll be difficult to compete against the NFL. It probably won't overtake the NFL or put them out of business but that doesn't mean it can't be successful on a smaller scale. Here in Canada the Canadian Football League (CFL) and the Ontario Hockey League (OHL) are both successful but that doesn't mean they're going to compete with the NFL or NHL.
I think that Vince knows knows that he is on borrowed time and if he wants to try to the XFL again then he should go for it. He won't be able to take his hundreds of millions of dollars when he passes away. I don't like all the disrespect and hate he gets these days blaming him for all the problems in WWE. It's amazing that he still has the drive and works as hard as he does at his age.
It's far too soon to say anything one way or another about the XFL with any degree of solidity. The first instinct that most of us have is that it won't last, that it'll fold after the first season just as it did the first time around but, at the end of the day, who knows?

As far as Vince sort of dividing his empire among his heirs, I suppose it's possible that he intends for Shane to run the XFL but it's a complete shot in the dark right now. I admire the old man's drive, I just can't help it because he's at a point in his life where 99% of the population is ready to just kick back and take it easy. If the XFL succeeds, more power to him but if it fails again...well, at least he can say he gave it his all.
If the XFL is successful, Shane could be a good choice to run the whole scenario. He does have his success overseas with the company in China. This could be a good split and let Triple H & Stephanie run the WWE. Vince seems to be fully into making the XFL work this time. He has two years to think all things through and what he is aiming at seems to be the NFL fans' biggest complaints or drawbacks. So this potentially can be a successful venture where both of Vinces' siblings have a business they can run and pass down the family tree.
If whatever this turns out to be is actually succcessful, then that makes some sense.

There was some speculation when Shane returned that he had never really left - that he was out running a business venture to prove to the old man that he could do it on his own. The rumor was that Shane was the heir all along.

When he returned he mentioned in that cluster*** of an angle with Steph and the Undertaker that he had never "lost my place in line." OF COURSE that was TV, but Vince loves to mingle TV with reality, especially with his own family. It's entirely possible that Shane is heir to the throne and has been all along and IF this were a split that were to take place... it would be Steph and the Schnoz that gets the XFL.
No chance this version of the XFL succeeds even with the NFL and all its ratings and controversy as of late. The thing that gave the old XFL a chance to be successful was the implementation of less rules. Was more open to faster harder hits and stuff the nfl back then did not allow. Now days with the Concussion Lawsuit and what not there is no way the bring the XFL back with those relaxed rules that allowed for faster smash mouth football.

They could generate a ton of buzz but in the end i don't see them lasting long. One thing i do see almost 100% happening is an XFL team will sign Colin Kapearnick or however its spelled. He will instantly create buzz and ratings. Could see other so called or alleged banned or "black listed" players signing as well.
That would require XFL 2.0 to have long term financial viability. It’s a neat thought: Daddy Vince creating a second empire to leave behind for his son who was passed by for the wrestling empire.

I don’t know if XFL will be successful this time around. It sounds like they’re already righting version one’s biggest mistake: too much wrestling and wrestling storylines.

Jesse Ventura vs that one coach was atrocious (the coach clearly wasn’t in on the angle). Having Rock, Ventura, or JR and King all over the programming was a bad call at that time.

The new XFL needs to stay as far away from wrestling as possible, though inevitably XFL will see promotion from within WWE. Most likely in the form of advertising, Network subscribers getting games, XFL being an advertiser.

That’s about as far as the two should intersect. WWE’s performers and talent should be far away from it. Shane McMahon is an on screen character and part time wrestler. Should an entertainer and part timer wrestler run a football company? Probably not.

Vince McMahon would be better suited leaving Alpha Entertianment and the XFL to a leader that knows running a professional sports league. Shane may have non-wrestling experience, but he ultimately returned to wrestling.

I like Shane, but he’s not an pro sports executive. He’s an entertainer. He’s a star in WWE, he’s a draw there. Shane is good exactly where he is.

It’s a cute thought with poetic justice, but would it be a good idea? No. Is this part of Vince’s master plan, is Vince doing XFL again for Shane? No.

Vince is doing this for Vince. He’s seizing what he sees as a massive financial opportunity to re-write one of his life’s biggest blunders. Vince would rather leave behind a successful XFL than a punchline XFL. He wants to leave it behind as another monument to his great achievement. If there was ever a time to bring back a successful version of the World Bodybuilding Federation, he would have.

He’s down just about all he can in wrestling, XFL is the next challenge.
If i remember correctly Vince was very upset when Shane left WWE..One would think we would give 50/50% partnership of WWE to Shane & Steph whenever that day comes.

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