WrestleMania 27 - John Morrison, Trish, and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool

This match just screams 'thrown together' at the last moment. You have two of the most talented superstars-JoMo and Ziggler-and you put them in a match with f*cking Laycool and Snooki for christs sake.

You have to admit though, having Snooki at Mania, in the ring, WRESTLING, Is a genius move at the hands of Mcmahon and the creative team.

WWE could have split this into two matches. Ziggler vs. Morrison and Trish with snooki vs Mc cool with layla. It would have been alot better if this had happend instead of having Ziggler and Morrison dragged down in a lackluster match.
Trish/Whatshername vs Laycool should've been enough. But why in the rowdy blue fuck are John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler entangled in this stupidity? Two months ago both these guys were challengers for their respective brand's World title. Fuck, Dolph Ziggler just won and lost his first World title. And this is what they do with these two? Say what you want about publicity, but these main event teases that end up leading to these abominations on PPV just piss the hell out of me. Dolph Ziggler played a "Xanatos Gambit" and became World Champion for about a minute gets fired and upon returning, plays back seat to a reality TV star. Way to go, WWE. Way to blow up pushes in the blink of an eye.
Morrison and Ziggler's participation in this match makes perfect sense. They are obviously two guys the WWE has high hopes in for the future and they are putting them in the most mainstream match in the card. Just think, non-WWE fans will look up WrestleMania on Youtube the next day to see Snooki wrestle and they will see two of the great young wrestlers on the roster. They went from being just another midcard match to being in one of the most high-profile matches on the card. Their addition makes perfect sense to me.
Morrison and Ziggler's participation in this match makes perfect sense. They are obviously two guys the WWE has high hopes in for the future and they are putting them in the most mainstream match in the card. Just think, non-WWE fans will look up WrestleMania on Youtube the next day to see Snooki wrestle and they will see two of the great young wrestlers on the roster. They went from being just another midcard match to being in one of the most high-profile matches on the card. Their addition makes perfect sense to me.

Hit it on the head. It's no accident that Morrison and Ziggler, recipients of two of the biggest pushes over the last six months, are in this match instead of Santino. WWE has huge plans for these guys in the next year and is making sure they'll be part of the one clip EVERYONE will see on Monday.

Wrestlemania 27 is all about cashing in every chit to showcase the new crop of stars they've been building.
Whether anybody likes it or not, Snooki is going to Wrestlemania! Me being a Jersey Girl myself, I look snooks ;) But I'm an even bigger wrestling fan, John Morrison should be in a title match but hey, he's on the card. I'm very pleased that Trish will have a match, I've always loved her and I can't wait to see her kick some ass! And no one really cares about Laycool or Ziggles, but this is the perfect time for Ms. Layla El to turn face :) helllll yeah, this is gonna be a great and entertaining match!
so we all know snooki will be @ wrestle mania to me this seems like a desperate attempt to get their ratings up 2 where they were and hasn't tna done this already wwe wake u went from having the baddest man on the planet 2 snooki whats next Barney the dinosaur please wwe enough with these flavors of the month people please. its called wrestlemania not celebrity mania
This match is a shame.

John Morrison Vs. Ziggler should be a single's match by itself. A One on one match betweeen the modern day Shawn Micheals & the modern day Mr.Perfect.
These two can pull off a tremdeous match, preferably 12 mintues long. Back and forth action, Morrison showcasing his spiderman skills.

Trish Stratus & Kelly Kelly vs. LayCoool.
this match makes so much more sense, and get snooki out of there.

If WWE has to use snooki, make her be at Morrison's side, and have Vickie at zigglers side, thats the only way i want snooki to be at mania.
Celebrities don't lose at Mania. I couldn't tell you if a celebrity has ever loss at Mania, I know legends who come back have lost but never a celebrity. This almost guarentees Team Snooki the victory. I don't think it would hurt or help either side winning or losing because well the only real future wrestlers in this match are Ziggler and Morrison (Laycool for Divas). I think this match has filler written all over it and honestly in the long run hurt both Ziggler and Morrison's career. I think this match could have been done in a lot of ways but I understand why they are doing it like this. Although I might have rather seen somehow McIntyre incorporated someway in this match instead of Morrison but that's just my opinion. Back to the prediction, if Snooki remains in this match then I think for sure this goes to Stratus and Snooki and Morrison. Does anyone else feel this is a personal insult to TNA for attempting a Jersey Shore mockery. Maybe.

Morrison has been so close to a Main event. I think a loss in a mixed tag match would really set him back. Then again one could argue that Ziggler has been in the Main event as well but I think he is already established himself as a possible maineventer because he does have a WHC reign (however bad it was.) I think Morrison deserves this and I honestly think he has the skills to be always a main event canidate. Dolph however is the same except for he can also be a credible Midcard title holder even if it is a temporary thing. Part of me is very scared that John Morrison might end up feuding with Sheamus for the US Title which I think would be an absolute joke so maybe with a win in this match he can stay above absolute hell.

Trish>Laycool. Fact. She has basically beaten the two of them at once at ELimination Chamber. There is no reason why now she would end up losing to the two especially when you have to tag in and out. I know Vickie is in their corner but honestly that doesn't matter. I think it would make her look weak going into Tough Enough if she lost and I think they should have her pull off the win. However I believe Snooki will be the one to get the final pinfall whic really is a shame considering Morrison should be the one to beat Laycool member. I think though that Laycool can lose because it is an equal numbers game.

I don't have any problem with Snooki being involved with Wrestlemania,however I do have a problem with her replacing Kelly Kelly because Kelly's career needs this rub, to be in the same match as Trish Stratus (a legend in the diva's division) and the two biggest heels in the divison today would have been huge because I think this match would have cemented Kelly as not just a bombshell but a credible threat to one of the diva's titles but its just another example of Vince ,or whoever , not caring about the diva's divison or it's future so i'm not surprised.
I hate Jersey Shore with a passion. Almost everyone I know won't shut the fuck up about this show, so I've tried to watch it every now and then, but I just can't get into it. I think EVERYONE on that show is a giant douche bag, and every person is annoying in their own way.

Morrison and Ziggler were riding high a few months back. Ziggler was in a high profiled feud with Edge, and he was able to call himself the World Heavyweight Champion for a little while. Morrison was wowing us with a set of jaw dropping matches against Sheamus, and he faced off against Miz for the WWE Championship. Now both of these men are in a celebrity Wrestlemania match? I would much rather see Morrison and Ziggler go one on one, because I'm sure these two could have an outstanding match together, and a win at the big show could do wonders for either man.

This match will help WWE gain some mainstream publicity, but I'm not expecting anything good as far as match quality goes. Team Snooki has to come away with the win here. There's no way you bring in Snooki to lose. There should be a lot comedy here, and I wouldn't be surprised if Vickie went for another frogsplash at this year's Wrestlemania. I'm not looking forward to seeing this match, but I am happy to see Trish at Wrestlemania again. This match might be a travesty, but at least there will be a good amount of eye candy here.
you have to take the match for what it is. We all know it's more of a publicity match than an actual important match. Doesn't really add to anyones story either way. I, like most of you, think they are waisting the momentum generated by Morrison at the Elimination Chamber. Him and Dolph could've put on an amazing match with the winner moving up for a possible title shot. Just my thoughts though.
first of all i find it sad the divas who work their ass off and travel all over the year dont get a match at mania while Snooki does! i mean this match could have actullay been good if u replaced Snooki with Natayla or Gail Kim and took vickie away from the match....but no instead we have to get snooki in a match on the grandest stage of them all :disappointed: :wtf: but i expect trish & jomo to be in their 99.9% of the match with ziggler & lay-cool then the end to come with Snooki getting the tag in and pinning michelle or layla.....possibly the end of lay-cool at mania? :shrug: i hope so its gotten old
Snooki will most likely have a very limited role in this match. She's not a trained wrestler and would not be able to put on a Wrestlemania high profile type of match. Most likely it's going to be mostly Morrsion and Dolph doing most of work and Trish and Laycool will have some time to. I see Snooki getting the final pin on Layla or Michelle to end match. Don't hate on match before you see it though people, they might surprise you. They should have had Snooki in at least more more segment on Raw or Smackdown before the show where Laycool take Snooki out. that way Snooki in match has some more story to being in match at WM, then that brief moment on Raw like 3 weeks ago.
I haven't read the entire thread, but I'm sure at some point there was excessive bitching about why John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler are stuck in a match with Snooki. Look, I'm not a fan of it myself, but you have to get why it's going on. For whatever stupid fucking reason, dumb assholes watch the Jersey Shore. For whatever reason, Snooki is considered a celebrity. For whatever reason, the Tabloids and TMZ are on Snooki like flies on shit. They follow her around, report everything. At the end of the day, it's exposure for the WWE. Why Vince wants that crowd, I have no idea.

In the long run though, this match might get the most mainstream exposure. This is great for guys like Morrison and Dolph Ziggler. Obviously they are two of the rising stars in the company, and they have a good look to them. They will be the ones featured in the media when the highlight reels are shown on the gossip shows. It's actually a good idea in the long run.

I'm a wrestling fan, I hate celebrities being in wrestling matches. In fact, the only crossover match that I actually enjoyed with an active participant was the Mayweather match at Mania 24. Snooki is going to be a trainwreck in the ring, but it's exposure.

As far as an outcome, I suppose Snooki is going to get the pin on Vickie Guerrero.
I feel SO bad for Morrison. Why does he get stuck in this train wreck of a match while Miz gets to be champion? As much as I like Morrison, this match earns my “going to the fridge for a snack and then checking facebook until the match is over” award. If you eliminated Snooki and Layla it would not be AS bad. A Morrison VS Ziggler match could have been interesting, as could a Morrison & Trish VS Ziggler & Michelle match. However, I hate Layla. I also do not care for Snooki. I understand the publicity that this got WWE. They could have done Trish & Snooki VS Michelle and Layla instead, and let Morrison be in a high-profile feud that he deserves. Anyway, enough ranting. I think this might just be the worst match on the card. Trish and Morrison might save it, but I think Snooki will end up getting the pin because of the publicity it would get for the federation. Either way, I plan on catching up on my newsfeed in facebook during the match. By the way, will this be elimination rules? Hope so. I always prefer elimination tag matches.

Morrison, Trish, and Snooki will defeat Ziggler, Michelle, and Layla.
This match has gotten the second most exposure behind Cena/Rock and I don't view that as a bad thing for Morrison and Ziggler. I don't understand why they fired Ziggler for a couple of weeks and brought him back as he's lost a bit of momentum. The two boys will control most of this match and I have Ziggler and Lay-Cool winning to counteract The Corre losing. If The Corre wins, I imagine the faces will win this match.
At first I wasn’t too high on this match, but with the huge media coverage it's received, it was a very smart move on the half of WWE. The lads will spend the majority of the match, I hope anyway, and they are well capable of pulling off some spectacular stuff. Both are extremely good in the ring, and have both had some of the top matches so far this year. The match will also get a good amount of time. Vince knows that anyone that buys the show for Snooki will want to see a lot of Snooki, so this will work in the favor of Ziggler and Morrison. Trish is competent in the ring, as are Laycool, and well Snooki did a solid Thesz press, so I'm sure they can give her a few basics moves that won't make her totally suck up the match. Overall, it’s a smart match in every sense. We have the celebrity attraction through Snooki, a nostalgia attraction with Trish, a good wrestling attraction with Morrison and Ziggler, and total hotness, and wrestling ability with Laycool. Morrison, Trish and Snooki for the win in this match.
Meh, i'd rather have me some singles action between Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison but it's ok. At least I don't have to worry about a boring ass divas match tomorrow night. Snooki being in this will make this a bit interesting. I don't see her doing shit in the ring other than the same thing she did on RAW a couple weeks ago, you know "choking" Layla. Me, presonally, i'd love to see Snooki get a Zig Zag from Dolph Ziggler. She doesn't appeal to me whatsoever and has no business actually competing here. Although I can see it as a good investment from a business point of view. Still not digging the match but I'll watch. Can a guest star really lose?

Hamler's Prediction- Trish Stratus/Snooki/John Morrison
Everytime I see a Snooki, hype promo for WrestleMania, I just think to myself, why?

It seems Vince has forgotten about a diva that has been putting on good matches and should have been with Trish, what was her name oh that's right Kelly Kelly.

What was event the point in Trish saving Kelly against Laycool at Elimination Chamber in the first place if it wasn't going to setup a Mania match?

My only hope, is that Snooki gets jumped from behind before the match and we could actually see two f the most athletic divas tam up with the mosta tletic superstar in the WWE.

I mean instead of this match we could've seen a Money in the Bank ladder match with so many unused talent, or a Nexus vs Corre match, anything would've been better then this.

Really Vince, how many more PPV buys do you think the teenage guidos and guidettes are gonig to generate, I'll tell you not many.
Only two good things about this match. Trish, and Layla. If not for them two I would not care about this match...Well on second thought, I am wondering if Snooki is going to be sober or if she will pull a Hardy and stumble out to the ring.

I'm sure that Dolph and Jomo will see most of the action, Trish will battle with LayCool, and Snooki will hit her six moves that Trish "trains" her. In the end Snooki will get the pin on Layla to get the win for her team. I got this match going on third, and hopefully not taking up to much time.
What the fuck is a "Snooki"?

Nothing match. Laycool stopped being a decent watch about 6 months ago. Ideally it should've been Layla vs. McCool on this show as the sole women's match. Instead They've added Stratus, who's getting less over with each appearance and they've wasted Ziggler & Morrison. I've never been a huge fan of either of the males, but both deserve better than this after recent showings. Both are mid-carders for life, but if they were added to the US title match then I'm sure that along with Bryan & Sheamus they could've put on something better.
This match is gonna be a botch fest, their best bet is to keep snookies ugly fat ass out of the match as much as possible, and hopefully this is a one and done for her, I never want to see her on my tv again she fucks up the contrast and I gotta keep adjusting it( orange drunk fat bitch ).
Snooki is the biggest draw.. Hmm.. It's clever, but I would STILL rather see Morrison vs. Dolph.. Now would be a crazy/exciting/great match!!

This match might still be exciting to see, we have Trish, who I think has gotten dull in the ring, LayCool and Vickie get tonnes of heat anyways.. and I think JoMo and Dolph will fight 90% of this, so it should be OK..
The match itself was pretty good with Snooki hitting the back flips out of nowhere. I didn't think she could do it so definetly a WTF moment for me. John Morrison did nothing in this match besides hitting Starship Pain to the outside of the ring.

John Morrison will never be a main eventer after this. He made it Mania only to hit one move. So he got totally wasted. Although Ziggler got no moves in so that makes me doubt him as well.

Sorry missed the entire review page.
Morrison, Trish, and Snooki will defeat Ziggler, Michelle, and Layla.

I was correct yet again. We all knew Snooki would win due to how famous she is, her winning got WWE some good publicity. Now, why did Morrison and Ziggler have to be involved in this when Snooki and Laycool did nearly the entire match? Morrison and Ziggler BOTH deserve better. That aside, it was cool to see the best diva ever (Trish) make an appearance and Snooki did ok for a celebrity match. It wasn't much to write home about, but it could have been so much worse.

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