Wrestlezone and the N.W.O


Getting Noticed By Management
No, not the wrestling faction. The people who are going to take over the world. I'm now convinced that the mod team are pushing the N.W.O's agenda of silencing any voice that doesnt speak exactly what they want. Just think about this. They have all these rules that we must go by, but they ban and outcast people just for simply speaking their minds. How many times have all the mods attacked one person and made the rest of the members hate them aswell.

I call on my fellow forums members to rise up and stand up against this violation of our rights. You've all blindly followed the leadership of our evil staff for so long that you've all became sheep. So open your eyes and see the revolution. The revolution of a posters union.
This is the secret?

And once again, I challenge anyone to specifically name a time when the mods have done such a thing.
For fuck sake, are you really this fucking stupid, if there was any shred of truth to what you just posted I would've been gone looooooooooooooooooooooong ago

Seriously you're a fucking idiot, get the fuck over yourself...better yet just GTFO
See, there's one issue with the idea of a union. Anytime we want to, we can ban you. There's really nothing you can do to us.
No, this isnt the secret. More like some random stuff I just made up to prove that I'm entertaining and that I'm still a draw.

plan worked

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