World Wrestling Revolution Presents: Evolution 01/07/09

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Getting Noticed By Management

“Destiny Comes To Those Who Want It”
^Special Thanks to Guppee1234 For the Amazing Poster^

Show: WWR Evolution
Date: 1/07/09
Booker: Aussiehobo
(With most of my weekly shows, the matches will not be in full, the pay per views however will)

An opening video plays to the song Step Up – Drowning Pool, the pyrotechnics now display with orange flames coming out of the Titantron and the arena flicking from Orange to Yellow, the camera zooms around the crowd. Now we go to the announcers, Michael Cole and John Bradshaw Layfield to welcome us to the first Evolution Ever.

Cole “This is Michael Cole and John Bradshaw Layfield coming from the Evolution chamber, and what a response to our opening show!”
JBL “Michael, it’s the pure adrenaline that are coming from these people, it’s the anticipation from these people because finally true wrestling has returned to TV and what a night we are going to see Cole”
Cole “The NEW World Wrestling Revolution Championship, the former World Championship, will be on the line tonight with four of the greatest wrestlers in wrestling history, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge and Batista”
JBL “All of those men are former Champions Cole, but that doesn’t matter, they will fight and bleed for this title”
Cole “And that’s not all the Revolution Championship will also be on the line when Carlito, Matt Striker and Shelton Benjamin will all fight for the prestigious Championship”
JBL“Michael, its going to be night, which we are all going to remember!”
Cole “But right now, we go straight into the action with Ken Kennedy and Finlay in one on one action!”

Match #1
Fit Finlay vs. Ken Kennedy
End Match:
Finlay continues to hit some vicious rights to Kennedy’s head forcing him into the corner after Kennedy had been forced into the corner Finlay continued to hit him with rights and giant knee strikes to Kennedy’s abdomen, Finlay climbed to the second turnbuckle and continued to lay in rights to the crowds delight by counting how many he hit. Kennedy with pure spirit grabbed Finlays tights, got him on his shoulders and brought him to the middle of the ring to hit a nail grinding power bomb, Kennedy covered and got a near three count!. Kennedy couldn’t believe it telling the ref to count again but still Finlay kicked out, Kennedy got up bringing Finlay with him, Kennedy coast to coasted and went for a massive clothes line, Finlay ducked, Kennedy continued but hung onto the rope, Kennedy walked over to Finlay grabbed him around the neck and DDT him onto the matt! Kennedy pointed at Finlay and told the crowd it was time to end this. Kennedy climbed up to the top, attempting the Kenton Bomb, Finlay moves out of the way playing possum and stands up, picks up Kennedy and hits an Emerald Fusion! Finlay covers Kennedy and is awarded the pinfal.
Aftermath: Finlay went to the outside and grabbed a chair from under the ring, he climbed back in, with the chair, lined up Kennedy and cracked his skull in with it several times, Finlay making the statement, went out of the ring laughing at Kennedy, Kennedy grabbing the bottom rope stared down Finlay as we go to a commercial break.
Winner Finlay

-Commercial Break-

We comeback to the show backstage with Stephanie McMahon and Ken Kennedy who is receiving medical attention.
Kennedy “McMahon, I want Finlay, next week on Evolution!”
Stephanie “That’s Mrs. McMahon to you and I thought as much so I went right ahead to make the match next week, but it won’t be an ordinary match, my job is to make the show as great as it can be, so next week it will be Finlay vs. Ken Kennedy in a #1 Contendership match for the Revolution Championship and Kennedy, No Disqualification”

We now go to the interview area with Randy Orton and Kristal.
Kristal “Well Randy Orton, your match with Batista, Edge and Cena is later tonight, but what are your thoughts on the match?”
Orton “Kristal, Kirstal, My thoughts on the match, it’s quite simple, I’ve pinned every man in that match once before, what’s different about it this time? The difference is that I don’t need to worry, they’ll pin themselves and when the times right, I will RKO the last man and pin him to become the first ever World Wrestling Revolution Champion”

Triple H and Shawn Michaels walk up behind him in D-X gear.
Triple H “Orton, Orton, Orton, I wouldn’t say that, because you remember what happened last time… Mr. Youngest Champion ever! How many months did it last?”
HBK “6?”
Triple H “No… 7!”
HBK “No… no… maybe Randy can tell us how many months he was champion!”
Orton “You guys think your smart… don’t you… real tuff well wouldn’t you two be old enough to be considered Legends?”
Triple H“Yeah… you could consider us Legends, but Randy!”
HBK “We have two words for ya!”
Triple H “Turn around!”

Orton turns around and Batista is standing there looking down at Orton drilling his fist into his palm as we go to a commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Cole “(Laughs) Well Orton is in for it tonight!”
JBL “Batista might be all muscle Cole but his brain is the size of a peanut and that’s why he’s not going to win the title tonight!”
Cole “JBL how many times did Batista defeat you again?”
JBL “That has nothing to do with tonight Cole and I state for the record that it was by pure luck that he pinned me!”
Cole “Yea… sure”
JBL “Let’s just get on with the show!”

Match #2
World Tag Team Championship
The Hardy Boys vs. the Spirit Squad (Kenny and Johnny)
End Match:
With the championships on the line both teams put there all into the match, Jeff and Kenny are the legal men at the moment with Matt Hardy being assaulted by the other three members of the Spirit Squad on the outside. Jeff hits a backward elbow and bounces off the second turnbuckle to hit a twisting clothesline to Kenny. Jeff quickly gets to his feet, coast to coast and jumped over the top rope and onto the three members that were assaulting his brother Matt. After a few seconds, Jeff and Matt make it back into the ring and engage the two, official Spirit Squad members hitting rights and lefts, the Hardy Boys knock the members down, coast to coast and hit consecutive clothesline on both members, the Hardy’s go to the top rope and Matt hits a massive second turnbuckle leg drop on Kenny, while Jeff its his patterned Swanton Bomb on Johnny! Jeff Covers Kenny. 1… 2… Kick Out! Jeff climbs to the top rope again and lines up Kenny this time and goes for a Swanton Bomb, Kenny rolls out of the way and Jeff hits the matt hard! Matt quickly goes to help his brother but the ref stops him and finally takes some control of the match. While the ref is distracted with Matt the Spirit Squad double team Jeff, all of them go to the outside taking Jeff with them; they all grab him and are just about to hit a Spirit Bomb when the High Flyers Paul London and Brian Kendrick both hit a diving cross body on the five members of the Spirit Squad! Matt goes to the outside, ignoring the ref and helps his brother into the ring, Matt then goes after Kenny and brings him into the ring as well, Matt drags his brother to there corner and tags himself in, the ref gets back and watches the tag, Matt grabs Kenny and hits a Sideofect, he then picks up Kenny and locks him in and hits a Twist of Fate, the ref counts 1… 2… 3. The Hardy Boys win the titles!
Aftermath: The Hardy music hits the roof as they get a standing ovation, the Spirit Squad can’t believe it as they watch in dismay as the titles are given to the Hardys, London and Kendrick watch on as we go to a commercial break.
Winner the Hardy Boys

-Commercial Break-

We go backstage with the Hardy Boys celebrating with the roster until London and Kendrick walk in.
Matt “Thanks for the help out there, these titles wouldn’t of been ours if it wasn’t for you”
Kendrick“Congratulations, but we do want something in return!”
Jeff “What?”
Kendrick “Paul”
London “We want a shot next week! That’s what we want.”
Matt “Well, you’ve got it, next week The Hardy Boyzz vs. Brian Kendrick and Paul London for the World Tag Championships!”

In Ring
D-Generation X plays and the crowds goes crazy, D-X make there way to the ring with all the TV effects, DX come down doing DX chops to the crowd, they enter the ring and pose for the DX pyrotechnic which shoots off. The music turns off and they both get mikes.
Triple H “For the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home, lets get ready to SUCK IT!!!”

Triple H and HBK jump up with a huge DX chop.

HBK “As a matter of fact Hunter isn’t this same place we, meaning us two, kicked Vince McMahon’s bee hind at Summerslam 06!”
Triple H“Oh a matter of fact it is and isn’t this the place where we laid a New World Order beaten, cleaning house making those “sons of bitches” as Mr. Mc, **** LOVER, McMahon would put it, cry like little babies!”
HBK “Oh yes Hunter, Oh yes but what are we going to do tonight!”
Triple H “I don’t know! Sit here and speak for the next, say couple of hours about how our lives are going, how “old” we are, how we are now so old we are considered “legends” or we could make Stephanie McMahon’s life a living hell?”
HBK “But wouldn’t that make her husband so angry that he might come after us???”
Triple H “Who knows, but he must have log at least 6 foot ….”
HBK “Whoa, whoa, whoa…”
Triple H “What… but you know he must have…”
HBK “Hunter, lets get down to business… D-X business”
Triple H “Oh… yes enough of this 6 footed man… alright, Mr. Schizophrenia Shane McMahon has kindly asked us to come out and do something for… what did he call it Shawn?”
HBK “(Laughs) what are those things that make money, ah… ratings… I think, but see this is what we are going to do. At “Tomorrows Massacre” this months Pay per View, a D-X illustrated Pay per View, we are setting fourth a challenge at the pay per view to any two opponents, anyone on the current roster, so they can first hand experience a D-X style but whopping!”
Triple H “And if you just don’t give a shit we have two “simple” words for ya!”
HBK and Triple H “SUCK IT!”

D-Generation X’s music hits as D-X does more posing for the crowd as they leave the ring doing crop chops and DX signs in the air as we go to a commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Cole “The statement was clear, D-X is back on WWR”
JBL “What do they mean by **** LOVER!?”
Cole “JBL (Laughs) do you have any idea what a **** is?”
JBL “Of course I do, I used to play with them a lot when I used to live back in Texas, us natives used to breed them and then fight with them for personal enjoyment, but how does that effect Mr. McMahon?”
Cole “Unbelievable”
JBL “What… It’s a natural thing!”

Match #3
Women’s Championship
Mickie James vs. Lita
End Match:
Lita hits a strong bitch slap to Mickie James face, Mickie James retaliated in hitting a nice forearm to the head, Mickie James repeated and forced Lita to the ropes. Mickie grabbed Lita’s arm and coast coasted her, Lita bounced back and fell into a Mickie Drop kick. Mickie covered and got a quick two count! Mickie got up and brought Lita with her and locked her in for a Mickie Tornado DDT. Lita countered and twisted Mickie around and hit a solid Neck breaker, Lita dragged Mickie toward the nearest turnbuckle and she then climbed to the top and went for a Moonsault but before she called connect Mickie grabbed her and went for a Power Bomb, Lita landed some heavy rights to the head, Mickie couldn’t hold the weight and Lita came down on top of her hitting rights and lefts, Lita got off and told Mickie to get up. Mickie slowly got up and fell to a crashing to a Lita clothesline Lita then picked up Mickie wedged her around the neck and hit a destructive Twist of Fate! Lita laughed and then headed up to the top rope she looked down turned around and hit a successful Moonsault on Mickie James, Lita covered and successfully pinned Mickie James for the title!
Aftermath: Lita grabbed the title and posed for the crowd, she looked overtoward the ramp and saw Matt and Jeff standing at the top looking at her doing the Hardy Boys sign.
Winner Lita

-Commercial Break-

We go backstage with Matt Striker wrapping up his wrists until Michelle McCool walks in from behind and whacks him with her pointer.
Matt “Ah… Mrs. McCool”
McCool “It is about time I found a man with the smarts and you known you could be more than the man with me”
Matt “Well Mrs. McCool, I have always wanted a Teachers Aids and you know after tonight when I win the Revolution title, we could go back to the classroom and I could teach you some classroom rules”
McCool “Don’t get too excited, you have to win that title before we go back to the classroom”

McCool smiled and walked off with Striker right behind her.

Match #4
Revolution Championship
Triple Threat
Matt Striker w/ Michelle McCool vs. Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin
End Match:
Carlito swoops around and hits defecting DDT on Striker but as Carlito was getting up Shelton Benjamin comes from behind hitting a Drop kick to the back then he went for the pin on Striker who on the two count kicks out. Shelton moved on to Carlito who did the same Shelton then got up bringing Carlito and got him into the T-Bone Suplex position Carlito countered hitting several right forearms to the head. Carlito gets loose and let leaches multiple rights and lefts, Carlito coast to coasts and scoops up Shelton hitting a swinging neck breaker he got up gave a kick to Strikers abdomen coast to coast and hooked him around the neck going for another swing neck breaker Striker countered and pushed Carlito off him. Striker now Irish Whipped Carlito into the turnbuckle who bounced back and fell to a flip side walk slam by Striker. Striker covered Carlito 1… 2… KICK OUT! Striker could not believe it, he went for another pin and Carlito kicked out again Striker grabbed Carlito by the hair and pulled him back up Striker then got him into a Suplex position he got him up and put him on the top turn buckle, Striker then went for a Super Plex but from out of know where Benjamin put Striker on his shoulders and pushed forward hitting a three man Super Plex/Powerbomb from the top rope! The crowd started chanting “Holy Shit” Benjamin was first up and went for the cover on Carlito 1…2…. Striker interrupts! Benjamin slowly gets up grabbing both Carlito and Striker with him Benjamin hit both of them in the abdomen, coast to coast and hit a massive CROSS BODY on both men; Benjamin got up picked up Carlito and hit a massive T-BONE SUPLEX! Benjamin covered 1…2…. The ref doesn’t count the three? Michelle McCool is distracting the ref! Benjamin gets up and goes to the outside, in the ring Striker is up he gets Carlito and hits a destructive Striker Bomb on Carlito, he covers, the ref turns around, McCool low blows Benjamin! 1…2…3! STRIKER WINS!
Aftermath: Striker grabs the title and exits the ring right away hugging the title, McCool raises his arm as Carlito lays flat in the ring and Benjamin getting up slowly as we go to a Commercial Break.
Winner Matt Striker

-Commercial Break-

We go backstage with a before match interview with Edge and Lita getting ready for Edges match for the World Wrestling Revolution Championship.
Kristal “Welcome back, I’m backstage with Edge and NEW Women’s Champion Lita, so Edge what are your thoughts on the Elimination match up next?”
Edge “Let we get this straight, I’m the rated R superstar, I’ve done things some men have never done (laughs) and tonight I’m going to do something now man has ever done and that is to become the first ever World Wrestling Revolution Title because I’m to good for all of those bitches in the match!”
Kristal“With confidence behind you and Lita, Lita what’s your thoughts on the Hardy Boys and there reunion tonight?”
Lita “I don’t really want to…”
Edge “Look that has nothing to tonight and with what’s up next, the bottom line is that she doesn’t give a crap about Matt and Jeff Hardy… the Hardy Boys now lets go”

Edge and Lita walked off as we got to our last commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Cole “It’s going to get interesting in the next few weeks JBL with the Hardys and Edge”
JBL “Cole what’s interesting if the girl was smart and we know she is she would stay with Edge a guy who is at least a former Champion”
Cole “JBL you may be right but Edge will have a fight on his hands tonight as we go into our Mainevent JBL what are the strategies in this type of match up”
JBL “Its quite simple… survive, this match is about surviving and outlasting your opponents Cole, that’s all there is to it!”
Cole “Quite simple indeed”

Match #5
World Wrestling Revolution Championship
Elimination Match
Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. John Cena vs. Edge
End Match:
Edge hits a snap suplex on Cena Edge then moved onto Batista hitting rights and lefts and forces the big man into the corner but Batista fights back using a clubbing knee blow to the gut and raw power pushing off Edge. Orton enters the ring and drops kicks Batista at the knees dropping the big man, Orton coast to coasted and hit a giant boot to knock down Batista. Orton turned around and fell to a clothesline by Edge. Edge now turned around and it was Cena giving Edge a massive clothesline Cena did a war cry and picked up Edge and hit a modified Side Walk Slam Cena looked at the crowd coast to coasted and hit the five knuckle shuffle on Edge, Cena got up and started yelling “GET UP!” Edge stands up but out of know where Randy Orton runs in and RKO Cena Edge gets a tap on the back and turns around to receive a kick to the mid section and falls to a Batista Bomb! Orton and Batista stand up and stare down each other not worrying about Cena or Edge. The two tie up but its Batista overpowering Orton, Batista gets him into a side head lock but Orton pushes him off, Orton ducks a massive clothesline, coast to coasts and hits a standing drop kick. Batista is right up and falls to a second standing drop kick, Orton ties him up and hits nice back neck breaker. Cena is up after the horrific RKO by Orton and goes after him. Cena starts hitting him with rights and lefts Cena now grabs Orton’s arms and Irish Whips him into the turnbuckle, Cena starts stomping on Orton but when he turns around Batista is standing behind him and starts giving rights and lefts at him, Batista bring him to the middle of the ring and kicks him in the gut, Batista heaves up Cena for the Batista Bomb until Edge… coming from know where hitting a spear on Batista. Cena fell on top of the animal the ref came down and counted the 1…2…3.
Batista Has Been Eliminated!
In unbelievable fashion Batista had been eliminated by Cena and Edge. Cena got up first and grabbed Edge who fought back; Cena hit back with a giant sledge to the back and then used DDT to bring down Edge. Cena got up and brought Edge with him he put Edge on his shoulders and hit a successful FU. Cena did another War Cry but before he could cover Edge Orton came out of know where with a historic RKO, Orton slumped over Cena the ref counted 1…2…3.
John Cena Has Been Eliminated!
Orton slowly crawled over to Edge and covered him the ref counted 1…2… KICK OUT! Edge put his arm up as Orton looked in despair. Orton stood up and brought Edge with him, Orton signaled for the crowd and locked Edge in for the RKO, Edge somehow countered and pushed him off Edge now coast to coast and hit a bulldog. Edge got up and went to the corner getting ready for the spear. Orton slowly got up, turned around and Edge came at him for the spear Orton saw it coming and moved out of the way Edge rammed into the turnbuckle and bounced back to be met by Orton, Orton locked in for the RKO and hits! the ref counted 1…2…3.
Edge Has Been Eliminated!
Aftermath: Orton grabbed the title from the ref and went to his knees hugging the title and looking up at the sky, the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Orton posed on the top turnbuckle.
Winner Randy Orton

Cole “What a match”
JBL “As I said greatness come to those who want it and as Orton said winning that championship is destiny and that Michael Cole is what has happened tonight”

-End Show-
Finlay vs Kennedy- Nice match with a nice aftermath! Next weeks No DQ #1 contenders match will be good! (8.5/10)

Hardyz vs Spirit Squad- Good tag team match, nice seeing Hardyz win! (7.5/10)

Lita vs Mickie James- Nice women's match, happy to see Lita win (7/10)

Striker vs Carlito vs Benjamon- Nice match! I wanted Striker to win, and he did! I hope Benjamon goes to the main event picture. (8.5/10)

Cena vs Edge vs Orton vs Batista Great main event! Again my pick and the one I was rooting for won! Randy! (9/10)

Overall Rating: 81/100.....It was a great show and promos and the DX Segment would def. increase that rating... I'm in a rush tho' lol so......
Nice show, keep it up!
9/10 that was cool do another one please i like to see more:headbanger:
Thanks for the feedback people, Anotehr show will be up soon, as soon as I finish my English Assignment!
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