Would Rey Mysterio fit in ECW?

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Ok guys, Assuming Christian would be moved to SD! to become a main event Player, and someone would need to fill the void as the new face of ECW, would Rey Mysterio be able to fill that void and be able to fit well in the Land of Extreme, if he becomes healthy?

In my opinion, I think Rey Mysterio would perfectly fit that role. He may be in the ME level, but I dont see him at the same level of John Cena, HHH, Undertaker, or Batista, but he did become a World Champion and a RR Winner, just like Benoit or Kane(Except the RR win) so he could increase the value of the ECW Championship if he becomes champ and if he is booked correctly. Besides, Rey has nothing much to do in SD! after his feud with Batista, and to top that up, Rey is also an ECW Original, and he could MAYBE bring up the ratings in ECW(Considering his credibility, and his Mexican fanbase...)

What do you guys think? This is just my opinion so feel free to criticize or agree with the topic, and thanks in advance for the replies :)
You know, I hadn't thought of this before you bought it up and after thinking about it, dude this is one kick ass idea! Let's see, Rey isn't ever gonna win the World title again. And he doesn't have much going for him, because Batista is busy with 'Taker. So yeah if Christian trades spots with Rey, I think it'd be one of the smartest moves in the history of WWE in the past 5 years. Rey I think is the perfect wrestler to lead the ECW roster. Even better than Christian IMO, and that says a lot considering I'm not much of a Mysterio fan, and Christian is my all tiem favourite wrestler. Rey can put guys like Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder fully over. Bring in more viewers. And put on show stealers with Shelton Benjamin, it'll be like Christian never left!
WOW! Great Idea. Really Ray has become stale and this would really help e.c.w. It would give a new twist to e.c.w and maybe he could even bring some extreme back with his high flying. He could also help the new starts that they bring in threw e.c.w also. Also with rey being injured alot maybe this show could help him slow down a little bit also. THis is what e.c.w needs! A former w.w.e champion that can help younger stars and bring something to the show also.
Rey would fit great on ECW. Him feuding with the young guys ontheir getting them over be good. He can be ECW World Champion, which would be more beleivable then being World Heavyweight Champion. Matches with Christian would be awesome, and fun to watch on television or PPV. Rey use to wrestle on ECW too so it be awesome to see him were his wrestling career all started. Be a nice, great change for Rey Rey. Plus he be used more affectly on ECW.
This could work....IF, and only if, ECW on syfi stays on the air. I dont think WWE is truely thinking for what they can do to ECW now. So Rey would be good, but I wouldnt count on seeing it because of ECW's current situation. It would be too big of a move right now. Just imagine Rey gets traded to ECW and then three months later ECW would be scraped.The move would've all been for nothing. Not to say ECW is officaly getting kicked to the curb, just pointing out a very logical possibity.
I have a couple serious issues with this proposal.

First, we already acknowledged that ECW is likely folding up shop. So why would we even consider sending someone to ECW to begin with?

But let's play Devil's Advocate and say ECW stays open. Why would you send Rey Mysterio, of all people, to ECW? The man is obviously not reliable. He spends over half the year, every year, out injured. And you want to make him the face of the brand, by taking over for Christian?

Not to mention that he is one of the WWE's biggest merchandise sellers, and you want to put him on the least popular WWE show?

Hmmmm. Interesting case you have here. Can't quite make sense out of it, but interesting nonetheless. So why should we move Rey to ECW again?
I agree with kilva's post in the sense that this trade would be a great way to get Christian off of ECW and replaced with someone good.... but.... I think Sidious is right. Rey is one of the biggest names in terms of merchandise so he should be on one of the two bigger shows, preferably Smackdown since he seemed so out of place on Raw. He should remain on Smackdown in the upper midcard putting people over. As long as he stays away from the world title, I'm happy. Interestingly good idea, but I disagree because someone who makes the company as much money as Rey does needs to be on one of the bigger shows.
Rey Mysterio is perfect in his role as it is now. He's a top the mid card, and thrown into the main event every now and then, and that role is just right for him, and I will tell you why. As Sidious already mentioned, Rey is very injury prone. You can't have someone be the face of a brand if they're constantly on the shelf every now and then. While this idea sounds good in theory because Rey is a well established name in the wrestling business, I don't think it would actually work.

Besides, having Rey as world champion would be a dead end. What I mean by that is, the whole "underdog" thing could only work so many times, before it starts to get redundant and stale.
I've always thought that Rey Mysterio would be a perfect addition to ECW if you were trying to boost the brand. He's popular, sells a lot of merchandise, and crucially, his absence from his current show wouldn't kill it. However, there's no point in moving him unless you are going to make ECW a true third brand, otherwise your shooting yourself in the foot by underexposing somebody immensely popular. As it looks increasingly unlikely that ECW will be pushed as a contender, then there's no point. In short, this would have been a great idea in 2006.
I think rey should go to ECW, but not just him. Last year ECW only won one draft pick. i think they need to be a bit more dominant and not just something everyone craps on. if they can stick a couple of good guys on there like put bourne back or even draft someone who's not doing anything they could make it an exciting show. and they need to make it more EXTREME!!! coz its extreme championship wrestling, not boring championship wrestling.
I have never thought about this before. I don't watch ECW often, and I don't get to see Smackdown! right now. BUT, I've always liked Rey's move set and I think it would be good for him and the younger guys, if he was moved. As stated before, He is a World Champion. It would give more credibility to the ECW Championship.
I think Rey Mysterio should get a World Heavyweight Title Reign. Before his suspension, he was probably the best in-ring performer in the company. He had great matches the entire year. From the Elimination Chamber, to his feud with Jericho. Having great matches with John Morrison and Edge.

He's had a great year. He's probably the 2nd most over babyface in the company next to Cena.

If he doesn't win at The Royal Rumble, he should get the belt at the Elimination Chamber.
As much as I respect Rey's in-ring ability and his accomplishments, I can't see him being an ECW superstar, and Vince wouldn't have him moved to ECW. If you remember when he first went to RAW in 2008 the ratings went down on Smackdown because Rey's presence alone caused a lot of Mexican-Americans to watch the show. So no, this wouldn't work. Rey's a Smackdown guy, and ECW is a horrible waste of time brand. It's not even extreme anymore. Trash it.
i'm not sure about this actually, as Rey isn't really doing much of an extreme nature lately. WWE is really doing all they can with him right now; by selling him against big wrestlers. But with his bung knee, he may look slow against some of the younger faster talent.

I don't know if anyone has considered his actual in ring speed as of late as he sells it against the monsters of SD. But he may not be able to compete in high impact matches with guys faster with him.

We'll see...
I've been thinking for the last year or so that Rey will be making his way to ECW. He is a great fit there. And if ECW stays around I would have no problem whatsoever if he was moved to Tuesday nights. Rey is a big enough name to carry a feud with any member of the ECW roster and give them a rub, plus he is credible enough to carry the ECW title. Rey has a pretty big following and makes the WWE a good amount of money through merchandise alone. You can't go a live event without seeing a little kid with one of those Rey Mysterio masks on.

The one problem with this move is that Rey has a problem staying healthy. And on the C show you don't want to have too many big name guys on there as there isn't much to do. If Rey would be the face of the brand and he happens to get hurt, then it would hurt ECW in the long run, as they would most likely have to push someone to the top to take over and that superstar might not be ready for the task. They could do that or hurry and shuffle a veteran who is lacking a storyline and ship him to ECW to man down the fort.

Either way I think it is worth the risk and could pay off for ECW if they do stick around.
I've thought of this for about last years draft and that Mysterio should have gone to ECW. First his american wrestling career started in ECW and he would be a better person to lead the brand then Christian if you ask me:lol:
I was watching ECW One Night Stand last night and the Match Between Rey and Psycosis was Really good. I dont care if the fans hated it but I thought it was really good because those two are the few Mexican Wrestlers who have made it big in WWE.

Now having Rey in ECW would work because he could have a feud with anyone and theyd get a rub. but as Theo said Rey has had trouble staying healty and I dont know how long he would last in WWE if he was moved to ECW
Absolutely he would, as a matter of fact, he would be a dream come true for that show. He is a hugely popular supstar, puts on good to great matches with everyone, and could draw very weel for the show, being the main guy in the ME. Unfotunately, as well as he fits into this show, its not better than how well he fits into his current show. We can face it, SD just means a lot more than ECW, and they wouldnt use Rey in that capacity. He likely makes more money for them on SD.

Also, let us not forget Mysterio is one of the most injury prone guys in all of the WWE, so thats not a guy you want to focus your entire show on. When he goes down for his 127th knee surgery, what is ECW left with? Not even Tommy Dreamer.

As much as I would love for this to happen, there is too much risk, and not enough top end for the WWE to go for it. Id say its still in the maybe catergory, but in all likelyhood, wont happen.
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