Will you grow out of Wrestling?


The Voice of the Future
Last night, I was watching RAW with my Father, Mother, 12 year old Brother and 17 Brother...and my Dad and I had a debate which I like to discuss.My Dad was bored by RAW reasoning being, he doesn't know the Wrestlers like Ryder or Ziggler, etc.Now my Father and Mother were HUGE..Wrestling Fans growing up, but when the Rock left..and Austin left...their interest in WWE..faded.I told my Dad, you complain that you see the same Wrestlers getting shine like Cena and Randy Orton, and now WWE is giving air-time to the younger stars and you think that's bad? It's funny he thinks TNA has a better product overall, and in some ways he's right when it comes to the Knockouts Division, but c'mon.He even took a shot at Triple H saying that he is not the caliber of respected Wrestlers around the Attitude Era like Austin and the Rock.I said are you kidding me...who were those top Faces fighting with...Triple H.Ok down to the nitty gritty, last night after I burned my Dad in a Wrestling dicussion, he said Jose, what happens....if you Wife doesn't like Wrestling..

He gave examples like if she said enough..I'm going to leave you if don't stop watching Wrestling? Another example he gave is, if you have kids and your Son or Daughter had a sports practice of some kind, and RAW started in a hour, what would you do.I broke his arguement down like, if I'm dating, that Women will love me...for me..not the type of shows I like.If she likes American Idol and I don't I'm not going to force her to like my shows..and I would hope she would have the same feeling, I mean I don't pick girls who would try to change me.My Mother said it was cute when you were little that you would wake up 7 or 8 to watch Wrestling as a kid, now she said it's not cute.That hurt a litte with that comment, but I told them , love Football, Baseball, Basketball and Wrestling.Those loves won't leave.If I have kids who don't like sports or Wrestling, I'll still love them.You know their is people here who have kids...any balancing a love..with a family is hard to do..I guess right..

Funny, I told my Dad..if you think that just because you hate a show..that the other person needs to hate it too, you a bad ideas when it comes to relationships.Wrestling fan since the womb, and still watching at 23..
He gave examples like if she said enough..I'm going to leave you if don't stop watching Wrestling? Another example he gave is, if you have kids and your Son or Daughter had a sports practice of some kind.

Why on god's green earth would any woman take a dislike of wrestling that far? That is exaggerating to the maximum, I doubt that any spouse or pending spouse would ever take anything that far. The day a woman tells me she will leave me due to her distaste for professional wrestling, is the day I will dump her in the most conniving way I can think of. Woman come and go all your life, an interest of hobby will always be there. That is the reason why relationships (Romantic) are not my top priority, or even close to it, and that is the way it shall remain for eternity.

Anyway back on topic I will never grow out of wrestling. My family have never given 2 shits if I watched it so I have avoided that problem. I was not a fan out of the womb since my folks never really had an opinion or relation to it, but I got attached and that bond will remain intact for as long as I live. I watched all my friends, and my younger brothers depart from their interest in WWE and TNA, moving on to more "adolescent adventures" while I never abandon anything I have ever had an obsession with. Even if my family disowns me (extremely low chance) for my the fanaticism of my interest in wrestling, I will still watch. In the unlikely event I father children and they do not approve of it, I will still watch it. No one pulls me from wrestling, the only thing in the world more important to me than that are my intermediate family (Father, Brothers, and Mother), and my school grades.

No I will never outgrow wrestling, and that's the bottom line because I said so!
I introduced my gf to wrestling and she loves it. What sold her was a live show. Take someone to a live show and they immidiately "get it".

I don't think I'll ever grow out of wrestling. I think there are personality types that dont' age well with wrestling. That being, selfish thinkers. The product has to change with their audience, just like the movie and music industry change with the audience. If you can understand the changes and appreciate the art for what they're REALLY trying to do, you should always enjoy pro wrestling. It's such a unique form of entertainment and it's amazing how successful the WWE is.
No, I will never outgrow watching wrestling. I was a casual fan going as far back as I can remember and I could never see myself losing complete interest. There are times when I could care less about watching it but it's because I have watched many of hours that week either on youtube or watching wrestling dvds and it will always be there to watch when I'm ready.

my partner is becoming a wrestling fan she sits down and watches it with me every time I do so I couldn't see that being a problem. I download Raw and the ppv's seeing I can't go to a pub and watch it or a friends house seeing there is not one in the state that airs it (or pays for it) and I can't get paytv where I am so if something important is on on the day of a ppv I can still go because it can be watched anytime without knowing the results as long as I stay off here and facebook.
I always thought I would grow out of it, but here I am at 24 and still a fan.

My parents have always hated it. They appreciate the athleticism, and its more the commentary, bad acting and shouting that they dislike, and they always emphasise the "fake aspect".

My brother used to be a big fan as well until about 4 years ago, now he doesn't watch it very much at all, which disappoints me. I remember my Mum moaning at me for watching it when I was about 16, and telling me to grow out of it, and I replied that I wouldn't be watching at 21...but I am.

I can go weeks without watching the new stuff, but I still try to catch whatever I can but I am limited to when I get control of the TV having moved back in with parents after breaking up with my girlfriend and moving back home. When I move out again I will probably watch Raw and TNA alot more regularly.

However, I have a large collection of wrestling DVDs that I watch alot, mainly attitude era stuff that I love. I also enjoy talking about wrestling with people on these forums and can't see that changing any time soon.

I cannot see myself growing out of wrestling. If I stop watching it will simply be because I no longer enjoy it and find the product boring and I have better things to do, not because I am too old for it.
I've never considered growing out of watching Wrestling and I highly doubt I ever will. I love it and I can't help that, can I? Every Monday & Friday, I know that there's a new show for me to watch, even if it's terrible sometimes. I still watch, whether I wind a bit on or I sit there intently and take it all in. If I grew out of Wrestling, then there's everything I'd be missing, new Superstars to cheer on, more athletic ability I'll miss out on and some storylines that could go down in history. Basically, I'm saying that to grow out of wrestling could mean you just end up missing stuff that's gonna be awesome.

I'm only 17, but I'm a big kid still and I always will be. Losing all of that and just being that very serious older man is just pointless in my eyes. You've always gotta have some fun in life and I think that WWE/TNA will provide that for me.
To be honest, I'm not sure. However, I sure as hell hope I don't. I saw a little wrestling back when I was still a child when my dad watched it. I had to sneak in the living room to watch it because while my dad didn't mind, my mom didn't want me watching at a young age. Then I truly got into it in late 2005 and I've been liking it since. I'm 19 right now, still young. Will I still be a fan 10+ years from now? I guess that's really up to me. Right now, pro wrestling is one of the few things I truly enjoy so it would be difficult to even try to grow out of it even if I wanted to. I'll likely come back to it.
I'll never grow out of wrestling because it has been a favorite interest of mine for nearly my whole life. I've been watching for over two decades and am still as big of a fan as ever, so why stop now? I joke around about how if The Miz ended Undertaker's streak then something like that could make me stop watching, but to be quite honest not even that could. My wife watches with me on occassion, so getting married didn't see me "growing out of it". Thanks to DVR then other things coming up doesn't matter either. It's there waiting for me when I get back. The closest I ever came to not wanting to watch anymore was around 2003-2004. I disliked Lesnar, loathed American Badass, and just didn't like where WWE was going anymore. I still had enough interest in guys like Cena or Evolution to keep me around though, and it paid off to not give up on one of my favorite hobbies.
I have been a fan of wrestling since I was 8 years old. I am 23 now. I admit that I was the fan that gave my all in terms of emotion to the industry. I cried when Stone Cold stunned JR and turned heel. I was upset that Kane only held the title for a day and promptly yelled at the tv screen for 10 minutes afterward. Once I got older I did drift away from wrestling mainly because school work always took precendence or I was out skateboarding and having a social life. Once I got to college I started to get back into it, but then I fell out once again once I saw how stupid the product had become. (DX and little people's court as a prime example) I just got back into it last October. I don't think it ever really left me because I am still just as emotionally invested as I am now. The only difference is that I am a little older now so I can see the business aspect of it as well. Also, I see more of the face/heel dynamic and so on. Enough of my rambling down memory lane. To answer your question, it depends I never really grow out of it, I just took a hiatus.
I don't know if I will ever grow out of pro wrestling in general, but these last 5 or so years I haven't been a wwe fan in particular. Not a big one anyway. I love ROH and can't wait for Final Battle(which I will be attending). I also love watching old school footage of wrestling and I can't see myself getting tired of that anytime soon. I loved TNA in 2005 and most of 2006, but then they had to hire Russo and since then I haven't watched them avidly either. A lot of people I know "grew out" of wrestling when it was still good and I really don't know why?
I WILL NEVER RETIREEE, WOOOO!!! I mean, I will, NEVER GET TIRED of Wrestling, WOOOO !!!! Sorry I channeled my inner Ric Flair for a second there. Why would I grow out of wrestling? It's great, people of all ages love wrestling. I've been watching wrestling since I was born, before I even knew what it was I was watching. It's something that just never gets old to me no matter what. Few things are as fun to me as going to the live events either. It's like nothing else. You go to an NFL game and you're luck if you don't get into a fight or someone tries to pick a fight with you at least, people are always rude and obnoxious, and a lot of the times the whole experience is ruined by peoples poor sportsmanship.

Wrestling events are nothing like that, it's all fun and everyone is there to have a good time. It's also like nothing else you will ever see at a live event. Where else can you go and see guys doing the high impact moves these wrestlers do, jumping off of ladders, cages, and the top ropes, going through tables, or even putting on a technical wrestling match that isn't boring like in the amateurs? Add to it the crazy characters and storylines, the story telling, the high drama circumstances and high profile matches, what is not to love? How do you grow out of loving that? And on top of it all I get a new part of the story every week multiple times a week. It's in my blood and it's in my heart. The day I grow out of wrestling is the day I grow into a coffin.
It's funny, Parents telling me it's not cute anymore to watch Wrestling and with the rest of their BS, but yesterday he gave me a flyer for ECWA, East Coast Wresting Association, a great promotion that Ciampa from ROH worked for.Show is at the boy and girls club.I know the promoter so free tickets.Might ask the guy, talked to Ciampa recently...

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