Will we ever see another clean Cheat To Win Gimmick

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Mr Money In The Bank
With wwe always rerhashing old gimmicks now days will we ever see the Classic Eddie Guerrero Gimmick of cheat to win gimmick on a face.

Now i know eddie also used this gimmick manily as a heel, but it worked just as well when he was a face. Some of this greatest moments using this gimmick were when he was a face, Eg The Undoing of his shoe to slip out of the Angle Lock at wrestlemaina XX, Winning of the WWE Title after help form Goldberg. And other classic moments from the late eddie

So Simple will we ever see a clean guy or even maybe a heel use this cheat to win gimmick they way or even close to how eddie did. with the exception of charvo
I know his daughter is in FCW right now, and we all know how WWE likes to base second generation stars off their parents. I honestly think it may be entertaining if she came to the main roster and did it on the Divas side it would at least ad a little personality to the division since Kharma is gone.
I don't know if you count the Divas division or not, but the Bella Twins use to do it all the time when they were faces. I think they called it "Twin Magic" right? Where the hurt one would roll out of the ring and the fresh one would sneak in and take her place? I know they did it a bit as heels as well, but it was their main gimmick as faces.
cryme tyme did it sir...

Cryme Tyme did nothing of the sort. They stole, but they never lied or cheated. Cryme Tyme failed overall in comparison to almost every other tag team in WWE History. They never got a run with the tag titles, they never accomplished anything major and I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.

I hope the WWE doesn't try and rehash this gimmick. Eddie and Chavo did it so well, and to try and have anyone else attempted it is a slap in the face to the Legacy of Eddie.
Internet smarkss please don't tease me but I think JTG could have the potential to. JTG is a jobber but he does have charisma and the crowd does like him. I think he can adapt an interesting babyface like persona who will do anything to win even if it includes cheating and that he is cunning and will steal due to being "gangster" I think a character like that could work. I mean by all means he doesn't need to fully copy Eddie Guerrero but It wouldn't be bad if he watched some of his tapes and adapt some of his traits.
Internet smarkss please don't tease me but I think JTG could have the potential to. JTG is a jobber but he does have charisma and the crowd does like him. I think he can adapt an interesting babyface like persona who will do anything to win even if it includes cheating and that he is cunning and will steal due to being "gangster" I think a character like that could work. I mean by all means he doesn't need to fully copy Eddie Guerrero but It wouldn't be bad if he watched some of his tapes and adapt some of his traits.

I'm glad someone else feels the same way. JTG gets shit on by the IWC quite a bit, and he seems to be one of the people who is unanimously seen to be at the top of the future-endeavored heep. However, I like the dude. I think he has a unique ring-style, and he is, as you note, reasonably over.

While I think the racialized gimmick of the thieving minority is problematic, I think JTG definitely has the charisma to get over with his goofy, fun-loving thug persona. Those 'word of the week' segments that Cryme Tyme used to do were great. One of the first episode of Smackdown I ever watched featured the word "championized." Sure, it's dumb, but when do you ever see smart humor in wrestling? Santino and Eric Young are both idiots, and that's why I like them.
Yes, who it would be god knows. But it will happen. There's only a certain amount of gimmicks around and they have to rehash old ones. So yea we'll see it. The WWE though either needs to leave it until the majority of their fans don't remember Eddie or do it in a way that is obviously paying tribute to him. Otherwise people will scream about some disrespect that isn't there.
WWE has really limited the amount of cheating during matches. Watching old matches (The best of WCW Nitro), you would see team mates helping each other out during submissions, distracting the referee while their team mate got in a cheap shot, low blows than lying about it, etc. It was dirty wrestling.

I remember reading a few years ago WWE wanted to clean up it's image and make their matches look cleaner since UFC was doing so well. It was an odd choice since WWE is fake and UFC is real. Since than, the amount of cheating has been very little.

I hope they have a lying, cheating, and stealing gimmick again soon whether it's a face or heel.
I'm glad someone else feels the same way. JTG gets shit on by the IWC quite a bit, and he seems to be one of the people who is unanimously seen to be at the top of the future-endeavored heep. However, I like the dude. I think he has a unique ring-style, and he is, as you note, reasonably over.

While I think the racialized gimmick of the thieving minority is problematic, I think JTG definitely has the charisma to get over with his goofy, fun-loving thug persona. Those 'word of the week' segments that Cryme Tyme used to do were great. One of the first episode of Smackdown I ever watched featured the word "championized." Sure, it's dumb, but when do you ever see smart humor in wrestling? Santino and Eric Young are both idiots, and that's why I like them.

I am one of those guys who says he might get future endeavored, but i do like the guy when it comes to wrestling, and if u r one the 3 ppl basically who watch NXT, u get to se him work as a heel, which i am impressed with by the way, which lead to me saying that i think the gimmick could work both ways this guy, but i don't think WWE has enough faith in him, and i don't kno if could do good with a push
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