William Regal

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Getting Noticed By Management
I'm not even sure what brand he's on now adays so I decided to go with just the general WWE.

Anyway I'm currently revising for exams which means in reality I spend most of the day on youtube etc. This led to me perusing some William Regal clips. In particular a couple of him rapping which are fantastically funny.

Anyway that's not really the point. The point is I know there was speculation that Regal was retiring soon and that he is currently commentating on NXT, not that I watch that anymore so I don't really know how well he's doing. However I was just wondering if anyone else agrees with me that Regal should be given one last feud before he retires? I'm not talking world title or even mid card title really, I'm just talking about some TV time on Raw or SD. Much like they looked like they were doing with Goldust before his injury.

Regals a great wrestler, I don't think anyone can deny that. He's probably not as in shape as he used to be but I'm sure he could easily pull off a mid card feud and while doing so make someone else look brilliant. In one way it's a thank you from the WWE for the years he's done stuff and on the other hand they get the advantage of building up a young guy who can claim to retire William Regal. Damn if Sheamus can use retiring Jamie Nobel I'm pretty sure retiring Regal's got to be worth something.

Obviously once it's over and if he wants to/is good he can move behind the commentator desk or retire or whatever. I just kind of want to see Regal on TV once more. So what do you's think?
William regal has a feud with jacob novak of nxt just to say that he's still active in the roster but not really that obvious because of nxt. But if I would choose a last feud for regal then I would pick daniel bryan of course.
I hope that WWE does give William Regal one last feud before he goes but they may not. I would have him feud with Daniel Bryan, it would be a classic student beat teacher kind of storyline. Daniel Bryan is doing nothing but job to Sheamus so this would be great for both of them. It could end in a loser leaves WWE match at a big four pay per view. Daniel would be the victor and have retiring regal in his resume and regal would have one great match at a major pay per view to leave WWE from.
I would love to see William Regal in a last good program before he's gone. I'd love to see him in a Daniel Bryan feud, where Regal maybe wins the a mid card title, saying that he's still the best wrestler the WWE has. He and Daniel Bryan feud over this and the championship, and Regal puts Daniel over at say, Summerslam. He goes out the way he should; by showing the world that he's still one of the best damn technical wrestlers to ever grace a wrestling ring.
William regal has a feud with jacob novak of nxt just to say that he's still active in the roster but not really that obvious because of nxt. But if I would choose a last feud for regal then I would pick daniel bryan of course.

I was aware he was on NXT doing something but wasn't sure how it was going etc. I like the feuding with Bryan idea hadn't come to me for some reason but that would be a fantastic feud. Putting over Bryan someone that he helped train would be a great way for him to go out.
I would love to see William Regal in a last good program before he's gone. I'd love to see him in a Daniel Bryan feud, where Regal maybe wins the a mid card title, saying that he's still the best wrestler the WWE has. He and Daniel Bryan feud over this and the championship, and Regal puts Daniel over at say, Summerslam. He goes out the way he should; by showing the world that he's still one of the best damn technical wrestlers to ever grace a wrestling ring.

This would be good, and I think they are both on Smackdown now so there's no issue of crossing over. The only problem I see would be if WWE would want to give such a task to Bryan. We know it makes sense behind the scenes as Bryan was trained by Regal and they both have similar styles, but I don't think they would get the spotlight they deserved.

If they wanted to have him as a face in his last feud but still put over someone, why not have him and Rhodes? There's plenty of time for Rhodes to renew a rivalry with Orton and/or DiBiase, and forcing a legend to retire could keep his momentum going.

Would still prefer Regal and Bryan though.
He is on SD now and he is having a weird feud with JTG and his rookie Jacob Novak on NXT and he said that he's gonna work as a Commentator after he retires so i think a TV time on SD wouldn't be bad after all with a feud against his long time rookie Daniel Bryan why not
I would love to see Regal given some air time on Raw or Smackdown before he decides to call it a day. A feud with Bryan would be good to watch as far as matches go obviously and Regal is great at promos so I would be all for this. I wouldn't even mind seeing him form a tag team with Wade Barrett as a couple of British brawlers (Regal has technical ability aswell so it should be a good balance)

He could even be the Raw GM and have a run in that role with the odd match up every once in a while...he was very entertaining as the commissioner way back when.

Maybe the Raw GM could get Drafted to Smackdown in a GM swap or something and then it is revealed to be Regal..leading to him trying to restart some sort of WCW offshoot stable(Kayfabee) in which Jericho returns and joins. They could try rebrand smackdown as WCW SMackdown and the WHC back to the WCW Heavyweight Championship or something and have ex WCW members running the show with Regal as the leader.. Jericho, Bigshow, Chavo, Booker T?? Nash?? who knows.

Anyway yeah basically would love to see him back on one of the big shows.
William regal is probably one of the most under rated and under appreciated wrestlers there has been. He has been a constant professonal thru the years and deserves one last good push before he retires or starts as a full time commentator. I would also like to see a program between him and Bryan it would be a good send off for Regal and help elevate Bryan at the same time, they are both good workers and Regal is excelent on the mic so it could turn out to be entertaining.
regal needs 2 hav a fued with sum1 who has a similar style 2 his. daniel bryan is an obvious choice. hav bryan retire regal wen regal chooses and hav them shake hands at the end of the match. but i agree regal is hilarious. he shud be a face or at least a comediec heel, but still a legitimate threat.
if the wwe were brave they would chuck him in have a title shot with Randy orton - obviously not win it - i also like the idea of him teaming up with wade barrett and taking on Kane and Big Show for the tag titles at summerslam and winning it
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