Will MVP re-sign with the WWE before Wrestlemania 28?

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CM Steel

A REAL American
MVP asked for his release from the WWE last year and began wrestling over in Japan to brush up his skills and hopefully one day return to the E. The WWE said in a statement that they were still interested in re-signing MVP as long as he stay's away from TNA/Impact wrestling.

Good things has been happening for MVP over in Japan following the earthquake a few months ago. But from now til next year's Wrestlemania in Miami, which is MVP's hometown. Will he be back in the WWE for Wrestlemania 28 in the 3-0-5?

Because that would be cool and a nice feather in the cap for MVP to be apart of Wrestlemania 28 in his hometown of Miami, FL. The Rock will be the headliner from Miami. But MVP can be that guy who's between the mid-card and the main event picture.

And with rookies like Darren Young and Percy Watson being from Miami. They can be in a faction with MVP as the leader. Just think about that?
I would LOVE IT for MVP to comeback as a suprise ROYAL RUMBLE entrant like Nash & Booker did thius year.I wouldnt expect him to win but maybe he could start a fued with who ever is a hot heel @ the time over the US or IC championship.I think him and Swagger have good chemistry and could work a good program with or without a belt on the line like cody & mysterio did this year/

--just 1 guys opinion--
Why would he ever want to do this? He is living his dream in Japan, experiencing a revival of his career. He's working great matches, he's enjoying the full faith and support of NJPW, and he's a reigning champion. His entire situation is about a dozen times better than it was when he left the WWE, when he was a meaningless midcarder whose character had been nerfed and who was pretty much enhancement talent. And it's not like he's making a crappy indy salary over in NJPW - he's definitely making a good living for himself. If he keeps it up over in New Japan he is potentially en route to become IWGP Champion. I can't see any incentive MVP would ever have to return to WWE as long as NJPW keeps treating him like this.
I would like to see it, But chances of that are very slim. Hes doing very well in NJPW and is having fun with his career being in a different place. If he wanted to comeback to WWE im sure they would allow it.
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