WWE And The WWE.com Power 25.


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We're currently seeing TNA having their top 10 ranking list. A list they use to determine contenders for the championships. A list that is used to make Kurt Angle both put over talent by feuding with them as well as making Kurt seem incredibly legit in a great storyline.

The top 10 ranking usually creates a bit of buzz both on this forum but I could also imagine in the overall TNA fan circle. But the WWE Power 25 however does not spark any interest whatsoever on this forum. Unless I missed something.

Now it had me thinking. What if WWE used the Power 25 as well to their benefit in sparking interesting stories as well as determining the number 1 contenders?

While I know it might be hard due to the overall split of the brands and the Power 25 being mixed. With a bit of variation it could be done in a way to fit both brands.

As well as this might spark a lot of buzz from the TNA fans screaming "Damn rip off! how dare you". It might prove beneficial for WWE. While they're definitely having some great stuff going on right now. Interesting stuff. Especially with the fact that WWE seems very hyped on the crowd having a voice in things.

Could WWE make it work? Or would it fail miserably?
I think that this would not be a good idea for a few reasons. Like you said, it would be a blatant rip off of a TNA concept which i think doesn't work too well. WWE doesn't need a list to determine the picking order of superstars. Title matches are based off logical feuds, not "well, who haven't we seen fight in a while?" True, while the PW25, doesn't get a lot of buzz, the championship feuds get more buzz without one, so why fix what isn't broken. So no, I don't think copying a bad concept from an inferior show is a good idea.
This could work. The top 5 from each brand were in contention for the world title and anyone on the list was in contention for the midcard title. Also around WM time, this could make some cross brand fueds about being number one.

As you said this would spark controversy but its been said nothing is trademarked in the world of wrestling. People complain about WWE taking ideas from TNA but say nothing when the tables are turned

Sorry about the mini rant there. The point is using the Power 25 like this would be good.
The idea of a ranking system is nice and seems to be going down well in TNA, although a lot of its appeal has been and will be through Angle turning down the number 2 spot and attempting to climb back up.

The Problem however would be twofold, it would be a bit of a ripoff and the Power 25 in its current form is horrible. I had to look it up there cause its been months since i had, while no Hornswaggle for a change, Kofi at #2 Jericho #16 Punk #21 and 4 Divas in there make it unrealistic.
That would be bad, because then WWE would ripoff TNA's top 10, which is a rip off of ROH's pick 6 which has been going on for about a year. Plus the POwer 25 has been around for years, and I remember it being important in WWE video games, which is just a way to show popularity trends, and who is getting pushed and who isn't.
I'm pretty much indifferent to the Power 25. It's neat and all, for sure something to glance at when bullshitting on the WWE website. I don't think it needs to become some sort of "Official Rankings" chart, aren't there enough of those around? And I think it paints everyone into a corner.

Aside from just seemingly "ripping off" TNA (who were "ripping off" nXt and Evolve), the booking team is left with fewer options available if they wish to keep up the validation and importance of an official rankings system. Tossing in surprises or making last second changes in the instances where one is needed due to injury, accident, or someone's ass getting fired only hurt the image of the rankings in the eyes of the viewer. And Pro Wrestling is full of injuries, accidents, and instances of someone's ass getting fired. Or failing a drug test, or punching a cop, or stabbing a friend, or getting caught buying or selling drugs. You get the idea.
If they made the Power 25 legit I'd take it more seriously. They could break it down and make a top 10 or 5 for every title and then that would do it. I would take that more seriously than the Power 25 where the people range from Shaemus to Alicia Fox.
WWE could easily make it work Ferbs...but the thing is, they won't go there, they know how to build feuds and don't need a ranking system to tell them who should be the number 1 contender!!

Plus, no one really sees the top25 in that way, of who is the current contenders do they?? its just a little thing on the side for WWE.com for viewers to just check out, who is at the top, e.g. had a good week, on a good winning streak etc..
Its an interesting idea and it might work. But I dont like the idea.

The WWE has a pretty efficient system of writing, especially as of late. We have seen good feuds between Orton and Edge, HHH and Sheamus, and McIntyre and Hardy. The common theme between these feuds is that they have carried on for a good amount of time. I get the impression that with a rankings system, feuds would be shorter and really only last for one PPV.

I like long feuds. They shouldnt be too long, but they should last more than one PPV. With the rankings system, it seems like the feud would only exists as long as the rankings backs up the feud. Two guys could feud over a spot in the rankings, but after the next rankings come out, the rankings fix it and end the feud. There could be feuds outside the rankings, but I would think that most would be based off of the rankings.
Now im goin to go ahead and agree with everyone else and say i just dont see this happening in the near future. While it's an interesting idea, i dont really like it :( WWE would definately get some heat for ripping off the TNA top 10 ranking systems. When i think of the power 25, i think of a cute lil list on WWE.com thats made simply for fans enjoyment. Its another way to go and look at whose doing good and whose losing some steam. I do think that it's stupid that thare are normally around 21 boys and only 4 girls. Maybe they should have a seperate Power 10 or something for the girls. That makes more sense and it also leaves some room on the Power 25 for some other Superstars that had a good week. But anyways.... I think the Power 25 should just stay how it is but get advertised some more so more people check it out.
what is even the point of Power 25? it's a list for.....? it's a good idea Ferb, really good. so what if they are ripping off ideas from TNA? I don't see any problemn there, I mean, after all the E is in fact the biggest promotion in the wrestling bis (liked or not). as someone said, when there isn't a real contender and we are all sick of same old feuds, they could use the list. For example, IF Sheamus retains at MitB, instead of having a feud against Orton, Edge or Jericho, they could see at Power 25 and say:"hey this guy is getting better week after week!let's see how he is on ME status". or you could looked P25 as something for midcarders scene. OR just used it for a storyline, someone comes out and says "hey I'm # 7 on the P25 list, so I should get a title shot".

but I think it could work not all the time, but could work.
The idea isn't too bad, but it wouldn't work. People would instantly be talking about how it is a ripoff of TNA, and I'm positive that the WWE doesn't want that. The WWE has been trying to differentiate itself from TNA, and they refuse to acknowledge the company or any talent related to it... So they wouldn't want TNA comparisons popping up all over the place.

Now, as for the rankings themselves, I think they're basically just a cosmetic thing to be shown off on the WWE homepage. They'd have to totally overhaul the rankings, they'd have to make a set for each brand, take out tag teams, champions, and divas, and that just seems like a lot of work.

So, even though this isn't a bad idea, I don't think it would work in the WWE.

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