WrestleMania 23, The last great WrestleMania of its kind

Really? Wrestlemania 24 was probably better than Wrestlemania 23. Both the main events for Wrestlemania 23 were great, though, and the card was solid, but Wrestlemania 24 was as good if not better with two great main events as well (Flair/Michaels and Taker/Edge).
I maybe missing the point of the thread, and if I am I apologize, but with that said from the way I understand it I got to disagree completely. I attended 23 and even I have to admit that I thought it wasn't very good. And even the fact that I was attending it I wasn't looking forward to it that much leading up to it.

For one, it was lacking star power. HHH was injured, Mysterio was injured, Jericho was on hiatus, and Angle left the WWE earlier in the year. Flair was in a dark match and some of the remaining big name guys in the company were wasted in the MITB match. LIke Booker T, Edge(who only wrestled like half that match anyway), Orton and Jeff Hardy.

So besides that, I hated the match order. At that time MITB was still a big deal, and people looked forward to it. I thought they sucked the energy out of the air by having it lead off the show. The crowd was already hyped to begin with, so I felt that a match like Benoit and MVP would've been a better opener.

I did like the two championship matches, and I love the stage and entrance way but other than that I didn't like the card at all.
no, i totally get what your saying. after 23 things got shinier. wrestling became less hard hitting. it was really the last hard hitting mania where the talent didn't care if there was blood or not. it was also the last mania where talent took career threatening bumps to dazzle the crowd. there was a huge change after mania 23.
lol around WM 23 people were complaining that things weren't like it used to be, when the attitude era was being trashy on TV, people were complaining that things weren't like it used to be, when Hogan was sports entertaining, people were complaining that things weren't like it used to be.

Truest thing said in this thread.

I'd been on wrestling forums nearly a year the time WrestleMania 23 rolled around, there were tons of "why isn't WrestleMania 23 as hardcore as 22?" and others similar or with the same, worn-out, idiotic sentiment that wrestling should be about excessive violence, as seen in the Attitude Era. Different year, same stupid story.

This thread actually brought back a memories of complaints from the IWC about Donald Trump's involvement in the event. Amazing how peoples perceptions alter over time.
I dont think theres been a great WrestleMania since WM20, its probably just an age thing

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