WM32: The Rock vs The Undertaker in front of 100,000 people. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!


Championship Contender
If you ask wrestling fans who they want The undertaker to wrestle, a lot of people will say Sting, other will say Cena, however to me I want to see him wrestle The Great One.

The Rock mentioned Taker as one of the guys he'd like to work with.


The Rock vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania is one of the greatest dream matches to never happen.

If you look at the history of these two, they never truly had a feud at a major PPV.

The Undertaker and The Rock are two larger than life icons, they are by far two of the greatest and most well known wrestlers in history.
Both of these mega stars have a worldwide fanbase.

There's no way you could find a top 10 wrestlers / wwe superstars of all time list without The Rock or The Undertaker being in it.

If you look at all the guys still wrestling, the active wrestlers (part timers included) the biggest star is The Rock.

The Rock vs The Undertaker will be a bigger match than John Cena vs The Undertaker.

Rock vs Taker at Mania is a dream match years in the making.


The buildup to this match would be epic.

In my opinion, The Rock should turn heel one more time before he retires.
But with Rock's popularity, fans won't buy rock as a heel and will continue cheering him.
This is why WWE should have The Rock someone who is equally or more popular than Rock and that person is arguably the most respected wrestler ever, The Undertaker.

The Rock is usually a guy who cracks jokes and drops catchphrases here and there.
However, in big time matches, Rock knows how to cut money promos, promos that hype matches and frankly he does it like no other wrestler in the history of the business (see Rock challenging Hogan to WMX8 match - Rock post WM27 raw promo - Rock raw before wm28 promo - Rock promo at WMXIX before match with Austin...)

Not only that but Taker vs Cena will most likely be a finisherfest similar to Rock vs Cena II however Rock vs Taker would be better.

Rock vs Taker would be great if they booked it like HHH vs Taker III.
The Rock wasn't that great in the ring in his last run but him and taker can have a great match if they focused on the storytelling part of the match like the HIAC match at WM28, rock and taker are two great storytellers in the ring and two great in ring psychologist.

Imagine these two face to face at the Grandest Stage of them all in front of Taker's hometown with a sold out cowboys stadium of a record breaking 100K + people.

The Guy who defeated the 3 Faces of 3 Generation at Wrestlemania (Hogan/Austin/Cena)


The Guy who is undefeated at wrestlemania

That would truly be a match for the ages.

[YOUTUBE] watch?v=H8QdfPyobRU [/YOUTUBE]
Probably would've been off the charts a lot earlier, but I think Father Time will keep it from being all that good. Assuming Rock doesn't come back to the ring till then that'll be 3 years since his last match, that's a insane amount of time especially if Rock is busy doing movies instead of getting back into ring shape. (which I would imagine would be a much higher priority for him, as it should be)

On the other side of the ring by WM32 Taker would've recently celebrated his 50th birthday. Just to state the obvious each year gets harder and harder for him, and he becomes more reliant on his opponents to help him through the match. That's not something I would've have counted on Rock doing last year, so there's no way I think he can pull it off 2 years from now.

Basically this is a amazing match on paper, and I'm sad it didn't happen before Rock left for Hollywood since it could've been soooo good. But I just can't see it happening in 2016 when both men won't be capable of living up to the hype. Great to dream about and to play in the video games, but not so much IRL.
That post is really longwinded and features several pointless videos, but I agree.

The way I see it, Undertaker has three massive WrestleMania matches left. They are Lesnar, Cena & The Rock. One will happen this year, one will likely happen next. That said, I don't actually see The Rock wrestling again. I don't see what he has to gain from it. The Cena match seemed like the perfect send-off to me.
Honestly, I'd rather see something else. I'd like Taker to take on younger guys. I'd like the Rock and Taker to put over someone eventually, not necessarily by losing at Wrestlemania but by facing someone else. Taker could put over some younger talent JUST by facing them, and I would prefer that to a dream match that won't lead anywhere.
Honestly, I'd rather see something else. I'd like Taker to take on younger guys. I'd like the Rock and Taker to put over someone eventually, not necessarily by losing at Wrestlemania but by facing someone else. Taker could put over some younger talent JUST by facing them, and I would prefer that to a dream match that won't lead anywhere.

Triple H vs The Undertaker III also led to "nowhere" yet is one of the greatest matches in recent memory.

No point in young talent like Bryan/Reigns facing taker if they're going to lose.

Best if taker went over a part timer.
Undertaker and Rock should stick with putting over the young guys...having them showcase a match together will only be a quick money grab and won't positively effect the company in the long term.
Just based on that I would get to see this live- I am in.

The two have put on some good matches, but this may be epic. Only thing stopping it is Taker & his health. We know Rock is in great shape but Taker may not be around anymore in 2 years. They can only trot his dying body out for a match a handful more times before he just quits.

The promo factor is up there in terms of anticipation. The match may not be what it could have been a few years ago, but Rock would work to make Taker look strong as ever. I think WWE is going to keep up the high profile opponents for Taker till he leaves, but they have to take into account who he wants to work with also. That opens up doors for some of the younger guys to have a WM shot & that could make for interesting matches as well. Bray or Daniel would be pretty great opponents for Taker. So time will tell what happens.
First off, I'm not sure Rock makes my ALL TIME Top 10, but he is way up there.

Would be amazing, I really would like to see WrestleMania 32 focused on Taker's retirement and that match would be a good option but won't happen because of both men's age and limited amount of ring time.

I'd also like to see WWE not make a huge, over the top set, and focus on trying to pack the place, but that's for another discussion.
I wouldn't have minded seeing this match this year. If The Rock dedicated himself and was at his best then it would be a great match. The build-up would be great and seeing The Rock back is always good.

This match would be a great draw. If they are brining back The Rock they could have him face Lesnar, HHH or even Reigns. There aren't many options. Taker likewise.

It would be an entertaining pairing and a massive draw. It's probably not my first choice for either but I'd definitely love to see it.
Undertaker and Rock should stick with putting over the young guys...having them showcase a match together will only be a quick money grab and won't positively effect the company in the long term.

Does it really matter? Triple H vs Brock, Triple H vs Taker already happened. Rock vs Brock will most likely happen as well as Brock vs Taker. Rock vs Taker is a bigger match than all of those.

As a guy who has been attending every wrestlemania the last couple of years and will be attending the next few years (hopefully), seeing Rock and Taker go at it would be more than a dream.
Honestly, I'd rather see something else. I'd like Taker to take on younger guys. I'd like the Rock and Taker to put over someone eventually, not necessarily by losing at Wrestlemania but by facing someone else. Taker could put over some younger talent JUST by facing them, and I would prefer that to a dream match that won't lead anywhere.

I hate mindset like this. The idea of Wrestlemania, the superbowl of wwe, is to showcase the best match up wwe has to offer. If this is not the place to watch dream matches, then where else?? For example, to me I would like to see a roman reign vs rock at mania, it would tell a great story and give a good rub. But reigns is still in development and not a big star ready to face against a mega star like the rock.

Like one of the poster mentioned, taker vs hhh fought each other three times at mania and it really didnt go anywhere. Their mania 28 match was unnecessary tbh but it still went down as greatest mania match of all time.

From business standpoint, guys like taker and rock have LIMITED dates, one match per year at mania THATS IT. Vince will book the money match.

This whole idea of veteran putting over young guys is essential and important but it should happen at some other ppv like summerslam or MITB.
Wrestlemania 30

Orton vs Batista. Batista wins. Barrett cashes in and wins.
Bryan runs out gives Orton and Batista a running knee
Sends crowd home happy with yes chants

Lesnar vs taker,taker wins,sting debuts and they have a face off

Cena vs bray Wyatt:hell in cell
Wyat wins. Harper and Rowan interfere.
Wyatt sends them to back and does it on his own

Triple h,Kane,the Shield vs Bryan,show,sheamus,rvd,Christian.elimination tag
Roman reigns elimates big show, the shield walk out on him.
Distracting him and he eats all the finishes. Next night on raw
He confronts the shield only to be attacked by mason Ryan. Reigns vs shield Fued
That last for 3ppv. Reigns gets revenge. Then is attacked by graves and Krueger
Who join the shield. Rollins leaves later on.
Triple h and Bryan last ones left at mania 30. Bryan wins. After match triple h fires him.

Tag team: NAO(c) vs real Americans vs usos vs miz/ziggler
Usos win. After match cesaro attacks swagger. Hogan comes out
Leg drops him. Swagger turns face with u.s.a chants. Hogan his new manager

Intercontinental: big e vs Henry
Big e wins

Divas:aj vs Naomi vs natalya
Natalya wins

Goldust vs Cody rhodes
Cody wins

Pre show:

Rey mysterio vs sin cara
Sin cars wins

Ryback vs sandow vs brodus clay vs fandango
Vs kofi Kingston vs Titus oniel vs wade barrett vs santino
Barrett wins
Wrestlemania 31

Wwe title:submission elimination

Kurt angle(c) vs dan Bryan vs Chris Jericho vs john cena
Vs sheamus vs Tyson kid vs Damien sandow vs del Rio
Bryan wins

Sting vs undertaker

Batista vs ryback(face) vs reigns vs lesnar

Bray Wyatt vs kane(career)
Uhmmm, no thanks. The match will probably be horrible, and I didn't bother reading your post, but if you want the Rock to beat the streak, then you are ******ed. Taker only has 1, 2 or 3 Manias left, so they guys who should take him up are Cena, Sting and Bryan. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Rock vs reigns mania 31 career match.
Rock can put his nephew over and stay with acting. Good actor.
But wrestling will never progress relying on past stars.

I think taker should retire at mania 32 in his home turf.
Wwe should make it the main event. Verses either bray Wyatt or Dan Bryan.
I think cena should not fight taker .He's carried the company.
Doesn't mean you spoon feed him everything to add to his trophy cabinet.
I am not a cena fan but you have to respect what he's acomplished. He's earned it
And copped alotta heat and jealousy. If wwe books Wyatt well he will be a perfect
Candidate for the streak to end. Its believable. Cenas next manias
Should be against Batista,reigns,cesaro etc. You can slot Bryan
With anyone. But who are we kidding lol you know the wwe
Will give cena the title of ending the streak lol

If wwe were smart they would air sting vignettes
Now and debut him after the chamber. Should be
Taker vs sting at mania 30. Slot Brock and Bryan into the
Wwe title match making it a 4way. Whiles lesnar and Batista
Are outside beating each other up. Bryan makes Orton tap. Everyone wants to see
Bryan make Orton tap for the title. Survivor series have undertaker,sting,Kane vs
lesnar,batista and ryback. Not lesnar and taker at mania.
Sting deserves this mania. Wwe have waited so long for him to sign.
Now he's not priority. Kidding me? Sting should
Vs taker at mania 30 we all know he will lose. But then
Have sting beat Jericho, triple h, Kane, the rock, cena , Orton
And retire with a win over hbk at mania 31. He does have it in the tank
To put on a decent 20min match with taker this mania.
Everyone judging him on tna performances. Its not him.
Dixie says sting your in main event do you signature moves
You have 5mins. Crowd just wanna see a stinger splash and finishers.
She never said sting your vs angle, lets put on an amazing Marchh.
Blame her. Has any one see sting reverse a tombstone?
I have many times, he does it side ways and typical fall back
Like Kane does. Be an awesome mania moment. Watch him
Vs ddp on YouTube for example. Also watch him vs mucho man. Nitro or thunder.
Sting gets piledrived by savage. Gets straight up and walks round like a zombie.
That's wan fans wanna see vs taker. Them 2 will have awesome chemistry.
They are friends in real life too. Give them 20mins at mania 30 its well over due.
Fans will be on their feet. Crowd will go crazy. You can make it believeble
That sting might win. Wwe too scared of the young crowd.
Sting knows how to work a crowd
So basically were talking three years down the line when the Undertaker will be 51 or 52 years of age?? I dont see that happening personally. Too much physical abuse on Takers body is really taken its toll on him. The Icon,Legend Taker maybe has two WMs at best in him.

I would love to see Taker and the Rock go at it at WM.. If the rock dedicates himself to getting into shape,cardio shape,he and the UT could really put on one helluva of a match. I say book it at next years WM,(Have that be the last Taker WM match,and have Taker go 23-0!!
It's funny how people talk about building to the future, and wrestlers can't progress with part timers around...

They can build someone for 434 days, but then those fans forget he was put over like that in an instant, because they're not happy with how it ended, or where it leads afterwards... which will always happen.
Chances are, if a current star beats a part timer, it's forgotten about as soon as they lose their next big match, so "the future" that everyone talks about, is really just a few weeks ahead.
Unless they're dreaming about how it would be the start of huge wins, and great feuds, and wrestling will be great again... it's not gonna happen, so it makes no difference!

The current roster can only be great if the whole roster is great, and it's far from it. Because after you beat a part timer, and Cena... you're in a boring pointless feud with Del Rio or Big Show, that no one cares about.

The current roster have all year to get over... a main event at Mania is hardly going to make a big difference to them. The best they can do is beat Cena, clean, for the title, but the fact is no one is going to knock Cena off his place, and become "the man" ...Cena is bigger than the title. (not my choice, but it's true)

Summerslam is for putting people over. Wrestlemania should be about the biggest draws, the biggest stars. If you can't enjoy dream matches, then what's the point in the "future"?
And Rock vs Taker is as big as it gets. I want to be entertained now.. not possibly in the "future"
If you don't want the match... fair enough. People acting like it's a waste of time are stupid.
It's funny how people talk about building to the future, and wrestlers can't progress with part timers around...

They can build someone for 434 days, but then those fans forget he was put over like that in an instant, because they're not happy with how it ended, or where it leads afterwards... which will always happen.
Chances are, if a current star beats a part timer, it's forgotten about as soon as they lose their next big match, so "the future" that everyone talks about, is really just a few weeks ahead.
Unless they're dreaming about how it would be the start of huge wins, and great feuds, and wrestling will be great again... it's not gonna happen, so it makes no difference!

The current roster can only be great if the whole roster is great, and it's far from it. Because after you beat a part timer, and Cena... you're in a boring pointless feud with Del Rio or Big Show, that no one cares about.

The current roster have all year to get over... a main event at Mania is hardly going to make a big difference to them. The best they can do is beat Cena, clean, for the title, but the fact is no one is going to knock Cena off his place, and become "the man" ...Cena is bigger than the title. (not my choice, but it's true)

Summerslam is for putting people over. Wrestlemania should be about the biggest draws, the biggest stars. If you can't enjoy dream matches, then what's the point in the "future"?
And Rock vs Taker is as big as it gets. I want to be entertained now.. not possibly in the "future"
If you don't want the match... fair enough. People acting like it's a waste of time are stupid.

EXACTLY!! When I to to Wrestlemania, I don't care about "young talents", I only care about being entertained and about seeing huge stars.
WM28's 3 top matches had 4 part timers in them and the PPV was epic !!

Just like Vince said he can build a star in one day, marks need to focus less on the future and more on enjoying the present.
EXACTLY!! When I to to Wrestlemania, I don't care about "young talents", I only care about being entertained and about seeing huge stars.
WM28's 3 top matches had 4 part timers in them and the PPV was epic !!

Just like Vince said he can build a star in one day, marks need to focus less on the future and more on enjoying the present.

Okay but either way I'm going to enjoy a Bryan vs Taker match than a Taker vs Rock match. I think the story is better, and the match would be better, not to mention that it would help build the future and I would personally enjoy it more.
At this point I would rather Cena vs Taker. It is more believable IMO. For me, Rock vs Taker wouldn't be as good of a match, especially with their limited schedule. And there is NO way Rock should end the streak!
It wasn't until I read the title of this thread that it kind of occurred to me: Wrestlemania 32 is an old anniversary. Wrestling speaking, that is.

Undertaker seems like he's ageing these days. Rock isn't too old but he seems like he's due to hang up the boots. Even though these two guys are legends this is Wrestling, a young persons profession.

Let's just take ages aside for a second and look at this match from another perspective. Rock Vs. Taker at WM25 would've been great. Rock Vs. Taker at WM27 would've been great. Rock Vs. Taker at WM28/9 would've been boarding the point of two legends battling before they finally need to hang up the boots.

This brings us to WM32. It's a long time since these guys were at their best. I have a feeling that fans would be expecting the leader of the ministry taking on the young peoples champion, however they'd up with two guys who don't closely resemble their expectations. For example: Flair Vs. Hogan would've been great 25 years ago. If Flair Vs. Hogan were on the card for WM32, or even WM from a few years ago I wouldn't of had any interest in watching - because when the bell rings the atmosphere wouldn't be the same.

WM32 needs young guys to main-event. Legends and old-timers can stick around for the show, they just shouldn't be the focus.
I confess to mixed feelings.

With all the talk about "part-timers" in WWE, 'Taker-Rock is a match that brings together two of 'em......guys who no longer wrestle full-time for WWE. I have no problem with the company occasionally bringing in one of the old guard to fight one of today's stars; the Rock vs. Cena 2-year-plan was one of the best events ever.

Still, the idea of two guys who used to be around all the time coming back to "grace" us with their presence kind of smacks of the notion that today's performers can't carry the show by themselves. In that vein, the rationale behind using part-timers is a negative for the same reasons it's a positive.

On the other hand, the Rock and Undertaker are WWE.....all the way. It's not as if their chief claims to fame were accomplished when they worked for other organizations; these guys are WWE immortals and it isn't that anyone watching the match is going wonder who in hell these guys are and what they're doing here.

My preference? I'd like to see 'Taker go about extending (or losing) his streak with someone on the current roster......while Dwayne Johnson sits out this WM and perhaps returns for the next one.
I'm not interested in seeing The Rock wrestle again but if he does I'd rather it be against Orton in a battle of the 3rd generation stars, or I guess they can do the Brock vs Rock match.

Rock vs Taker was never very good when both guys were in their prime and the only Taker match I care about at this point is vs Cena as it's the only one with any real element of uncertainty hanging over it.
I really do not want to see this and it's not only because of the "part timers" thing. The Rock and Undertaker from what I recall in the attitude era never had any great matches even in an era when most wrestlers brawled Taker vs. The Rock were never entertaining together. I think their first PPV encounter was KOTR 1999 and that match was kind of smoozefest mostly punches and kicks and the match felt pretty slow.

And this was in their prime. So I don't think them having one now, when they are older with one of them being injury prone, is going to produce anything beyond an ok match.
I really do not want to see this and it's not only because of the "part timers" thing. The Rock and Undertaker from what I recall in the attitude era never had any great matches even in an era when most wrestlers brawled Taker vs. The Rock were never entertaining together. I think their first PPV encounter was KOTR 1999 and that match was kind of smoozefest mostly punches and kicks and the match felt pretty slow.

And this was in their prime. So I don't think them having one now, when they are older with one of them being injury prone, is going to produce anything beyond an ok match.

True. But like I said, if they focused on the storytelling part of the match and probably made it a no DQ, it could be great (like HHH-Taker III).

Also, Punk vs Taker never had a great match in their feud in 2009 and they had MANY matches but their match at WM29 was great.

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