Would a huge star be punished for failing a drug test?

Triple H is proof that they don't punish the stars.

Batista, I am positive has done roids, but the guy is so huge that he probably doesn't need them anymore. I'm sure Batista can get by with just working out now without the juice. Hell the guy probably only has to work out twice a week. But watching Triple H's career, even just the past 4 years, you know he's been doing roids. Especially with all the injuries he's had lately too. That is a dead give away of someone on roids. Look at Rey Mysterio. That dude was jacked and has been injured and gotten fat. The proof is right there.
I don't know man, the only one I absolutely can't see him suspending would be HHH, for obvious reasons. I would be very, very shocked to see him get suspended for anything given his position. Hell, for all we know he's got all kinds of shit in his system right now, we would just have no way of knowing!
I keep hearing that Batista MUST have done steroids...yet, his name has never appeared on any documents...

Triple H's physique has changed a lot...he was a lot smaller in the mid 90s, bulked up as he got interested in bodybuilding, but, then he had two separate torn quads. What others are assuming as losing mass due to termination of steroid use, can also be explained as a natural byproduct of spending so much time rehabbing, unable to maintain a normal exercise routine. It is unfair to assume that just because a wrestler loses muscle mass, that the muscles were a product of steroids, and the loss indicates they aren't using anymore. It is putting the cart before the horse. There are multiple reasons why a wrestler's size might change over time, steroids are not the only cause. Why can we accept that wrestlers we never would have assumed took steroids because of their size took them, but not accept the possibility that wrestlers who are bigger, perhaps meaning they used steroids, actually may not have? Not saying they are all innocent, I just think its unfair to automatically assume they are all guilty.

Based on previous suspensions, I do think that even HHH would be suspended for a positive test. Vince simply doesn't need the heat from Congress that would arise if Paul Levesque were to test positive, and still avoid punishment.
People are silly.

The obvious answer here is, the just simply dont test everyone. turn a blind eye. If Trips and Batista never fail a test, well then, they have no failed tests on their record eh?? I agree that both they, and others (Cena) physiques are suspicous. So I would imagine they just simply dont test them. You guys think they just line EVERYONE up all at once and have them piss into a shitload of lined up cups?? No. I would imagine they test everyone individually. We have been told of the program, but not how it works. Im sure itd be extremely easy to have whatever guys they wanted fly right on under the radar.
Sadly i have to agree with the idea that WWE doesn't test all of their superstars in drug tests. Its true that Cena, Batista, and Triple H's physiques are quite incredible btu definatly suspicious. Which leads me to beleive that WWE does not test them. WWE feels they would rather not test certain superstars so they do not lose some of their better drawing characters. If someone like edge were to be tested and found to have failed a drug test, then im sure he would be suspended, but they hardly ever do test bigger named stars.
The WWE doesn't do any testing. They hired a third party to handle it...don't you guys remember anything from the Benoit mess? Aegis Sciences Corporation, out of Nashville, headed by David L. Black. They are certified by the US Dept of health and human services, and are completely independent. So, its true. The WWE doesn't test all their superstars. Aegis DOES however. These guys are legit, been around for 22 years (well before the WWE Wellness policy) and do testing for more than just the WWE. Sorry...the WWE covered their ass in regards to their testing procedures. Batista and HHH haven't been suspended under the Wellness policy because they haven't tested positive for anything yet.

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