Wrestlemania 22 booking challenge.


Occasional Pre-Show
Wrestlemania 22 to me was just an off show it never clicked with me, some of this card was largely forgettable and there were many missed opportunities. This is gonna be long like most of my other rants are.

#1. Mark henry vs rey mysterio. Ill never understand for the love of god why didn’t they invest more in mark henry i don’t give a shit if you think he sucks or not I personally liked the guy. I mean they brought him in as this big monster badass heel but they never fully went anywhere with him at royal rumble here was the perfect opportunity you had already had rey win the rumble match before this. Have mark Henry go over Kurt angle and have undertaker cost angle the match leading to a Kurt vs undertaker match at wrestlemania. And then the absolute perfect storyline would have been rey vs henry. Rey is the underdog nobody gives him a chance he’s facing the big monster mark henry. That would have been a hell of alot better Then that clusterfuck triple threat and they threw randy orton into the mix for whatever damn reason.

#2. Edge vs John Cena. Now obviously I talked about in another thread how I felt the edge and Cena feud was overrated. Mostly due to cena being a poor worker, and wwe just constantly trying to cram it down people’s throats. But here wrestlemania 22. Have edge walk into Chicago as the wwe champion have something different. Triple h had main evented the past three wrestlemanias. It was time to switch it up. This needed to happen and the company screwed it up.

#3. Hhh and Vince vs hbk in a handicap street fight.

#4. Kurt angle vs the undertaker.
The one biggest problem with WM22 was Rey Mysterio winning the title. Rey was not over as a main event wrestler and the crowd shat all over him. Mysterio was booed out of the building and the crowd HATED seeing him win. Kurt Angle should have retained.
To OP.

The angle that ended with the triple threat was a mess basically cos they had nothing for Orton to do so shoehorned him in. Match was good though and Mysterio was always going to win as a tribute to Guerrero. Batista being injured changed a lot of plans as I think Mysterio would’ve gone over Batista otherwise.

Cena vs HHH is still one of the best crowds I can remember for a Wrestlemania main event. JR said in commentary about the big fight feel and the crowd were hot as hell. Was definitely the right main event for the time. Plus they wanted Cena to go over HHH as they needed to establish him as the absolute top guy and HHH was the gatekeeper.

Henry had only been back from OVW a month at the rumble, he get a good push and his fued with The Undertaker and Angle elevated him, but he wasn’t ready to be the champ Mysterio beat.

Vince vs HBK was good, and the angle led to reforming DX so wouldn’t make any sense of HHH teamed with Vince.

The hardcore match was a real throwback and truly cemented Edge as being legit ready for the main event. Plus flaming tables!!!

Overall, WM22 did a good job in elevating Edge,Henry, Cena and Mysterio. It paved the way for HHH and HBK to reform DX especially as HHH got a face reaction in the main event. And RVD used money in the bank at one night stand for feel good moment of the year. I wouldn’t change it because it laid the groundwork for the next year.

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