Wrestling greatest moments LIVE


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If you could be ringside for any significant event in pro-wrestling(i.e Montreal Screwjob, beginning of Nexus, arrival of THEY,) What would it be and why?

For me,it would have to be Eddie Guerrero's WWE Championship victory. The sheer passion and excitement that coursed through the building that night would probably keep you amped for days if you were there to see it live. I've only seen it through the magic of youtube/smackdown DVD but I can just imagine being apart of one of the best moments of his life and being able to share it with thousands of people. So how about you?
For me it would have to be Shawn Michael's final match with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27. Not only was the match and the pay per view incredible but I would have been able to witness one of the, if not the, greatest performers of all time work his last match of his awesome career.The ending was so great as Shawn had to persuade the Deadman to finish him off and as Shawn exited the arena with a wave to the crowd it was very emotional. A truely great moment and it would have been even better for me if I was there live.
For me it would have to be Shawn Michael's final match with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27.

I think you mean Wrestlemania 26.... However, I would pick this as well. I was there for their match at Wrestlemania 25 and it was by a landslide the best match I have ever seen live, but it would have been more special to have been at the rematch because it was Shawn Michaels' last match and he was one of my heroes in wrestling. That would have been awesome to see in person, something you would never forget.
1. I think it would be the moment Hulk Hogan turned heel for the 1st time, joining forces with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall and forming the New World Order. This was a truly momentous moment in wrestling history, and the impact of which is unlikely to ever be matched.

2. Ric Flairs last match in the WWE. It was the perfect way for a legend to go out, and the emotion in that arena must have been unbelievable. I wish I had been there. Pity Flair had to ruin it and get in the ring again :(

3. The moment when Tommy Dreamer and RVD invaded the WWE, which led to the ex-ECW guys on the WWE switching sides and Paul Heyman announcing the return of ECW. Probably my favourite wrestling moment ever. I marked out like crazy for this on TV, it would have been incredible live.

4. Kurt Angle's TNA debut. A total shock, and would have been brilliant to have seen live.

5. The nWo return in the WWE. I wish I could have been at No Way Out in 2002 to see Hogan, Hall and Nash return as the "poison" to take down the WWE. It was great to see the nWo back together.

6. The Rock V Hogan at Wrestlemania. The 2 icons colliding would have been awesome to be there for. Hogan sucks in the ring, but just to see these 2 go at it was a great moment in WWE history.

7. Shawn Michaels winning the World Heavyweight Title in the Elimination Chamber after being retired for so long with a back injury. It was so great to see HBK back on top

8. The Montreal Screwjob. Just so I could say "I WAS THERE"

There are loads of others, but these spring to mind right now.
Okay this is probably only me but I would of loved to be at Armageddon 2008 when Jeff Hardy won his first World Title. I would of freaked out because he's my favourite wrestler and well when I watched live at home I freaked out so being there and watching it I would of cheered even louder. It's definately one of my favourite moments in Wrestling history but again that's probably just me.

Another thing I would've loved to watch live would be the first TLC match between the Dudley Boyz, Hardy Boyz and E&C. It's one if not my favourite match of all time so watching it there would've been great. The excitement throughout the match was soo great and some of the moves that were preformed during that match I would've freaked out watching in the actual arena.
I'd have to say probably some of the best/greatest moments in wrestling to me LIVE...at least are as follows:

1. Shawn Michaels and Undertaker WM 25 and WM 26...how can anyone NOT vote that as a top moment in history? Even if HBK didn't follow up with the WM26, he still would be in history with that match.

2. Jeff Hardy winning the title at Armageddon 2008. I admit, that was a spectacular moment, only to be capped off with an even more grand celebration that following Friday on Smackdown with his speech on how the win was for the fans.

3. Nexus invasion at Viewers Choice RAW 2010. How can anyone NOT think that was an exciting moment? Granted, it was a bit much, but it certainly got a point across and started one of the greatest angles in WWE right now. Especially with the dominating Wade Barrett at the helm.

4. John Cena forced to join Nexus after losing at Hell in a Cell October 2010. This was a match that no one expected would have THIS outcome. Everyone figured Cena would fight the odds, like he always does. But this time, even with Nexus banned from ringside, the odds outsmarted him. I still can see the faces on the audience members like it was yesterday. I think this is something that all the CeNation will still probably look at, and probably this match will be a contender for the 2010 Slammy Match of the year..more than likely.

5. Daniel Bryan as the mystery 7th man at Summerslam vs Nexus. We all didn't really know who would be helping team WWE. Miz was leaving his team kind of hanging. Everyone had said "Woudn't it be great if WWE fought fire with fire?" Then Cena and his team tells Miz "Thanks but no thanks." Then all of a sudden you see none other than "The Dragon" Daniel Bryan!! Talk about MTFO!! I think that was a great one too.
I was in Orlando for Wrestlemania 24, and I was able to witness Shawn Michaels VS Ric Flair live. It was so surreal. Seeing thousands of people giving Ric Flair a standing ovation at the Citrus Bowl was incredible.

But since I was actually there, I guess I'll have to with another one. I wish I could've been at Bash At The Beach 1996 to see the formation of the NWO and Hogan's heel turn. This was a EPIC moment in pro wrestling history. Hogan's heel turn legitimately shocked everyone, and you can feel the anger from the fans. It was like watching Superman shake hands with Lex Luthor. I also wish I could've been at Madison Square Garden in 2002 to witness Triple H's return. I'm a huge Triple H fan, and the reaction he received that night was insane.
I have a few:

1. The Rock's "This is your life!" segment. Simply comedic gold.

2. The day the nWo took out most of the roster on Nitro. Rey Mysterio got thrown into the production trailer like a lawn dart. Hahahahaha *wipes tear*

3. The Rock versus Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania and the lead up to it. My two favorites of all time go at it.

4. The Rock's Toronto heel promo. Best heel promo, I've ever seen.

5. C.M. Punk gives promos between eliminating opponents at the Royal Rumble.

6. HIAC The Undertaker versus Mankind. Simply put, the most brutal match ever seen, or ever will be seen in the WWF/E.
Probally all i can think off.

1.Shawn Michaels winning the WHC at SS 2003 after the EC match.It was just so awesome.

2.Shawn Michaels return after no mercy 2007.The roof just went off when his music hit and its one of the times orton actually backed off.

3.Eddie Guererros WWE championship win over Brock Lesnar.Great Match and one of my favourite matches ever.

4.Edge's Royal Rumble return.Because im an Edge-head.
I would have liked to be in the Wrestlemania 17 event. It would have been badass to see all those spots at the TLC including one of my all time favorites with Edge spearing Jeff on mid air. Also the Undertaker vs HHH match even though not many people remember it was a good 20 minutes and it was just awesome to see Taker chokeslam HHH off of 15 to 20 ft. Last, but not least the heel turn from Steve Austin against The Rock. Just magnificent.

A close second would probably also be WM 26 to see Shawn vs the Undertaker one last time.
WrestleMania 10... simply for the first match between Bret and Owen. This is without a doubt my favorite rivalry in WWE history. Owen Hart was THE man to garner my interest into WWF and Bret Hart was just so fucking cool that I imitated him so much...

After that, I guess it would have to be for Survivor Series 2001. Not for the Survivor Series match but for the Hardyz vs. Dudleys Cage match. To me, that dive off the top of the cage was just so awesome, and I mtfo when Jeff crashed THROUGH the table. I was a huge Dudley fan back then and to see them gain the titles was just huge.

And then of course, even though it was so recent, I would have to go with this past monday. Call me a mark, but ever since he proved me wrong during his Tag title reign with Morrison, I've been behind this guy. I would love to have been front row to just hear "I came to play"... I would have probably died of awesomeness. Even better I would've loved to be next to this little girl after Miz won...


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