Wrestlemania 26- All Purpose Thread (Do NOT post entire Mania cards in here)

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While I'm sure all of us would love to see Christian get the briefcase this year, I doubt it will happen. It would be the perfect way to get Christian off ECW and onto RAW or Smackdown working with the top guys in WWE where he belongs. It's just too bad ECW needs him right now way more than Raw or SD and I'm sure the E knows that. Not that they have any faith in him anyway...

Most likely, it'll either be Kofi Kingston or John Morrison. My money is on Kofi. Although, they are releasing a John Morrison DVD, so that could mean a main event push? JoMo is great and everything but I still don't see him at that level yet. But who knows, it could happen.
Major kudos. A lot of good posts and reading. There are obviously a few great candidates for the 2010 MITB. And with little doubt the winner has been named in this thread. I have always been a huge fan of Christian both in the WWE and TNA. He is a main-eventer. But what does interest me is the ECW Homecoming Tournament. Obviously we will know next Tuesday who will be facing Christian at the Rumble. I apologze if I am getting a little off point but although I would love to see him win MITB, but you would almost have to think he will drop the belt at the Royal Rumble if he is going to win MITB. But to who? My guess would be Shelton, Big Zeke or Tatsu, maybe Hardy. It definately won't be CM Punk because then him and Gallows would be on 2 different shows. My bet for MITB is going to be JOMO and I am basing my opinion off of what he said to McEntyre on Smackdown. It was something along the lines of being right that the feud was getting old and was on to bigger and better things or something like that. Kofi will get a rub from Orton and earn hit shots on his own. He is already over with the fans. However a lot of people feel that Morrison, for one reason or another, just hasn't quite connected yet. And winning MITB is an instant push. Unfortunately the Rumble winner probably won't be a surprise. It will probably one of the muscle-heads we all know so well. But I like being wrong. I've been told I am a certifiable idiot. We shall see.
Captain Charisma, Christian needs to win it this year. He's proven himself even more on ECW as the Champion for most of 2009, as well as in TNA, and winning MITB is the perfect way to get Christian off of ECW and finally into the big picture on either RAW or Smackdown. Only one can hope...

As much as I concur with you, doing that is risky because it makes the ECW belt look worthless doing that, I'd like to see him drop the belt at either Rumble or Elimination Chamber and move on to WrestleMania 26 with a clean slate and hopefully take MITB but my pick this year is John Morrison, MITB 2010 could be the BEST talent wise we've had in a match, Morrision, Miz, Kofi, Christian, MVP, Kane, McIntyer and Matt Hardy or Finlay who I'd like to see turn heel and be more vicious and maybe join up with Shamus at some point.
One possibility is that Christian wins the MITB while still being ECW Champion. Afterward he challenges the WWE or World Champion in Unifying the Titles. Dissolving ECW as it is destined to be.
the build up to taker/hbk 2 got me thinking,the way i see it going down is this.they are having another no1 contenders match this week on smackdown so it looks like they are not going down the triple threat route @RR.hbk is looking for an answer from taker about a rematch,so far taker hasnt even acknoledged hbk yet,what better way to get his attention than screwing him out of his title at the rumble?most likely against batista thereby blowing off that feud and hbk gets takers attention,have taker screw dx out of the tag titles on the smackdown after the rumble to the hart dynasty and then you have a storyline to build going into mania.what you guys think about that?
I keep reading that HHH will face Sheamus for the WWE title at 'Mania....................................................I PRAY THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN!!!!!

I don't know of any person that wants to see this match!!!

***HHH seems to get a free-pass to be in the 'Mania main-event every year!!!!
It has gotten ridiculous.

***ANYWAY, I wouldn't think that Vince would want Sheamus headlining 'Mania as the current champ. Wouldn't it make more sense to have a "newer face" win the belt at 'Mania instead of having a "newer heel" lose the belt at 'Mania.

Really, wouldn't you rather have:
***Orton (after winning the title at the Rumble) vs Kofi Kingston...this story writes itself!!!
Really, wouldn't you rather have:
***Orton (after winning the title at the Rumble) vs Kofi Kingston...this story writes itself!!!

This won't happen. They've faced off a bunch of times on free TV already. There was the Survivor Series elimination match, and the singles match at TLC. They've faced off way too many times heading into Mania to do it again at the grandest stage of them all. Orton will either main event against someone else or possibly have a match with one of his Legacy members, further escalating the teased break up we've been seeing for months.
I'd love to have a scenario where the ECW title is on the first match and Christian loses, then a participant of the Money in the Bank is 'injured' Christian enters and wins and cashes in that night on the WHC or WWE champion
I think we should see Kofi win the MITB and cash it in after some mania triple threat setting up Kofi vs Batista or RKO John Cena or HHH for Backlash this way if he wins it could be unexpected match of the year.
Is there anyone else out there who has no interest in a rematch between HBK vs Taker? I mean come on. They easily stole the show last year since the card and overrall end result was atrocious. But there is no point to the rematch other than to put an amazing match on the card. I personally think the only reason this match is being heavily teased (and will likely take place) is because the two want it. Maybe it is both of their last manias, or maybe just one of their last manias, and they both want to face each other again. Otherwise I really do not see the meaning of another match between the two. I just have zero interest. I would much rather HBK vs HHH and Taker vs. Cena. Although it is looking like cena batista will happen linking to the Vince Hart storyline.
Here me out on this, and please, forgive me if anything of this nature is posted elsewhere.

So im sitting here thinking about Wrestlemania this year, and I had a few ideas.

Reading various posts on here, and through the wrestlezone news articles, lets start off with a couple known facts.

Fact 1. Edge holds the automatic title shot against the champion of his choosing

Fact 2. HBK has to "find another way" to attract the Undertaker for a match at Wrestlemania

Fact 3. Bret Hart can NOT take any sort of physical abuse to his body. (I think last Monday proved that to anyone that had any sort of desire to see Bret vs. McMahon this year)

Semi-Fact 1. It seems to be making the rounds that Sheamus will square off against Triple H. Politics and everything that Ive read are the reasons I think this is the case.

So my thoughts? Well, lets see if anyone agrees, and hey, maybe we can make a better card than the guys that get paid to do it can :p

Anyway. lets start off with Fact 1 because it seems to tie into Fact 2 slightly.

We all saw Edge "fire the first salvo" this past Monday by ending his segment with Sheamus with a spear. Do I think that has any ramifications to a title match for Edge with the RAW Champion? Not at all. Here is the scenario I see playing out. Bare with me, as some might find this a bit over the top, but here goes. Look for Chris Jericho to walk away from the Elimination Chamber as Worlds Heavyweight Champion. Why? (this is where Fact 2 comes into play) some how, "some way" HBK screws the Deadman out of the title. We've seen some heelish features from HBK at the Royal Rumble, and a schoolboy loss to Orton on RAW. He's certainly not himself, and perhaps this is the only way to get the Undertaker to agree to the rematch. Its clear HBK doesnt want the title, so much as he wants the Undertakers streak.

Anyway, if the WWE could come up with a scenario that had HBK interfere in the Elimination Chamber match at the Undertakers expense, and Jericho winds up the Champion as I am stating, I think this makes Edge's decision, rather obvious.

Rather obvious for two reasons. Why build HBK v Taker 2 if it doesnt happen. IF it does happen, why would it be for the title? HBK is a RAW guy, not a smackdown guy, theres no logic in HBK somehow landing the title match with the undertaker, if he came out of the Elimination Chamber as the champ.

The other reason, if I was to take a quick poll of the people on here, I bet that in a landslide, the vote would be in favour of an Edge/Jericho match rather than Edge/Sheamus. Obviously for storyline purposes Jericho is a better fit, but even just match quality also. So there is a couple matches so far I would make, and story lines leading into them.

Now, my other little tidbit. Its OBVIOUS to anyone who isnt either an over the top Hitman mark, or has lived under a rock for the last month, that Bret Hart cannot hold his own in a match. I was a little disheartened watching Batista hit him with "punishing body shots" because it seems to me Bret cant even take a faux punch to the face, much less a bigger bump. So what do I see for Bret at Mania? Likely in the corner of John Cena.

John Cena seems to be the guy to stand up for the Hitman, and since we've seen Batista align himself with McMahon, I would not be surprised to see Batista vs. Cena with McMahon in Batistas corner, and Bret in Cena's. Of course the match ends with McMahon in the sharpshooter in some fashion, which will garner the huge pop and end the 1997 screwjob and I think thats how it has to be, theres no way we can believe any sort of story in the ring with Bret and McMahon alone, the crowd wouldnt buy it, nor would anyone watching at home. I dont think Bret serves purpose as a ref, because his beef is with McMahon, and certainly Vince aint gonna wrestle anyone at the PPV anyway. Its unfortunate Bret had the stroke and such, and I do think this is the only way to let the Hitman go out with credibility.

Anyway, those were a couple wrestelemania ideas, once again I apologize if this in some facet is written elsewhere.
WWE always find one way to entertain the WWE universe. That's a fact. We shouldn't rumor about what WILL happen, until it's not a rumor! I have ALWAYS loved wrestlemania, whether I know what happens or not! It's one of the best things EVER!
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