Will Kane ever win another major title?

Well, the general consensis is that Kane will NOT win another major title which i would agree with. I can see him maybe having a shot at the IC, US or ECW titles again but who knows.

The main thing that gets to me about Kane is he isnt being used right. Even if he isnt wanting a title reign and is happy putting over younger guys then WWE/Vince should use that properly and put him in a good fued with someone like Punk or have him tag with Knox, I was pretty happy with their match against Rey and Kofi.

I just want to see Kane used more, I hate these crappy storylines he gets like the Kelly Kelly and Rey ones.... = Lame....
I agree. As much as I love Kane he really doesn't need to be champion again, unless WWE decides to run a storyline between him and Cena where he is against Cena's Kid-friendly version of wrestling then I can see them putting the title on him for atleast a couple weeks since his 24 hour reign as champion was a joke

One could also make the arguement that he could be sent back to ECW to help build up there show. Kane/MVP would be a great fude for that show and would actually get people to tune in to see it.

You could also pair Kane with Mike Knox of a heel Khali and have them dominate the Tag Team division. This would be great as WWE needs more Teams to build up a Lackluster division that has two championships and no competition.

Other than those three Ideas I see no reason to put any title on Kane he is above both the US and IC titles and those divisions would benifit from having him on top anyway.

I just wish they had him in better storylines. for gods sake Chavo's storyline with rey was way better than Kanes.
Everyone seems to be saying shit like WWE dropped the ball they should give him the belt cause he's been loyal and been with the company a long time, well fuck so was/has Hardcore Holly, Val Venis, and the fucking Brooklyn Brawler but you don't see anyone asking why WWE don't give then the fucking belt now do you
One could also make the arguement that he could be sent back to ECW to help build up there show. Kane/MVP would be a great fude for that show and would actually get people to tune in to see it.

You would waste Kane, probably the best jobber to the stars afer Umaga, and MVP, THE next big thing in WWE, on ECW?
Everyone seems to be saying shit like WWE dropped the ball they should give him the belt cause he's been loyal and been with the company a long time, well fuck so was/has Hardcore Holly, Val Venis, and the fucking Brooklyn Brawler but you don't see anyone asking why WWE don't give then the fucking belt now do you

I'm not saying that. I don't mind if he doesnt get another title. I didnt know until this thread that he has requested no more major reigns.

All i want is for Kane to be used in better storylines at least. He could still put over younger guys and still be in a decent feud. So rediculous the last couple of storylines they gave him. I thought it was going somewhere when he flipped and started carrying that bag around. And low and behold it turned out to be a Kane v Mysterio story.... WTF!?!?!?!?!

Kane doesnt have to have a title, just some damn story!
I hope to God that Kane would get one good 6 month world title run but it wont happen unless Vince comes to a realization that Kane is a amazing big man that desreves one more shot at the big gold, I mean you let Rey get the title why not let Kane be the monster heel on top, but WWE already took away his worthness away from being a champion from the pointless feud with Rey to Kelly Kelly Kane is now sadly the laughing stock of the WWE.
Everyone seems to be saying shit like WWE dropped the ball they should give him the belt cause he's been loyal and been with the company a long time, well fuck so was/has Hardcore Holly, Val Venis, and the fucking Brooklyn Brawler but you don't see anyone asking why WWE don't give then the fucking belt now do you

Kane shouldn't be made champion on the merit of being with the company for a long time, he should be made champion because he actually deserves it.

With all due respect to Hardcore Holly, Val Venis and Brooklyn Brawler, they were never involved in as many main event programs as Kane and therefore have not made the same impact as him. People haven't said the belt should be put on those guys for a reason (and not because they were with the WWE a long time), it's because unlike Kane they never rose past mid card status. Kane did and if that were to happen again and his credibility were built up then he could be champion again.
I'm a big Kane fan, especially in the days with the mask. So it saddens me to say he won't get another main title. His character has become stale and the wwe is misusing him. They too his character and tried to shove it on Snitsky - didn't work. Now they're trying to give it to Knox - jury still out on that. If they have these monster gimmicks out there but not give it to the big red monster, then what the hell! He should kidnap the wwe title and spend months with cena or some face trying to reach him and persuade him and fight him for it. Kane as a total heel (not a half heel/half face)might give him a slight chance at being a champion again. I also think Kane and Undertaker should retire at the same time with them having a draw at wrestlemania somehow. Ending Undertakers streak without undertaker really losing. That's what a brother is for.
I mean you let Rey get the title.

The only reason why Mysterio ever got a reign was because of Eddie. If Eddie never died he would probably of never gotten that reign. You do know that right?

why not let Kane be the monster heel on top.

Because he has already done that. I mean he feuded with guys like Taker and Austin and also had a "championship reign" during that time. It doesn't matter how long it was for, he still had one. Anyways you have guys like Koslov and Umaga who are "monster heels" now and they still have plenty of time in the career.
I think theres a chance of Kane getting back in the title scene after WM. They are going to have to push some new faces to main event. He could maybe feud with Orton or Cena after WM. They should have him join Legacy as the enforcer only to double cross Orton. I think with the right angle or feud Kane can redeem himself.
I think its possible, but unlikely.

There are far better choices than Kane, so there would have to be some injury crisis going on with Cena, Jericho, Batista, HBK all out. Even then I don't think they would give it to Kane, probably just move someone over from smackdown. Kane would need a HUGE storyline to be accepted by the fans as champion for 1 of the 2 major titles. I think that he will get an ECW title run at somepoint though.

And I see him going to ECW to feud with Swagger, I think that could be an intresting feud if done correctly.
I think theres a chance of Kane getting back in the title scene after WM. They are going to have to push some new faces to main event. He could maybe feud with Orton or Cena after WM. They should have him join Legacy as the enforcer only to double cross Orton. I think with the right angle or feud Kane can redeem himself.

If the WWE goes that direction they will be worst off.
the Legacy is based on 2nd 3rd generation superstars.
Kane cannot fit in that category.
Kane probably wont see a title for a long time . There are not sure what do with him.
What I do think works right now is the Combination of Knox and Kane. They destroyed Koffi and Rey.
For Kane get back at in the title race he has to win it from the RR.
If not they can go with many different angles if KK pursue TAG Champion Belts.
If anyone has seen Kane's in ring work in the past few years then they'll know why he hasn't been at least a 2 time world champ (not including ECW). It's because his character has become so obviously stale and he just doesn't have the ability to move very well in the ring any more. His character was far better off with the mask on, at least back then the character still had some type of mystique to it or something like that. But these days anyone can see why Kane has become an upper card jobber. And what kinds of storylines could they possibly have him do if he were to become a world champion again anyway? So, any talk of Kane being a top level talent any more is a complete waste of everyone's time. He's one of the most respected guys in the WWE locker room and always will be, but it doesn't mean he'll ever make anything important of himself for the rest of his career, it's a shame for him, but it's the obvious truth.
It's not going to happen. At least not for the raw and smackdown titles. Maybe ECW again somewhere down the road. But he's not main event caliber anymore, and the guy who plays kane (whose name escapes me) has said in interviews he's not interested in gaining titles at this point.
If the WWE goes that direction they will be worst off.
the Legacy is based on 2nd 3rd generation superstars.
Kane cannot fit in that category.

Paul Bearer is his dad. So it can work but I still feel that kane should just be dominate for 3 months till the RR then win go to WM and win a world belt What would be better if it was the same night Undertaker retired.
Paul Bearer is his dad. So it can work but I still feel that kane should just be dominate for 3 months till the RR then win go to WM and win a world belt What would be better if it was the same night Undertaker retired.

In storyline mode Kane's dad is Paul Bearer but in real life Kane has no relation whatsoever with Paul Bearer. Anyways I think that the best chance Kane has at a title is a tag team title or Interconintental/US Title cause with the way WWE has made him look pathetic over the years & Kane's decline in the ring. There's just no way that he can win either World Heavyweight or WWE Championship.
In storyline mode Kane's dad is Paul Bearer but in real life Kane has no relation whatsoever with Paul Bearer.

I'd imagine he knew that.

Anyways, what does the title really mean? It's not real anyways. You can still have main event rivalries without the strap. Jeff Hardy had them, heck, Kane has only had it for 24 hours and has had numerous, FANTASTIC rivalries. Edge hardly holds onto the belt when he wins it. What they owe him is letting him sneak around the main event scene rather than jobbing. He can still run a rivalry with no belt. You can have Kane vs any of the big RAW guys and it will be a fresh match up regardless of history. Kane vs Cena, Kane vs Orton, Kane vs HBK, who cares? Take what they've been doing and actually even it out. You just don't give him the belt.

Maybe its just me, but my favorite feud of all time was Undertaker vs Kane. Those were the most entertaining match ups, IMO.
WWE has completely misused Kane, and that really fucks me off. I dont think his ringwork has declined that much, and he still gets a good crowd reaction.

Man i remember back in 2000 during the HHH v Cactus Jack feud, during a tag match the lights go out, Kane returns with PB and the crowd goes fucking nuts for it. Kane then dismantles DX and the Radicals. By himself. Nowadays he gets beat up by Rey bloody Mysterio or Kofi Kingston. He's jobbed so much that unless he gets a [deserved] monster push, he'll never get the strap again.

I truly dont get why he is misused so badly, he coulda been huge.
I think Kane's best shot at the title in recent memory was a while back on SD! when EDGE went down and he was in good standing, but they never made that happen...I think with an injury in the right place anything could happen...but I'm not sure he'll get a title, I think they might try and put him in a PPV main event for a major title, but it would take a face push with today's younger WWE audience to get him the title....
Kane will never be Kane without the mask. We will always remember the terror he put in WWE when he arrived he truly was scary and a main eventer he had the little push where he was psychotic after taking his mask off but after that hes just been everybodys bitch. its pathetic how bad WWE has caused Kanes gimmick to change into a jobber. cmon look at the size of the guy if WWE used their heads they could use the Kane character perfectly
I would like to think has one more title run in him

Part of me is thinking that maybe just maybe, he will win the elimanation chamber. I really do believe its betweeb him and Cena, so maybe the big red monster is finally getting his pay day!

And I hope so!
I just don't get how kane has not quit until yet. The only push he got was during his debut which is really pathetic. I mean him heel champion who destroyed everybody is a great way to push new talent but wwe creative has always given kane the shaft

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