WWE Be A Star campaign

Mike D

Occasional Pre-Show
I recently came across an article where Linda Mcmahon discusses the WWE Be a star campaign and it's effectiveness in reaching millions of people . I'm not about to hold everything WWE or Vince has done in the past ( even recent w vince mocking Jr health condition ), however I do feel that it should be important for new executives to be good examples for the future of WWE .

That leads me to this video I just watched . Hannibal discusses being at WWE developmental when Bill Demott ran it ( before being released and rehired) and seeing demott lead (or bully depending on how you look at it ) Zack Ryder to literally eat doughnuts out of the sweaty butt of festus while the whole place watched .

To me that is clearly bullying by pier pressure . If one understands the way wwe works they may agree . here is the video I watched . Assuming it is accurate it's pretty pathetic . I like Ryder as well . [YOUTUBE]http://youtu.be/r0h1cOCsKXQ[/YOUTUBE]

I also heard Boogeyman had some real issues with Demott in OVW just before demott was taken out . I would like to hear Boogeyman tell this very real and harsh story .

Finally , my question is , does WWE and this type of stuff hurt Linda McMahons chances of winning and has the legit media picked up on hazing / bullying incidents like this video or Vince mocking Jr ? not sure why video didnt post http://youtu.be/r0h1cOCsKXQ
There's pressure on the pier? That means we need to get someone to come fix it before it breaks and boats won't be able to be tied up.

No this be a bully thing is double standards. It's more acting than WWE itself. You can tell they're being scripted and paid to say that stuff. Linda just needs to stop. By the time she loses Vince will be worth only a quarter million and she'll file divorce to try and get half. She was doing fine as CEO, if it's not broke don't fix it. Come back to ECU to offer me a job at Titans.
So they fired a guy that was bullying others? I don't understand the problem.

And who exactly was scripted in their Be A Star campaign? You can tell they're all obviously telling the truth about being bullied when they were younger.

Either way, this is going to be an extremely minor issue for voters, if not a total non-issue. And anybody who talks about how much money the McMahons "lost" clearly doesn't understand how net worth works.
So they fired a guy that was bullying others? I don't understand the problem.

And who exactly was scripted in their Be A Star campaign? You can tell they're all obviously telling the truth about being bullied when they were younger.

Either way, this is going to be an extremely minor issue for voters, if not a total non-issue. And anybody who talks about how much money the McMahons "lost" clearly doesn't understand how net worth works.

Although they fired him a couple years ago , they have recently replaced Tom Pritchard with Demott as the head of FCW .. That's why it is relevant here .

The double standard is the issue I'm referring to . If a company is hiring and promoting one who is said to be the leader in such gross acts, how can their 'Be A Star' campaign be taken seriously by voters ? I suppose most voters probably won't know much about WWE and it's history of making fun or "bullying" others, so it probably won't be an issue .

It has been rumored that WWE has released wrestlers based on past acts , such as that tall isis girl from nxt and her pictures so they clearly believe that you can be liable for your past skeletons ... do they hold themselves to the same standard ?
WWE is on very thin ice with the whole anti bullying thing for two reasons.

1) The product is inherently based on bullying... a heel bullies the faces, fans etc, take someone like Kane, Big Show etc... It's not enough to simply say "the good guys always win" because they don't in real life and the bully comes back in the next feud... If every feud was a career match, then that stance works, but WWE wouldn't.

2) WWE has perhaps the most disgustingly overtly bullying backstage environment out there. Ribbing as it's called is not only expected, but not accepting it carries negative repercussions. Talent are often subjected to humiliations and torturous hours in the name of "Titan Training". Someone like Cena can basically bully Alex Riley, the moment Riley says he's not happy he is mothballed... Mistakes or sleights to senior talent, even if they are only percieved can end a career in a moment. Miz famously was blackballed from the locker room for 6 months cos he ate some chicken near someones bag! It all stems from the contracts on-air talent have. The other way is of course is that you are punished in the ring... Bob Holly, JBL and others have all been guilty of taking liberties with opponents, taking cheap shots and "working stiffer than usual", which for guys who work stiff anyway, is not a good thing.

As contractors they aren't covered by the standard corporate protections that someone who is a staff member has. The guys processing the checks could sue if they went through even a smidge of what the wrestlers do.

Eventually there will be a major incident, WWE has been lucky up to now, but Randy shitting in Candice's bag was brushed under the carpet. Imagine if a talent is so upset by such a rib or their they harm themselves and cite WWE as the reason? Where would Vince and Linda be then?

They have selectively fired certain people for certain incidents, many of which would barely be disciplinary offences under a corporate code, yet serious violations (such as JBL assaulting Blue Meanie at the ECW Show) get ignored... Very thin ice indeed!
that leads me to this video I just watched . Hannibal discusses being at WWE developmental when Bill Demott ran it ( before being released and rehired) and seeing demott lead (or bully depending on how you look at it ) Zack Ryder to literally eat doughnuts out of the sweaty butt of festus while the whole place watched .

To me that is clearly bullying by pier pressure . If one understands the way wwe works they may agree . here is the video I watched . Assuming it is accurate it's pretty pathetic . I like Ryder as well .

First let's start with your video. Two guys in a weird environment talking crap about people. No video proof, just one bitter ex employee that wants to talk shit.

Are you seriously the biggest moron the world have ever produced? So a guy tells you a story and you buy into it like it is beyond real. Hey then I got a great story for you it is a magical man that lives int eh sky and can pregnant chicks without sex and have children than can rise from the dead, all while flooding the world.

The guy is bitter and now is coming out on youtube, no different than anyone else that has been let go. Warrior, Nash, Warrior etc. Everyone is using social media to try and make a name for themselves. With out evidence they are simple bitter morons.

As for Be A Star. The WWE is working the same old bull shit angle because they are trying to be the kid lovers of the world and they honestly think they can gain ground by having so bullshit don't be a bully campaign. The truth is the WWE is confused. They don't realize that Be a Star is hurting them. I have been a fan since I was a young boy. I was there when Shawn made his debut and many other that have left. Now after last night summerslam and the cotiuned be a star bullshit leaving us with babyface champs I have decided I will no longer purchased another ticket to live events and PPV's I will watch even less.
First let's start with your video. Two guys in a weird environment talking crap about people. No video proof, just one bitter ex employee that wants to talk shit.

Are you seriously the biggest moron the world have ever produced?

Just a suggestion , while on the net please try to write the way you would speak to someone in person . Imagine as if you are talking to a man that is capable of kicking your butt, and then write . I am certain your response would be much more polite .

This story has been confirmed by both wrestlers and a trainer mention . It is a fact .

With that said, the question was does hiring Demott, who was in charge of this and other incidents , go against their Be A Star campaign ? Spare us the rest of your garbage , please .

THT, great post . I agree .
The Be A Star campaign is useless. The WWE is notorious for bullying people not only on screen, but off screen. You have countless heels and faces alike bullying or being bullied. Mysterio, Big Show, Cena, Michael Cole, Jim Ross. Hell, even my favorite wrestler, The Rock, his whole gimmick was about making fun of people. The Montreal Screwjob, the nWo gang attacking people, DX humiliating people, etc.

My point is, WWE has no business dealing with this campaign. The whole product is based on bullying. Bad guy comes out, says/does something bad to the good guy, they fight at the ppv, 90% of the time the good guy wins. Typical WWE today. I'm really not liking the direction WWE is taking.
Its a way to promote your company to your target audience which for WWE is children and families.

It is no different than McDonalds promoting salads and healthy food and having slim, sexy superstars eat their burgers. It does not mean you will look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club if you chug down those Big Macs enough.

I love kids, and bullying is wrong. But i think adult bullying is even worse, because in many cases these adults have no choice but to take it, their livelyhood depends on it, especially in WWE which is really the only game in town (sorry TNA). If John Cena or Triple H want to humiliate you infront of the "boys" you best turn around, bow and take it. You have no choice, if you resist, you will likely get hell for it.

At least kids dont know better, they bully because of their own insecurities and because...well they are stupid kids. They will hopefully grow out of it. But wrestlers and promoters who bully employees because they have a stranglehold on the wrestling bussiness is that much sadder.
Just a suggestion , while on the net please try to write the way you would speak to someone in person . Imagine as if you are talking to a man that is capable of kicking your butt, and then write . I am certain your response would be much more polite .

I do write the way that I would speak to someone. If you would like you can send me a private message and I will send you my home address. The fact is I am more than willing to back up my words, I am not a punk who hides behind a computer.

This story has been confirmed by both wrestlers and a trainer mention . It is a fact .

I read the dirt shirts like other I have never heard this scandal like story. I am glad it is confirmed you should add all your facts not just a simpleton video that shows nothing more than a whiner. We can call him AW if you like.

With that said, the question was does hiring Demott, who was in charge of this and other incidents , go against their Be A Star campaign ? Spare us the rest of your garbage , please .

Any company/group will tel you it isn't hazing, it isn't bullying it is waht they like to call "Tradition". Examples: NFL bullying rookies there is a scandal in the making with Paul Pierre. US Navy once you make e-7 you go through what is called Chief Initiation how it is all about working them out.
It's all just corporate america kissing ass. To kids it's just like all those stupid assemblies they put on in school about self esteem, standing up to peer pressure, don't do drugs, and all that other bullshit. Kids watch them, they don't care. As far as they're concerned it's time they don't have to do school work. In reality bullies are going to continue to bully until one day they meet somebody who knocks their dick in the dirt. Kids watch these commercials and think "Yeah yeah, Now let's get back to John Cena and Randy Orton fighting people."
The problem with it being "Corporate America Kissing Ass" is simply that the on air guys have 100% less protection and anyone else... Be A Star is meaningless because WWE treats the guys who push the campaign worse than their actual employees. I am a firm beliver they should be forced to accept SAG membership... there really is no difference between them and How I Met Your Mother...and how are they getting round it on their movies? They can't be that I can see and getting Colin Farrell and Halle Berry... So suddenly you could have the guys in movies in SAG but not the rest... straight away a "biased working environment"...

Vince will never want to have a union, but if Linda is serious about politics and wanted to win, all she needs to do is force one... or even SAG... that will shut the critics up, but also put Vince in a very uncomfortable position.
Let's imagine that the WWE isn't a festering puss oozing small pox blister of sexual and psychological harassment meant only to placate the desire for power in certain egomaniacs under the guise of sound training techniques, do they still have a place preaching an anti-bullying message to the world? Fuck no.
In their world, a Hulk Hogan is just another random name on the card unless a Roddy Piper comes out and rips apart a little kid's pro-Hogan sign. A Stone Cold Steve Austin teaches a dork Kurt Angle to man up and stop being all goofy an' shit. A good guy John Cena strips a frail bad guy Micheal Cole to his undies in the ring and dumps a Good ole' Jim Ross' barbecue vomit on him.

As fucking stupid as someone would have to be (as stupid as a Linda basically) to take a concept as subjective as harassment and exploit it's playground interpretation "bullying", that is the adult age WWE fan that understands bullying as a serious issue. Fuck BA Star, Fuck Linda, Fuck the WWE.

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