Would we like John Cena, If he was heel?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Some of the biggest reasons people hate John Cena is his character, his little kiddie fans, the way wwe uses him as their poster boy. All of these things will probably change if and when he turns heel. Every person that turns heel has to have a character change to make it effective. 97% of the kids who like John Cena now, will hate him when he turns heel, 3% will probably stay loyal and love what Cena is doing, those kids would be smart fans. They can't make get tons of little kids to buy his stuff if they hate him.

I know I am going to like John Cena when he turns heel. I liked Batista as a face, and I think when Batista turned heel, it was a brilliant move by creative. Unfortunetly, I doubt Trips will turn heel at the moment, while Cena and Batista will be heel. And as of now, it doesn't even look like Cena is going up againts Undertaker at wrestlemania, so a Cena heel turn is looking unlikely.

John Cena = PG Era.

Kids like John Cena= Kids watch wwe. Kids watch wwe= Vince makes family show.

Kids don't like John Cena= Kids don't watch wwe.

Kids don't watch wwe= Vince makes his remaining fans happy.

Vince makes his remaining fans happy= Heel John Cena

Heel John Cena= No PG Era

I know for a fact, that I will cheer for Cena if he's a heel. I still Kinda like the guy now, Just as I liked Batista, and Just how I like HHH, But I will like them better as heels.

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