Will Bryan get Backup?

I agree with the fact that WWE is trying to make Bryan a mega star. I agree that the angle here is Intriguing, and that the performances and displays by everyone involved are fantastic. In order for Bryan to become a mega star, they'll need to have him stand alone. The problem is doing this and not making the roster look weak. I believe Dolph, Miz, Cody, and eventually Big Show are going to form a "Union" type team and go at this head on. But it can't include Bryan. Bryan has to be the Stone Cold in this situation. He has to be the take no prisoners kind of guy who can hold all the cards in the end. The problem with that is, in the meantime what will become of the perception of Bryan? If he keeps getting destroyed every week, then it very well could work against him and what the WWE is trying to do.

Make no mistake WWE sees money in Daniel Bryan. (compare Bryan merch sales next to Orton merch sales any day of the week) So they want this to work. Some how Bryan has to be fought for but not made to look weak. This would be a great area to utilize HBK. Having a guy like HBK make an appearance could lead to amazing tv and would provide a bounty of routes to go down. Whether it be to have HBK fight for Orton facing HHH to make a decision to rebuff his ways or continue to side with the McMahons and fire HBK all over. Or have HBK stick up for Bryan verbally in the ring leading to tension with HHH and possibly setting up for a return match in the future. Keep in mind HBK has history with both these guys, HHH being the storied best friend and running mate and Bryan being the disciple and student.

Let's face it, HHH is winding down his active wrestling career. What better way to go out than to wrestle a retirement match? What better place than WM30? What better opponent than HBK?


Survivor Series
Bryan vs. Orton for the WWE Title
Dolph, Miz, Cody Rhodes, Big Show vs. The Shield & HHH

Royal Rumble
Bryan def. Orton to win the Title
Punk wins Rumble

Bryan vs. Punk for the WWE Title
HHH vs. HBK retirement match
Undertaker vs. The Shield

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