Wrestling Trivia?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
I'm pretty sure this Thread came up a while back, but if post a Wrestling Trivia Question, then the person who gets it right can post their own, we just take off like that.

My question is;

What, in WWE is "Gorilla Position" & why is it named so?
The Gorilla Position is the spot right behind the entrance way curtain. It's somewhere that someone can watch the match from without being seen and also give last minute notes and pointers for the match or promo about to happen, like a finish to a match, how they want a certain promo to go, ect. Basically a spot where a higher up can direct the match or promo while its happening (as refs and talent often have ear pieces in so they can get instructions from whoever is in the gorilla position) and give notes to talent or refs before it happens.

In essence it is what a director's chair is to movies.

Its was named after Gorilla Monsoon out of respect as it is a job that he did for a long time and did very well.

Who was the 1st Ever NWA Champion?
Singles or Tag team? Or under the Festus gimmick?

I'm going to assume it's tag team and under the SES gimmic...and it would have to involved Punk. I remember R Truth but other then that I can't remember his partner. I think Matt Hardy was his first singles match as Luke Gallows though. I really can't remember being that I didn't watch Smackdown as often.
Oh I'm sorry, I was supposed to create a question.

Ok um....

Name all five of John Cena's moves...bonus if you surpass the cliche of five moves and give me all of them.
Five Knuckle Shuffle, Diving Fame Assessor, FU, STFU, Headlock, the leaping Shoulder Block, Overdrive, Bulldog, Emerald Flowsion.

Which shared opponents have Khali and Undertaker had over their careers? (name 5)
It was the fabulous moolah so they could do a screwjob finish over Richter.

Stevie Richards finisher was the Stevie Kick. When he was in RTC this went by a different name, what was it?

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