WWE finally copying something from TNA?

The Shockmaster

Pre-Show Stalwart
Now many people bash TNA for copying storylines, gimmick matches, and talent from WWE. It seems like any time they do something an E mark is there to put them down and make light of the fact at one time or another it has already happened in the E.

Finally on RAW the WWE has copied an idea from TNA ONE day after it had happened.

At No Surrender in the Angle/Hardy Match Kurt hit his finisher known as the "Angle Slam" off the top ropes. Tonight on Raw not to be outdone John Cena in his match against Justin Gabriel decided that he was going to pull an "AA" as Michael Cole said about 20 times from the second rope. Really Cena, you've pinned guys like Sheamus and Orton off of a regular Attitude Adjustment but little Justin Gabriel needs one off the top rope in a match that meant absolutely nothing.

This was a moment that Vince definitely called for to make Angles moment in TNA look like it was nothing special. Finally TNA fans could rejoice in the fact that Vince actually watches and wants to shoot down on a product that his marks will claim he will never acknowledge.
John Cena has done this move several times, and a few just in recent history. They are not copying TNA, and as a matter of fact Kurt invented that move he used IN WWE.

Do TNA fans even watch WWE?
Now many people bash TNA for copying storylines, gimmick matches, and talent from WWE. It seems like any time they do something an E mark is there to put them down and make light of the fact at one time or another it has already happened in the E.

Finally on RAW the WWE has copied an idea from TNA ONE day after it had happened.

At No Surrender in the Angle/Hardy Match Kurt hit his finisher known as the "Angle Slam" off the top ropes. Tonight on Raw not to be outdone John Cena in his match against Justin Gabriel decided that he was going to pull an "AA" as Michael Cole said about 20 times from the second rope. Really Cena, you've pinned guys like Sheamus and Orton off of a regular Attitude Adjustment but little Justin Gabriel needs one off the top rope in a match that meant absolutely nothing.

This was a moment that Vince definitely called for to make Angles moment in TNA look like it was nothing special. Finally TNA fans could rejoice in the fact that Vince actually watches and wants to shoot down on a product that his marks will claim he will never acknowledge.

This is nothing new, wrestlers in the E have done top rope versions of their finishers for years and if you look back to the Bobby Lashley/Cena title match Cena finishes the match with a "Super" Attitude Adjustment. Just take a look at the video games from the past decade or so and you'll notice that there are a few turnbuckle moves with the word "super" next to them including the super chokeslam and super RKO. Not only that but your boy Kurt also already did a top rope angle slam from time to time during his days in the E:
Therefore your argument has now been busted, do some research next time before you start blowing TNA for its "uniqueness that Vince loves to copy." Better luck next time junior.
There is no finally about it. Laycool is a blatant TNA ripoff. McCool had stolen AJs finisher at one point. Swangle is not exactly an original character. And there are other examples. If TNA was doing a raw roulette people or kane-undertaker people would be screaming get an original idea. Why is it that WWE has the rights to everything in the history of wrestling again?
So let me get this straight: John Cena performs the Attitude Adjustment off the top rope to Justin Gabriel last night on Raw because Kurt Angle did the Angle Slam to Jeff Hardy off the tope rope at No Surrender?

I know that it doesn't take much for any TNA Cast Member to criticize the WWE but this is one that's been pulled straight out of the OP's ass. Last night wasn't the first time that John Cena performed the AA off the top rope. It's been a while since he did it, but he has done it before. Off the top of my head, I can remember him doing it in a match against Edge last year.
There is no finally about it. Laycool is a blatant TNA ripoff. McCool had stolen AJs finisher at one point. Swangle is not exactly an original character. And there are other examples. If TNA was doing a raw roulette people or kane-undertaker people would be screaming get an original idea. Why is it that WWE has the rights to everything in the history of wrestling again?

I agree with the Laycool/Beautiful People likeness but, as for stealing AJ's finishing move. Yeah she took it but, let's face it, any wrestler in another company can take anothers finishing move. Look at the similarities between the RKO and the Diamond Cutter

As for Jack Swagger, seeing as Angle started his gimmick in WWE I wouldn't say he's copied TNA with that, more like they're recycling their own schtick.

WWE has the rights to everything in the history of wrestling because, honestly, Vince has bought the history of wrestling!

And didn't Abyss start out being seen as a cheap-and-cheerful Kane/Mankind rip-off? He was able to take that and turn it to his own character quite successfully (although some tools will always argue he's just a rip-off)

As for the AA of the top rope, clutching at straws for some random reason. As SD said, there's stuff that's been pilfered before quite clearly, why bring it up to chat poop
I don't think Cena hitting his finisher off the ropes has anything to do with Angle nailing Hardy with a top rope Angle Slam.

Plenty of wrestlers have done top rope versions of their move, I can remember seeing a top-rope Pedigree before, Undertaker has done top rope chokeslams, and as seen on the video, Kurt Angle himself has hit the Angle Slam off the top rope on Shawn Michaels and Shane McMahon before (HOW AWESOME WAS THAT MOVE BY THE WAY!!!)

It was just done as a spectacular move IMO, and the fact TNA showed a top-rope finisher the day before is just a coincidence, I don't think Vince really cares about one-upping TNA on that level.
Vince has Big Show do an Hogan impression 2 weeks ago, and then they show a video consisting of pretty much all of TNA's top guys this week, yet THIS is the one you bring up? :disappointed:

I would like to point out that I actually feared for Gabriel when it was happening. I saw Cena's foot slip, and he fell a little shorter then he intended. I was afraid he was going to botch it, with Gabriel ending up getting hurt. But everyone is right, there's no merit in this one.
Wow... honestly how desperate are you to bash WWE? Ever heard of a little thing called coincidence? It made sense for Cena to hit a "super" AA since Gabriel is a high flyer and likes going to the top ropes. Stop looking so hard for something that isn't there.
Even if WWE did copy TNA (which I don't think they did) it wouldn't matter, look how many times TNA have copied WWE. I think they got him to hit the AA off the top ropes because Gabriel is a high flyer.
this post was not an attempt at bashing wwe or anything or the sort. I am well aware that "super "finishers have been used before many times during the years in wwe programming including both john cena and kurt angle finishers.
I will say that it might be coincidence but I am just not so sure it is. When you look at the bigger picture it starts not to look that way. Here is my reasoning.

-Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy are both past performers in the wwe.
-They put on a match one night before Raw that many people are saying could be the match of the year(me personally is still Taker/Micheals but i see the Argument)

In my opinion this doesn't look to good on Vince. Even if these performers left because of there own issues they were still big draws in the wwe. Now TNA has a match of the year candidate that features two men which the wwe made famous.

Having Cena drop the AA off the top rope against Justin Gabriel just didn't need to happen. "Super" finishers are usually reserved for culminations of big feuds or a big ppv moment. Should one really be used against a guy that's a prop in the bigger picture which is Wade Barrett. If anything Cena should of saved this for night of champions, now if he does it will be a so/so moment instead of a epic moment.

Im just saying maybe there is a chance that creative added this in to throw a shot in by putting in the AA off the top ropes to say you don't have to watch tna to see the big moments downplaying angle and hardys epic encounter. That and the fact that "super" finishers are a rare occurrence and Cena's AA came one night after Angles "Angle Slam" in his epic match involving two former huge draws for the wwe is quite fishy.
Shockmaster might have convinced me. I forgot how rare it is for WWE to go to the top rope in general. I could definitely see this being not so much a "copy," which in general I could really care less about, but a shot of sorts. Kind of a when my top guys hit a finisher from the top rope they get a 1-2-3 type shot. Nothing major, and I still do not care about it, but I do think it might be a little too coincidental to not be related in some way.
shattered dreams said:
I forgot how rare it is for WWE to go to the top rope in general.

what a ridiculous post. The WWE rarely goes off the top rope? Really? Evan Bourne's finishing move...top rope. John Morrison's finishing move...top rope. Justin Gabriel's finishing move...top rope. Chavo Guerrero's finishing move...top rope. Shawn Michaels worked in a top rope elbow drop in almost every match, Kofi Kingston does a dropkick of some sort every match off of the top rope, Rey Mysterio goes to the top rope consistently as well. Then there is Randy Orton, who RKOs people coming OFF of the top rope. Really, Shattered Dreams, when you post stupid shit like that, I almost feel sorry for you, because its SO DAMN EASY to prove you wrong. As others have pointed out, many WWE wrestlers have used their finishing move off of the top rope many times before. Your blind hatred of all things WWE has flat out made you stupid when you post crap like that.
There is no finally about it. Laycool is a blatant TNA ripoff. McCool had stolen AJs finisher at one point. Swangle is not exactly an original character. And there are other examples. If TNA was doing a raw roulette people or kane-undertaker people would be screaming get an original idea. Why is it that WWE has the rights to everything in the history of wrestling again?

1. TBP is a blatant ripoff of Vince's little Devils,
So you can't steal what's already yours
2. It's Swagger, and WWE can use the gimmick if they want, BECUASE IT'S THEIRS
Is Jack Swagger's "gimmick" even a real gimmick? Its who he is...when he says he is a two time All-American wrestler at Oklahoma, he was. Just because Kurt Angle was an Olympic gold medalist, that doesn't make it his "gimmick" any more than Swagger's LEGITIMATE past makes it his. Mark Henry's WSM is because of his legit past as a weightlifter. Brock Lesnar's past wrestling experiences weren't a "gimmick" either. When the Steiner brothers would walk around in their Michigan jackets, it wasn't a gimmick, its because Scott and Rick Rechsteiner both attended the University, and were damn proud of it. When its your real life, it isn't a gimmick. Kane is a gimmick. The Million Dollar Man is a gimmick. Doink the Clown is a gimmick. Golddust is a gimmick. Jack Swagger bragging about his collegiate accomplishments isn't really a gimmick, because its part of who he is, just like Jim Ross's love for the Oklahoma Sooners isn't just part of his "character", its who he is.
This thread has nothing to do with stealing gimmicks or story lines so please don't discuss such things.

This thread is about whether or not the wwe took a shot at tna by Cena using the AA off the top ropes one night after Kurt in tna hit the Angle Slam in the same fashion.

for more see incite on the thread see my last post shown below....please try to keep discussion on the original topic...i am interested in what others may think

this post was not an attempt at bashing wwe or anything or the sort. I am well aware that "super "finishers have been used before many times during the years in wwe programming including both john cena and kurt angle finishers.
I will say that it might be coincidence but I am just not so sure it is. When you look at the bigger picture it starts not to look that way. Here is my reasoning.

-Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy are both past performers in the wwe.
-They put on a match one night before Raw that many people are saying could be the match of the year(me personally is still Taker/Micheals but i see the Argument)

In my opinion this doesn't look to good on Vince. Even if these performers left because of there own issues they were still big draws in the wwe. Now TNA has a match of the year candidate that features two men which the wwe made famous.

Having Cena drop the AA off the top rope against Justin Gabriel just didn't need to happen. "Super" finishers are usually reserved for culminations of big feuds or a big ppv moment. Should one really be used against a guy that's a prop in the bigger picture which is Wade Barrett. If anything Cena should of saved this for night of champions, now if he does it will be a so/so moment instead of a epic moment.

Im just saying maybe there is a chance that creative added this in to throw a shot in by putting in the AA off the top ropes to say you don't have to watch tna to see the big moments downplaying angle and hardys epic encounter. That and the fact that "super" finishers are a rare occurrence and Cena's AA came one night after Angles "Angle Slam" in his epic match involving two former huge draws for the wwe is quite fishy.
Pretty sure I covered it in my post. There is no merit in this notion at all. Has Vince done this before that you can point out? I really don't think Vince cares what TNA does. Justin's finisher just happens to be one where he jumps off the top, we were made to think he was going up to hit the 450, and Cena caught him. No different then all the times Undertaker would hit the Last Ride on someone who had him in the corner punching him in the head or what not.
They are in no way, shape or form copying TNA.

Many moves have been performed from the top rope before. Just because a superstar on TNA does the same, doesn't mean that WWE aren't allowed to do it or be bashed when they do.

Here's a couple I can remember:

John Cena did an Attitude Adjustment to Justin Gabriel from the top rope.

Kane chokeslammed Matt Hardy off of the top rope.

Undertaker's NORMAL moves consist of throwing another superstar off of the top rope by their neck, which could be classed as a chokeslam.

And last but not least, here's one.. CM Punk's finishing move in ROH was called the "Pepsi Plunge" when really, it was just a glorified Pedigree from the top or second rope. Does this mean ROH are copying TNA now? No, nobody's copying TNA and I'm not purposely flaming TNA because I don't like them, I'm just flaming them because I'm tired of TNA fans NEVER letting WWE fans have their say. It's like the main rules of the bloody IWC.

1. You can't like John Cena. (Equal to Murder)
2. You can't like WWE.
3. You've got to adore Dixie Carter for all she has done for Wrestling.

Bullshit, you <- (original poster), may not have said that to anybody but there are alot of people out there that do, and it's one of the many things that ruin the Internet Wrestling Communities out there.
Now many people bash TNA for copying storylines, gimmick matches, and talent from WWE. It seems like any time they do something an E mark is there to put them down and make light of the fact at one time or another it has already happened in the E.

Finally on RAW the WWE has copied an idea from TNA ONE day after it had happened.

At No Surrender in the Angle/Hardy Match Kurt hit his finisher known as the "Angle Slam" off the top ropes. Tonight on Raw not to be outdone John Cena in his match against Justin Gabriel decided that he was going to pull an "AA" as Michael Cole said about 20 times from the second rope. Really Cena, you've pinned guys like Sheamus and Orton off of a regular Attitude Adjustment but little Justin Gabriel needs one off the top rope in a match that meant absolutely nothing.

This was a moment that Vince definitely called for to make Angles moment in TNA look like it was nothing special. Finally TNA fans could rejoice in the fact that Vince actually watches and wants to shoot down on a product that his marks will claim he will never acknowledge.

Angle used the 'Super' Angle Slam on Shane McMahon at King Of The Ring 2001. He's also used it on Michaels in the past. He may have used it on Edge too. There are other people he's used it on as well.
Cena has used the 'Super' AA/FU on Lashley a few years ago, and a few times on Edge. He also went to use it against Sheamus when he lost the tables match. Sure, he didn't pull it off but he went for it anyway.

If anything, WWE used it first. To say WWE decided to 'copy' TNA is ridiculous. Like someone has said, we've seen top rope-adapted finishers before. Super Styles Clash. Super Chokeslam. Super Piledriver. Super Spear. So your entire argument is flawed, stupid, and pathetic.

Is this how desperate some TNA fans get? They can't defend the product so they attack the opposition (I struggle to call it that because in all honesty, WWE is a good ten years, if not more, ahead of TNA) TNA use to be original and very entertaining. It wasn't on par with WWE but it was an alternative as it was a different style. Now its just trying to be the 'next WWE' instead of being something totally different; 'the first TNA'.

I pity you. I used to love TNA but its too much like WWE with piss-poor production values, washed up has-beens and reject talent (with a handful of notable exceptions). Can someone explain to me why there are some stupid TNA fans like this guy who think they make TNA look superior by saying things like this? And by running the WWE fans down? Attempted cheap shots like this prove just how desperate and pathetic some fans can be. Not all, but some.
I come to this particular forum, and every time I come here, I think to myself, "The guys who think they're in some sort of competition with fans of other promotions grasp harder at the straws the longer they post here."

This thread is the reason I say shit like this. Let me put it this way: Everything you have ever seen in both the WWE and TNA the last 7 (or so) years has been done before. You guys will find any random shit to throw at the WWE to validate your personal opinion on your chosen promotion.

That being said, no, the Attitude Adjustment off the top rope is absolutely NOT copied off Kurt Angle. It's not the first time either of them have done their signature moves off the top rope. If you can show me a time where John Cena did his submission finisher off the top rope the night after Kurt Angle did his off the top rope, then your argument would have some merit. But at this point, I'm inclined to think you're simply being disingenuous at this point, or at the very least, not taking yourself seriously.

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