WrestleMania is BIGGER than the SuperBowl

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Dark Match Winner
As much as the media tries to tell you that the SuperBowl is the be all/ end all in Sports history that can't be further from the truth, The SuperBowl while very popular in the States and Canada, is nowhere near as popular in Europe, South America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

For the most part, countries in this region care for football (soccer if you'll be confused) more than the SuperBowl, right now the SuperBowl is still going while there is actually football matches happening in Argentina and Brazil where for the most part, stadiums are sold out with an average of 50-60k in attendance for each match, today in England, there was the Chelsea vs Arsenal game and I'd bet that the number of people who watched this game is much more larger than that who are watching the SuperBowl right now. Even the American Matt Damon was in attendance at Stamford Bridge.

So while this sounds as a football(soccer) vs American football thread, it actually isn't, the fact is people in this region DO care about wrestling, they love to watch wrestling and wait for WrestleMania to come, and further prove my point, whenever WWE or TNA for that matter, tour in Europe, they get sold out arenas or close to sold out everywhere, even the REAL biggest PPV attendance in the history of wrestling was in the 1992 SummerSlam which was held in the old Webley Stadium.

The SuperBowl won't sell out outside of the States and while a regular match in the NFL sold almost 81k tickets in Wembley stadium, a WrestleMania event in the same venue would drew more than this number by miles, hell the SuperBowl if held in a stadium at somewhere like Spain, Germany or France would get in the range of 45k and thats in some stadiums that can hold up to 80k and 90k while WrestleMania would sell out easily.

Bottomline is the SuperBowl may be the biggest sporting event in North America, but in the world it can barely get in the top 10 list as for people outside the States, the SuperBowl isn't that much important for most of the people, while on the other hand WrestleMania is a global event that people from all over the world watch and can easily sell out in most places in the world if WWE decides to host it outside the States or Canda, which is highly unlikely TBH.

You think WWE is extremely popular in Europe, Asia, South America, etc.?

Tell me how many Overseas PPV buys and Domestic buys in the United States there are for Wrestlemania, and lets compare that viewing audience to that of the SuperBowl just for North America alone. And I promise you, WWE will be absolutely crushed because there absolutely is NO comparison between the two viewing audiences.

Vince can brag and try to distort his attendance figures all he wants, with claiming that Wrestlemania outdraws the SuperBowl in terms of Live Attendance, as well. But to try to imply that the NFL could not find any more fans willing to pay to sit on the field, if they did not need to use the field for the game, is asinine.

So much distortion on the part of the WWE, which nobody except wrestling marks really fall for, anyway, to try and justify to themselves how wrestling should be viewed in the same category as football. It isn't, by the public at large, no matter where the comparison is attempted to be made.

Sure, the NFL can't be viewed as a huge deal across the world as much as it is here in the United States for obvious reasons. However, to claim that WWE is a huge deal around the world is also laughable.
Sid, while i dont agree with the op, i have to say that saying the wwe is a huge deal around the world is not laughable. For a sport/entertainment group primarily based in America they do pull in great numbers, and when they go over there it is a huge deal. While Vince will distort his numbers, there still has to be something for him to base it off of.

Also as for what the op said to football fans the superbowl will always be bigger, but to wrestling fans, wrestlemania will be a bigger deal

You think WWE is extremely popular in Europe, Asia, South America, etc.?

Tell me how many Overseas PPV buys and Domestic buys in the United States there are for Wrestlemania, and lets compare that viewing audience to that of the SuperBowl just for North America alone. And I promise you, WWE will be absolutely crushed because there absolutely is NO comparison between the two viewing audiences.

Vince can brag and try to distort his attendance figures all he wants, with claiming that Wrestlemania outdraws the SuperBowl in terms of Live Attendance, as well. But to try to imply that the NFL could not find any more fans willing to pay to sit on the field, if they did not need to use the field for the game, is asinine.

So much distortion on the part of the WWE, which nobody except wrestling marks really fall for, anyway, to try and justify to themselves how wrestling should be viewed in the same category as football. It isn't, by the public at large, no matter where the comparison is attempted to be made.

Sure, the NFL can't be viewed as a huge deal across the world as much as it is here in the United States for obvious reasons. However, to claim that WWE is a huge deal around the world is also laughable.

WrestleMania and WWE PPVs for that matter isn't always shown on PPVs in some countries some PPVs are shown on free tv while the big four are the only ones who are ordered by the viewers like in the UK, in other countries WWE PPVs are shown on free TV, there was even a report that WWE in Mexico gets huge numbers in the range of lower 8s and upper 7s, same as in South America, not to mention that there are now a lot of techniques and devices that can let you watch scrambled channels for free without paying a dime in many places in the world, namingly the Middle East and Asia.

Also the ratings systems outside the states is not available in many countries while the PPVs buys outside of the US is something that isnot available, you say that claiming that WWE is a huge deal around the world is laughable, and this statement can't be further from the truth, the WWE is indeed a major corporation outside the states, their tours are usually sold out and attended by major celeberties there, and the media picks up their visit as a huge deal, with the WWE superstars making interviews with almost every major TV station, outside the states a name like Shawn Michaels or John Cena is more famuos than any American football player right now and thats a fact, American football is nothing outside of North America and thats another fact.

I don't know what is your crush on Vince, I may not like the man, the WWE has been killing me for years now, you may not like the man, he had his stupid decisions in the past, but he is a wise buissnessman when it comes to wrestling and what I'm saying is what I believe is true and Vince's numbers has nothing to do with this topic, don't believe me, just do a survey for those who are living outside of the USA and Canada on which event is bigger and you'll see the numbers.

You have no facts other than what you think a few people you know outside of the U.S. like more.

It's already a fact that at the Superbowl, you see media from every country covering the event and for Wrestlemania, only thing you have that's international is the spanish announce table.
I'd like to see who are these media covering the Superbowl from outside the States, better give me numbers of those who watched the SuperBowl outside the States compared to number of those who will watch Mania from outside the States, the fact that there is only the Spanish announce table at Mania doesn't mean that the WWE isn't broadcasted in other languages than English other than Spanish, for instance SKY Italia and SKY Germany give you the option to whether see the event in Italian/German or English via the Audio button in your device, WWE can't put seven announcing tables at ringside, but cable channels can hire former pro wrestlers who can fluently speak the language and previously wrestled in the States to announce the event.
Miroa, it's not that I have any problem giving Vince credit where it's due. What I have a problem with is those that give Vince too much credit, where it isn't due.

You want to make the bold claim that WWE and Wrestlemania is bigger than the NFL and the Superbowl. Do you want to take a wager on that? There are more NFL fans in the United States alone, then there likely are wrestling fans worldwide. Do I have concrete evidence of this? No. However, what we can do is examine what info we have available to us.

Let's examine Wrestlemania viewership. Let's take both Wrestlemania and the Superbowl from 2009 and let's compare the two.

Super Bowl XLIII- in 2009 holds the record for total U.S. viewership, attracting an average audience of 98.7 million.

By comparison, Wrestlemania total worldwide buys amounted to 960,000. Now, let's say the average number of people who watched Wrestlemania in each home amounted to 5 people. That would amount to 4.8 million people watching Wrestlemania around the world.

As you can clearly see, there is absolutely no comparison between the NFL and wrestling, even on a Worldwide basis. And hopefully this gives you a much bigger perspective of how big the NFL really is in the United States and how many football fans there are.

Comparing the NFL to the WWE, even on a worldwide scale, is really even no comparison. For you to make such a bold claim and suggest as much, without even having a shred of the most basic data, has really only resulted in you making a complete fool of yourself.

I am not bashing wrestling or wrestling fans, as I am a fan myself. However, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't tell it like it is.
Don't think so.

When the superbowl is coming, over a billion people in the world (probably more) are aware that its coming and it shows because of the monster ratings the superbowl gets every single year. Not only that the superbowl is about much more than the game, I know people who watch the superbowl for simply the kick ass commercials, or even the halftime show (OK thats stretching it a bit). What I'm saying is the superbowl has something for everybody and thats why about a 1/3 of america takes 4 hours out of their year to watch it.

When wrestlemania is coming, most people don't know about it or simply don't care. Sure it has something for everybody also, but the excitement that it carried from the mid 80's or early 2000's simply doesn't exist anymore, it maybe the biggest day in the year for wrestling events, but the truth is wrestling is just not nearly as popular as it used to be. Even with the worldwide market, there are just as many people looking forward to the superbowl as they are looking forward to wrestlemania (probably more for the superbowl, I'm no ambassador so I can't speak for the masses), but going on ratings alone, I don't think there is even a comparison. If there was WWE would at least challenge NFL ratings on a weekly basis but they're not even in the radar.

There are networks in the US that have 80 billion dollar contracts with the NFL just so they can show it, the WWE has never come close to seeing that much money. Personally, I think the Superbowl kills Wrestlemania in every way imaginable.
There is no way in hell Wrestlemania is bigger than the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl, yesterday, drew over 100,000,000 viewers. Thats one hundred MILLION. That is in the United States alone. It surpassed the MASH finale to be the most watched television show in the history of United States programming. Globally, the only sporting events that draw bigger ratings are the Olympics and the World Cup. I love the WWE, I love Wrestlemania, but, c'mon, the OP simply didn't bother to do any research whatsoever before posting such a ridiculous statement. Last year's Wrestlemania (XXV) had a buy rate of 960,000. Being very generous, assuming people had Wrestlemania parties that average 10 people per buy, that's less than 10,000,000 people that saw Wrestlemania XXV. 10 million vs. 100 million. NO FUCKING CONTEST.
This is ridiculous. In addition to what everyone else has said, some anecdotal evidence. I went to a Smackdown taping in Sheffield last November, and I'd say a quarter of a 13,500 seater arena was covered. The NFL sold out Wembley, a 90,000 seater stadium, the day before. Both could be construed as "regular season" matches, and in a nutshell, the lack of popularitythe WWE has is clear. I don't doubt that WrestleMania could sell out any stadium in the western world, but the SuperBowl could probably sell out a million seater stadium, if such a thing existed.

Also, I'd say that before you start making wild assumptions about Germany without any basis, you might like to check that it is the country in which American football is the most popular outside of North America. Nice one.
Sid, while the Superbowl may be more popular than Wrestlemania, your facts cannot really be used to prove that.

The main thing about viewership is that the Super Bowl is on free tv which everyone with a tv has access to, while Wrestlemania is not availible to everyone with a tv because in most places it is on ppv for an additional fee.
You also need to remember that many people will watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials and not the event itself, Wrestlemania doesnt have that.

Tasty as for your comment, SD tapings are generally bad all around, ive been to house shows for raw in the same arenas that draw more fans.

Keep in mind guys im not defending the op, simply straightening out facts
Miroa, it's not that I have any problem giving Vince credit where it's due. What I have a problem with is those that give Vince too much credit, where it isn't due.

You want to make the bold claim that WWE and Wrestlemania is bigger than the NFL and the Superbowl. Do you want to take a wager on that? There are more NFL fans in the United States alone, then there likely are wrestling fans worldwide. Do I have concrete evidence of this? No. However, what we can do is examine what info we have available to us.

Let's examine Wrestlemania viewership. Let's take both Wrestlemania and the Superbowl from 2009 and let's compare the two.

Super Bowl XLIII- in 2009 holds the record for total U.S. viewership, attracting an average audience of 98.7 million.

By comparison, Wrestlemania total worldwide buys amounted to 960,000. Now, let's say the average number of people who watched Wrestlemania in each home amounted to 5 people. That would amount to 4.8 million people watching Wrestlemania around the world.

As you can clearly see, there is absolutely no comparison between the NFL and wrestling, even on a Worldwide basis. And hopefully this gives you a much bigger perspective of how big the NFL really is in the United States and how many football fans there are.

Comparing the NFL to the WWE, even on a worldwide scale, is really even no comparison. For you to make such a bold claim and suggest as much, without even having a shred of the most basic data, has really only resulted in you making a complete fool of yourself.

I am not bashing wrestling or wrestling fans, as I am a fan myself. However, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't tell it like it is.

First off, let me start off with the fact that I agree with you. The most recent Superbowl broke the M*A*S*H record that had been up there for some long. It's obviously RIDICULOUSLY popular. However, there is one thing that many people don't take into account when talking about global appeal.

Or any appeal for that matter. Per capita. If you have one country that has sport A and another country that prefers sport B and the first country has 20 people and the second country has 10 people, you have a different landscape in many ways. If the first country that has 20 people, gets 8 people to watch sport A, you'd have 40% of the audience watching that is available.

However, if in the second country, you have 6 out of the potential 10 people watching, you have two seperate sets of data. On a pure numbers game, the first sport would seem to obviously be more popular. However, the second country would have a more impressive percentage of the people watching, as 6 out of the ten, would be 60%.

Now, I'm not trying to argue with you. What I'm stating is that these types of things, these global popularity things, are never going to be settled. Because you're going to have to factor in so many things.

I remember watching a documentary on India, and they were talking about how wrestling is one of the most popular shows in the country.

With that country alone, you have to factor in SOOOO many things.

1. How many people don't watch due to their religions?

2. How many people can't afford televisions or viewing privilages, period?

3. How many people share the same television?

4. How small is the country in comparison to the United States?

I'm not agreeing with the thread starter or you for that matter. All I'm saying is that measuring this type of thing requires a ruler too long for any of us to own.

Both are popular. Football has more popularity in America, if I were to assume. But, it really doesn't determine anything else in other countries.
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